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17. October 2005 @ 14:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Stardate - 10/17/2005- Captain's log ! made another journey to planet Blockbuster in the Dumpster nebula ! This was a productive mission ! I boldly went where hopefully no dumpster diver had been before! Found 40 cases scattered amongst the dumpster floor like so many pearls before swine! OINQUE ! And NailedNy you would have been proud of me I actually went full on into the Cubicle of Doom (DUMPSTER) and rooted around and made my second biggest haul 40 cases + a couple of the paper ones and I also hit the other 2 BB's and found 2 more ! I know that this would be smal potato's for you but Hey! our blockbusters are'nt the size of texas and their dumpsters are average /small sized your dumpsters must have their on area code ! LOL! They had a lot of dvd's down in the dumpster too but they had already run them through the DISC DESTROYER so they were basically trash ! all in all a pretty good day for me ! Hope all y'all are cleaning up too ! Peace! Safe Diving !, Happy Hunting , Happy Burning ! & DIVE ,DIVE ,DIVE - "FREE IS FREE"
Junior Member
19. October 2005 @ 02:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@BigToxy: LOL You crack me up :)

I buy the 5 pack Staples brand DVD cases (not the slim ones). I wait until they come on sale for like 2 bucks and then I grab a shopping cart and go to town. I make a copy of my original DVD, put the original and its case away, and put the duplicate up on the shelves. I like to display them but I don't like risking my originals. Thats my personal addiction for DVD printing hehe

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet, the will to go on.
Everytime you use bad media, God kills a kitten with old Princo disks. Please, think of the kittens...
19. October 2005 @ 03:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Glad this thread's still going, it went quiet for a while. I look forward to updates on this thread :)

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
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19. October 2005 @ 03:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Way to go Big!!!! I am proud. I am still on vacation in KW where there is just one BB. They use original covers on their shelves and they lock their dumpster. Imagine that, like someone might go thru their trash. I am chomping at the bit that I might be missing big bags of covers while I am away. My best friend was suppose to do a dive or two for me but.................Well, I'll be home Fri night and take a quick dive Sat. I'll be back. Weather is beautiful but we are getting ready for Wilma here,
Junior Member
19. October 2005 @ 05:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
All of the places nearby refuse to give thier old DVD cases or even to let a person go in the dumpster themselves... and they do lock it as well. I figure, if they aren't going to want or need them let someone else have a crack at it.

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet, the will to go on.
Everytime you use bad media, God kills a kitten with old Princo disks. Please, think of the kittens...
Senior Member
19. October 2005 @ 06:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
SolShrike-Thanks I try ! The lock thing is bad news luckily the three BB's I frequent don't lock & one hardly ever dumps cases but ,ya' still gotta look ! SolShrike perhaps if you have the time to watch one or more of the blockbusters near you you can catch them before they dump and offer to haul those bags away for them ? Or maybe talk to the actual manager and not the clerk working the counter and see if the will sell them to you extra cheap! like say .05 or .10 cents each anything higher than that you can get new! just a thought ! ALSO SolShrike sofar it's just BB that dumps dvd cases and vhs cases too ! so asking other places or checking their dumpsters may be fruitless ! well you might find some rotten fruit in there but you know what I mean! if I had one dvd case for every VHS case I found & threw back I could open my own BB ! LOL! but true!nailedny! Glad your still with us G.I. Joe Capri pants and all! Don't throw away your costumes just yet They still have'nt decided who they want to play WONDERWOMAN in an upcoming movie No Bull**** ! saw it on yahoo again recently ! Miss Lynda ! (Carter) the Wonderwoman from the series said that should pick an unknown like she was before she got the part! My 2 cents worth it's a tie between Angelina Jolie & some New lady that likes G.I. Joe Capri pants ! and who can swing a mean boathook! But Angelina won't return my calls! except with two word messages ! Restraining order! & Brad Pitt wants to kick the living(^((*&*()&)) out of me so I guess I'll give my vote to the boathook lady LOL!creaky well as long as there is one dvd case left to dive for and the dumpster to dive for it in on my end I'll try to keep it going and for whatever it's worth we enjoy your post too so keep'em coming ! Well hope everyone makes out okay with Hurricane Wilma - I had about 20 people at my house from new orleans for the last two so I'm not looking forward to another one this soon or atleast until next year! So to creaky , Nailedny, SolShrike- and all our little Dumspterketeers! Happy Hunting, Safe diving, Peace & Happy Burning ! "FREE IS FREE!" CiaO !

