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2. January 2003 @ 00:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HomerJ or anyone

computers details
1.80Ghz intel Celeron

Video Type : Pal

ok tryed cee

cant seem to get past the first stage
created a dv2 file

then made a avs file infact made two as i red 2 guides on cce

exampile: 1

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth2\plugins\MPEG2DEC.dll")

example 2

LoadPlugin("C:\Program Files\AviSynth2\plugins\MPEG2DEC.dll")

then saved text as ( all files )

Example: 1 Example: 2

bandits.avs bandits.avs.txt.

evertime i drag the file into cce 2.50 it crashes or it says: it hasent a handler to process it

(all mpeg2dec files was put into AviSynth plugin folder)

so i then tryed: VFAPI Reader Codec
converted the file d2v to avi
when entered avi into cce it comes up with: Frame rate 20000/1000 is not supported.supported frame rate are 23.976,24,25,29.97,30,50,59,94,and 60

thats it am stumped ?

here i go again with dvd-calculator only asking this as am playing around with diffrent sowtware to see what i can get.

what's the difference from bytes & bit/s and when you get a value in bytes how do you convert that value to bit/s

say DVD-r calculator gives me a % of 149.6% and rempeg2 only goes to 90%
what do you do with that 149.6%

am I wrong in thinking and just halfing the value of 149.6%
so I get a ruff value of 74% for rempeg2 (its just a guess)

2. January 2003 @ 07:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


Your example 1 looks just fine.

An example from mine :-


I assume you have the "mpeg2dec.dll" file in the correct directory (double check)

For simplicity, I put mine in the root of C:\ (not good practise I know, but it works.

What text editor did you use for creating your *.avs file.

I use Notepad. This can be a bit quirky, when it come to file extensions (it likes to name everything *.txt)

Double check you *.avs file in DOS to make sure. It might be something like *.avs.txt if your not careful.

There is a way of checking AviSynth, on it's own I'll do some checking around.

Stop messing with Rempeg !!! Stick with CCE !!


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. January 2003 @ 07:32

2. January 2003 @ 08:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Just one small point, please list the versions of the applications you are using.

This might be part of the problem.

I use the following :-

DVD2AVI ver 1.76
Avisynth ver 2.04
CCE SP ver 2.5

2. January 2003 @ 08:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

One other small point, what operating system are you using.

If you are using XP try changing the "compatability mode".

To do this, right click the CCE icon and then the "compatability" TAB.

I have to run mine under Windows NT SP5, before it runs properly

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3. January 2003 @ 11:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

fist before i start i am greatful for the time your taking with me.

my computer
Win Xp (home)
1.8 GHz celeron

Tools Using
DVD2AVI 1.77.3
SmartRipper 2.41
CCE 2.50.1
AviSynth 2

i thought ile take you step by step so you will see were am going wrong

step 1: riped the DVD with SmartRipper
rip-method = movie
stream processing = Demux to extra file (m2v)

step 2: opened DVD2AVI

settings: Audio
Track Number = Track 1
output Method = Demux(ac3,mpa,dts)
Dolby Digtal Decode = Dynamic Control - Normal
48 - > 44.1KHz = off

settings: Options
Process Priority = High
Local Language = English

settings: Video
iDCT Algorithm = 32-bit SSE2 mmx
Field Operation = Forced Field
Color Space = YUV 4:2:2
YUV->RGB = Pc Scale

Load: m2v file that smartripper had made and save it to my folder called "DVDDUMP" as movie.d2v

step 3: opened bitrate and run the m2v file and
copyed and pasted the info that i got and put it into notepad and saved it to mt desktop

step 4: made my avs
opened note pat and wrote:


then saved it as all files to DVDDUMP folder as sample.avs

step 5: opened CCE
then draged the avs file into CCE ( program then crashes )

Wee Bit More INFO: LOADED AviSynth 2 into computer
my Question is : what is it ment to do it doesent seem to be connected to any program ?

so i have a folder called DVDDUMP
and there are only 2 files sitting inside ( movie.d2v = 499KB and sample.avs = 1KB )

hope you can make something out of this
as am hitting my head off a wall.



