Shy Channels on sat with dreambox 500s
Senior Member
14. July 2010 @ 11:09 |
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callum have you set the server box a static ip address and then put that ip address in to your dyndns account . are you sure the port is definately open on your router ,the client box is seeing you as offline so i would think its either the port is not open or dyndns is not set with the correct ip address (static server ip address) double and triple check everything .if you have read all through this thread you will see i had a lot of problems my self at first ,quite a few were little errors i made in my haste and it took a few checks to spot them .you may think your doing it all wrong when in fact its most likely you are 99% correct and there is just one small thing that your missing ,recheck your f and c lines and remember you need a different f line in your server box for each box sharing with you and also delete the # symbol from any line that you are using in cccam.cfg.
Junior Member
14. July 2010 @ 12:43 |
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That seems to be my problem I can put my server box static ip in my dyndns account but when the updater runs it automatically syncs with my broadband ip and there does not seem to anyway of manually change the ip on the updater
But your right im getting so pi**ed off with it all that most likely I have missed something really simple which is making it not work. I will try and go over your guide from the start and make sure I have everything right.
14. July 2010 @ 15:29 |
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Originally posted by bainy88: Hi Folks
I thought I would throw this out to all the kind people at afterdawn that have helped me so much with my cable boxes in the past.
After ALOT of help from Piopat I managed to get my dreambox 500s running on the darkstar 11 image sharing internally with another 500s, everything working fine.
So next in my thurst for knowledge for things I dont have a clue about I thought I would try and set up external sharing!!! bad idea I now have one thread of hair left!!
Followed piopat guide for dummies to try and set it up, set up my dyndns account which seems to be good running off the host ip of my broadband, set up my port 12000 on my router, set a static ip for my computer then entered my C and F lines on my client and server boxes but unfortunalty it does not seem to work.
It says on the client box that I have one server set up but it is offline and no card in it.
So really hoping that someone here can give me some help or advise on what to look for.
Thanks in advance
Hi have you entered your boxkey in your CCam config file?
Junior Member
14. July 2010 @ 17:18 |
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yeah I have the box key in and working I set it up for internal sharing and that worked fine it's just the extra couple of things for external sharing that I'm struggling with.
Junior Member
14. July 2010 @ 17:59 |
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I don't understand why you are putting the Server (dreambox) static Ip into the DYNDNS account ??
It is hidden behind the router.Dyndns cannot do anything with a LAN IP.
In my view you should put your current external IP into the dyndns account, with an updater installed to make sure your account is updated should your ISP or your router change your external IP.
Otherwise just buy a static IP from your ISP.There is no need to use dyndns account at all then.
Here is the path from client to server:
From it's C line your client gets to your router using external IP address ie Dyndns if set up or Static external static IP from your ISP.
When at your router it knows to look at port 12000, again from the c line.
In your router port 12000 is mapped to the (static) IP of your dreambox.
Connection is made.
A good check is if you enter your dydns (or static external IP) through a proxy or from a machine outside your network you should be presented with a log screen for your dreambox server.
Junior Member
15. July 2010 @ 06:59 |
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Hi glog
I have just tried putting my external ip address in my dyndns account but still cant seem to get it to work, I tried putting my ip in the address bar as suggested but it says theres no such page what does that mean?? does that mean I have set my router up wrong??
Junior Member
15. July 2010 @ 08:18 |
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What type of router have you got ? Have you tried to check if your port is showing open using (or similar) ?
If port is showing open, and your dreambox server is set to static IP (same as in router) then it looks like you dyndns setup is incorrect.
The 'Your IP address' shown in Canyouseeme is what should be in your dyndns account.
Junior Member
15. July 2010 @ 11:41 |
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I have a netgear DG834G, I checked to see if the port was open with the tool on the portforwarding website and it says it is open.
My dreambox server has a static ip set and my dyndns account seems set up right, I wonder if its maybe set up wrong on my wireless??
I will check canyouseeme when i get home from work then hopefully I will know more.
Senior Member
15. July 2010 @ 16:30 |
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on the netgear router did you enter your dyndns details,0n the left of your screen you should see dynamic dns (enter your dyndns host name etc in there),in services (also on the left of screen )click on add custom service .give the service a name maybe something like cardsharing and a port (port 12000),in firewall rules (again left of screen)on inbound services click to enable ,service name is cardsharing,action = allow always,server ip address = box ip ,users =any ,log = never ,of course save as you go and your router should now work fine for external sharing .you said above your port says open thats great,and the static ip is set thats great so it should work now.just make sure you have a seperate f line for the external share in the server box ,2 boxes cant share an f line.
Junior Member
19. July 2010 @ 11:52 |
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Hi folks
The drama never ends with me, one minute when I checked my 12000 port it said it was open but now it says its closed but I did everything I was suppose to do I think.
Any suggestions??
Senior Member
19. July 2010 @ 14:21 |
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19. July 2010 @ 16:19 |
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AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
19. July 2010 @ 16:43 |
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there is already a thread about this
Senior Member
21. July 2010 @ 14:23 |
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Quick one, have been asked to look at a DM500S which was fine, ( I plugged it in in my own house and everything was hunky dory ).
Gave it back to the guy ( a neighbour ) and when he connected it to his broadband and sat it would not clear anything.
It is set to DHCP and picked up the correct settings in my house, but when we connected it in his, there was a mismatch between the box IP ( the nameserver/gateway which was (eircom router).
I knocked off the DHCP setting and manually set the box IP to thinking that this would get it working, rebooted and still no joy!!
I KNOW I am missing something simple but what is it???!!!
Whatever you say, say nothing when you talk about you know what for if you know who might hear you, you know what youll get. Youll be sent off to you know where for you would not know how long. Maybe I could search through the threads so you dont have to ??
