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9. April 2006 @ 11:21 |
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Well, after updating the firmware for my dvdwritter (LG GSA-4165B), I could burn those dvds, but at 4x.
Thanks for your words, gentlemen.
2. May 2006 @ 07:56 |
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Hi all,
Purchased some Maxell DVD+R 8x which are advertised as 'YUDEN000 T01' but in fact were 'MAXELL002' (still good but not Taiyo !).
Sent them an email to say they had them listed incorrectly and was basically told tuff !
Also posted my comment on their website alongside this media but they review all posts before submitting them and guess what - it's not on their website !
Just thought I'd warn you before anybody put a bulk order in.
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22. May 2006 @ 23:47 |
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8. June 2006 @ 15:05 |
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Media: Philips White Inkjet 8X DVD-R Media Spindle of 50
Merchant: SupermediaStore.com
Media Code: CMC MAG.AE1
I already used like 15 of my 50 spindle and all have problems, a lot of pixelation and frozen parts since the begining of the movie, then burn the same movies on prodisc without any problems.
I use a Plextor PX-740A
Is this bad media? even the staples brand discs work better than this Phillips.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
8. June 2006 @ 15:51 |
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Yes, CMC Magnetics are notorious for bad quality media.
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6. August 2006 @ 13:47 |
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1 100 Pack Taiyo Yuden 8X DVD-R Media 4.7GB White Inkjet Hub Printable No Stacking Ring Blank DVDR Disc Shrink Wrapped (DVD-R47WPP600SK8), $0.41 Each
I ordered those from Meritline and out of the first 20 I bruned,,only 3 was sucessful. They would get to 95% and eject itself and say bad media.
6. August 2006 @ 19:30 |
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mr512: I had a bad experience with TY ink jet white hub printables and found that it was due to my labeling them on my epson printer prior to burning them. Could that be your problem?
6. August 2006 @ 23:15 |
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I've been using TY inkjet hub printables and printing before burning with no problems except once I burned the wrong movie on the disc. That's about the only disadvantage I've seen with printing first. I haven't ever got any TY from Meritline, so I can't comment on what they sell. I did get some Meritline brand printables that were fake TY and they did suck. They had a MID code of TYG02, but did not have the correct numbers around the hub. Coasters galore. I generally get my TY from Supermediastore.com and they're usually pretty good. They have a premium line and a value line. The premium lime are usually 100% good whereas the value line will give an occasional coaster. I will buy the value line if they're cheap enough. I've had pretty good luck with them. You may have some fake TY. Look near the hub and you should see some numbers etched there. The TYG02 that I have now have a 12 digit or so code that ends in GJ. Most I've had ended in GG. Usually there will be 2 letters and at least one of them will be a G. The Value line would sometimes give higher errors than the premium in a scan, but still better than most DVDs I've tried. If your TYs are genuine I don't know what to say about it. They are usually the best you can buy.
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7. August 2006 @ 11:08 |
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I've always labeled mines after a succesful burn. I'm thinking it's just a bad batch. Here are the codes for them.
Media Information
Region information N/A not a DVD-VIDEO
Media code/Manufacturer ID TYG02
Format Capacity Blank Disc
Free Blocks 412352512
Free Capacity 4.38GB(4.71GB)
Book Type DVD-R
Media Type DVD-R
Manufacturer Rated Speed 8.0x 11080KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 12.0x 16620KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 8.0x 11080KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 6.0x 8310KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 4.0x 5540KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 2.0x 2770KBps
Write Strategy Speed 4.0x 5540KBps
2x Speed OPC beta 08
2x Speed OPC power 0E
2x Write Strategy field 1 11 87 78 80
2x Write Strategy field 2 88 80 00 00 00 00
4x Speed OPC beta 06
4x Speed OPC power 13
4x Write Strategy field 1 0D 10 0E 07
4x Write Strategy field 2 97 07 0D 0B
4x Write Strategy field 3 80 00 00 00
4x Speed OPC beta multi-pulse 06
4x Speed OPC power multi-pulse 18
4x Write Strategy field 4 17 85 78 75
4x Write Strategy field 5 D6 89 A8 92 01 20
4x Write Strategy field 6 10 00 D0 00 00
Data area starting sector 30000h
Linear Density 0.267um/bit
Track Density 0.74um/track
Number of Layers 1
Complete Media Code
00000000 00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 87 0D 10 .l...@....R.....
