The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread
Senior Member
10. December 2008 @ 22:57 |
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Hey dudes,
I see that boozer had some good food stuff that he had to chuck over to greenies tasty bites thread - hahahaha. Some stuff called barfi or something - just kidding booze! Covered in silver because booze used to be rich or something. Hahaha. You have several hundred acres in Pakistan!! That's a good sized ranch dude!!
Hey where'd the moderator dude come from - I thought shaff said this was a protected-from-moderator thread! lol
I see I've been gone for 3 weeks. Thanksgiving relatives and all.
You're all going to laugh your asses off, but I did finally buy a widescreen lcd. No, sam, not the 3807 after all, (or was that the 3708?). Not the 2408 like estuansis, not even the 2208. I finally settled on the 1908 hahaha. The reason is that I multiplied 1440x900 and found it was 98% of 1280x1024 which is the crt resolution at which my 3850 was playing cod4 smoothly. So now I'm basking in the brightness of lcd widescreen - and what the hell have I been waiting for ALL THESE YEARS!!!
I decided not to get anything bigger for now because from listening to all you dudes, it seems much better to just run in native res if you can. But I changed ati tray tools to show me cpu and gpu% utilization on the osd, and cpu is about 95% of my 3.2 ghz p4, and gpu is about 65% on my 3850. So I turned all the cod4 settings up and most of the beauty of the image is there now, but not AA. I guess I should try the 4xAA since I am still cpu bound, not gpu bound. Yeah I'll do that tomorrow.
So I have been having some idyllic kill sessions on cod4. On the just in time server, which plays to 2400 points, I had a dreamy smooth opfor 2 hour session with one other notorious sprayer, on the bog map. We took our 8 man team to close victory over the marines. We just barely beat the little white-suited guys by about 100 points - I thought they would catch up at the end. Usually bog is dark - some dudes play with night vision. But the LCD is so bright - no prob seeing all those little white enemies wherever they lurked. I gave up perk 2 stopping power for juggarnaut after a friend, Kyle, told me about it. Tested the two classes against each other - the jugg is great because you don't die so easily from random grenades or bomb runs, or off-target bullets - but without the stopping power you have to spray the p90 better and longer - but like I say it was just so smooth with the 3850, strafing side to side, killing most of the time, running like hell when I really got into trouble. They ended up so po*d off they were running after me 3 at a time - I was laughing out loud as they finished me off! Hahaha.
If I am better than 1 to 1, then I am way ahead for my skill level - I finished up at about 42 kills, 32 deaths. It was a nice night. Number two on the team.
I know, you're laughing like hell, my stupid p4 at just under 5000 3d marks and my little 19" widescreen. But a small step for mankind, and a big step for terrorism. Just kidding western civilization - it's just a game! LOL!! (I'm warming up for the new build - probably still a year away.)
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
10. December 2008 @ 23:03 |
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haha Good to see you and your long essays back ;)
It's a few thousand acres actually haha.
also don't forget to contribute to the Food Thread. Look a page or so back and you can see pics of the pie I MADE! lol
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
10. December 2008 @ 23:06 |
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Actually the upscaling on the 3008 is so good, all resolutions look good, and I'd certainly take very minor image degradation on a big screen over having to use a tiny screen.
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 03:03 |
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I dunno. I used the 17" Sceptre for like a year and a half and it served me well. Maybe you have a better monitor but it's also 6x more expensive ;P
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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2 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 04:33 |
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qick question
would using another GFX card for physx be a boost in frame rates on crysis and other games that have physx?
i just bought an XFX 8800GTS 320MB as a friend has one now and i like the proformce that i gives out ans HD4850 was out of my price range.
I would be using an XFX 8600GTS XXX edition 256mb for physx card.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 05:24 |
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No, I discussed this before. PhysX will decrease your graphics performance as it adds effects to render, and you can't SLI an 8600 with an 8800, all the cards have to be identical. Also, the 9600GT is far superior to the 8800GTS 320MB and probably would have worked out cheaper.
Suspended permanently
11. December 2008 @ 06:04 |
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Sam u don't need Sli for use of another card for physics. He can use the 8600 for a physics card but crysis don't support it. Ut3 does
2 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 06:51 |
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thanks spamual for the answer.
i got my card brand new in the box from aria and i got cheape because they said that i would get a free company of heros game and i didnt so i got the card for the price that there supplyer sells to them to aria at. SO i got the card for a grand total of £45 witch is a bargin.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 11:48 |
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Nice work, I'm starting to veer off Aria now as they're shipping is failing to be next day on regular occasions, and they hide extra shipping costs to catch out people who aren't paying full attention.
