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dumpster diving !
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22. July 2006 @ 14:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Come on !

I know you Guys & Girl ( NailedNy ) are out there I can hear you Breathing ! LOL!
AfterDawn Addict
22. July 2006 @ 15:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i'm going diving tonight. i'll see what i can get :-)

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22. July 2006 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Auslander- Good Hunting ! Safe Diving & Good luck !
AfterDawn Addict
23. July 2006 @ 02:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
arg, no booty to be capcha'd, cap'n. i did have some police run-ins, a minor skirmish that almost became a ...well, group fight. and i burned my arm on a cigar. ah well, was mostly a good night :-)

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23. July 2006 @ 08:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well I don't think cop fighting qualifies as an Olympic sport just yet ! But my money's on you in the 20 yard taser dash ! Zap ! OW!! Crackle Ow!!! Me I'm to slow ! May make a dive today weather permitting of couRse ! will post if I do good or bad ! Good luck and the trick is zig zagging when your dodging TASERS OWWWW !!!!!! Ciao!
Senior Member
23. July 2006 @ 13:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Okay Here's Johnny !

Seriously ! went diving today and found 10 cases including one with a copy of It's a wonderful life with Jimmy Stuart ! The version with the THx Sound ! Not a big haul but free is free & a classic movie to boot ! Just thought Y'all would wanna know !
Senior Member
23. July 2006 @ 16:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Nice going Big..........
It's A Wonderful Life is a great movie. I have it, but mine wasn't free!

Senior Member
23. July 2006 @ 16:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello All,

just wanted to say that i went looking on wednesday at blockbuster but had no luck at all.

Another thing is that about a year ago my sister gave me about 3 big boxes full of dvd cases which all still had the front covers in them!
she had got them all from LONGS DRUG STORE, where she stocks wine and alcohol at, she said she saw them in the backroom and asked the people that worked there what they were going 2 do with them, they said throw them away, because LONGS stoped having movies 2 rent, and my sister grabbed all of them. then the next day on her route she asked i think like 3 more LONGS if they had any and she brought another 5 boxes full. LOL

so i haven't had 2 buy any until now, so i figured i would try dumpster diving but had no luck this week, like everybody else says, FREE is FREE

"When I look at the smiles on all the childrens faces, I just know theyre about to jab me with something."- Homer Simpson
Senior Member
26. July 2006 @ 05:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Went tuesday

With Wife in tow ! made a quick look lot's of garbage ! not much else . well it can't be a wondeful life all the time ! I think maybe my local Blockbuster is anti-Xmas they've sure been getting rid of lot's of christmas movies lately ! 300bowler - way to go ! Sister's gotta love 'em especially when they hook you up with dvd cases ! Sometimes you hit the motherlode when you dive ,sometimes just 2's & fews if any but persistance pays off ! and once you make a couple sucsessfull dumpster diving runs it kind get's habit forming ! like peanuts& potato chips . well have a Wonderful Life everyone ! Good luck 300bowler & Jvc & happy hunting!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. July 2006 @ 05:41

Suspended due to non-functional email address
26. July 2006 @ 16:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all. I have been very lazy and busy lately. I haven't done a dive in forever. I had to run out tonight for a minute and decided to do a drive by and check out one of my Blockbusters. I wasn't dressed for a dive and with me was my 6lb, 13 1/2 year old maltese dog. But I would do what I had to, if I had to. So I drive behind the BB and there is a car parked with the doors open and 2 girls sitting in it. I just kind of cruise by them and see a guy standing talking to another guy in a car. To make things worse, I could see a clear bag filled with cases hanging out of the dumpster. I held my breath and drove by all of it. I sat there in my car waiting for all these intruders to leave. No such luck. I will be going back early tomorrow, until then...................
Senior Member
27. July 2006 @ 03:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So Close and yet so far !