00000010 66 78 80 00 03 54 59 47 30 32 00 00 04 00 00 00 fx...TYG02......
00000020 00 00 00 00 05 AA A2 22 22 20 02 00 06 08 0E 11 ......."" ......
7. August 2006 @ 12:50 |
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Here is the media code for a fake TY.
Region information N/A not a DVD-VIDEO
Media code/Manufacturer ID TYG02
Format Capacity Blank Disc
Free Blocks 412352512
Free Capacity 4.38GB(4.71GB)
Book Type DVD-R
Media Type DVD-R
Manufacturer Rated Speed 8.0x 11080KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 12.0x 16620KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 8.0x 11080KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 6.0x 8310KBps
Available Write Descriptor CLV 4.0x 5540KBps
Complete Media Code
00000000 00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 87 0D 10 .l...@....R.....
00000010 66 78 80 00 03 54 59 47 30 32 00 00 04 00 00 00 fx...TYG02......
00000020 00 00 00 00 05 AA A2 22 22 20 02 00 06 08 0E 11 ......."" ......
I deleted a good bit of it.
7. August 2006 @ 12:57 |
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Here is the complete media code for a genuine TY. It looks just like the fake one. I guess there's no way to tell except the code etched around the hub.
Complete Media Code
00000000 00 6C 00 00 01 40 C1 FD 9E D8 52 00 02 87 0D 10 .l...@....R.....
00000010 66 78 80 00 03 54 59 47 30 32 00 00 04 00 00 00 fx...TYG02......
00000020 00 00 00 00 05 AA A2 22 22 20 02 00 06 08 0E 11 ......."" ......
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7. August 2006 @ 16:14 |
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Thanks,,,they have pretty much the same code... Plus meritline won't take back.. Well I guess I will be going back to the Ritek Ridata 8x Hub Printable from SMS.
7. August 2006 @ 19:51 |
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I hope that you have better luck than I have had with Ritek Printable DVDs. Every single G04 and G05 printable I've had has failed within 6 months. The non printable ones didn't give me any problem as long as I didn't put a label on them. The R01 and R03 +R didn't seem to have this problem to this degree. I have had to replace just about all of my G04 and G05 discs with something better. It's too bad because they sure print nice. I've had some Be All discs that didn't hold up even as good as the Riteks did. I only use TY and occasionally Verbatim and my problems mostly disappeared. I get the occasional Verbatim that's not too good, but the TY are nearly all good.
20. August 2006 @ 09:47 |
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Meritline won't take a bad batch back? Well they are off of my list of places to buy then. SuperMedia will do returns on media -I believe-, you will probably have to pay shipping back, but DVD's are considered media and qualify for media mail, just add .50 for delivery confirmation.
20. August 2006 @ 11:40 |
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I just wanted to confirm that SMS takes media back with no questions asked and within a week credit your account(credit card). They have done this on three seperate occasions for me. You have to call them and they give you a number to include with your shipment. Meritline isn't even interested in hearing you have a bad product.
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20. August 2006 @ 15:49 |
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frbernard.Ya,but not after 6mons.These are the chances we take.Can't really understand the failure of the g04's,Ive got some 2yrs & older.Did'nt realize U could still find 04's.All I've been able to find is 8x & 16x
20. August 2006 @ 21:56 |
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I've only had problems with printable G04 and G05. The others seem to hold up OK but all I use are printable. The only discs I've had that held up worse than the Riteks were BeAll and Lead Data It may have to do with heat since I live in a hot climate. It has never seemed to affect any TY, Verbatim or Prodisc though. I have some Prodisc that are probably three years old and they've held up well. My old Riteks will have PIE of generally over 1000 and PIF of several hundred. They weren't that way when recorded.
20. August 2006 @ 23:55 |
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Hi all
Bought a batch of Ridisc G05 and Printable G04's.
God through half the tub of 50 and both branded media will no longer burn in my sony DVD writer.
I nearly got rid of my burner believing that it was busted, but it seems that Ritik/ridisc are playing a silly game of mixing good media with bad stock.
I have around 200 DVD-R G05, G04 and G02 that all read different dyes etc.
Taiyo Yuden came to my rescue. My sony DVD writer loves them.
Ridisc Extreme 8x and RITEK 8X White Printable G04 DVD-R - both are so unrealiable.
I've learned my lesson - you buy cheap you buy twice.