£45 is not bad for an 8800GTS 320MB, but it certainly isn't worth much more than that.
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 12:34 |
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Quote: £45 is not bad for an 8800GTS 320MB, but it certainly isn't worth much more than that.
Yeah but for that price it's about bang-for-buck. I think it was a good buy. The 8800GTS 320MB is still a quick and competitive card considering its age. Mine was certainly a pleasant surprise performance-wise. The only game one would have trouble with is maybe Crysis or Far Cry 2. Everything else is reasonable at quite high settings with a decent res. I'd say up to 1680 x 1050 is doable.
And if you can get some good deals, the cards are definitely worth it for SLI. 2 320MB GTS cards will match many faster cards. They'll challenge an HD4850 at least. Crap Nvidia mobo chipsets or not, it's a cheap option that will give satisfying performance in the long run.
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 12:44 |
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I don't have too much recollection of how well the older SLI systems performed, but I have my doubts that a pair of 8800GTS 320s could keep up with an HD4850 in that many titles, plus that's quite a lot of power consumption, especially when added to the hothouse that is an nforce SLI chipset.
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11. December 2008 @ 13:25 |
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unless he has an x58 or skull trail lool
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 13:47 |
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Somehow I'm doubtful either of those chipsets use any less power...
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 14:11 |
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Well if you're not worried about power consumption so much, then it's at least a fair deal. They perform really well in a lot of stuff OC'd. I don't know if on-par with a 4850 or better or what. But anyone who bothered to invest in a decent SLI board has a lot of cheap performance options. I would personally SLI 9600GTs or 9800GTs just because it would be cool :P
I also wanted to SLI XFX 8800GTS 320MB XXXs. That IMO, would've been a sweet SLI setup for fairly cheap back when it was new.
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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2 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 14:33 |
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Just upgarde to vista Ultimate and installed new nvidia driver 180.48 WHQL and what a speed boost my card got running crysis @ 1440 X 900 and high setting with 8600gts doing the physX and i get a solid 35FPS.
About the PhysX i notice that in some of the games i play there is a jump in FPS around 10 or 15. Think that would be due to a lighter load on the 8800gts. So all round i think that its work just as good as sli but not as good.(didnt know how word that lol) Also the all the Geforce 8 GPUs can run any game the has PhysX.
Ran 3dmarks06 and found that i got a better score aswell probaly down to the extra card agian since i installed i have found my system runs a hell of alot better.
I am open for some testing at your request if you like.
Some info on the new Nvidia Driver. (from nvidias web site)
Boosts performance in numerous 3D applications. The following are some examples of improvements measured with Release 180 WHQL drivers vs. Release 178 WHQL drivers (results will vary depending on your GPU, system configuration, and game settings):
Up to 10% performance increase in 3DMark Vantage (performance preset)
Up to 13% performance increase in Assassin's Creed
Up to 13% performance increase in BioShock
Up to 15% performance increase in Company of Heroes: Opposing Fronts
Up to 10% performance increase in Crysis Warhead
Up to 25% performance increase in Devil May Cry 4
Up to 38% performance increase in Far Cry 2
Up to 18% performance increase in Race Driver: GRID
Up to 80% performance increase in Lost Planet: Colonies
Up to 18% performance increase in World of Conflict
EDIT: 3dmarks score was 8551
And for the power consumtion you need a 500watt PSU for Single Card And a 700watt for sli with 28amps on the 12V rail.
i only live about 30 mile from aria and scan, but i have never had anything shipped from eather of the companys.
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Senior Member
11. December 2008 @ 15:31 |
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Several thousand acres - for crying out loud, booze, you guys own a whole county!!! Contribute to the food thread, are you nuts, what --describe how to microwave a potatoe, or make scrambled eggs?? My cooking skills are non-existent lol. Actually, I'm trying to get healthier - running almost every morning now. So I'm also trying to vary my diet a bit - fresh lettuce and cucumbers and green bell pepper chopped up in a salad - what else goes good in a salad? radishes? - not onions, right? These are giant steps for me. I'm the master of steaming some frozen vegies and adding a couple of micro-waved potatoes, so all this other stuff is a giant stretch lol.
"Tiny screen" - HOLD YOUR TONGUE KNAVE!! Actually by comparison it is probably pretty tiny, Sam, compared to yours, but I was gaming before with my brother's old mac cinema at 1280 x 800?? on a 22" from 2000, before it died, and this is not that much smaller - three inches less diagonally. When I'm playing of course I'm sitting way up close - in fact I'm so close I have the keyboard up on the front stand legs, on top of another keyboard, Lol! But the picture is BEAUTIFUL! Remember, the closer you sit, the bigger the screen is!! Hahahaha.