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. October 2005 @ 06:45

Junior Member
19. October 2005 @ 09:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just might do that Toxy, thanks :) Perhaps this weekend I'll make a visit to my local BB and ask them about thier DVD cases. Gawd you crack me up BT lol Lawdy lawdy I love this forum :)

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet, the will to go on.
Everytime you use bad media, God kills a kitten with old Princo disks. Please, think of the kittens...
Senior Member
19. October 2005 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
SolShrike- Thanx I Try ! If you really get bored ! check out some of the earlier post !By Fine friends & members like Jvc, Nailed, Creaky , neodave, and of course yours truly some of them are downright humorous even ! Also to any of our friends I did'nt specifically mention I mean no disrespect just can't remeber everyone off the top of my shaggy sasquatchian head! so apologies offered if needed! As MONTY PYTHON would say " And now for something completely different" STARDATE 10/19/2005 12:00 PM Once again made the trip to Planet Blockbuster in the not too distant dumpster nebula ! And even though I have the Universal translator switched on, I felt strangely compelled to rent Interpretor! I managed to put my tractor beam and rather large hands on the only copy left ! I then continued my search for strange new videos that We have'nt seen before ! Batman Begins perhaps! but perhaps not as all copies had taken wing LOL! And Lo! i did continue ! Soon I was approached by the comely and oh! so UHURA like manager of this spiral of the blockbuster galaxy! Me thinks mayhaps she just could'nt resist the cologne EU De Sasquatch # 7 , Gets them every time ! But actually she only wanted to shower me with gifts , Well actaully just gift a blockbuster mouse pad with an advert for the online version ! and tout ! it's value and selection over instore ! Sounds Like Darth Blockbuster wants to do away with the franchises & employees and compete with the NETFLIX DEATHSTAR! And although she tried the Jedi mind trick on me I deflected her sales pitch ! with the all powerful chant! of " I'll have to ask my wife first" Works everytime ! After a little more chit chatt ! Elvis has just left the building ! I proceeded to the Dumpster of Doom once again ! Hoisting myself on my own Petard ! and pulling myself up by my bootstraps ! I assualted the dumpster ! It was really more like up the box spring & over the dumpster rim & into the piles I went! lots Of paper & assorted trash ! including Wire shelving , lots of VHS library cases And a humongas amount of dvd cases I grabbed what I could see at first and put them into the truck/Shuttlecraft! Then throwing caution to the wind I extracted A fresh Garbage bag from my supply and dove back in finding more and more cases as I looked ! and into my bag they did go ! Some guy in a red Suburban stopped and stared at me ! I gave him the Sasquatchian version of the GAS FACE and he left ! He might have been KLingon in disguise! the dumpster was so full my upper body was visible above the Dumpster CONTAINMENT VESSEL " cinderblock enclosure" after nearly filling the bag I could not see anymore cases easily and did'nt want to stay inside the dumsopter too long - Or Uhura and a few of her redshirts might catch 'em a Bigfoot ! so extricating myself & My Booty ( The cases I Mean) I loaded up out & over and back to the truck/shuttlecraft! While in this Galaxy I visited 2 other dumpsters but was rewarded with nothing ! Having not slept since 10:00 p,m , 10/18/2005 I purchased some sugary sustenance & caffiene laden cola to refresh my inner sasquatch ! and returned to base! Totals for cases this voyage 84 out of one dumpster ! not including the paper & plastic kind ! So NailedNY & NeoDAVE I'm not up to your level but I'm trying ! Also got one double case with one dvd still in it Cleopatra The classic Elizabeth Taylor movie ! Hey so it's only the bonus disc It still might work ? And as WE say " FREE IS FREE " Hope I amused some of you anYway ! SO Happy HUNTING , SaFE DIVING , PEACE & HAPPY BURNING , Hail To the queen ! & BBQ SAUCE ! CIAO!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. October 2005 @ 13:44

