25. October 2007 @ 02:21 |
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Junior Member
25. October 2007 @ 07:05 |
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I have now made a dozen copies of my R260 disc. Its impossible to replace without buying a new printer AND the software is more annoying.
Apparently you can NOT install print CD without also installing the driver !! even if you installed the share driver over the network you STILL need to install the driver from the CD.
Apparently they are codependant. print CD on the R260 is DIFFERENT (old version will not work) and if you install JUST print CD it refuses to print complaining about missing print cd specific driver. Downloading the driver from epson DOES NO GOOD !! you MUST install the driver FROM the CD (questions to epson regarding this were utterly ignored) there damned lucky these things are so cheap and work so damned well.
SO make LOTS of backups of those CD's folks. I even made an ISO and keep it on my rescue drive (little 4gig thumb drive)
Again at least with the R260 you MUST install the driver FROM the CD with the version of Print CD FROM the CD to make it work. The downloaded driver is MISSING a critical file that Print CD demands before it will print.
1. November 2007 @ 06:13 |
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I just recently had to reload windows because of a crashed hard drive and I can't find my CD for my Epson Stylus Photo RX580. I was needing the Print CD program.
Does anyone know where to download it?
The epson website isn't much help at all.
5. November 2007 @ 13:28 |
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After much trawling around the web...this definitely worked for me:
To get your EPSON Print CD software working for Mac OSX Intel...I suggest:
Do a complete removal and re-installation of the Epson printer software and drivers.
In the Mac Hard Drive/Applications/Utilities open the Printer Set-up Utility and remove all the references to the printer model.
Trash all Epson printer do this go to the Mac Hard Drive/Library/Printer and move the entire Epson folder to the trash, then shutdown/restart & empty trash.
Run the repair utility (may take up to 30 mins) ... Mac Hard Drive/Applications/Utilities and open the Disk Utility. Select Disk First Aid at the top of the dialog box.Select the Mac Hard Drive Icon in the left hand pane. & select 'Repair Permissions' at the bottom of the dialog box.Restart your Mac.
Now download the relevant driver/s from the support pages on the Epson website.
After installing - the driver needs adding to the printer list. To do this go into the hard disk, go into the folder called Applications, double click on the folder called ?Utilities?. You should see in this window the ?Printer Setup Utility', double click on this icon. This will present the Printer List. Delete any reference to the printer that may be on this list already as these may not be a genuine EPSON driver. Click the add icon at the top and a dialogue box will appear, this will be the Printer Browser.
Highlight the printer and then select add printer. Note: Do not choose a printer from the list of Epson printers. Your printer will not appear here, nor will the genuine Epson driver. You should be able to highlight the printer and choose 'Add'. If 'Add' is not available, leave the Printer Browser open and do not do anything else on the Mac, leave it open for about 10 minutes. When you come back to it, you should now find 'Add' available.
The printer should now be added to the printer list. Test the printer by highlighting it on the Printer List and selecting 'Utility'.
To get 'EPSON print CD' working make sure you install the 'Epson Print Module' first (on the Epson support pages)...
Then download Epson print CD version 1.6aE from here (it's a Russian website, don't worry - the software is in English!):
Check out your printer working at last!.....Enjoy ; )
check out this bands new album 'wired for dreaming'
Junior Member
2. December 2007 @ 11:33 |
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I have an Epson Stylus RX580 and I've had it for 1-2 years. I use the PrintCD software all the time, and yesterday, for some strange reason, it freezes every time I go to print. I can edit, type, and play around with the program, but I cannot print. The USB is working because I tested it with the printer and the Epson Scan program and everything works great except the printing.
The software is v1.50A. I've never had this problem before. I defragged my PC, reinstalled the Epson software, drivers, and I even tried the System Restore to an earlier time and nothing I do has worked. I did a full virus scan and nothing showed up.
So, can anyone help me thaw out this program so it will work again?
2. December 2007 @ 12:55 |
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try the printer on another pc to see if still does the same thing or not.
Junior Member
2. December 2007 @ 14:54 |
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Did that too, its not the printer, its the software, but I dont know how to solve the problem
10. December 2007 @ 17:46 |
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I have the Epson print cd software if anyone needs it. Alternatively you can get it from the following link
it is the second option down under software(right hand side)
Hope this helps.