Like you say, estuansis, it is serving me well for the present time. My rationale was that I will use it on one of my business computers when I upgrade past the p4. Yeah, your 6x more in price is about right, estuansis, I only paid $168 for it total to my door, brand new (refurbished) from Dell. I can pick up a 3007-HC for about $950 - but that's gotta wait until I have the horses. LOL
Wow Nav, some pretty good reporting on the results from the PhysX card - what cpu are you running out of curiosity - I see your 1440x900 res is the same as mine so I suspect 19" lcd (which I LOVE despite sam calling it "tiny" lol)
Hey Shaff, I haven't read a peep from you about how you are beating Sam on 3d marks.
Did you install XP yet? Hahahaha
So how is the water doing?
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. December 2008 @ 16:13 |
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You should be concerned about power consumption. Addign a more powerful card ups the load power usage, but using two ups the idle power usage considerably. If your pc is on 24/7 (perhaps CPU folding, or downloading) the idle GPU power usage will cost you up to $100 per year.
Navskin: As I stated before, PhysX does not increase your frame rate. The performance boost will be from the new driver revision. Your 3dmark vantage score will probably change due to PhysX, however.
Senior Member
12. December 2008 @ 23:02 |
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Wow, another kill session on cod4. Let's face it, I rule. Hahahaha.
Half the time I spend yelling at the screen, "You f**ing as*hole, you godd*amn idiot - and I'm talking to myself!!" Hahahaha.
I get so mad at my stupid blunders. Then after about 6 hours I start to get the rust off again and actually start doing pretty well.
I suppose this is OT. I should start a thread called "let's all kill each other in virtual space" and force everybody on the builder thread, creaky, russ, gm, sam, abuzar, me, sophocles, ddp, loco who refuses to "participate in the crap" etc. etc. to play, and get all their frustrations out. LOL Just like boozer did a while ago in that demo we briefly played, before my idiot client took me off line for a half hour - I would have pawned all you guys! LOL!
I just read through 10 pages of bulder thread to get caught up, and russ promised to never come back, then was back in a week, rob said WTF doesn't anybody have an original idea, which came out of nowhere I guess cause Russ was quoting somebody with sandra benches, and then he also refused to ever return, but is also back. Greenie is always in a good mood, and is now afraid to be humorous - creaky hates shaff - shaff doesn't care - soph got mad at boozer who is always able to find killer deals that nobody else can find, and called him a liar, which is the worst kind of bullshit - sam is the diplomat but actually got "pissed off" at rick who asked what he should order, then ordered in the next 5 seconds, meanwhile sam spent honest time and effort finding a better choice, which was "frustrating" as makes perfect sense to me - rick apologized.
I'm just glad nobody discusses politics on that thread because all hell would really break loose, Hahahaha.
Shaff, sorry to have laughed at your attempts to beat sam, I didn't know your cpu had fried - very scary - almost took out sam's server board. Nice of you sam to take the risk and test out shaff's cpu almost to the point of ruining your equipment.
My question is, since I have the feeling this thread is slowing down, and I WILL be eventually building a nehalem rig, what thread should I hang out at. Should I hang at the builder thread - everybody is there but navskin and estuansis. Should I hang at the overclocking thread?
Back to my killing spree, until creaky comes over and tells me to stuff it: I played the same Just in Time server, to 2000 points, after an all-night session - it takes me about 6 to 8 hours to warm up I guess. I led an 8-man opfor team to a razor tight win over the 8-man marine team, at 2000 to 1940 - we were behind many times. Often while my fellow opfors were on the other side of the gorge, I was the only one in front of the machine gun building where the marinies were hanging out, and they all came out to greet me, and they must have wondered what brand of crack I was hopped up on (hyper booze says) as I ran around mowing them down left and right until they finally got me in a crossfire Hahaha. One time the whole damn team just kept coming up the stairs where the machine gun is and I got a helicopter just from all that action - where the hell is the rest of my team? I kept wondering.
(In case you're wondering, I don't always play opfor - I like to play on the side that's getting trounced. That's more challenging. But sometimes if we're REALLY getting trounced I get tired of the constant bomb runs and the damn helicopters every five minutes Hahaha) My weapon of choice seems to be the p90 red sight, ammo, jugg, and steady aim. The red dot helped me a couple times. When I'm tired of the loud sound, I drop down to p90 silenced - and the hard sights helped a couple of times with distant shots. I have one class with the navy (mp5 submachine gun) which hits harder than the p90 and takes them out quicker, but also runs out of bullets much faster - only 25 or 30 to a clip - however does reload faster. I like how it sounds - I have it only in that one weapons class - silenced - because it is useless on red dot - the steady aim feature for some reason stops working, which makes it not versatile enough for close range.
