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dumpster diving !
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17. November 2005 @ 03:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
SolShrike- WE already have a Queen (NAILEDNY) but since she is the only Lady type person post to this thread I suppose that would make her princess too ! by defualt ( No disrespect meant NailedNY) For prince or King I would elect ! Wait for it!!!!! Wait For It !!!!! Okay! GO! = JVC as he was pretty much the progenitor of this thread! and is already our PROPHETIC POTENTATE OF PLASTIC!!!! As for you SolShrike you can be heir apparent !!! (CROWN PRINCE) !!! and HEIR to the THRONE !!! for myself I would reserve the positions of COURT JESTER (AKA-FOOL) and (Grande Poobah & LORD High Everything else!!!) Isn't the trait of modesty great? Glue eater ! can be Deacon of Dumpster & Exalted Ali Baba of the shrine ! GLUE EATER get that damn HARLEY DAVIDSON of the high dive board now !!!!!! CREAKY can be our Wizard defering to his great wizdom! Neodave can be our interior decorator because he gets all the cool colored cases! LOL! Neodave you can be queens champion If the Queen does not object ! pacpicchub can be our Minister of reclamation ! Also Just notice That I had double posted earlier So Sorry ! 1000 pardons offendi! All other Royal positions are open on an 1st come 1st served basis ! Hope everyone enjoys their HOLIDAYS !!!!! Happy Hunting,Safe Diving !Burn Kado Burn!!! !!!!SolShrike perhaps the artistically talented amongst us should design a dumpster diver symbol or flag sort of like diver down flag Only different ! " LADIES AND GENTLEMAN ELVIS HAS JUST LEFT THE BUILDING!!!!!CIAO!!
17. November 2005 @ 04:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh, man... after reading your posts about BB throwing the DVD cases in the dumpster I decided to check my local BB, and give it a try. So I go, find the dumpster, and man, first of all... WTF is that smell... anyway... that sh#t looks nasty so I used gloves to open it, and then the smell just jumps right to my face... so I glance over to look if there are any DVD cases.... and man... there is all sort of sh#$t in there.... I look around and realize, there is a damn Taco Bell, and a damn CVS... so you can imagine that dumpster... filled with white bags with the "biohazard" symbol on it, and then the taco bell bags... oh, man, it was terrible... some needles... and the smell... no way... I have to find another Blockbuster....
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17. November 2005 @ 05:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Jauzzi yes in general it's best to find a BB that has it's own dumpster or atleast one that does'nt share witha fast food palce or clinic ! I have three that I frequent and only find cases at two of them on a regular basis ! So pick another and try again ! you may find a little food residue = Employees lunch leavings but never as bad as ones that share with a FF place ! As to whjat's that smell well in the words of Dan Rather " IF IT LOOKS LIKE A DUCK, QUACKS LIKE A DUCK , SMELS LIKE A DUCK ect... " you get the picture ! & remeber water & soap are cheaper than dvd cases ! Most of the ones I find are new clean to slightly dirty only rarely do you find a gunky one! Mostly gum/taffy =candy gunk ( No BIOHAZARDS yET!) Soap & water A little elbow grease& your there ! occasionally if the DVD case has stickers on it a product called GOO Gone comes in handy but you can get by with out it most times ! Rubbing alcohol sometimes helps remove the stickum too! Jauzzi hope you have better success on your next attempt ! if you have'nt already browse some of the older post in this thread to see what others have had to deal with & how they overcame any difficulties ! also at the risk of being concieted some of them your included are just damn! funny ! Try again my friend! Peace Happy BURNING , Safe Diving !, Happy Hunting , Happy HOLIDAYS ! & GOOD LUCK! CIAO!!!!
18. November 2005 @ 08:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just ran quickly through this thread and think it's hilarious. I just started my DVD library so I'm curious. After you dive and get tons and tons of cases, what do you do with them? Are you really burning that many CDs/DVDs that you need to store them in nice cases? Or is it more of an addiction to "having just a few more cases just in case I need them" :)