19. October 2005 @ 14:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Feels good don't it. Can't put'em in your bag fast enough. In the last week and a half I've accumulated exactly 21 cases. Given the current gas prices and number of dumpsters those 21 'free' cases cost me about a buck a piece. Absolutely the worst luck I've had to date. I'm hoping for a productive Saturday. I'm sure BB got about a bizillion copies of Batman Begins. I'm just hoping the original cases find their way to the dumpster. Last weekend I cleaned and boxed 1812 of the cases. Come to find out I do have a floor in my computer room. I think I may be a little more picky about the keepers. Some of the stickers on the cases require slightly less than dynamite to remove. I have developed my favorite cases. Those are the ones that didn't get boxed up. Best of luck. Get'em while you still can!
Senior Member
19. October 2005 @ 15:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
neodave- I hear you , I'm kinda partial to the Phlourescent Booger green ones myself & the doubles ! Guess I'm just different that way! The manager tried to talk me into the online version vs. instore ! might even do it wuth the price of gas & all lucky for me there happens to be a Blockkbuster on the same street as the gas station so two birds with one stone! and I live Beyond the Pavement a they say ! So far in the country we gets sunlight on alternate thursdays and mondays! so when I go I make a trip of it get movies , find cases check multiple 3 bb's ! I guess you can look at it like deer hunting ! by the time you add up the cost of your rifle& scope , ammo - club membership if any , cost of a atv ect! you could just go buy some pork or beef or whatever and come out way cheaper ! I do understand what you mean though ! But it's not all about the money you save ! it 's also about the thrill of the chase & the lure of the hunt! and saving money too I agree with you on that ! cause "FREE IS FREE " well Most of the time anyway ! Well neodave & all the lttle and not so little DUMPSTERKETEERS ! Good hunting!, Safe Diving !, Peace & Happy Burning ! " FREE IS FREE except the shipping charges are a bear! " peace Ciao!!!
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19. October 2005 @ 17:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wow, you have been busy big. I am jealous. I haven't done a dive in over a week. Hope there are still some left for me. Neodave, what are you going to do with 1800 cases???? How many dvd's are in your collection? How about you Big? I do share my cases with my daughter and my friend. So I need a lot. I don't know how many I have in stock in my garage. I can't remember if I told you guys about all the dvd cases I found with working dvd's in them. Taking Lives, Stuck on You, Trama, a few more that I can't think of right now. Now that was a find. Free is really Free in that case.
19. October 2005 @ 18:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nailedny I have around 800 in my DVD collection right now. Many of my finds will certainly be shared with family. I know I really don't need any more at least not right now. I feel compelled however to bury as many nuts as I can just in case of a bad winter. Never know when there may be a DVD case crisis.
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20. October 2005 @ 04:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I hear you neodave. Can't get enough. AND I really won't be diving in the snow. Well, I say that now. It is always the thrill of the hunt. Who goes on vacation and checks out BB???? me. My husband says I have enough and threatens to throw mine in the dumpster (imagine that, I go in a dumpster to get them and he throws them in my dumpster). I might have to kill him with his own boat hook. So now I have to dive and not tell him. Then when he is not looking unload my new cases, like they've always been there. Free is Free..............
20. October 2005 @ 04:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"Husband threatened to throw them in a dumpster" - LMFAO.. I'm out walking and reading this thread and I burst out laughing, must have got a few funny looks. I always seem to be out and about when you lot reply to this thread lol..

