***M3 DS Real Guide*** WIP
19. May 2009 @ 20:21 |
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Well Kitty I just started using an older version of the VBA and it saves in .sav but I still have the problem of it loading the old save after I've deleted it as I said I even emptied out my entire GBA folder and just had the rom and even tried with the new save but it still loaded/re created it and ignored the new .sav. Do you have any suggestions because I have a feeling if it stops loading the old save like that my problem will be solved.
Senior Member
20. May 2009 @ 02:15 |
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To get the save to work - it must be named correctly
megaman.gba - megaman.sav
Also the sav must be the right format, just checking my card they are 128KB saves. Is the save you have named correctly and 128KB in size
20. May 2009 @ 02:21 |
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Originally posted by kittymat: M3 real will play dsm OR dpg, Super converts to DPG
With games, No more than 128 games in each folder, but you can make more folders
Do not fill the card - leave at least 1MB per game free space to allow the card to make a save & opt file
Try using the latest firmware Sakura 1.34 - it is far better for browsing through the games.
Just replace your system file with this one
Thanks, I have one more question, if I download this Super, can I just put it into my card? Or do I have to replace it with something?
Senior Member
20. May 2009 @ 03:13 |
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Super is a program you put on your PC (sorry will not work for MAC) you can convert any format (MP4, AVi. VOB) to .dpg
You then put the .dpg file on your DS and start it as you would a game, the media player will then play the film
20. May 2009 @ 05:11 |
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Ive checked, double checked, triple check and quadruple checked it and I keep checking they are both named the same name and it still wont load it just keeps re creating that old save when I've deleted it so many times. Do you have any idea why I cant seem to get rid of the old save?
Senior Member
20. May 2009 @ 06:09 |
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If they are named correctly and the old file has been removed from the card, if it still wants to make a sav file rather than load yours the sav must be incompatable (just because they are the same file ending does not guarentee compatability) The software generates a 128kb save file (on nds it is 512mb) the only other place I can point you is to the GBAtemp.net forum (they have a dedicated emulator forum for NDS)
Senior Member
20. May 2009 @ 11:24 |
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I haven't played any GBA games on the NDS, but doesn't the save file get copied to the slot 2 cartridge when you load the game? If I'm thinking correctly, this is where the game is pulling your save file. In order to remove it, I believe you need to load a different GBA game which will copy a new save file. Then you should be able to load the original game again.
23. May 2009 @ 18:57 |
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Thanks for your help kitty and silk, sorry for the very late reply I've been pretty busy but I figured it out thanks to you guys. It turns out removing the slot 2 GBA cart and putting it back in solved my problem. Thanks again guys you helped a lot.
Suspended permanently
28. May 2009 @ 15:38 |
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if your looking for 3 real check out http://www.i'manidiot.com edited by ddp thats where i got mine and was wicked fast free delivery so worth a look defo
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. May 2009 @ 13:14
Senior Member
28. May 2009 @ 16:26 |
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WOW - at those prices I am sure they could afford the free delivery - hope it came by taxi!
6. June 2009 @ 17:11 |
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I have just bought an M3, put in the latest SYSTEM folder, put it in the card and then in the DS and it is not picking it up, it just says there is no card in the DS.
Im using a micro SDHC 8gb.
I have an NDS folder and a GBA folder too.
It seems its not reading the card.. any reason this may be happening?
Senior Member
7. June 2009 @ 02:39 |
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Papaer Shim Trick
Put a thin piece of card or folded paper behind the M3, it has poor contact on to the DS contacts, most flashcarts suffer from this.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
10. June 2009 @ 15:27 |
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Whats the best mp3 playing app for moonshell?
Whats a good emdia player or dose it only use certain video file formats? it wont do MP4,AVI or flac so far....
Also how can I boost the volume?
(finally got my 8GB SD card and now I ma so bossy!! :P)
Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
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Senior Member
11. June 2009 @ 14:59 |
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Use Sakura 1.4- volume goes up to 125%
Video can only be .dpg or .dsm Nothing else
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. June 2009 @ 16:24 |
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Originally posted by kittymat: Use Sakura 1.4- volume goes up to 125%
Video can only be .dpg or .dsm Nothing else
X and Y go p to 400% on the moonshell I got,I sakura is that any better not tried it yet.
