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7. January 2005 @ 17:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well considering the fact that the 4X +R Fuji have been made by Ricoh and the 8X +R are made by Taiyo Yuden (TY), I can see where you have been getting good results. People that know enough about media don't diss those manufacturers, even when sold under the Fuji brand. The problem is that all media by a brand is not from the same manufacturer. That's why most people include brand, speed, format and manufacture code when they discuss a media. DVDInfoPro and DVD Identifier are a couple of freeware apps that read manufacture codes. Nero and some recording apps will give the manufacture code as well. Giving the brand and in some instances even the speed doesn't point to a particular media because some brands sell more than one manufacturer's product for the same speed and format. For a while you could get Ricoh and CMC as the 4X +R offering from Memorex.

Maybe some of the Fuji was landfill material, but probably not the one's you mentioned. Get the software to ID the media and then you can not only put down the brand for selling a particular disc, but the manufacturer responsible for making it. That way you don't throw the baby out with the wash as they say. (Don't put down everything being sold by a particular company or brand or one could end up putting down most of the brands on the market. A number of brands have questionable manufacturers and some are the most popular brands.)

Khypermedia, where did that one come from. I've never heard of it before and I steer away from products I know nothing about. Everyone is constantly saying to stick with the known branded items. After a few coasters, any savings from buying cheap media go out the window. On sale, I recently purchased the Ricoh and TY discs from Fuji for about 40 cents each. That was quality at bargain basement prices.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
7. January 2005 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im going use dvdinfopro and will post some results for you . the khypermedia +r's were puchased at my local sam goody . i was out of discs so picked them up to get me by till i could get some fuji films . that was a mistake . as you said i lost some money there .

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7. January 2005 @ 18:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just remember to check blank recording media in the burner drive. I use DVDInfoPro myself because it does a lot of things, multi tool. DVD Identifier is easy if all you want is the manufacture code.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
8. January 2005 @ 06:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok brobear here we go .

khyper media dvd+r

unique disc identifier- dvd+r;CMC MAG- R01-000
manufacture name - CMC MAGNETICS CORP
manfacture id - cmc mag
media type id - R01
recording speed - 1x,2.4x

sony dvd+r

unique disc identifier - dvd+r; SONY-D11-000
manufacture name - SONY RECORDING MEDIA CO
manufacture id - sony
media type id - D11
recording speeds - 1x,2.4x,4x,6x,8x

fuji films dvd+r

unique disc identifier - dvd+r;RICOHJPN-R01-002
manufacture name - RICOH CO LTD
manufacture id - RICOHJPN
media type id - R01
recording speeds - 1x,2.4x,4x

verbatim dvd+r data life plus

unique disc identifier - dvd+r;MCC-003-000
manufacture id - MCC
media type id - 003
recording speeds - 1x,2.4x,4x,6x,8x

imation dvd+rw

unique disc identifier - dvd+rw;RICOHJPN-W01-001
manufacture name - RICOH CO LTD
manufacture id - RICOHJPN
media type id - W01
recording speeds - 1x,2.4x

verbatim dvd+r dl

unique disc identifier - dvd+r-dl;MKM-001-000
manufacture name - MITSUBISHI KAGAKU MEDIA
manufacture id - MKM
media type id - 001
recording speeds - 1x,2.4x

taiyo yuden dvd+r 8x

unique disc identifier - dvd+r;YUDEN-000-T02-000
manufacture name - TAIYO YUDEN CO LTD
manufacture id - YUDEN000
media type id - T02
recording speeds - 1x,2.4x,4x,6x,8x

i hope you dont tell me these are all land fill material because i have had good results with most except the khypermedia .

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8. January 2005 @ 19:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wouldn't dare, I'd be disagreeing with my previous post. LOL The only questionable manufacturer you listed is the CMC Magnetics who made the Khypermedia. They are the same company that manufactures the Memorex media that gave Memorex the bad name. Seems a lot of people find fault with CMC media, no matter which brand it is sold under.