Keep it up

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
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20. October 2005 @ 04:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nailedny & neodave ! I hear ya'S I like burying my nuts too! LOL! never actaully counted how many dvd's either commercial or homemade in my collection but would guestimate about 175 to 200 ish but some were copied from vhs to dvd+r on my Philips DVDr 72 stand alone dvd recorder /settop so they have like 2 or 3 movies on them and a few are VCD= VIDEO CD's made on my Terapin Video recorder but those are'nt actually dvdd's so guess they don't count! Nailedny sounds like you might be Taking Lives pretty soon ! just go easy on your man cause he's Stuck on You and besides you would'nt want to cause him any Trauma now would you? Besides your gonna need a manager when Hollywood calls With the WONDERWOMAN MOVIE ROLE! lol! Nice to hear from everyone again ! II have to visit another dumpster now but It won't have DVD cases in it so ! Happy Hunting !, Safe Diving , "FREE IS FREE" , Peace & Happy Burning! Ciao Y'all

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. October 2005 @ 04:49

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20. October 2005 @ 04:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
creaky* Yeah! you can't make stuff like this up ! Well some of it we can but hey as long as noboby's hurt or really offended ! everyones happy so ! Smile on my friends !
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21. October 2005 @ 16:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm Bacccccccccccccccccck. Safe from Wilma, and right back to the dumpsters. Hit 3 today. 1st one, 2 cases 7 t-shirts and best of all a blockbuster employee goft shirt. I am afraid to tell you my plans with that shirt. I'm going to put on a pair of kaki pants and that shirt and go in and tell them I am there to take out the trash. Trash with cases in it of course. lol!! 2nd dumpster, 52 cases. 3rd, 49 cases and some Pharmaceutical rep dumpted his trash in this one. Packages of drug magnets, tablets, mini flashlights,computer case, briefcase and shopping bags. I was in deep, moving around all of that stuff to get to the cases. Free, was really free today. My best friend did come with me today and was a big help. She bought a small flashlight for night diving and thought we needed it so she was using the lazer part point to all sorts of stuff in there. I was laughing my a** off and again could barely get out of the third one. I had my sneaker stuck in a box that I was using to boost myself up. This is just toooooooooo much fun. Big, where do I send my audition tape for the Wonder Woman part?????
21. October 2005 @ 19:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nice to have you back. Sounds like BB welcomed you back also. Nice haul. I'm heading out in the AM to give it a shot. Cases are great but the surprise bonuses make it extra special. Congrats.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. October 2005 @ 19:01

Junior Member
22. October 2005 @ 03:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think Toxy has started an epidemic! :) This thread should be renamed to BIGTOXY's Guide To DVD Dumpster Diving... For Free!


Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet, the will to go on.
Everytime you use bad media, God kills a kitten with old Princo disks. Please, think of the kittens...
Junior Member
22. October 2005 @ 09:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can try using a CD wallet-book if you burn a lot of DVD's/CD's. Hold a lot and not take up a lot of room.
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22. October 2005 @ 09:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Videoboi,Thanks but we just want to climb in and out of dumpsters and tell everyone what we find, how many we find and how we go about getting what we find. Right guys???? We don't do anything with the cases we just talk about it. AND most importantly, FREE IS FREE. Your idea is a good one, but I started making all these covers for my collection and now I kinda wish I did it your way.
Junior Member
22. October 2005 @ 09:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, sorry about that, I just thought I would make a suggestion. I was looking for some cases too for our vacations videos, but I have the case, but no paper or template to make the cover design.
22. October 2005 @ 10:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Saturday = 3 Dumpsters and 17 cases. Pathetic. I passed on about 6 or 8 that had been sitting in chocolate milk or something. At least the ones I found still had the inserts inside. Maybe the end of the month will be better.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. October 2005 @ 10:42

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22. October 2005 @ 10:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
videoboi, I am so sorry if I came off snotty. I didn't mean to be and I apoligize. We love suggestions here. You can use any paper you want and find a templet at Meritline. It's called meritline ez label express. It is a free download and I love it. If you need to make covers you can find just about anything at Please forgive me if I offended you.
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22. October 2005 @ 10:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh neodave, 21 is better than nothing. Did you have to dive in the rain?? That is kind of fun. Chocolate milk, yum. Get yourself some donuts and jump in. > forums > general discussion > all other topics > dumpster diving !

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