Love the forum, keep it up.
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18. November 2005 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rberger, I ask myself that same question every time I get in a dumpster. I really have tons on cases in my garage, like 500. Neodave has 1800. I have a little over 300 dvd's in my collection and wonder how many more I am going to collect. I do share my cases with my daughter and a friend but 500? really. I thought I was going to be finished for the winter, no more diving for me, I was leaving the gym (first time back since May) can you say fat
f---? I was going to pass right by one of my BB. I said no I said yes I said what the hell. So I pull in, unlock my car and take a peak. There it was a clear bag with covers. What do I do, not dive in that's for sure but pull the bag out and load 15 cases in my car. I go to throw the bag baqck in when I spot another clear bag. I could not keep the liod open while I boosted myself over to get the other bag. That lid is so heavy. Where is your best friend when you need her? So I did not check the other bag. However I am going to tell myself that there were none in that bag. At least on the side I could see. Anyway, as Big says free is free and it is soooooooo much fun, I swear. Happy Diving and addiction.
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18. November 2005 @ 12:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rberger- Yes in a word " Free Is FREE " is the quote you'll hear around this thread! It's addictive not in the narcotic or gambling sense more like peanuts ! Or for our younger members just think POKEMON' Gottta get'em all ! It's the thrill of the chase , the smell of the hunt ! ( well the smell of garbage actually!! LOL!) Plus your saving the enviorment from mean nasty plastic DVD cases that will breakdown in the enviorment oh! in afew gillion AEONS! so you doing the world a favor and getting paid in free dvd cases ! And it's fun you get something for free well you got to get them out ther dumpster 1st. & you also get something to talk about here! with all the other Dumpster-itis infected people Thanx JVC !!! or perhaps we should just call it dumpster- dementia!!! LOL! CD's I useed to burn My little Tushie off !! but have Gotten more into the DVD Arena !! Think about it your paying .30 -.50 cents or more per dvd & the cost of the original your backing up & you investment in time why not put them in nice strong cases especially if they are free! rberger! You sound like you're in the early stages & about to turn! So Welcome aboard ! HappY Hunting!, HappY BUrning!!, Safe Diving !, & Happy Holidays!
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18. November 2005 @ 12:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
11/18/2005- Did the dumpster thang! @ 3 local BB's Net total 1 dvd case! Which would be deppressing but I was happy because it was at the BB that never has any dvd cases in it's dumpster!! It even had a dvd in it ! Destroyed By the Dimple-ator Oh! well"FREE IS FREE !" even if it's just one ! Happy Holidays !,Happy Hunting ,Safe Diving !, Peace & Happy Burning!
18. November 2005 @ 14:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ha ha ha, you guys/gals crack me up. Of course ***I*** stopped by my BB on the way home today. I went in to ask (because my video camera records on mini-DVDs, yeah, that's a good story, I'm sticking to it...) and the guy said they don't get the cases like that anymore. They come shipped in the regular case ready for rental.

He said to come back early afternoon on Sunday which is when they transfer the game CD/DVDs. He said they have like 10-20 and I'm welcome to them. Looks like I have a stop to make before picking up my son before Sunday School lets out... :)
18. November 2005 @ 15:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Crack Cocaine has nothing on free DVD cases.

Toxy and the rest of you freaks...

Got about 30 of the dark blue game cases today. Seems like that is all that is there anymore. There are hundreds of the holders that look like the older paper style dvd cases with the paper torn off. Only I think there never was the paper part. I am not a big fan of the game type cases. They are better than a sharp stick in the eye but I much prefer the BB lockables and tradition DVD cases. I might have to put the old long-johns on and give Saturday AM a try. I hope all your dumpsters are full for the holidays. Enjoy.
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18. November 2005 @ 18:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
rberger- and I get disgusted when I find one of them little dvd cases takes all kinds!
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19. November 2005 @ 09:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Of all the forums I post on, this has to be the best thread ever.
19. November 2005 @ 09:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this is indeed one of my fave threads too. keep up the good work Dumpster Divers, i always enjoy the latest episodes of this thread

