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how can you make your own runescape servers? **NO EMAIL ADDRESSES OR INSTANT BANNING**
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18. July 2009 @ 05:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok guys im so close to making my server
i can logon to it using u know wat i mean
but one problem
no one else can get on it
im using and it doesnt work
help me plz!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. July 2009 @ 05:47


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18. July 2009 @ 12:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Grundyboy, have you made sure to go into your firewall and router settings (two different things -- two different settings) and allow the port that your server is using to be both unblocked AND directed at your computer?

If you've got a server up and you can access it via localhost (, then you next step is to make sure other people can access it.

Your first concern should be Windows Firewall, or whatever firewall it is that you use. Let's say your RuneScape port is 1356 - odds are it won't be, but I can't remember what it's defaulted to right now - anycase, lets SAY it's 1356. What you going to want to do is pull up your Firewall options on the computer where your server is hosted, and unblock both the TCP and UDP ports for 1356. With Windows Firewall on XP, you add these ports to an exception list. What you name you exception or allowance doesn't matter, so long as the port is opened.

Next you need to get your router to point all of the runescape traffic over that port to your server computer. Lets stick with our hypothetical port 1356... You're going to want to access your port forwarding options within your router and add a new one to monitor port 1356 and forward it's traffic to your computer's network IP.

If you don't know quiet what that means, you've got to access your router by typing in the default gateway IP into your internet browsers address bar. Most routers are accessed by a default gateway of -- however -- it's always best to go to start > run > type in "cmd" (without the quotes) and press enter > type in "ipconfig" and press enter. The ipconfig command in command prompt will display your default gateway (router address) as well as your network IP (your computer's address in relation to the router) - both of which are helpful to jot down.

Once you've accessed your router, you may have to log in to make any changes. In my experience, 98% of people do not set custom passwords on their routers. This means you can almost always log in with one of the following user/password combos:
[brand of router]/[brand of router]

If none of those work, you may want to ask whoever it is that set-up your router originally or who manages your network. For most, that's a parent or family member. If you happen to be that person and are left wondering what the password might be -- try finding and looking through the booklet that came with the router, as well as checking on the underside of the router, as sometimes log-on information will be printed there.

In any case, let's assume you've logged in successfully. Good job. You're now looking at all the inner bits and bobs of your router. Every router is different, so I can't guide you step by step, but usually under security settings you'll find Port Forwarding -- if it's not under security settings try Network Settings, Gaming, Local Network -- whatever similar settings your router might offer -- explore a little bit. You'll find it.

What you're going to want to do in the Port Forwarding is sort of like what you did with the firewall -- only one step further. Not only will you be unblocking the hypothetical 1356 port's UDP and TCP channels, you'll also be forwarding them to your computer's network IP (which will likely be something like or in any case share the first two groupings - usually)

That done, anyone outside your home should be able to log into your server without problem. If you find that people who are on your network can't access your server, but those who aren't can -- in other words, let's say all of us AD users can log in, but your brother in the next room can't -- then there's one more step you need to take.

You'll need to go into your Windows Directory on your brother's computer (as well as any other computers on the network that plan to log into the server) and navigate to the System32 folder. In here, open the Drivers folder, then the Etc folder. Here you'll find a file called "hosts" -- open it and select Notepad from the list of programs you can open it with. Add a line at the bottom of the page, below the line " localhost" and then add your server computer's network IP address, followed by a space or tab, and then your DNS "" -- your total line should come out to read something like ""

Now all you have to do is Save (Ctrl+S) and exit. Now any computer on the network that you've made this change to will automatically know that is pointing them towards your server computer.


I hope I've been of some help.

18. July 2009 @ 15:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
u got me thinking and i figured out the problem

i was using norton firewall so i just had to turn on my windows firewall instead and it works

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18. July 2009 @ 20:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Woots. Simple solutions for the win.

18. July 2009 @ 22:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if u have msn ill send u the server ip cause i dont wanna get banned on here
just come and try it out and i really dont think it will hold alot of people

P.S. if u could get me a newer source that has like godswords and stuff like that it would be awesome

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19. July 2009 @ 01:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by grundyboy:
if u have msn ill send u the server ip cause i dont wanna get banned on here
just come and try it out and i really dont think it will hold alot of people

P.S. if u could get me a newer source that has like godswords and stuff like that it would be awesome
Your best bet for newer servers would be to talk to Runeskape via PM. He's a bit like me though in the sense that his participation on afterdawn comes in waves. He'd be the guy you want to talk to though becuase he's an actualer developer, where as I just master the science of assembly and then instruct others in it. He'll have the up-to-date stuff.

Just a word of warning though, your odds of getting as up-to-date as what Jagex is running, are pretty much 0. Jagex just changes their service far too often, and the scripting language isn't exactly user-friendly enough to allow a developer to just re-create things over the course of a couple of days.

19. July 2009 @ 15:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok thanks dude
i also got a newer source called kevenscape
i was wondering if u can add new items to your server by getting the models and thats were i dont know anymore
if this is true can u help

and also this source has the ::xteletome command but its bugged or something
if you put it and try to tele someone to you and there name has a space such as "admin cow" it wont work it just says name doesnt exist
but if there name has no spaces such as "grundyboy34" you can tele them

P.S. ill post the coding of this command if you need it

8 product reviews
19. July 2009 @ 20:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Try ::xteletome "User Name"

The quotation marks general tell most scripted events that the words your enterying a part of the same query. > forums > software, operating systems and more > windows - games > how can you make your own runescape servers? **no email addresses or instant banning**

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