Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
Senior Member
5. December 2004 @ 14:40 |
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Damn cold.
AfterDawn Addict
5. December 2004 @ 14:41 |
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After 5 minutes with vurbal, they woulda tossed him back out. LOL
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
5. December 2004 @ 14:45 |
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Quote: After 5 minutes with vurbal, they woulda tossed him back out. LOL
Are you kidding! They wouldn't have time to throw him over, they'd still be reading his response.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
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AfterDawn Addict
5. December 2004 @ 15:19 |
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LOL, true, but on the other hand, after 5 minutes he could probably write them a comprehensive guide on how to fly their spaceship and pick up unsuspecting earthlings. LOL
Suspended permanently
5. December 2004 @ 15:27 |
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Always interested in getting more info on who is selling what. Just goes to show an original premise of mine proves more true all the time, "it can sometimes be a crapshoot when the consumer goes to buy media; due to brands changing manufacturers". HP resells media it purchases as does a lot of brands. I wonder which was in the HP sales pipeline first, CMC or MCC.
Thanks everyone. Now that I know the aliens are doing cold probes, I'll try to avoid shipping out with them.
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Senior Member
5. December 2004 @ 15:35 |
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brobear...I would go along with your premise about media. You don't know what you are getting with name branded media until it is too late...therefore it is a crapshoot. There was a thread about Prodisc using CMC being sold at X company...and by the time folks got there, the Prodiscs they were selling were made by another company. That is why I tend to just stay with Ridata...and have Nero check each burn.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
5. December 2004 @ 18:05 |
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And that's why I buy from newegg.
Vurbal tell them that we just want peace, write it down for them, as a guide to human rights and....Hmm! If I go any further with this, nothing short of evolution and time will change things. It will get written but no one will live long enough to read it. Perhaps an abridged version will help! Probably not!
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Junior Member
6. December 2004 @ 07:27 |
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I just tried out DVD rebuilder to copy some of my DVD-9 movies, i read the user guide and searched through doom 9's forum, but cant post there for 5 more days.
So heres my problem, i open up the dvd files and am able to transcode it fine, whether it be one click mode or 3 click. It goes without error till the end.
But the end result is a movie about 800MB in size, while the original was well over 7 gigs. The quality of the movie is horrible, i want to know why it is compressing the movie so much and how to fix this.
Im using dvd rebuilder .66 beta, cce basic. THanks for any help you can give me.
6. December 2004 @ 07:48 |
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I came across a hitch late yesterday evening, I returned home to find that the encode had stopped on 92.5% and remained that way until I closed it. Don't worry I gave it 30 minutes to respond and still nothing. I'll work on it again later tonight but I just wanted to mention this to see if anyone out there has had any similar problems.
Suspended permanently
6. December 2004 @ 23:17 |
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Sounds like you may not have the AviSynth or the paths set properly. Vurbal wrote an excellent user guide posted on this forum. Doing a clean install of the program going step by step usually solves most problems. Unless updated though, it is dated as far as the mpegdec plugin. One now uses dgdecode to replace it. Other than that, I believe the setup remains pretty much the same. Just use the latest version of Avisynth.
You'll find the above links handy for finding the latest files to use.
Just to be sure, is that the retail version of CCE Basic? The trial will not work.
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Suspended permanently
6. December 2004 @ 23:27 |
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How much space is left on the hard drive you're sending the RB files to? If you're using a single hard drive, free space is even more critical.
Junior Member
7. December 2004 @ 08:38 |
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Bro bear, so your saying dont use the mpegdec, use the file dgdecode instead??? I assume its in the same decodefix zip file. Ill try starting over and installing everything again.
And yes it is the retail version
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7. December 2004 @ 17:31 |
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@ brobear...
I have more than enough space set aside for DVDs, partitoned a drive specifically for DVDs and ran Disk Keeper before using DVD-RB. That following morning I tried another DVD and it went A-okay. Possibly needed a restart being that it was on for the past 7 hours. I'll try it tonight and see what happens.
Senior Member
8. December 2004 @ 02:39 |
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What DVDrebuilder are you using. I have had Rebuilder hang like this before but if it happens more than once or twice then use a different version.
