***PSP Guides/Tutorials/downgrading with Lumines/3.62 IRSHELL update and many more*** Updated recently
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
14. May 2007 @ 12:03 |
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Yes, 99% of homebrew runs on 3.40OE-A.
15. May 2007 @ 05:36 |
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If a game requires firmware higher than 1.50 i.e. GTA and X-Men Legends 2 can I still run my backup .cso using this method?
15. May 2007 @ 10:06 |
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Originally posted by ejojo: If a game requires firmware higher than 1.50 i.e. GTA and X-Men Legends 2 can I still run my backup .cso using this method?
btw... I have 3.03 OE-C
18. May 2007 @ 19:29 |
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hey, about the daedalus installation guide...i did exactly that, but it says the game could not be started. (8002014C). do u know what this is?
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
19. May 2007 @ 03:03 |
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You have to place it in the GAME folder and set it to run 1.50 kernal from the recovery menu, or create a folder called GAME150 and place the emulator in there.
19. May 2007 @ 11:18 |
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preety much wat sudds said yea
Junior Member
19. May 2007 @ 15:37 |
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do you think you could also put megadrive (AKA genesis) emulators, gameboy and gameboy color emulators and finaly NES emulators?
Senior Member
19. May 2007 @ 21:43 |
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the proccess is the same it just has different names
19. May 2007 @ 22:32 |
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ok i put Daedalus and Daedalus% in psp/game/game150, but it shows it as a corurpted file.
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
20. May 2007 @ 06:13 |
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You dont put GAME150 in the GAME folder, its created beside it.
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20. May 2007 @ 13:20 |
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what is the UMD. BIN file for?
click on THIS and waste your mouse button!
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AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
20. May 2007 @ 13:26 |
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You dont need any programs to run back-ups if your on an OE firmware.
Create a folder called ISO in the root of your MS (beside the MP_ROOT and PSP folders) place your ISO or CSO in this folder, scroll to the GAME section in your XMB select your ISO and play, simple as.
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20. May 2007 @ 13:29 |
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...you'll have to excuse me...
click on THIS and waste your mouse button!
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20. May 2007 @ 13:56 |
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Originally posted by Sudds: You dont need any programs to run back-ups if your on an OE firmware.
Create a folder called ISO in the root of your MS (beside the MP_ROOT and PSP folders) place your ISO or CSO in this folder, scroll to the GAME section in your XMB select your ISO and play, simple as.
ok..i tried this.
..how do I back up a UMD, anyway?
click on THIS and waste your mouse button!
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20. May 2007 @ 14:08 |
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click on THIS and waste your mouse button!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2007 @ 07:03
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21. May 2007 @ 07:02 |
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it was the ISO.
i kinda got another to work...althoguh there is still a problem.
the game is there, it loads the intro and stuff , but i think its having a problem with saved data. a black grey box appears when i try to start from the main menu of the game.
getting closer though. the problem is it takes several hours to dl, unzip, and save to memstick...so i came here trying to get advise.
i guess i'll more or less piss off now, i feel like a jerk.
click on THIS and waste your mouse button!
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21. May 2007 @ 17:55 |
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ok. its all good.
if you dl an arched ISO-CSO just put it in the ISO folder.
if you dl an arch of PSP_GAME and UMD_BIN...Make it ito a cso with UMD Gen.
click on THIS and waste your mouse button!
21. May 2007 @ 19:33 |
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well yea and make sure u have a game in there too hopefully ill get a psp soon (robbed) anyways thx sudds for answering the posts i couldnt get to them this weekend hopefully i can in the future
24. May 2007 @ 03:32 |
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Hi i have read these threads and guides and have followed the steps that you have given, but when I put the iso.file into the iso folder (which is in the root, next to psp), nothing shows up under game in memory stick. I'v set the 'game folder homebrew to 1.50 kernal' in recovery mode. Will someone please help!!!
24. May 2007 @ 03:36 |
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hey dont worry, iv sorted it up, i formatted the memory stick and then resent the iso file to the iso folder
24. May 2007 @ 10:34 |
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i noe this is not aloud and im srry if im breakin the rules but can someone pm me if they noe any good psp deals under 100 cuz my psp got stolen and im trying to get a new one with the limited amount of money i have thx and if im disrespecting the rules ill stop just hoping someone can help
28. May 2007 @ 11:22 |
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need help ! i just upgraded my psp 1.50 to a 3.03oe-c but i dont know how to install the snes emulator or emulators and games oh yea and what would i need to make it work please help!
bo ya
28. May 2007 @ 20:26 |
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umm the tutorial is there....
29. May 2007 @ 00:50 |
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het whats up ya'll i just upgraded my 1.5 to a 3.03oe-c and i put the snes emulator in my game150 folder so thats done! my problem is that i dont know how to add my snes games on to my psp can someone please help me! oh and is there a way that i dont have to use gta lc umd? thanks
bo ya
29. May 2007 @ 12:13 |
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Quote: srry actuist i didnt reply before cuz my psp got robbed from one of my freinds still dont no who so i kinda stopped commenting on this but i will now but im getting a psp soon hopefully i find my other one=/ anyways back to your question well maybe its a memory card problem it could be a fake memory card where did u purchase it?
Hey sorry to hear about your loss Beatz. I can probably help you try to get a psp. A friend of mine has a psp she never plays. I can try to broker the deal if you haven't gotten one yet. Yes you maybe right, I bought them off EBAY, but I was thinking for some reason my comp won't be usb 2.0 compatible. I have all the new service packs and required setup but it's just won't recognize 2.0 so i'm transferring at slower speeds. And i read that 4GB pro mem cards run at a min. write speed of 15mbps. I know i'm not writing at those speeds. Don't know if that could influence this particular situation. For now i kept those 2 4GB mem cards and just put 1 game on them each and they run fine. I still have the 3.03oec; should i upgrade to the 3.40 one?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. May 2007 @ 12:20