Which Transcoding Tools Produce The Best Picture Quality.
AfterDawn Addict
5. June 2004 @ 20:09 |
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I think sophocles, after reading what u had to say and reading that thread, even if i'm lucky enuff to get it to work(and my luck ain't all that good to date) if it's no better than dvd2one why bother? I think I'll stick to dvd20ne and nero or recode for the larger movies. It's been fun.
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Senior Member
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5. June 2004 @ 20:24 |
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Use DVDRebuilder and CCE SP or Basic
Senior Member
5. June 2004 @ 20:28 |
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I do believe that Recode and Shrink when using deep analysis give them an edge in quality on heavily compressed films.
I have only had one film that had a less than great full disc copy. That was Embrace of the vampire. Authoring showed 4 movies on one disc. Full screen, wide screen, and an uncut version of both.
It played OK but the resolution was visibly lower.
The movie wasn't good enough to bother with deep analysis so I just copied the 2 wide screen versions.
To be honest I am surprised that all the available programs do as well as they do. I am happy to have all the choices at hand.
5. June 2004 @ 20:29 |
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Quote: Use DVDRebuilder and CCE SP or Basic
I thought about it. Seems like alot of steps(according to the guide). And are you serious about CCE SP? CCE SP is $1,950.00 !!!!! I don't think so. Basic sure for $58, but not CCE SP.
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5. June 2004 @ 20:50 |
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Why use shrink at all? Aren't you decrypting and processing the file to HD only to be reprocessed and burned? Wouldn't it be quicker (half the time) to use Decrypter to decrypt the files to HD or use a background decrypter to just process and burn direct with Recode?
5. June 2004 @ 20:53 |
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Both Shrink and Recode have the option of deep analysis(I think Recode its advanced analysis).
Senior Member
5. June 2004 @ 20:58 |
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I use Shrink and Recode in different circumstances, not at the same time. I was just indicating that deep analysis sets them apart from the other programs. It adds time but maximizes quality to the point that other programs would be unlikely to improve on.
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5. June 2004 @ 21:12 |
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I'll agree on the deep analysis. I try to use it whenever possible with both the Shrink and Recode. It's a little more time consuming, but I'll give up a little time for quality any day. I wonder if the WinDVD Copy 2 is in deep analysis all the time? It does good work under high compression where some others programs start to fail.
Sort of confused me there the way the Recode and Shrink were together, my mistake.
AfterDawn Addict
5. June 2004 @ 22:10 |
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Always use advanced analysis in recode, well worth the extra 15 minutes. I've done it both ways and I think the difference is unbelievable.
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5. June 2004 @ 22:13 |
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Has anybody thought of using DVD Rebuider and CCE Basic? I was going through the guide. It seemed like a long process, but I guess the results are suppose to be better.
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5. June 2004 @ 22:50 |
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Using DVDrebuilder with CCE basic is a time consuming process, but I tend to batch encode over night, whenever possible. The results are far superior to any transcoder. (In my opinion)
The subject of this setup is off topic as CCE basic is an encoder RATHER than a transcoder.
For my 2 cents I feel that Pinnacle Instantcopy is by far the best transcoder available at the moment.
Looking for my old AD
AfterDawn Addict
6. June 2004 @ 00:01 |
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Hey brian, how user friendly is pinnacle instantcopy and what do "you" use it in conjunction with?
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6. June 2004 @ 07:33 |
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Pinnacle is simple to use, but sometimes suffers with "undersizing" or "oversizing" of file output, yes it's infuriating!!. It takes longer than all of the other transcoders, probably 2 to 3 times longer. Pinnacle can accept files from Shrink (un compressed), DVDdecrypter or existing files stripped with either DVDstripper, Vobblanker, titelsetblanker. It can burn directly to DVD or can output as an ISO image, then DVDdecrypter can be used to burn it.
It aint free though, but a free trial is available. Give it a go, you've got absolutely nothing to lose, and great results to gain!
Looking for my old AD
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. June 2004 @ 07:54 |
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I downloaded a fully funtional trial copy of Pinnacles Instant Copy and did a back-up. The rip took 14 minutes with Derypter, and then it took instant copy another 81 minutes to process and burn. I think it took so long because it was doing a deep scan. The result was excellent but not visually better than DVD2one but for $30 it is definantly not over priced. It also has some adjustments that you can make such as movie only and faster processing. I think that it may really show its stuff on large type 9 movies. Definitely an application that warrants discussion. The trial runs for 15 days.
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6. June 2004 @ 09:05 |
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Checked the site DVD.box and the various backup programs.
Of the ones they tested I only have Shrink and Recode 2.
I prefer recode 2. It does what I want and gives me the quality etc that I can live with. I guess you just can't beat the original copy for perfection.
I personally could not tell a great big of differnece in most of them.