To be slightly back on topic, I tried what I had talked about, adding 4xaa on the 3850, and performance died - constant stuttering. I took that off, rebooted, still not so great, took off a couple of features like water effects to low, rag doll off, got the performace back, now at about 50% gpu and 95% cpu utilization. If it stays smooth I might add the water and the rag doll affects back - they probably didn't matter anyway - well, maybe they did - the computer has to calculate the physics of the rag doll doesn't it - or is that all done on the gfx card?
So would you guys say it's a good idea to hang around the builder thread? Just as long as boozer doesn't say everybody is a 12 year old girl? Hahahaha. Which sam says is not as cool as it sounds. Hahahaha. I agree, why pick on 12 year old girls? Girls are very cool at all ages, and always make things fun. Will shaff ever stop talking back to creaky? Hahahaha. Or daring him to ban him? Will creaky ever stop complaining about how you guys have highjacked the thread, not to mention the whole forum, and loosen up and start appreciating shaff's weird sense of humor? MUHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Despite the fact that greenie doesn't like my f**king f**oul mouth, I actually like greeny's style a lot - keep it light - add a little humor - don't attack anybody - "have a good time lads." He'd be a good one to follow into a nazi-killing battle. Will I ever stop reliving World War II? (Reliving - I never lived it - but I bet I got killed on D day and was re-incarnated.) LOL
- Rich
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. December 2008 @ 07:16 |
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To be honest, that's 'a week in the life' of the PC builders thread Rich, not much new there at all...
Glad to hear you're enjoying COD4, the bad performance with AA is probably because the AGP 3850 only has 256MB of memory.
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
13. December 2008 @ 13:03 |
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Lots of touchy people around here haha.
We SHOULD play Fear again though. I think my laptop can handle it.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. December 2008 @ 14:03 |
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Yeah the FEAR multiplayer was quite fun.
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
13. December 2008 @ 15:21 |
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Meh, I enjoy online RTSs better though. I like to turtle up and ride it out until I have all my best stuff built :P
FEAR was fun, but the fast pace for that kind of multiplayer throws me off. There's no point in that graphical style if combat is happening constantly. No ambiance for me.
Anyhoo, I'll have GTA IV on PC soon :D
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
13. December 2008 @ 15:23 |
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Don't... It doesn't run too well on my PC at 1920x1200...
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
13. December 2008 @ 15:54 |
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Yeah but at what settings? Maxed settings will do that. Even the consoles don't go that far for the settings. I'm gonna get it no matter what. You'll also notice that most of the detail settings have no real differences. So we'll see how it is. I'm quite certain that I can find a happy medium that lets me enjoy the game, bad port or not.
Besides, I'm not buying a 360 or a PS3 and that's final :P
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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Senior Member
13. December 2008 @ 15:55 |
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No actually Sam, the agp 3850 that I own has 512mb of memory - the sapphire - I think they all do actually. I have another question to ask you, in terms of cpu and gpu utilization. I was running just the firefly forest part of 3dmark6 just now to see what my cpu temps were, since I dropped bios from 60 to 50 degrees before fan starts revving up, and I noticed that cpu and gpu utilization were both around 50%, yet my frame rate was only about 13. So my question is, why wasn't I getting frames around 25, at 90% utilization - it seems that I had plenty of power left to do that? Is that just something that 3dmark6 does?
Anyway, you're really going to laugh, AGAIN, but I love my case so much, I am thinking of sliding a cheap dual core board in it with a cheap processor, cheap 2gigs memory, 4850, and sell my 3850 for $100. I'm back to where I was last time!!! The new build is going to run me around $3000 by the time I spring for the big 30" screen and at a minimum the 5870x2 when it comes out. But in the meantime I can't even max out on my 19 inch - and I'm buying two more heavy games - hells highway, and cod5. Anyway, don't anybody do a build for me yet, but in about a month I'm going to see what you guys come up with - I still haven't been paid for my three sales - missing paperwork - so I'm holding off a little. In about a month I'll have boozer start scouting out those killer used deals he finds - or maybe I'll go on craig's list myself, or look at some special bits on newegg.
I'm going to post pics of my case pretty soon - I finally took the pics of all my ventilation and fan mods. It's a custom "tempest" almost - a lot smaller mid tower. I'll post the pictures soon.
"A week in the life of the builder thread?" Hahahaha. A lot of touchy people is not the half of it LOL!
Yeah the FEAR was good. If we ever do it again, I'll just turn the phones off.