21. July 2010 @ 15:32 |
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hit the reset button on the back of router m8, hold for 15 sec about, everything should reset, then reboot box. that should set you right
Senior Member
22. July 2010 @ 07:37 |
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No, no joy with this.
Seems a strange one, the router is set to issue IP addresses in the range of 192.168.1.XXX but it appears to be giving the box a number everytime.
Have set the IP manually, but this still does not appear to work (cannot ping the box) or access it through the web-browser on the PC.
Have re-started everything (several times) but this has me flummoxed!
Whatever you say, say nothing when you talk about you know what for if you know who might hear you, you know what youll get. Youll be sent off to you know where for you would not know how long. Maybe I could search through the threads so you dont have to ??
Senior Member
22. July 2010 @ 18:53 |
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sg8, you already identified the problem. the only piece of information in your post you missed was the modem model and make. what you describe is not totally unusual. the modem is the key. explain better
Senior Member
23. July 2010 @ 10:16 |
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I think it is just the bog-standard Netopia router ( 2247 not sure of model number) that you get from Eircom, did not want to go messing up the router settings etc. in case he lost his broadband connection, and would be left with no internet and no TV!!!
Looks like this !!
Whatever you say, say nothing when you talk about you know what for if you know who might hear you, you know what youll get. Youll be sent off to you know where for you would not know how long. Maybe I could search through the threads so you dont have to ??
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. July 2010 @ 10:17
Senior Member
23. July 2010 @ 12:50 |
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Senior Member
23. July 2010 @ 15:09 |
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Jaysus, Pat will you read the thread before you confuse me even more!!!
Am not looking to forward ports or anything like that, am just trying to get DM500S working!!
It would appear to me that
a)The modem/router is not assigning the IP address correctly.
b)Even when I set it manually it does not allow me to connect to the box.
I can access the router through the IP address ( , but cannot access the box even if I set an IP address, (in the correct range) manually e.g
Now I would not be an networking expert by any means but I would have thought that
a) The router would assign a proper address.
b) That if I assign it manually that I would be able to access it.
Whatever you say, say nothing when you talk about you know what for if you know who might hear you, you know what youll get. Youll be sent off to you know where for you would not know how long. Maybe I could search through the threads so you dont have to ??
Senior Member
23. July 2010 @ 16:00 |
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sg8, as a rule you should be able to at least get an ip address for your dreambox. this is the usual blue button stuff where you enable dhcp and then you should see an ip address being assigned to the dm500. it should also be possible to view all devices connected to the router but using the blue button on the remote at least you can see that an ip address has been assigned. also the valid ips for the router are defined within the router. it is not necessarily true that is a valid address. the address range could be from .100 to .131 just as easily. go through the menus and identify the valid range. in any case the simple matter of it is that if you plug a dreambox into your router with dhcp enabled the router must give the device an ip address. the dreambox is simply another internal computer as far as the modem is concerned. if you do not get an ip address assigned to the dreambox you have a faulty network cable
Senior Member
23. July 2010 @ 16:17 |
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That is exactly what I am saying is the problem.
The router SHOULD give a valid address within the range, but it does not appear to be doing so.
When I set it to DHCP in network settings and restart the box, it gets a 192.168.0.XXX number, but when I checked the router it is set to assign IP addresses in the range. The router itself has an IP address of and I can access this through a webpage on a laptop (connected with an ethernet cable to the router).
When I set the IP address on the box manually (to a number within the range) I cannot access the box from the laptops web browser.
I guess it could be something as simple as the LEAD from the router to the box, but I was chopping and changing leads and would be suprised if i did not use at least two different leads on the box, but I will check this. Hopefully this is all that is causing the problem!!!
Thanks for the response! Good to see you have not disappeared entirely!!! Am having fun with a TM9100S that I got for myself so stick around!!!!
Whatever you say, say nothing when you talk about you know what for if you know who might hear you, you know what youll get. Youll be sent off to you know where for you would not know how long. Maybe I could search through the threads so you dont have to ??
Senior Member
23. July 2010 @ 16:31 |
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stupid question but did you try the assigned ip address given to the dreambox within a web browser.i do not have a netgear but maybe it is possible that the admin page is on while the available ports are on sounds daft to me but maybe this is possible. if you use the local computer can you see what internal ip address this has been assigned. as i say this information is available within the modems menu system
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23. July 2010 @ 17:29 |
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had a similar problem with router not seeing the dreambox and dreambox showing ip address with a zero in it.did all the things you tried like manually putting in ip addresses i knew to be valid but router could still not find it.turned out to be a network cable problem not a router one. try changing the cable to one you know to be working and rebooting the router and dreambox. if the box is properly connected to the network the router should find it.
Senior Member
23. July 2010 @ 17:32 |
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Originally posted by fintannl: stupid question but did you try the assigned ip address given to the dreambox within a web browser.i do not have a netgear but maybe it is possible that the admin page is on while the available ports are on sounds daft to me but maybe this is possible. if you use the local computer can you see what internal ip address this has been assigned. as i say this information is available within the modems menu system
Yep, I did try that, but could not access the box using the web browser. I checked the range of addresses that the router is set up to assign and they were 192.168.1 numbers.
The dodgy lead does sound like a plausible explanation the more I think of it, and I am HOPING that this is what the problem is. Hopefully will get a chance to try it tomorrow. Will let you know how it pans out but I would nearly bet on it being the dodgy lead!!!
Whatever you say, say nothing when you talk about you know what for if you know who might hear you, you know what youll get. Youll be sent off to you know where for you would not know how long. Maybe I could search through the threads so you dont have to ??