Torrent leech rocks.
17. December 2007 @ 13:02 |
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Well it wont work on my R260 i need v1.6 and i cant seem to find it
17. December 2007 @ 13:53 |
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20. December 2007 @ 01:24 |
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Man oh man oh man oh man...I am NEVER going to give those epson people a cent for the rest of my life I swear...If you work for epson, please go outside, start walking and dont ever come back... Youre not worthy...
Noww(deep breath) Is the russian site truly the only place to get a mac installer? (im on a G4 PPC-10.4.something) And Im looking for..."Print CD!" software! OMG I have never encountered anything as poor as the service of this company...I'm really shocked...
If anyone can help me out with a mac installer, that would rock...I'm going to keep retrying various russian mac packages, but I feel like I'm operating in the dark...Ive actually got the app running but it wont print because"The printer driver dealling with cd printing is not installed"
So yeah I'll keep downloading various russian packages and will keep checking here.
Thanks y'all. This appears to be the hottest thread on the planet regarding this issue..
The Meaning of life is a life of meaning
Senior Member
20. December 2007 @ 12:08 |
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I'm sorry.......
I just do not understand why so many people don't still have their cd of the software, that came with the printer?
How do you lose something like that? Why would you take it out of the room the printer is in? Why is it more than a few feet from your computer?
Will someone explain this to me?
I'm curious to know what goes through people's minds...........
It's truly unbelievable!
20. December 2007 @ 15:51 |
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jvc, i know but maybe there are some legit reasons why they loose them.
Senior Member
20. December 2007 @ 16:36 |
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Originally posted by ddp: jvc, i know but maybe there are some legit reasons why they loose them.
I know. That's why I'm asking. I'm curious to know how this stuff happens. There's just so many. :o)
20. December 2007 @ 17:27 |
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20. December 2007 @ 18:45 |
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I finally got it to work, I needed the two packages from the ruskies:
The easy photo print and the print cd.
Epson on the phone offered to sell me the disc for $25, and epson on the net said I couldnt buy the disc end of story...
Thank you all who keep this pipeline open. I really appreciate it, and there wil be many more.
JVC- Hey remember we're addressing this issue on a global scale, so it comes down to relative terms. How many people in the world own epson printers? quite a few Id say. I installed all my printer stuff about two years ago, (you hardly ever need to format mac hard drives) and have moved 3 times since then. I havent the foggiest where the disc is. I know thats no excuse but these things do happen...
Its just really lame of epson to sell these products without creating a user saftey net for maintaining purchased software. No other company I have has ever dealt with has been this dodgy. Im not one for promoting pirating of software but the company almost leaves us with no choice.
Long live Russia!
The Meaning of life is a life of meaning
Junior Member
30. December 2007 @ 13:42 |
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I have an R200 and a brand new R220. When I moved and then upgraded my computer I couldn't find the R200 CD so I installed the R220 and hooked up the R200. It now prints ok on paper but streaks out badly on any CD I try to print to. I think I need the R200 CD to make this one work.
Whoever it was who asked why someone doesn't have every disk they have ever owned is both righteous and missing the point entirely. They also, I suspect, don't have quite as many things going on in their lives as many of us do.
I'm a computer consultant. I have in excess of 3,000 CDs and DVDs related to my private world, and I am responsible for about 100 other computers.
I used to save every disk until the 21st century arrived and everything one needed was available on the internet. Epson is the ONLY company of any size that fails so absolutely in their responsibility to their customers. To not only NOT have copies of the software related to the products they sell online available but to require their customers to BUY a CD for $25 is unethical at best and quite probably illegal as well.
In case you are unaware, Epson lost a major lawsuit about a year ago because of exactly this sort of failed responsibility towards their customers and their sleezy attempts to dishonestly extract money from them in highly unethical ways.
The question is not why people don't save every disk for every product they purchase, the question is why Epson would make a deliberate decision NOT to make the software available online, except for the option to pay them $25 for a replacement disk. Moreover they make each new model's software, e.g. the R200 vs the R220, incompatible with the prior version.