The fuji is just what I thought it might be. It's the same disc I've been using for the past year from different brands. I have a hundred pack of the Fuji-Ricoh discs right now. I've burned about 50 or them with no disc failures. I made a couple of coasters, but it was due to bad rips and not the media. The discs have the files that were burned to them.

The rest of the manufacturers read like a whose who of the DVD manufacturing industry.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
8. January 2005 @ 19:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks brobear i learned something from you . i figured the khyper media were land fill material . i guess thats what i get for cutting corners . so i see why i have good luck with fuji films now . they really are not bad media like a lot of people think . try to convince others that they really arent that bad and oh boy the whirl wind starts . ive learned now when some say they are crap i just say im sticking with what works . thanks again for the lesson on media
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8. January 2005 @ 20:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The 4X -R Fuji is made by Prodisc and Pioneer. Pioneer is supposed to be good, but Prodisc falls in there with the CMC in ratings. Now you can get an idea why some Fuji can have a bad name. Funny thing the RWs are Mitsubishi and Ricoh. Seems Fuji, as far as their entire line goes, has more top manufacturers than most. You'll hear more from one guy that got a faulty disc than hundreds of satisfied customers.

The next time those supposedly knowledgable people start putting down Fuji (any other brand for that matter), ask them which company made it. You may get some stunned looks. Then you can tell them about DVD identification with DVD Identifier, DVDInfoPro, and Nero and other programs that read the manufacturer codes.

The question is, "Who is making your disc today?"


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. January 2005 @ 20:27

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8. January 2005 @ 20:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Forgot, you're welcome, glad I could help.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
Senior Member
9. January 2005 @ 05:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't know about Fuji but Prodisc 4x and 8x have been the most used and reliable of the media I have purchased.
My 4x media was prodisc manufactured but the 8x were Mistubitsi. Reguardless I have never got a CMC prodisc and have zero defects from them.

Just info from a long time Prodisc user.

For the record I still have some of my defect batch of CMC Memorex. The only major sting I have suffered.

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9. January 2005 @ 08:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The issue is compatibility over the vast burner market. Prodisc may be doing better, but there for a while, there was a bunch of drives they weren't working well in. You can look at the various forum ratings from the "testers" to see where Prodisc ranks. Usually not high in comparisons, unless that changed recently. Glad to hear that the Prodisc worked for you. But just because it worked for you on your drive doesn't mean it is a good choice for others.

I'm no expert and I don't mean to put the Prodisc product down. It's just, so far, Prodisc hasn't proven itself in the marketplace. You just mentioned the 8X Prodisc is a Mitsubishi product, guess Prodisc joined the ranks of selling products manufactured by others (common practice). Now you know why I like the codes. I was referring earlier to the Prodisc manufactured discs. Prodisc has developed a rep like that of CMC, which even you say is a questionable item.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
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9. January 2005 @ 12:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oddly I started using Prodisc because they were one of the very few name brands that the Toshiba 5112 would recognize and burn at 4x speed. Even some of the Riteks weren't recognized.

I have burned them in Toshiba, BTC, Lite-on, and NEC drives. 0 problems. Most of the people who have posted about Prodisc negatively seem to fall into the same category as the negative Ritek posts. Some valid but many related to software, or hardware issues.

The main thing for me is that unlike Ritek there has been no controversy over 2nd and 3rd line discs getting out causing problems. No real fear of a bad batch of Prodisc. If you had good luck with prodisc you would always do so.

I buy them for freinds that burn DVDs and have had no complaints, but I setup the machines in question so I knew they would work ahead of time.

Brobear. Have you had any bad experiences with Prodisc?

