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Maxell or Memorex
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17. September 2006 @ 07:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, I do think the Verbatim CDs are old stuff. I'm with you, JVC. Verbatim is a name I've trusted even in the days of floppies. I do know however that Imation CDs are very unreliable and unforgiving. They code out as CMC, so there ya have it. MCC - good. CMC - bad.

And I'm sure we along with Verbatim corporate will be challenged on that too.
Senior Member
17. September 2006 @ 07:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You guys know who CDfreaks are? They the hardcore bunch that are out to burn and analyse every disc they get their hands on... burn, after burn, after burn.

Have a look at what they think on this matter.
AfterDawn Addict
17. September 2006 @ 09:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
BEWARE: The Maxell discs on sale at Office Depot today (16X DVD+R) are CMC mags all made in Taiwan(2X50@$24.99.) Surprisingly the DVD+RWs are Ritek 004s (15 for$7.99) I'll keep the CMC Mags anyway for writing experiments and for protecting the furniture.

Senior Member
17. September 2006 @ 11:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You guys know who CDfreaks are? They the hardcore bunch that are out to burn and analyse every disc they get their hands on... burn, after burn, after burn.
Yeah, I know who they are. They are the same bunch that tells everybody that CMC Mag made TDK discs, are good media! That tells me a lot about them. Most of us here knows what TDK discs are............garbage!
I tried TDK discs one time, and ended up having to reburn every one of them, on good media. I won't make that mistake again.

You are welcome to let them know what said about it. But I guess they know more than the company does...........

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. September 2006 @ 11:32

Junior Member
17. September 2006 @ 12:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does anyone have any idea when the next good sale on Tys or Verbatims will be at Supermediastore or Meritline? I can't get a handle on a cycle of when they're going to put them (4x)on sale with free shipping. Also, has anyone else noticed that Meritline sales the same Tys (DVD-R47VAL600SK) as 4x and as 8x? Of course the 8x is more. lol
Junior Member
17. September 2006 @ 12:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
P.S. While I'm at it I want to thank ya'll for all the GREAT information you post. It's been a tremendous help in solving my burn problems. I used to buy whatever was on sale at the store and burn it at the max speed. After reading the forums, I'm only buying Ty Yuden or Verbatim and burning at only 4x, no matter the max speed. I even bought new Lite-On burners and haven't produced any coasters in over 100 burns. Thanks fellas!
Senior Member
17. September 2006 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
All Verbatim brand DVD media sold in North America are MCC media.
MCC is Mitsubishi Chemical Company, Verbatim's parent company.
Is that what they told you? Well no duh... Did you think they were going to tell you otherwise? Everyone knows Verbs are MCC, anyone that uses decrypter can see for theirselves. That was pointless.

At one time TDKs were good...just like memorex. Now its a different story. If they told you that statment long ago it was probrbly true at the time.

Why can't Verbs be made with Verbatim supplies, Verbatim standards, Verbatim quality, Verbatim dyes, Verbatim factory presses in a CMC, prodisc or MBI factory? Do you honestly think it is cost efficient for them to have factories in Singapore, Taiwan, and India? No, because those aren't their factories (except the one in Singapore) BUT the Verbs made in those factories ARE VERBS just made in different factories.

...I guess the world is flat and universe revolves around Earth right?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. September 2006 @ 13:58

AfterDawn Addict
17. September 2006 @ 14:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

No need to jump on JVC, he's just passing on information he got first hand from a company. So anything that Verbatim states is a no win answer for them. If they say MCC makes all their DVDs, you call them liars. If they said CMC mag made some; then it's no win either way. You know some companies are capable of speaking the truth.

What I do know are facts: Is that Verbatim media (in my burners) cause few problems, if any, especially DLs. And CMC Mags are NOT good media. On those two facts I dare say 90% of members here would concur. JM2C :)

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17. September 2006 @ 15:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah after I posted that I wanted to take it back... JVC has helped me out in past with some really good advice so I do respect him. I get hot headed sometimes, its a fault I've always had. While we may not agree on the manufaturing at laest we can agree that Verbatims are top notch media. Sorry for any disrespect JVC. We all have our own opinions, I'll keep mine to myself. Good day to you.
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18. September 2006 @ 11:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If a disc is incompatible with a drive, one cannot tell whether it is good or bad except for mechanical tests and some electrical tests (push-pull, radial runout, reflectivity, etc.) The fact that it does not record well or does not last once recorded still does not offer enough evidence unless one compares data. If one drive has very good results with a particular MID code and another drive does not, the indication is that the difference lies in firmware settings.
Senior Member
18. September 2006 @ 13:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ALL my drives are incompatible with Memorex CMCMag! IMHO The company's standards are not very high. Obviously, that is why Verbatim stopped using them. One wonders how long it will take Maxell to stop? Thank goodness it is their 16X media, and I can still find Hitachi 8X.

Sorry, but you will have a hard time convincing people that have used and lost. Been there, done that, and not willing to do it again!
Senior Member
19. September 2006 @ 06:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
CMC still produces Verbatim's DVD discs. What are the model numbers of your drives and the firmware versions? I have sets of compatibility tables I can use to verify compatibility or the lack of it.
Senior Member
19. September 2006 @ 07:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm sorry JoeRyan, the comment was my off-humor. I just don't let Memorex near my computers. I haven't used them since the middle of 2004. They may be alright now but I am not willing to take that chance when I have a choice of media.

Years ago, I did buy Memorex 4X in small quantities, 5-10 at a time, as it was the only media I could find at a reasonable price. Discs at that time were over $2 each. I used LiteOn's SmartBurn to identify the media, it was RicohJpnR01. My burner was and still is a LiteOn 451s and the firmware was up to date. I believe it was GSB7 at the time. I scanned all my burns with DvdInfoPro for CRC errors.

All went well, until I got one batch where only 5 out of the 10 were good burns. A scan of each with DvdInfoPro showed 100s of CRC errors and the identity was CMCMag. I used Memorex's online warranty form, with the required information, explained how I had used the Ricohs no problem and these were giving me grief. I was sent 5 Ricohs to replace, without even having to send in the defective discs. The postage alone was over $13 USD (which they paid) for discs that I paid less than $10 CAD (on sale) for the pack of 10. I really appreciated the fact that they did replace, but the 50% failure did leave a bad impression. If there was some way of identifying which manufacturer made the media, short of opening the package, I would have continued with Memorex.

Since this occurrence I have pretty well backed up our entire Dvd collection, we literally have 100's of originals. We have been collecting since 2000. I very rarely have bad burns, and most times were when I did something wrong. The media I use(d) that have been constantly good were/are Memorex/Maxell/TDK....RicohJpn01, Maxell...RitekR02, FujiFilm/Sony...Yuden000T02, and Maxell...002. I have not used Verbatim extensively as only until recently has it been available at reasonable prices, most is now 16X. I will continue to buy 8X media while it is still available. The majority have been Maxell 002, which I can easily identify by the Made in Japan on the label.

BTW. I just looked in my LiteOns user manual and CMC was on the list of recommended media for +R's.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. September 2006 @ 09:49

Junior Member
24. September 2006 @ 12:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have mostly only used Verbatim and Ty's. I just picked up a pack of 75 hub printable Maxell's DVD-R's from Sam's Club. Bought those only because I wanted to try those out and the fact that they were hub printable as well. To my surprise, regretably, they coded out as CMC mag!!!
These will only be used for test purposes. Bye Bye Maxell, never again. > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > maxell or memorex

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