How many R200s do you think they sold worldwide? 50,000? 100,000? How much do you suppose it would cost Epson to keep the software for that model available online? $1/month? $2/month
There was a clear corporate decision to remove the software from any form of access to their customers and to find an insidious profit instead in mandating a usorious charge of $25 for a replacement CD.
That's sleezy as hell.
I'll get off my soapbox and just ask if anyone has the original R200 software. I bought the R220 to take to a friend in another country and really don't want to hook it up if I don't have to. My next CD printer will be a Casio.
Senior Member
30. December 2007 @ 15:30 |
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If you want the R200 I have it, PM me
30. December 2007 @ 19:16 |
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Hiya, Im pleased to see someones offered to help you already.
The core drivers should be easy enough to get from Epsom, but the best bet other than the previous post is the Russkies as far as the printcd software is concerned.
The whole epson scenario reeks of lameness. Apparrently some other company wrote the printcd software, and epson licenses it every time someone buys a printer. So if you lose the disc, which lets face it happens, then you have to buy it off the third party every single time.
So why dont epson hire programmers to write their own printcd software? And why does epson sell a product to the unwitting public that they dont actually own, without informing buyers of the hidden "trap"?
The obvious global effect of epsons lameness became apparrent to me when I entered "Epson sucks" into the google search engine.
Im happy to have it printing discs now, but never again will I give them my money
The Meaning of life is a life of meaning
Junior Member
30. December 2007 @ 22:04 |
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Im pleased to see someones offered to help you already.
Many unusable offers do not a solution make. Nothing has worked. My R200 fails to print on CDs and Epson has no solution other than a risky and usorious $25 option that may or may not work.
The core drivers should be easy enough to get from Epsom,
I agree, but they are NOT at all "easy" to get from Epson
but the best bet other than the previous post is the Russkies as far as the printcd software is concerned.
I looked at the Russian page options but I don't read Russian. I think it is beyond reason to suggest that I would need to do so in order to retrieve a simple software program that was one of the primary reasons I bought the printer in the first place.
The whole epson scenario reeks of lameness. Apparrently some other company wrote the printcd software, and epson licenses it every time someone buys a printer. So if you lose the disc, which lets face it happens, then you have to buy it off the third party every single time.
What is there in the normal course of Seller/Buyer relations in the computer world that suggests that that option ought so blithely be granted to Epson when no other company I know of does it? Isn't it more reasonable for the buyer to assume that the same rules that apply to all his other hardware purchases would apply to an Epson Printer? That the software would be supported would seem to be a minor part of that multi-faceted accord, reasonably assumed by the buyer to be a "part of the purchase"?
So why dont epson hire programmers to write their own printcd software? And why does epson sell a product to the unwitting public that they dont actually own, without informing buyers of the hidden "trap"?
The obvious global effect of epsons lameness became apparrent to me when I entered "Epson sucks" into the google search engine.
Im happy to have it printing discs now, but never again will I give them my money
Now we are on the same page. Good Post. Informative
Good post, dude.
17. January 2008 @ 10:51 |
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Hey, I have the Epson R300 and I cant find my CD software anywhere! I really want to print onto CD again and its getting frustrating trying to find the software, i even tried looking for a torrent.
Anyways i downloaded the CD Print software on this forum but it still doesnt seem to work!
I tried following that russian site but it downloaded unknown files, i dont think they are for my printer anyways.
Can anyone help?
I hate Epson =(
Finding driver = not a problem
Finding the free software that came with it = a COMPLETE nightmare!!
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17. January 2008 @ 12:00 |
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Somewhere close to hand I have the R265 disk... Around 6 months old.. the print cd tools should be the same as the 300 series.
edit Found it!! It's 336mb.. so request it uploading because it will take me ages.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. January 2008 @ 12:12
17. January 2008 @ 12:45 |
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Hey if you could upload it for me that would be awesome and much appreciated!
Many thanks =D
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17. January 2008 @ 12:54 |
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Senior Member
2. February 2008 @ 23:21 |
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I have the R200 disc up on yousendit for 14 days PM me I'll send it to you