Guide for all emulators for the PS2
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20. June 2006 @ 19:41 |
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Yes, I'm using a DVD. I am suppose to use a CD instead? Also I wasn't using Nero, but some program the PGEN site told me to.
20. June 2006 @ 19:54 |
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you can use cd-r or a DVD-R. what program are you using? you should try Nero burning rom to burn it on a dvd to make it easy
24. June 2006 @ 07:43 |
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When I load my SNES-station with Action Replay for PS2, the disc spins up for a few seconds and then I get the dreaded "Please insert a Playstation or Playstation 2 disc" red screen. I don't use a modchip and I used a swap method.
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1 product review
24. June 2006 @ 23:56 |
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Is there any n64 emulators for ps2?
AfterDawn Addict
25. June 2006 @ 00:03 |
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Sorry, there are no N64 emu's, that would be awesome though:)
Senior Member
1 product review
25. June 2006 @ 00:06 |
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so theres only emulators for consoles b4 n64 like snes
AfterDawn Addict
25. June 2006 @ 00:55 |
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Cehck out the first page of this link, there are a lot of good emu;s avaiable, for NES to Neo Geo, theres is a bit of everything.
25. June 2006 @ 11:09 |
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Kamaria you can't use action replay you need a modchip or swap magic to boot up snes
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25. June 2006 @ 14:32 |
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hey i dont know if this question has been asked b4, but like is there any way to get a emulator/roms, from snes or any other systems to work on a ps2 without the use of a mod chip. and can someone tell me exactly what the swap method is. im not sure exactly. and is it possible to do this on the newer ps2 slenders?
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AfterDawn Addict
25. June 2006 @ 14:49 |
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Yes, you can use Swap Magic if you dont have a chip. Just insert the CD Swap Magic disk, let it load, then put in you cd with the emu and roms on it. And yes, it is possbile on slimlines, that is what I personally have.
BTW, edit out your email address, its against the forum rules.
25. June 2006 @ 18:20 |
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swap method allow you to play your ps2 backups without breaking the warranty seal. some games will need rebuilding and patching.
for the slim versions you can use PSTwo Slim Kit Pro Set or Magic Key II set.
posting your email is against the forum rules so edit it
26. June 2006 @ 09:59 |
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I use a flip-top to boot my SNEs station emulator and I still get an error. I use Action Replay 2 and I burned it using the instructions that say how to do it without a modchip, and it still doesn't work. I might need Swap Magic after all, but I could have done it wrong...
Is there any way I can test out my disc?
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26. June 2006 @ 11:46 |
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im new to this site so i dont know how to edit my messages yet, and how would i get swap magic, and with the swapping trick, is that possible on ps2 slender, and if the swap trick is what i think it is can u do it with a code breaker?
26. June 2006 @ 13:05 |
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Kamaria you can't use action replay 2 also if it does boot sometimes it will not recognize roms. you will need swap magic or a modchip to be able to run snes station on the ps2.
raventhor for your ps2 the slim versions you can get PSTwo Slim Kit Pro Set or Magic Key II set. code breaker will not work so it better to get the swap magic or a modchip. try this site
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26. June 2006 @ 14:55 |
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so i have a question is it possible to copy the swap magic disc or like burn it to another disc and still have it work as though it was the origianl, and is there anyway i can get it from a store, cuz most online sites require a credit card of wich i dont have, and niether do i have cash lol. is there a way so i can get roms to work on my ps2 with out swap magic? or a modd chip. and me not wantin a mod chip is non negotiable.
AfterDawn Addict
26. June 2006 @ 14:59 |
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The only was a backup of SM will work is using an original copy to boot it, which is pointless. I have never seen Swap Magic sold in a store either.
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26. June 2006 @ 15:06 |
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does any one know where i can get one without needing a credit card?
26. June 2006 @ 16:37 |
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the website I just gave you you can send a money order just read the information on it.
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26. June 2006 @ 18:19 |
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with the mod chips that are on it, do u need to solder them to get them to work or how do they attach to the systems? and i looked on the site but i dont remember if i saw anything bout swap magic. so im gunna look again but like where can i get one for real cheap?
AfterDawn Addict
26. June 2006 @ 18:51 |
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That site theend gave you has it all. You said you dont want to use a credit card so your options are limited.
26. June 2006 @ 18:54 |
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under playstation 2 look for solderless and you find the swap magic
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27. June 2006 @ 08:19 |
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kool. hey is it possible to get a form of swap magic trial or sumthin like that?
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27. June 2006 @ 08:31 |
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oh and one more thing, do u need a special type of Nero burning utility or sumthin? and im not to good with Nero but i looked at the program on my moms comp and it mentions sumthin bout like a bootable cd and a bootable dvd, so im wonderin whats that for. and if i dont need a special type of Nero how exactly do i use it?
Senior Member
3. July 2006 @ 20:02 |
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nah u dont have to need Nero u could use something else. But Nero is a great program and most ppl know about it. And the bootable CD & DVD is for the computer like burning linux/windows for your computer, u need that for the computer bios to boot.I have a question about Imbnes. I was wondering if theres a limited numbers of roms u could have cause i think i read that it does. Also is it posible to have folders and roms inside different folders? Can i put all the roms and imbnes on a dvd? Cause for some reason that doesnt work for me on the SNES-Station, maybe bad media i dunno.
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3. July 2006 @ 21:11 |
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for vcbc
if theres a limited numbers of roms u could have? it doesn't have a limited you can put as much as you want only it doesn't pass at least 650MB on a cd-r.
Can i put all the roms and imbnes on a dvd?no you can't put it on a dvd because it a psone format so you burn it on a cd-r.
for snes-station it may be the media your using or the Nero version your using.
When I load SNES-Station using the swap method, all I see is a plain red or black screen. What am I doing wrong?
This is a known problem with the emulator, the current fix for this is to get the current version of CDLoader, use your swap disc to load CDLoader, then use CDLoader to load SNES-Station