Taiyo Yuden or bust
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21. August 2006 @ 02:45 |
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hm1..It really seems to me your having issues with your DVD Writer.I've been useing Ritek[Ridata]Hub-Printable for years with no problems.Check for firmware updates.If U can afford it buy another writer,Nec,BenQ,Plextor,etc.Burners[good ones now a days are very inexpensive around 30bucks]
One other thing,I did have issues once,it ended up being my burning software[Nero].I uninstaled then re-instaled,that seemed to correct that problem.
I still have issues,when trying to burn through DVD Shrink,DVD Shrink uses Nero.But I always get failed burns,now if I use Shrink,then go to Nero,no problems.But the issue might be the version of Nero that I'm Useing [].But then this has been the only stable version of the newest Nero that works for me
23. August 2006 @ 00:00 |
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Hi rick5446
Thansk for the advice. The strange thing is i updated my firmwire when teh discs stopped working.
I burned a Ridisc (Prodisc G0 Dye) yesterday.
My Ridisc G05's are just not being recognised by my burner at all.
The Taiyo Yuden are loved by my burner. I was thinking of getting a new burner but its cheaper to buy different media. My sony DVD re-witer has been a work horse for me. Alittle fussy but a reliable tank with teh write media in it.
I use Recordmax instead of Nero and it has never failed either.
My DVD writer used to really like Ritek's older G04 dye's but i suspect that the dyes are changing and the DVD batches i have a just inconsistant.
Taiyo Yuden or bust for me from now on. Ritek has been slipping for a while now and Ridisc is a no no for me now. Gutted but what can you do?
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23. August 2006 @ 04:01 |
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hm1..Well as good as they are,even the best go bad.I've got a Plextor PX708A,that here of late has been giving me bad burns & sometimes won't even burn at all.But I won't give it up as some Discs can only be read by my Plex.Shit happens!!I bought a BenQ 1655 at Newegg for around 30bucks,& a Teac for around 45bucks.I'll never again be withoutat least 2 Burners
Try Copy to DVD,also try making ISO & BURN WITH DVDDecrypter,both of these are good burning engines.Trial & error is about all U can do.
But I know the feeling,i was really disappointed by Prodisc a couple o yrs back
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. August 2006 @ 04:08
24. August 2006 @ 08:17 |
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Hi rick5446
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I heard that tha Plextor PX708A was the burner to have.
You are right, its about trial and error.
The media is changing by the month and you must have at least 2 or 3 media options.
Also 2 burners is sound advice.
I have a DVD recorder that eats just about any DVD media but my Sony 510a is fussy. However, if it burns it does it with style.
DVDDecrypter is great for game back ups but i don't back up films in iso mode.
The secret lies in the disc Dyes and the burn speeds.
Taiyo Yuden are today what Ritek used to be 15 months ago. lets see if they are tempted to meddle too
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24. August 2006 @ 09:23 |
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Alas! I've had the Plextor for 3yrs & it did about 20 movies a week..Its not dead yet.Going to move it frm external to internal & see if my problem might be the external cs.
But like U I prefer the Tys,likem even better then Verbs..found that the Verbs don't play in some of todays DVD Players,especialy Coby & RCA
24. August 2006 @ 23:20 |
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Hi rick5446
Verbatims have never worked for me at all.
Burned my didisc 8X extremes with my sony 510a. (Firmwire 1.1a)
Has to burn at 2X and still had a problem with som efo the discs.
Will get rid of that batch and stick to Taiyo Yuden until otherwise.
Good luck with the drive change over too.
I've always prefered external drives but a good drive is a good drive.
20 movies a week ? Wow . I do around 10.
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25. August 2006 @ 06:23 |
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hm1..You seem to have multiple problems..I would definetly consider it a drive problem.Don't know about your finances,but I would definetly buy another burner
BenQ 16X DVD±R DVD Burner With exclusive SolidBurn Technology Black ATA/ATAPI Model DW1650 BK - OEM
$5.64 Three Day Shipping
List Price$30.25
http://www.newegg.com Good place to buy
NEC ARE GOOD TO,but in the past I've found them to be a little sensitive to some Discs..The BenQ 1655,& Teac DVW516G that I have,work flawlessly.Ive had probably 3 out of 200 bad burns
Mind you now as with any product,sometimes it just don't work out.If by chance U decide to buy NEW,& IT DON'T WORK Newegg is real good at service & replacing