dumpster diving !
AfterDawn Addict
18. June 2009 @ 15:22 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: Still To quote that Shakespearian Actor & Famous Rap Artist ICe CUBE - Damn Right it was a Good Day LOL!!!!!! Ciao Y;all
NICE haul buddy!! Didn't know you knew the "Shakespearean" poet known as ICE CUBE... :D You're a man of many "appreciations". :P
AfterDawn Addict
18. June 2009 @ 20:39 |
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We South Louisiana people are playing with the jokers too. 54 cards in our decks. LMAO
Senior Member
19. June 2009 @ 01:09 |
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greensman- yeah Buddy I know's about The CUbe !!!! and Googlepllex's Too ! But I had a Hard Time buying him as a XXX Da' Cube just did'nt Impress Me as a Navy Seal Material ? Elephant Seal Maybe ? Harbor Seal ? well that depends on the size of your harbors ? Maybe the next XXX should be a Woman Robin Coleman - American Gladiator Hellga? Grace Jones ?,Chyna The Wrestler ? , gina carano? H'mmmm !!!!! Ya' Buddy Between the High heat and 1000% Humidity Here It does something too the Brain ? Compression I think because it has to compete for headspace with Moss ,Mold and Mildew LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! It's either Dat or we drinks too much Swamp POP? BUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!! Naw that can't be it ? anyway It's nice to see some post here without my name on them for a change !!!! keep it up !!! and post too LOL !!!!! Cheers gang & Later all !!!! Ciao!!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. June 2009 @ 11:35
Senior Member
26. June 2009 @ 13:44 |
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went this past teusday morning and ended up with about twenty cases ! Including a double but I had to hit all three spots and root through the bagged garbage to get those !!!!' I love the smell Of fresh Garbage in the Morning !!!!! , Smells Like ?, Smells Like Victory LOL!!!" But on the upside for once the BB nerd was'nt at the third stop !!!! I guess Neptunes's Manager lady dumped him ? Oh! well The course of Love like the Outcome of Dumpster diving often is a Empty Promise !!!! Sometimes I'm so Deep I even scare's Myself !!!!! OoooooooooooHHHHH!!!!!!! Goosebumps !!!! I did it again LOL!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
26. June 2009 @ 22:58 |
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Tried my first dive and came up empty handed, ah, the laughter of CincyRob fills the hollow dumpster....
Senior Member
27. June 2009 @ 06:15 |
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blivetNC Well to Paraphrase that Great american and War Hero Forest GUmp " JVC always said Dumpster Diving is like A Box of Chocolates !, You never know what yer' gonna get ? Or if somebody's gonna get there fist and take everything !!!!!" Around here It's seems to run in cycles ? I'll do great 2 or 3 dives then a dry spell or I'll get 200-300ish one week and then 3 or 4 or none the next !!! You can increase your odds if you have more than one BB nearby ? I try to hit the three closest to me regular but often the third stop is occupied by the BB nerd so I drive bye that one! & Sometimes I'll hit other BB's if I'm in the Area ? Sharing the luv so to speak !!!! Also Lately I'm finding More Ps-3 Cases The cleary/milky opaque kind & Even a few Bluray cases . Hey if a Cd/dvd fits in it I'll use it !!! The important thing is like the old Joke about How to Get To Carnegie Hall ? {PRACTICE,PRACTICE,PRACTICE] Keep trying and don't quit you'll have better trips soon !!! Just { Don't do the Brown Acid & stay of the Towers) Lol!!! -Seriously keep trying and try different BB's if your in a different town /city whatever? Well blivetNC- & friends { Could be a hit Kiddy's show?????} Good Luck ,Happy Burning ,Happy Hunting & Safe Diving- Later Gang !!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
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Senior Member
27. June 2009 @ 06:21 |
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blivetNC- CincyRobs Not laughing at you !, He's Laughing with You !!!!, Okay, Okay, He's Laughing at You !!!!! but in a Good way LOL!! Ha!!!!!!!!,Ha!!!!!!!!!!!, Ha!!!!!!!!!!!!! - J/k my Friend !!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
7. July 2009 @ 13:04 |
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- Well with the Rain It was really almost Dumpster Diving in the Sporting SEnse ????? .I went To My 3 Regular Stops ,well Actually I only Dove @ the First And second Stops Because Would'nt you Know it Blockbuster Nerd was THere @ The 3rd Blockbuster SO I just Looped THe Parking Lot and CAme Home ! Bur on a Brighter Note On the Other Two Blockbuster Stops/Dumpsters I Managed to Collect 333 DVD Cases & 1 DVD Movie & 3 of the 333 cases Were Doubles So Other than Getting A Wet A** !!! I Had a Pretty good Morning ! THen I Had to take the Covers ( Paper ) out of the cases or Most of'em on count of 'em being wet & all ! All that'a Left is a Trip to Wallyworld for Some more Totes to store'em in ! Sometimes Being a sWamp aQuatch Has it's Benefits !!!!! - Thank you Jacques Case-Toe LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. July 2009 @ 09:43
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. July 2009 @ 08:57 |
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NOPE.... he might have a sick twisted likeing to BOSTON, but, i'd never laugh at a man who is attempting a dive. ill give great praise when he comes out with the mother load. and lend a helping hand out of a empty dumpster. never laugh at a man who is willing to go into the dive not knowing what he may come accross.
Better luck next time BlivetNC... and there will be a next time..lol now that s funny right there i dont care who you are..lmao
as for the dive. me and the boys are on our way out to hit 2 maybe 3 dives before they open up....
as for the sick twisted liking to boston????? that has to be taken care of by someone with a MD after there name...lmao.
DIVE ON my friends DIVE ON....
Diver Down.....