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
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25. November 2005 @ 05:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What to do with 'extra' cases? Give them to me! No really, give them to charity.
We have a community centre in our neighbourhood, here in Toronto, where they have yard sales every so often. They co-ordinate donations from locals and the profits go to programs for kids or equipment for the gym and such. Last year they bought a block tickets and sent 30 children with a few parents and volunteers to see our local NBA team. The announcer even welcomed the gang during one of the stops in the game. Very exciting for these kids who normally would not get this chance.
I lived in Vancouver, for a summer about 10 years ago and I remember there was somewhat of a dumpster diving community. There were alternative community organizations that would publish all sorts of survivalist information like the address of a particular large bakery that puts out 'overstock' every 'Wonder'ful thursday and things like that as well as locations of soup kitchens and YMCAs.
Please note, PLASTICS do not last forever! I saw this great show on TLC about the decomposition of plastics, documenting the research done by the faculty of chemistry at the University of Toronto and was commissioned by the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum). The lead researcher, I don't remember her name, performed tests on many different types of plastic and concluded that everybody should throw away anything made of plastic after 2-5 years depending on the grade/quality. Although plastic products may seem to retain their shape over long periods of time and sometimes even their colour, the fact remains that plastics do decompose releasing small amounts of toxic gases as they approach their designed lifespan and accelerating their toxicity afterwards. (Have you ever wonder why those first CDs you burned years ago warped or discoloured? This is caused by a chemical change. Over time plastics decompose and harmful chemicals are released.)
This research proved important to the Museum as the curators had previously noticed staining on some key displays, namely egyptian fabrics that had survived a couple of thousand years with their vibrant colours intact. It turns out that the reproduction jewelry, made of high quality plastic, bleached the fabrics in a matter of 5-7 years. Other cheaper plastics fared even worse in testing. The show ended on an alarmist note prompting me to throw out my cutlery tray right away. I now look suspiciously at any hand-me-down plastic toy bestowed upon my 6 month old son, smile politely and say thank you to the giver, then replace it with something new as soon as we get home, especially if it's something that will find it's way into his mouth, which is everything.
I have since seen a report regarding in-home air-quality, from an EPA website or something like that, encouraging the selection of prefinished metal or fabric blinds for your windows and balcony doors instead of vynil or cheap plastic. (Have you ever wondered ... if you answered no again just read on anyway ... why your vinyl blinds changed colour over the winter? Yup, you guessed it, release of harmful chemicals.
So, remember to replace your plastics every once in a while, even if the big oil/petroleum companies would have us all believe that plastic lasts forever, and that some wars are fought for idealistic purposes.
Sorry about the long post/rant.
paco out
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26. November 2005 @ 02:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
pacpicchu- Finally a member who is as wordy and verbose as me LOL! seriously ! I'm just teasing you ! Actually was a very interesting post! thank you and keep 'em coming !
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26. November 2005 @ 02:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
neodave- I finally found 1 ! Just 1 of the really cool colored DVD cases ! meaning that it was not white black or Booger Green! It was a nice blue one and a double case to boot ! So I dove in for that bad boy ! SO your not elte anymore neodave! LOL! Just kidding your still elite in my book! Besides what would our kingdom of DVD Dumpster Diving Dimensions & Dementites do with out our resident interior decorator ! LOL! keep up the good work - Happy Hunting , Safe Diving , Happy Burning & Happy Holidays Peace!
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29. November 2005 @ 13:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
STARDATE11/29/2005- Captains Log ! The captain almost hurt his log exploring a Dumpster in a nearby spiral of the blockbuster galaxy ! OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL! Thankfully no permanent cellular damage ! My wife won't let me have a celly ! LOL! The mission was successful though I managed to tractor beam 104 dvd cases intp my shuttle craft before departing to a Radioshack ! at impulse speed ! I was also Able to retrieve a great personal risk to myself A free movie ! (28 DAYS LATER ) don't know if it's a good movie or not but apparently the Klingon Empire missed it with their DIMPLE-ATOR Phaser and it appears unscathed ! It's case still had the KLINGON High Command Imperiual yellow seal ( PLASTIC LOCKING device) But I managed to remove it usinging Federation approved Torture Implements (Forceps) Also several of the 104 cases were the BOOGER Green Variety as well as a couple of doubles ! All in all a good voyage ! best too date for moi atleast! And on behalf of the United Federation Of Planets ! Myself & Family & Big jim & the twins ! May we extended to you Seasoned Greetings ! OOPS! I 'm really basted now HiccUP! LOL! Happy Hunting !, Safe Diving !, Happy Burning ! Happy HOLIDATYS Peace! & "FREE IS FREE " Yo ! JOE
29. November 2005 @ 13:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Congrats. It's a windy 24 degrees here. Them metal dumpsters are a tad nippy. On the bright side the garbage should be less pungent.
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29. November 2005 @ 14:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Way to go Big!!!!Aren't you the little show off. I haven't been near a dumpster in weeks. It is a bit cold here too Neodave, and raining buckets. No diving for me tonight. I am going to maybe make a dive on Fri if the snow holds out. Don't know how much I'll do this winter. Think I'll just sit inside and knit. Maybe watch some movies for a change. But you getting such a great haul Big makes me want to run right out. FREE IS certainly Free. How everyone had a great Thanksgiving and is getting ready to the big holiday. Maybe we could all give the gift of cases for xmas. It would save us from the malls and shopping. Wait........did I say that out loud??? Strike that, I love to shop!!!
Junior Member
30. November 2005 @ 02:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I managed to have a VERY weird turn of events this past week. I told my brother about our dumpster diving exploits into the mysterious and otherwordly realm of DVD cases and do you know what he did? He marched right on down to his local BB and asked them straight out for any and all DVD cases they were going to throw away lol They gave him 60 some odd cases and hes sending them to me as a Christmas present! What a guy eh? :)