"compatability mode". tryed as you said still no joy
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3. January 2003 @ 13:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate , if you are backing up a pal dvd you should have the field set to none in dvd2avi , this should give you the correct frame rate for the movie, I use dvd2avi, VFAPI reader,then cce , never had a problem , try the guide at, select dvd guides ,method 4 CCE, very straught forward and breaks it down into manageable steps
3. January 2003 @ 14:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


Stop hitting your head (it must be hurting by now, you'll end up with a headache !!)

Down below, I have attempted to use your template and "overlayed" mine.

step 1: riped the DVD with SmartRipper
rip-method = movie
stream processing = NOT CHECKED

After using Smartripper, all you should be left with is a "VOB" set (4 or 5 VOBs normally, but could be more) and a *.ifo file.

So, the movie has been ripped, but both video and audio streams are still contained in the VOB set.

step 2: opened DVD2AVI

Here there are a few differences (I'm using ver 1.76 don't forget)

Audio> Track Number>Track 1
Channel Format > Auto Select
Dolby Digital>Demux
Mpeg Audio>Demux

Process Priority = Normal

settings: Video
iDCT Algorithm = 32-bit SSE2 mmx
Field Operation = None
Color Space = YUV 4:2:2
YUV->RGB = TV Scale

Step 2


Click on the first VOB file the ADD. DVD2AVI will add all the other files for you.

Then click Save Project.

What you are doing here is creating a *.ac3 file (compressed audio track) and a *.d2v file. This file is used by AviSynth. Most important.

Your step 3 below, don't understand, you don't need it.

step 3: opened bitrate and run the m2v file and
copied and pasted the info that I got and put it into notepad and saved it to my desktop

The part below looks just fine

step 4: made my avs
opened note pad and wrote:


then saved it as all files to DVDDUMP folder as sample.avs

Step 5 below, hopefully by this time things should start to work OK (your files have been generated by different systems.

step 5: opened CCE
then draged the avs file into CCE ( program then crashes )

Wee Bit More INFO: LOADED AviSynth 2 into computer
my Question is : what is it meant to do it doesent seem to be connected to any program ?

You're right about AviSynth, It "just sits there" but that's OK. If you want to learn more about AviSynth chekout there is a section dedicated soley to AviSynth. It's a very powerful tool.

so i have a folder called DVDDUMP
and there are only 2 files sitting inside ( movie.d2v = 499KB and sample.avs = 1KB )

hope you can make something out of this
as am hitting my head off a wall.

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4. January 2003 @ 05:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

first thanx to mikeh4692 for tell me about force frame as i was getting 20frames whith dvd2avi now am getting 25frames

hi HomerJ

just printed out your guilde am doing it right now fingers crost

Q: are your videos pal or NTSC as mine are pal

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. January 2003 @ 05:25

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4. January 2003 @ 05:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

tryed your guild still crashes ?

but converted the d2v file through VFAPIconverter

and i can bring the file through to cce i use the guilde to it asks me to encode
but it keeps coming up with:( couldent find apporate video codec for vifp )

do you know what cce is trying to tell me.

4. January 2003 @ 06:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I'm PAL the same as you.

[b]and i can bring the file through to cce i use the guilde to it asks me to encode
but it keeps coming up with:( couldent find apporate video codec for vifp ) [/b]

Not sure what this means, I'll do a bit of searching.

But first, when you open CCE, next step is to right click in the main screen area, to "Add" your file (in this case the *.avs file)

Does this part happen OK ?

4. January 2003 @ 06:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I think i have sorted out your problem, you need to download another program.

Then Downloads>Support Utils>

Then select the VFAPI utility. Download it and then install it, and try again.

Sorry about that.

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5. January 2003 @ 03:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Hi dude that codec was the missing peace in the very big jigsaw
Fired all the files into dvd2avi and activated it that was that.

Had a problem with cce 2.50 (wasn?t very stable)
So I downloaded the new version 2.66 seems to be working great
Setup on cce 2.66 is totally different going to have to mess about with it.

Haven?t tryed the first way yet (dragging the *.avs file into cce
Tryed the outher way converting with VFAPI READER

Q: is there a diffrice in quality by first method and the second method or any outher kind of diffrince
(Dragging the *.avs or converting with VFAPI READER)

Ok encoded my first film with cce only watched 10 to 20min looks great even tho
I have squashed the whole film (1hr 40min) to 1.4GB even at this size the quality is like the original film (cool)

This is what am looking for as am compiling 2 films to one DVD-r
Am glad you pushed me to learn cce (no jerkier picture)
Hope now thats me reached the end of that long road
It was getting tiresome I think you would agree.