Also how about PDA apps?
Copyright infringement is nothing more than civil disobedience to a bad set of laws. Lets renegotiate them.
28. June 2009 @ 23:02 |
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I'm trying to play animal crossing with my friends, but I can't get online. I get up all the way to the connection part but for some reason I can't get any bars. I put in my wep key for my router and everything so its synced to my router. What should I do?
29. June 2009 @ 00:16 |
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Originally posted by astrooo: I'm trying to play animal crossing with my friends, but I can't get online. I get up all the way to the connection part but for some reason I can't get any bars. I put in my wep key for my router and everything so its synced to my router. What should I do?
On your wireless turn off encryption completely and see if you can get on.
For security purposes you would not want to leave it unsecured but for testing purposes see if it makes any difference. If you have a neighbor that has wifi with a different type of router ask them if you can test your ds on their wifi too.
In troubleshooting you want to try and eliminate different things as the problem until you find a solution.
Thus first one will tell us if encryption settings are causing issues, and second one will verify if your ds is working with wifi at all.
Possibly if it is the security settings seem to be the issue then upgrading the firmware on the router can sometimes help.
30. June 2009 @ 01:53 |
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Ah I see. Well if its the routers fault then I'm not that disappointed. I thought it was because I was using an emulator. Thanks a lot man. Oh and before I forget this is gonna sound noob but how do I take the encryption off? I've never tried it before. I'm pick up pretty easily so if I could just have something to guide me I should be good.
5. July 2009 @ 21:13 |
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hello all,
i purchased an m3ds real and rumble pack. i installed the system folder onto the 2gb micro sd card. i got the software from the m3adapter.com site. i then put the NDS games in the nds folder. i started the nds lite and tried to play the games , but i can look into the folder and when i press a to choose the game it....
WILL NOT PLAY!!! i don't understand if i did anything wrong?
can anyone help. i am new to this and follwed the instructions as best i could
Senior Member
6. July 2009 @ 03:38 |
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The software from M3 adapter.com is nearly 2 years old - they no longer host it on that site, try either of the 2 site listed below in my signature. You should once unzipped get a single folder "SYSTEM", put the whole folder on and then make another called "NDS" put the roms in here.
Should work fine
26. July 2009 @ 11:59 |
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I'm trying to catch a pokemon on platinum, but it says that I need to have ruby inserted in the gba slot for me to find it. Would it still work even though im using the DS Real program or would I need the actual platinum for it to work?
31. July 2009 @ 09:59 |
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I know that this has probably already been answered, but I don't really feel like trawling through forums for hours to find the answer. I just got my M3 Real today, and I set it all up. Most of the games work, but some of them come up with the message "Save data file format error!"
What do I need to do to fix this?
Senior Member
31. July 2009 @ 10:32 |
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Where did you get the software from, that sounds like a fake!
The software should be Sakura 1.4 (the best) or touchpod 4.3h, unless you bought the card a while ago the SD slot should be on the side.
With the latest software there are no issues.
26. August 2009 @ 08:39 |
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Hi all, M3 DS Real owner for about a year now. Also have the GBA expansion pack. Both work great. My question is, how do I link the NDS games in say Pokemon Pearl/Diamond with the GBA game Pokemon Emerald or Leaf Green? Is there a guide out there? I've seen some d/l's, but I have no idea what to do!
ie. In Pokemon Diamond/Pearl there is an area where you can import Pokemons' from old GBA games. But the M3/Expasion pack is in the GBA slot. So I need to "tell" the DS that the GBA Expansion pack is REALLY a GBA Game! (Hope that makes sense!)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. August 2009 @ 08:42
5. September 2009 @ 04:34 |
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Hi all a NDSL newbie here.
Your wisdom would very much be appreciated.
Very pleased with the M3real card, but can the PDA function work?
Have got everything else working and not getting much joy searching threads.
Many Thanks