Hell, as Captain Toxy say... free is free!

Glorious Burning everyone!

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet, the will to go on.
Everytime you use bad media, God kills a kitten with old Princo disks. Please, think of the kittens...
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30. November 2005 @ 02:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
He is missing out on all the fun. Did you tell him that??? Tell him you don't want them if he's not diving for them. Well, ok, don't go that far but do tell him about all the fun ..............
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30. November 2005 @ 04:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just wanted to say "Merry Christmas" to all you charter members of the Dumpster Diving Society.
I hope Santa does the diving for you, on Christmas eve, and brings you plenty! :o)
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30. November 2005 @ 05:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
SolShrike- Kinda takes all the fun out of it don't it ? Also takes the ever present aroma of EU de Garbage out of it too ! So I guess As long as you end up with the cases all's well that ends well ! nailedny we know your secretly knitting a winter WONDERWOMAN costume ! OooooHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Real Angora!!! how can something so soft come off a old goat LOL!Hope you have a warm and prosperous Holidays ! and to everyone May I echo our Pontificating PROPHETIC Potentate Of Plastic JVC! " Merry Christmas" to all you charter members of the Dumpster Diving Society.
I hope Santa does the diving for you, on Christmas eve, and brings you plenty! :o) May your Dumpsters be full of cases , Free DVD's & games and completely free of garbage Except nice cardboard boxes to put them in!may they be safe and clean & critter free = BEES, WASP"S SPIDERS , RODENTS ECT ! And may the BB staff not know you were even there until your gone & home ! SAFE DIVING , HappY Hunting ! Happy BUrning ! " FREE IS FREE " Peace! & 1 to beam up!
30. November 2005 @ 11:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just passing, thought i'd tune in for the latest episode of Dumpster Diving, glad to see it's still going strong..

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
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30. November 2005 @ 11:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
creaky- who Could leave Friends Like these ! Glad your keeping your Seafaring Eye on us Creaky ! Besides we've Already got A village Idot Me! LOL! So we have to always have a place for The Village Elder & wiseman ! Enjoy , BURN & prosper! Peace & Happy Holidays !
30. November 2005 @ 11:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@BIGTOXY69 - lol, i'm on dry land for most of this week, but will be back on the ocean waves soon.

keep up the good work guys/gals

Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules *** > forums > general discussion > all other topics > dumpster diving !

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