It's times like that you mozey over to their car and tell them the Story of THE HOOK ! the urban legend and secretly attach the prostetic claw you've been carrying around with you to their car . Walk away several feet then start Screaming bloody murder about ! It's him , It's him the man with the hook !!! Get out of here Now !!!! If that does'nt work slip into something more comfortable like your Lil' Bo' Peep ! costume then Saunter right up to the dumpster Mumbling " BAAAAHHHH !!! , BAAAAHHHH , BaHHH ! Grab the Dvd case containing bags and stick them in your jeep ! And if the give you any lip you demonstrate your mastery of the ancient martial art of BOAT HOOK-FU !!!!! and hit 'em with your Boat Hook !!!! LOL! good luck & wear some sensible shoes ! LOL! CIAO!!!
Senior Member
27. July 2006 @ 08:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What was that song By the GAP Band ? " Gotta Get Up Early In the Morning ! & Find Me another Dumpster !!! LOL! Good Luck NailedNy ! The WonderWoman Movie spot should be open now Angelina's too busy with Brad and the Brood & making cartoons ! Show up at the Dumpster in your WW costume and do the exploding twirl and I garantee that them thar ' interlopers will leave LOL!!! Hmmmm!!!! Interlopers ! you don't hear that word everyday LOL! Good luck !
Senior Member
27. July 2006 @ 18:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Made another trip & dumpster run today ! 07/27/2006 nothing but trash again ! will try again Saturday if possible ! & update again then! Good luck & safe diving everbody!
Suspended due to non-functional email address
28. July 2006 @ 02:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for all the encouraging words Big! I got to the dumpster at about 645am yesterday and could see the bag still in place. I parked the car, next to a car that was there and left the door open just in case. I can't believe all the people up at that hour, and driving thru this parking lot. I could barely lift the bag, and those clear bags are so thin. It started ripping and the cases started falling out, but I did manage to get it in the back seat. I then checked the actual BB dumpster next and could not believe my eyes. There were cases everywhere. I tried leaning in and lifing the bags but they were ripping apart. I got boxes out of the other dumpster and started throwing covers in the boxes. Where is your best friend when you need her? She was on the phone with me but my cell went dead. I got one of the full boxes in the car and here comes a car. Slows down, it was the mall owner. He stops and just looks at me. I wave and go about my business, getting another box out of the other dumpster. I thought if he asked me anything I would say I was getting boxes. He drove on. I over filled 3 boxes, grabed a bag of covers and told myself that I'd go back. It was now 715 and I needed to start work by 8. I got home, got them out of my car and neatly stacked them in the boxes. I do not seperate and count doubles, lockables etc. I do know that there are gold ones, red ones and clear along with the standad black for a grand total of........................................399. I never did go back. My husband is having a garage breakdown. Said there is something wrong with me. I think he might be right. BUT free is free.
Senior Member
28. July 2006 @ 06:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Great haul nailedny..............
You must live in a big city, for BB to have that much to toss out? My best haul was nowhere near that! You have better finds than most, with the t-shirts, movies, and large numbers of cases. I'm jealous! :o)
Keep up the good work!

Explain to your husband that you're saving money, by not having to buy cases, t-shirts, and less movies. He should be pleased with your great hauls. He should help you..............

Senior Member
28. July 2006 @ 08:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Darn Girl you done real Good! Best dive I ever made was like 180 cases ! but we don't have those Pentagon sized dumpster's like y'all do I guess ! I've been turning up Dry lately other than getting those 30-odd movies awhile back ! Looks like everytime I Go recently either it's freshly dumped o full of just trash ! but I refuse to concede defeat or Smells de-feets for that matter ! as long as they throw I'LL gO!! I've had people OOgle & stare at me whilst I'm diving too ! I just stare back at'em &give'em the GAS Face ! ( Imagine a SASQUATCH in the dumpster giving passers bye the Gas Face!) lOL! nd that usually gets them on their merry way! Anyways I plan on making another run SATURDaY ! so will update y'all then regardless ! Good luck not that you need it ! nailedny ! and BEWARE OF THE GASFACE !!!!! LOL!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. July 2006 @ 08:27

Suspended due to non-functional email address
28. July 2006 @ 09:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey guys wow this threads been going strong for months!
anyways my dumpster diving is going well, but i rarely find any multidisc dvd cases (for my tv series) so i decided to buy some online. i purchased a 25 pack of 6disc ones from
it was roughly 11 bucks, plus 12 more for delivery. BUT the problem is when i got my package, 4 of the cases were heavily damaged and 6 had broken pieces that made it impossible for the case to stay closed. i called meritline to find out their return policy, and they informed me i had to pay the return shipping fee of 12 bucks. i told them that was ridiculous since all the dvd cases were only 11 bucks to begin with. the lady who had a serious attitude problem basically told me she didnt give a sh*t and that they would NOT wave the fee. so i asked if they could simply send me the 4 cases that were completely unusable, but still no sale.

anyways as you can see my experience with them was terrible, i made this post in hopes that anyone whos taking a break from diving to buy some online will NOT shop at!!! >:o


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Senior Member
28. July 2006 @ 15:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sean14182- Sorry for your Loss ! I would call back and try to talk to the Owner or Ceo Or whoever is top dog there ! Could'nt hurt ! I've never had trouble with meritline but I've never bought cases from them either! Though I have had nothing but positive experiences with Supermediastore & newegg I had'nt bought cases from them either ! I only bought Verbatim Slimline DVD cases From SAMSCLUB and then I started Diving ! You Find a few doubles both the flap kind & the two sided kind in BB dumpsters but that's about it ! sean14182 Did you pay with a Credit card ? if you did contact the credit card company & maybe they can help you ? atleast either getting replacements or a refund ? Can't garuntee it but worth checking into anyways ! Hope everything sorts itself out for your to your liking ! Good luck & Let the buyer beware!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. July 2006 @ 15:53

Senior Member
28. July 2006 @ 16:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I agree with Big..........
Visa will usually add more guarantee the products you buy with a Visa card. I'd also send an email. Someone other than the woman you talked to, will see it. They may pass it on the the higher ups. Try calling, and ask to speak to a manager.