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9. January 2005 @ 12:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've a recent bad experience with a 50pk of 8x memorex dvd+r seems that whenever i burn at 8x with these disc the just seem too fartout , (lots of coasters). This is the only pack that i've ever had too do this, My burner is a Lite-on DVD+-r 16x Dual Layer burner Firmware ver. SOHW 1633S.
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9. January 2005 @ 13:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
We don't need to get into the quality of posted reviews on the forums. Also, I put a lot of the graded Ritek scandals in there with the rest of the forum fodder. Even some noted reviewers give their private levels to various media. But to date, no legitimate source has proven Ritek uses grading according to an individually coded disc, like A, B and C grade G04s. They do produce lowgrade, inexpensive media, but they sell it as such. Much of that sent to 3rd world countries and meant for data storage. They admit to having lost media that was supposed to be destroyed and some was diverted and sold in scams; according to the company anyway. I look at it as the company probably let some bad media out as well as scams occurring. Even Yuden has had their problems with scams.

No and I don't intend to use Prodisc unless someone gives me a cakebox to check out or if they start getting better reviews from legitimate sources. I'm speaking from statistical data. Why gamble on a product I'm not sure of when there are proven ones that I can get at reasonable prices; many of those which I do have experience with? As I said, I'm not knocking the product, it just hasn't proven itself on the market yet. Also, legitimate reviewers consistently give it mediocre ratings or have in the past.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
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9. January 2005 @ 13:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Did you try slowing down the burn speed, if possible? Most people recording DVD video do it at 4X or below. Not taking up for Memorex, was it the CMC media or another?


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
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10. January 2005 @ 18:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Sorry if I beat the point to death earlier - bad habit I have, I'm afraid. I'll press my mute button now....

Joe D.
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10. January 2005 @ 19:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No need to do that Joe. And by no means is Ritek faultless. There have been some bad batches of media come from their factories. That's where a good guarantee comes in. Don't blame you a bit for saying you have a problem.

Sometimes though, especially with read speeds not working properly, that is with particular systems or hardware. When you have a reputable vendor and a proven product, individual instances point to either a bad run or a user problem. I'd say contact Meritline if you feel you deserve reparations on your order. Then let us know what they said. Normally they try to help their customers. A friend of mine is one of their best individual customers.

Also, there has been scams involving Ritek; but not by reputable dealers like Meritline, Newegg and the like. Also, a lot of those scams happened in Europe. As far as the descriptive wording on a label, that can be vague and even sometimes open for interpretation; so take that along with the company descriptions of the merchandise as found on the websites.

Good luck and don't go mute when you feel you've been done wrong. However, do take time to look at all the aspects of the situation and give the supposed culprit a chance to present his side or make amends. When it's proven they've done you wrong, go at em both arms a swingin. BTW, I'm no media expert, just used a lot of it.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
13. January 2005 @ 19:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have heard repeatedly from this Web site and others that Ritek DVD media is the best. I've burned over hundred DVDs without creating one coaster using Memorex, Maxwell, Khypermedia and others. So I purchased 100 silver shiny Ritek DVD-R 4X from (through Yahoo! Store Order System) <>. There was an obvious defect on every single one of them. On each DVD there was a circle one one-hundredth of an inch thick about 3 mm from the recordable part of the media toward the DVD center. So I sent those back and purchased another hundred pack of Ritek's DVD-R 8X Matte Finish media from Supermediastore and now have a 50% failure rate. Supermediastore has told me that I must pay for shipping the bad media back to them and must be in their hands 30 days from the order date or they won't credit. It took them 4 days to ship it and 7 more days to get it to me. I have heard that Ritek changed the formulation and am wondering if this is the cause. So who makes the best media now?
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13. January 2005 @ 20:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The dye change at Ritek that everyone is talking about is with the 4X -R G04 discs. In 4X +R they were selling Ricoh manufactured discs. A lot of people that are fans of 4X are going to those if their burners are compatible with +R.

As far as saying who makes the best media, it's easier to talk about manufacturers than brands. But without test utilities to read the codes and databases to track the brand - manufacturer relationships, it's difficult for the regular consumer to know what they are purchasing. Ritek, Ricoh, MCC, and Yuden are just a few of the top manufacturers. Verbatim, Ricoh, Ritek, TDK, and Sony are just a few of the brands that normally sell good merchandise. So, the best bet is to go with what works on your machine and stick to it until the brand messes up. Remember, buying from a reputable vendor with a good guarantee goes a long way and remember you're safer buying branded, as you may have learned.