I upgraded to a DVDrebuilder once that didn't get along with my setup. It was fixed by using the previous version.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
8. December 2004 @ 04:39 |
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With your ripped DVD and everything else on your partition exactly how much space do you have left. Donald could be right but to me this sounds like a resource issue. remember while all that processing is going one your hard disk will be swapping a very large file back and fourth between your main memory and your hard disk and then there's the avisynth files and Rebuider has to do its thing. You shouldn't be using anything less than 20 gigs for a sizeable movie. What will happen is if there's inadequate space to perform the task then it wil eventually time out and even lockup. I've done that on a 120 gig hard drive which I use for movie only.
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Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
8. December 2004 @ 09:35 |
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Just got back from a much needed vacation and wanted to see what the group thought on this one.
Has anyone had some minor over-sizing issues with the 0.68 versions of DVD-RB. I went to backup an old movie with DVD-RB. The process went as normal, no errors or warnings. .
Steal Space (%33)
One-Click Mode Enabled.
- Versions:
-- CCE Basic Version: v2.69.1.10
-- AVISYNTH Version: v2.5.4.0
The movie trans-coded and played with out problems. However, I noticed it was slightly too large to fit on a DVD-5.
Output Size:4.41 GB (4,742,705,152 bytes)
I overcame this problem by compressing the extras a little bit using DVD-Shrink. While this fix works, it would be nice to go right into the burn process.
Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
Disclaimer: Any errors in spelling, tact, or fact are transmission errors.
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8. December 2004 @ 11:04 |
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@ Sophocles
Tried the same DVD before heading to class and when I return I expected my PC to be shut off which would indicate a successful encode. But once again it stood still at 92.5%. As for the amount of space I have left, I have a total of 49GB of free space left on my DVD/R drive. As a test, it would be interesting if someone can work on Season 3 - Disc 3/Seinfeld. I tried another movie and the other discs in that boxset worked perfect except for that disc. Just finished the Superbit Edition of Spider-Man 2 and that came out perfect. So that would indicate my setup is fine, but something to test out indeed.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
8. December 2004 @ 13:39 |
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Then I don't see anything wrong with your system, if you ripped with Decrypter then you might want try to rip it with DVD Shrink or just use Shrink for the whole darned thing and then move on.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. December 2004 @ 10:32
Senior Member
9. December 2004 @ 18:42 |
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Go ahead and try a different DVDrebuilder version. Go a few versions back or upgrade to a newer version if possible.
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14. December 2004 @ 16:28 |
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I'm Trying to encode DVD movie "HEAT" to DVD-R using CCE SP v2.50 and DVD REBUILDER v0.67 but i'm geting after problems!!! After the movie was encoded, I tried watching it on the desktop before burning it to DVD-R. After It was encoded the movie just went black with two red water marks at the bottom of the screen in PowerDvD. I've encoded the movie several times and keep geting the same problem! ANY SUGGESTIONS?????????
Tyler Durden
Senior Member
14. December 2004 @ 17:01 |
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It is an AVIsynth problem. The plugin is missing or AVIsynth isn't setup right. Just check against the guide again.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
14. December 2004 @ 19:48 |
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I think that 6402 is right you have an avisynth problem. It's been a while since anyone has presented a problem using CCE 2.50. Try to redo your complete setup and delete any notpad files in RB's folder. But if that doesn't workd then don't mix the new with the old.
My advice is unless you are looking for multi angled/interleaved support then you might want to go back to earlier versions of RB (.56-.58)as well as avinsynth and... Read the guide here at AD and choose the apps it recommends by their version numbers.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
18. December 2004 @ 14:58 |
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i was wondering if i have the retail version of CCE SP or basic, would i need to use eccle?
Staff Member
2 product reviews
18. December 2004 @ 15:07 |
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The retail version of CCE SP 2.50 still requires ECLCCE because it has no built in command line support. Newer retail versions don't need it. No version of CCE Basic (trial or retail) can be run by ECLCCE.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
18. December 2004 @ 15:09 |
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No, only the earlier versions and the trial version of CCE SP requires eccle. The trial version of basic is worthless since it allows you to encode only 3 minutes of video but if you have the retail version CCE SP or CCE Basic then you're good to go.:)
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. December 2004 @ 04:44