(Shame about the watermark - some size of a watermark)

Q2: is there any film that cce will not handle like rempeg ?

Will keep you informed tell you if every thing runs smooth.

Now this is were I thank everyone for all the help giving to me
And everyone that looked in and couldn?t help thanks for looking.

But a very big thanks to Homerj who stuck by me
And by all the help from you I hope they will be a time I can do the same
To anyone on the board
Thanks to afterdawn.


5. January 2003 @ 05:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Pleased to read you finally made it.

Q: is there a diffrice in quality by first method and the second method or any outher kind of diffrince
(Dragging the *.avs or converting with VFAPI READER)

As far as I'm aware there is no difference.

Q2: is there any film that cce will not handle like rempeg ?

Not as far as I am aware of (That's why I suggested this method in the first place)

By the way, why are you squeezing 2 movies per DVD-r surely that defeats the object of the exercise ? (maintaining best quality)

HomerJ :)

As for the watermark, you'll have to get a better copy won't you.
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5. January 2003 @ 16:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

By the way, why are you squeezing 2 movies per DVD-r surely that defeats the object of the exercise ? (maintaining best quality)

yes your are right.
but this has been an Exercise since i was giving a DVD-R with 3 films on one disk
the Quality was very poor and i wanted to see
if i could get any better.
and cce seems to do that.

i have had good Successes in so little time
the 2 films are of 85% to 90% Quality (some pixils when the film gets really fast like car chases or skydivers) when the films about 1.3GBs. but if i can get the films values to 2GBs each then you cant really tell the diffrence between the original.

and with cce only taking about 2hrs to encode its Worth finding out the results.

youve got to remember 2 good quality films to one disk keeps the cost down.

6. January 2003 @ 08:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I can understand the cost bit, but good quality media can now be bought for just over £1 each.

Anyway best of luck for the future.

Junior Member
6. January 2003 @ 09:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi mate , you asked if cce had any problem with certain films , I treid to back up "chewing the fat", the picture seamed to have a jerky sychodelic motion to it the dvd was 6 episodes ,I just split them over two discs , possibley as they were shot on video and not film :0D
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6. January 2003 @ 11:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

were are you getting your disks & what type are they ?

mine are costing me £2.50 Each Type are Traxdata 1x
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6. January 2003 @ 11:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

can you copy a dvd say something like band of brothers.

just as you would a normal dvd or is there more to it.

am asking as i read on the board someware that you had to join the episodes through ms-dos
6. January 2003 @ 11:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I get my discs from :- or

Both very reputable.

Use either Datawrtie Classic, or any from lynxdv. Read what ian has to say about RITEK.

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6. January 2003 @ 23:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I get my disc's from silicon concepts , in scotland and they are £1 each , buy in 25 pack
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6. January 2003 @ 23:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry I think my discs are only 1X , they are purple and silver in colour and at £1 each give great play back:0)
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7. January 2003 @ 00:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks dudes


Datawrtie Classic whats the playback like on them. what i mean is do you get the full use of the disk unlike Bulkpaq your lucky to get 10 to 30min's before they crash (pixel)

a friend of mine used Datawrtie. dont think they were called Classic but after a wile got nothing but Grief and they dident like playing on ps2 aswell. ?

were do i read what ian says

one more thing. you use spruceup dont you
i found it to be really easy program to use
but my Question is can you add sub's to spruceup
or am i asking to much from it.


you never really siad what type you were using ?

and is silicon concepts a shop or a website
if a shop were about in scotland as am from scotland and i might be near it.
just the city or town will do thanx


i think you are right am going to stick to Quality. it is fine havining two films on one disk but then Quality wins hands down.

7. January 2003 @ 12:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Since using the Datawrite Classic media and burning images, I've had no problems with playback whatsoever, and I always try to make maximum use of disc space.

Check out what Ian says at :

As for Spruce Up, yes, a great little programme, BUT it does NOT support subtitles.

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8. January 2003 @ 01:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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8. January 2003 @ 01:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

sorry about that last post , slip of the typeing key's

traxdata , silicone concepts have three stores , one in a town called alloa and the other two in edinburgh ,

btw where are you from , im from Stirling
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