If all this fails, rewrite a post here of all you tried to do, to get it corrected, then copy and paste the post into another email to them, telling them how you're letting everyone know how you were treated, after receiving damaged merchandise from them. They will have to know that it will hurt their business, at least a little bit.

Post it on several forums, and let them know what forums. They will see that thousands of people can read the bad info on them. As long as you tell the truth about it, they can't do anything against you. It just might be the little nudge they need to correct the bad delivery.
Good luck!

Junior Member
28. July 2006 @ 19:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So you buy them for 11 dollars and they want you to return them for 12?? That sounds like they are trying to scam you or something buddy... I'd report them to the Better Business Bureau. I don't know if that organization exists where you are but in Canada if a company is reported to them for being hateful to customers, they check into it and take action if need be.

Courage is not the absence of fear; it is the presence of fear, yet, the will to go on.
Everytime you use bad media, God kills a kitten with old Princo disks. Please, think of the kittens...
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 06:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
" Everytime you use bad media, God kills a kitten with old Princo disks. Please, think of the kittens..." LMAO @ SolShrike!!!!

Yeah! And if you use MEMOREX he just puts Them on a Turntable @ 78RPM until they upchuck breakfast !!! LOL C'mon now lets not get Catfreak angry !! Buy good media & rescue a kitten !!!!!!! Just kidding Catfreak ! I like Kittens & cats too Would'nt Hurt one for anything ! Have a Good one!
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 06:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
On a lighter note !

Am going mobile to dive & thrive ! Will update later one way or the tuther !! Hopefully one of the three dumpsters I plan to check will have some cases in it ! We don't have pentagon sized Dumpsters like NailedNy does so any find is a good find ! Gotta Roll See ya in the Dumpster's Well hopefully not my favorites anyway! LOL! CIAO!
Suspended permanently
31. July 2006 @ 06:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
One need to locate the right place for good, productive dumpster diving. I use to live in one of the most expensive high-rise apartment buildings in downtown Philly ... (actually, I lived in the basement apartment that use to belong to the building super when they use to have them so while those on the other floors looked out the window to an astonishing view, I looked out my window and saw feet walking buy...would have been perfect for one of those folks with a shoe fetish).

Anyway, at least half the building was occupied with astonishingly wealthy kids going to Drexel University and Penn ... Daddy forking out $2000 a month for a one bedroom apartment. I miss that dumpster diving in the world but trash picking was particularly productive the last week of may, first week of Sept and the end on the Jan semester. Stereo equipment, computers, furniture, TVs, VDRs & DVD players ... all sorts of things. I even got this full set of solid british silver...serving for twelve...and I found all but a few pieces. I didn't have much use for it but my sister loved it.
Senior Member
31. July 2006 @ 06:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
gerry1- I hear you ! my brother in law is retired military & my sister in-law & their family lived on bases ststeside & overseas and she relates experienes with diving similar to yours ! people would get transferred or Shipped out ! and instead of having garage sales or putting stuff in storage . In the dumper it went ! And sister in law went in after it ! furniture , stereo's , music ect. Though I've mainly concentrated on DVD cases I've found Movies (VHS & DVD 's ) I saw a Apple computer in the dumpster once but did'nt get it ( I know big DummY !!!!)) But You live you learn I guess ! Well today is My Wife's Birthday so I suppose I'll be entertaining her Today ! But I'll file my latest Dive report ( Sucsessfull !!!!! HooRAY!!!!!! ) later gang ! Good luck & Safe diving !
Senior Member
31. July 2006 @ 06:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
gerry1- I hear you ! my brother in law is retired military & my sister in-law & their family lived on bases ststeside & overseas and she relates experienes with diving similar to yours ! people would get transferred or Shipped out ! and instead of having garage sales or putting stuff in storage . In the dumper it went ! And sister in law went in after it ! furniture , stereo's , music ect. Though I've mainly concentrated on DVD cases I've found Movies (VHS & DVD 's ) I saw a Apple computer in the dumpster once but did'nt get it ( I know big DummY !!!!)) But You live you learn I guess ! Well today is My Wife's Birthday so I suppose I'll be entertaining her Today ! But I'll file my latest Dive report ( Sucsessfull !!!!! HooRAY!!!!!! ) later gang ! Good luck & Safe diving ! > forums > general discussion > all other topics > dumpster diving !

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