I was an earth-rim walker, a lurker at the threshold of the abyss. - Grendel -
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14. January 2005 @ 02:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The silver top Riteks are not a good idea. I would recomend Ritek branded and as Brobear said the +Rs are a good bet right now. I have been using the 8x -Rs and have been very pleased with the results.
I have not purchased silver tops so I haven't actually experienced a problem with them. Just read about some.

AfterDawn Addict
19. January 2005 @ 09:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
NEVER USE KHYPERMEDIA!!! Garbage! I got 20 for Christmas, ended up with 20 coasters. Some of them wouldn't even eject from my computer. I had to shut down and stick a paper clip in the hole to get them out. Couldn't read anything off of any of them either.

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AfterDawn Addict
19. January 2005 @ 09:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Used about 300 Ritek G04 -R's with silver top (NOT Ridata), nothing but great results. Only had one coaster and that was because of a power failure while I was burning.

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19. January 2005 @ 14:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Don't use SONY08D1's for PS2 backups! Nothing but freezing! Can't believe that Sony's own media doesn't work on the Sony Playstation 2!

19. January 2005 @ 14:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Worst disks I have ever ever used are DataStream blank DVD's that I got from Big W. It's been awhile and all those crap disks are gone so I don't have the media codes on them. The thing is.. they sell for $60 for 50 disks. I used about 10 of them and got 7 coasters out of that lot. I was able to take them back and get my $60 bucks back which I went and purchased my first lot of RitekG04 (white printable) disks from a local dealer. Since then I get them off the net $100 for 150 disks delivered.

I have burnt over 350 Ritek (RiData disks). Not a problem with a single one of them. Using Pioneer A07 DVD burner. Still working perfectly several months after burning.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. January 2005 @ 15:28

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20. January 2005 @ 13:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Media: GreatAZO 4X DVD+R (100 Pack - 4 Spimdles of 25)
Media Code: QE¢M??PªSU
DVD Burner In Use: Lite-On LDW-401S

that is the link to the media i purchased.

according to the program DVDInfoPro, that is the info on the disc.

dont know if this is needed but also on the program it shows "Implementation id : Spruce Technologies"

basically, these discs IMO arent worth sh*t.

they were on sale for 100 blank discs at the price of i believe $25.99. so i figured a bargain for blank discs, imma try them. also it marks them as "compatible with my burner"

so i recieve the package fairly quick as always.

and out of 7 discs i tried, 5 were coasters. not just that, but when in my drive, these discs caused my drive to sound like it was gonna vibrate out of its dock. it vibrated my whole pc and desk while in use. no other discs have done this before.

ive used ritek and memorex. both brands of dvds never gave me no problems. i now stick with ritek.

but on subject, i wouldnt recommend these discs to no one to be honest. they were a total waste of my money and time.

bad burn turnout, performance sucks, and overall serve no purpose in my opinion other than frustrating a customer lol.

the return process itself wasnt great. i first sent an email to their returns support people to make sure i was able to send them back since they were opened. i did not get 1 response from them the whole time. 6-7 days later i finally got a hold of a phone technician, and situated a return. i did get my money back, but the process IMO for the return took way too long.

although i have purchased from meritline many times now for different products. this instance was the worst.

i wont be buyin any of their discs from that brand, nor will i rely on their online tech/customer support anytime soon

sorry if this is a lil long. its been a while since this bad instance, and everything jus started flowin through my mind again lol.

any questions bout these discs, feel free to ask. ill give u full details of my experience with them.
20. January 2005 @ 22:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Datawrite "yellow" dvd-r 8x

The discs were meant to be Ritek but the come up as a TTG02.

i burned 1 disk successfully and the rest jjust don't write at all.

Got the discs from a computer fair.

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