Senior Member
8. July 2009 @ 09:50 |
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cincyrob- yeah Buddy ! Like Lays Potato Chips and Peanuts !!! Once You Start Diving ,You just Can't Stop at one Dumpster !!!! . It's The law of Probability The More Dumpsters you hit The better Your Chances of Hitting it Big or at least Hitting it Period ! Anyway Good Luck With The Dive ! And remember To put The Lid back Down When your Finished !!! (DIVING that Is LOL!!!!!!) Cheers !!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
8. July 2009 @ 21:20 |
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Didn't I just see where The Reds let someone put up 22 runs on them recently?? I hope I'm mistaken!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. July 2009 @ 13:18 |
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Originally posted by garmoon: @cincyrob
Didn't I just see where The Reds let someone put up 22 runs on them recently?? I hope I'm mistaken!
now thats just wrong... worst beating in team history. got beat like a REDheaded step child...lol
Senior Member
9. July 2009 @ 15:27 |
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Quote: now thats just wrong... worst beating in team history. got beat like a REDheaded step child...lol
Just beaten like a bloody pulp of meat.
I'm sure that he'll blame global warming for this somehow.
Senior Member
9. July 2009 @ 22:24 |
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hE'S Probably out Hunting for ManBearPig somewhere with his shotgun ? Funny how the RedFan Man has gone silent ? It's okay Rob Win loose or Draw People like whichever team they like ! That's all That matters !!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
10. July 2009 @ 01:09 |
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Originally posted by BIGTOXY69: hE'S Probably out Hunting for ManBearPig somewhere with his shotgun ? Funny how the RedFan Man has gone silent ? It's okay Rob Win loose or Draw People like whichever team they like ! That's all That matters !!!!!!!!!
Ain't that the truth!! I've been a Cubs fan since I was born.....and have had more than a few THOUSAND heartaches cheering for them!! This season, more than a few times I felt like running my head into the wall to ease the pain of some of their games.
Senior Member
12. July 2009 @ 09:24 |
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rtm27 To quote Dr. Zachary Smith Intrepid N'er Do well , Space Traveller and Robot Nemesis !!!! " The Pain , Oh The Pain !!!!!"
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Senior Member
14. July 2009 @ 14:56 |
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- The Morning Dive !!!! well I made my Morning Jaunt to My three Favorite or atlaeast three closest Producing Dumspters !!! - 1st one Dry of anything other than trash & Foodwaste !!! - The Next stop had My winnings in it . 111 Cases , Mostly clean ,- some gunky !!! But that's whar They make hans sanitizer & Dishwashing soap for Right? My best Finds we'rent dumpster Goodies Though I stopped @ a couple of nearby Walgreens Drug stores and picked up a couple more Magnifying glassess - Yeah I'm Old But I'm Relatively Young in Tree-Years ! THey seeemto dissappear IN the old sQuatch Cave for some reason ? .BUt for .25 cents easch I bought two more , They also have some Cd/DVD-wallets { Hold 200} Disc for $9.99 Generic) But they look well made Have Removable/replacable Pages -Binder Ring style and They were Marked down to $7.99 ea. so I bought 2 more of these ! PLus a Digital Camcorder That records to a SD card for About $.24.95 or as Cartman would say SWeet !!!! Well The She-aQuatch says I Have to mOw The swamp !!! The sQuatch- Cave Part Deaux is Coming tommorow so Thanx for Listening and -Keep Thinking those Good thoughts as MIss Rona Barret used to say !!!! Cheers y'all
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
15. July 2009 @ 02:05 |
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Quote: a Digital Camcorder That records to a SD card for About $.24.95
Oh my, You tube, here we come, "Sasquatch stuck in a dumpster" Film at 11:00!
Senior Member
16. July 2009 @ 09:05 |
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blivetNC- I was thinking more " Lifestyles of The Rich & Furry Myself ! But hey that's Just Me !" , I'm Ready For My closeup Mr. Demille !!!!!!!) Actually that one's for one of the Grandkids - The one She-sQuatch bought me is more Megapixels & takes still Pictures too !!!. Maybe I'll Turn it into a helmetcam and WE can have {LIve from the Dumpster OR maybe Hula -Hula on Hulu , Isn't that a revolting thought ????
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
16. July 2009 @ 09:22 |
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Morning, Dumpster Gods finally forgave me after a 3 or 4 month dry spell! 1189 cases and 1 movie. totally unprepared with my small garbage bag.Didn't even have to dive reached eight off the top [it was full] filled up the trunk and back seat till the disposal truck came and shooed me away!Lotsa cases but as the saying goes free is free,Lawn mowers buried again.
Senior Member
16. July 2009 @ 10:53 |
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ChrisC586- Yeah I know That Feeling !!! Glad you broke your dry spell ! maybe you should buy by the Disposal truck guy a Case of beer and he could hook you up with the schedule ? then you could get there early and clean up before the truck arrives ? Just a thought !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
21. July 2009 @ 00:27 |
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Gotta go make my nest for the night Got Dumpster-Rounds to make in the wee hours { Like POkemon ) Gotta get 'em all !!! LOL!!! Sleep tight alleycats and Wino's The aQuatch sleeps tonight ! A Wimmoweh !!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nocto nodtime for now Unpleasant dreams Muhahahah !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
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21. July 2009 @ 15:47 |
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My friend found this dumpster behind a Naked Juice plant where they threw out all their day-expired bottles. He had a fridge full of them for awhile until they caught on and put a lock on the dumpster. :(
Senior Member
22. July 2009 @ 01:14 |
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AlanMcGee- well it was good while it lasted !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
27. July 2009 @ 13:00 |
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not a dive report here but some great news for the baseball fans allover the world INCLUDING them in BOSTON...lol
Re-Instate Pete