HP 7975 Pentium 4W/2.0 XP Home
Maxtor 80 GB and WD 80 GB (used for movies only)
Pioneer 116 DVD ROM,and BenQ 1640 Combo
AfterDawn Addict
6. June 2004 @ 09:42 |
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Brian and sophocles, thanx for the input. I have all the aforementioned software so I'm gonna give it a shot. We'll see what happens. Tom, I also didn't see a lot of difference but I went back and zoomed %200 and then you can tell (although it is slight in my judgement). No one watches TV @ %200 plus these tests are rather outdated since most of the software has been updated since.
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. June 2004 @ 10:54 |
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I am as are others looking forward to your results. The idea of this thread is to remove bias from determining which is the overall better transcoder. I believe that can include a oonbination of speed and picture quality with minor trade-offs. Good luck
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6. June 2004 @ 12:38 |
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Just been in the same position and I can tell you that after tests and tests and tests the best solution was from Pinnacle Instant Copy v8. I actually have Instant CD/DVD V8.20 and it's a WOW all over the place.
The disadvantages are it's slower then the others, but the quality is just without comparison.
If you can efford it, go for it.
AfterDawn Addict
6. June 2004 @ 12:41 |
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downloaded trial version 8, found it for 29.00, cheapest I've seen. I will be off for a while, back with results.
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. June 2004 @ 12:47 |
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It does a good job, if speeds not important and that may well be factor with recode as well. If you want quality, go slow.
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6. June 2004 @ 13:16 |
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Pinnacle really comes into it's own when backing up the more "difficlut" movies. IE the ones that have a massive ripped file size or are over 2 hours long. I used to use DVD2ONE extensively but had real problems (with pixellation) on the "difficult" examples. With Pinnacle very few movies suffer from pixellation and other artefacts. I have a 44" TV and the improvement is "simple" to see.
I use version 7 NOT 8. I would not be tempted to use the "faster processing" setting on Pinnacle, it's simply defeating it's own strengths.
For anyone testing the software, it would be best to "throw" a fast action movie through it, to gauge performance. Then do the same movie through Shrink & Recode.
Looking for my old AD
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
6. June 2004 @ 13:58 |
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I thought that was the point I made when I finished my first burn using it. We are in agreement because I liked the result that I got. I intend to use instant copy several times more before my trial period is up and I might even purchase it.
The best results that I've had in all the trials I've tried thus far, was Intervideos DVDcopy. But with all the reports of it producing Macro Pixels has put that one on the back burner for a while. bigorange is working with instant copy now and maybe brobear is as well. I'm looking forward to their results.
This is my thought for smaller files 5.5 gigs and down, use Nero's recode because compression isn't a factor and time is. For files that are between 5.5 to 7 gigs DVD2One because compression is a factor and its quality is effectively equal to instant copy's at that compression level and time is still a factor. For those files above 7 gigs let instant copy do the work because compression becomes the only factor and time irrlelvant.
When I compared instant copy to DVD2One on a 7.6 gig movie, there was little difference, but I thought instant copy won by a small margin. To me that trasnlates into an ever widening margin as the file grows larger.
Keep on Buning,
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Senior Member
6. June 2004 @ 14:49 |
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I have Pinnacle 8 instant copy but I had poor results early on. I haven't used it in a long time.
With the activity going on here I figure I'll dig it out of mothballs and play some more.
Most of my ripping is done on dual proc machines so I like to use Recode and Shrink for the smp compatabilty. Cuts the encode times substantially.
I don't know of any other programs that max out both the procs.
6. June 2004 @ 18:23 |
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Where did you find instant copy 8 for 29.00.
HP 7975 Pentium 4W/2.0 XP Home
Maxtor 80 GB and WD 80 GB (used for movies only)
Pioneer 116 DVD ROM,and BenQ 1640 Combo
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6. June 2004 @ 18:33 |
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Using DVD2One caused poor results for me on only one occasion and I feel I was at fault. My experience with it has been a learning one. I found that the manner in which the files are ripped effects final quality. I do not use DVD2One as a standalone.
DVD2One, InterVideo, and Recode have given excellent results with large movies for me. They are all good enough to be keepers on my computer. The only macro-pixelation I encountered with InterVideo was with a situation I induced. InterVideo seems to be susceptible to faults from the files being processed. Until better comes along they get to stay. As better software keeps coming online, I don't want to get in the rut of having a favorite toy. Have to admit though, some programs do lend themselves to falling into favorite categories.
As I learned quite a bit with DVD Shrink, I won't put it down. For learning it is an intuitive tool that does a good job and the price is definitely right. When using Nero as the burner it is a good easy recording solution. The use of something like Decrypter as a burner only because its free limits the Shrink's ease and speed. After all the default setting for Shrink is to burn with Nero.
With Shrink you get good full backup and decent editing processes in Re-Author. I still wish they would incorporate in the algorithm the ability to retain functional menus in an edit (maybe someday). Where shrink does okay is with movies of around 5 to 6GB. When dealing with larger files the Shrink quality begins to fade and suffers from compression faults. I watch movies on a 60" set so flaws do tend to get magnified.
In the end the biggest difficulty is in choosing the right tool for a particular job.