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Squeezing Goodfellas to 1 disc
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22. June 2003 @ 16:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

To bring this thread back to some normality , I have tried carlitob's way & it works like a charm
1. Extract all files from each side to 2 different folders name the folders 1 and 2 respectively.
2. First rename the files of folder 2 to the following order:
3. Open the first VOB file (VTS_01_001.VOB) with VobEdit, and choose the Menu: 'Edit -> Join Clips':
4. A filedialog will apear, where you have to specify a destination directory for the final VOB file-set. You better choose a new empty directory for that.
A second dialog will pop up, where you have to specify a starting VOB-ID. specify Nr: 3 :
5.When the joining has finished, you will have a new set of VOB files named:
6.Now you simply can rename them to:
and move them to the same directory that is containing the folder 1 files.
7. Erase everything in Folder 1 except for the VOB files, this means all the ifos, bups, etc
8.Open IFOEdit and Create ifos
9. Use DVD2One to process the movie. This is a little tricky it might look like its not done, it might only be at 50% but when DVD2One stops thats it, even if it is at only 50% the movie will be good to go. before burning make sure to test it with any VOB player.
10. Burn with your favorite software.

AfterDawn Addict
22. June 2003 @ 19:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is it better to compress each discs VOB files before or after joining?


3 product reviews
23. June 2003 @ 09:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

23. June 2003 @ 11:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I like pressing one or two buttons and getting software to do my work for me. Doesn't everyone?
I see your 1 1/2 years behind me in DVD activaty.
I do not have the time nor the inclination to do (the hard way) what the software is designed to do for you today. I do not think you know as much as you think and surely do not know NeoDVD Plus software.
You do not know me or what i do for a living, but here it is---
I work for Lockheed Martin at NASA as a Sr. Project Design Engineer and Documentation Expert using more software in one week than most in a lifetime.
I'm sorry fellas I just had to comment on this. Works for Nasa as a documentation expert but can't spell "activity". This shit had me rollin. _

Don't ask a question that has been asked a million times already don't be lazy all the info you need is here:

Pioneer DVD-+RW DL
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Over 250 Movies so far to know what I got PM me.
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23. June 2003 @ 11:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is it better to compress each discs VOB files before or after joining?

After, if you try to do it before you would need to know what size each VOB has to be for all to come out to 4.36GB. Its possible but would make this a lot harder.

Don't ask a question that has been asked a million times already don't be lazy all the info you need is here:

Pioneer DVD-+RW DL
Xbox and 360
Over 250 Movies so far to know what I got PM me.
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23. June 2003 @ 14:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can I put this to you guys..........

Following carlitob guide to the exact word for creating joined clips and then ifo's.

Before doing anything else try opening the VIDEO_TS.IFO that ifo has just created with power dvd from your hard drive and see if that plays ok.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. June 2003 @ 14:59


3 product reviews
23. June 2003 @ 15:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No need cos I have Goodfellas on DVD-R now ...

Plus everyone knows sometimes there is no audio on playback in PowerDVD or WinDVD but it's is there if you just burn. (If that is what u were refering to , you was a little vague on why playback w/ PowerDVD)

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24. June 2003 @ 16:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well anything that open dvd files from your hardrive, doesnt have to be powerDVD. But thats all i use.

My point is : if once the vobs are joined with VOB edit. Then ifo's created with ifo edit. If these ifo's dont play the movie back properly at this stage how can we expect them to play back properly once after being processed with DVD2One. Its just doesnt work. Thats all I'm saying.
26. June 2003 @ 07:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
mickey for the sake of argument just tryburning a copy of what you have made with my instructions onto a dvd-rw. If it doesnt work erase it.

Don't ask a question that has been asked a million times already don't be lazy all the info you need is here:

Pioneer DVD-+RW DL
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Over 250 Movies so far to know what I got PM me.
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29. June 2003 @ 03:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Tried it Carlitob.
I have two Ritek coasters to show for it.

All the film is on the disc and it is joined. Yes, but on playback where the join was the disc skips over a couple of minutes. Now if you do a search backwards it will show the portion of the film that it has just been skipped. So all the film is there but it is just not playing right. I tried your method twice on goodfellas and once to join a film that was spread over two discs. All attempts had exactly the same results. I found whenever DVD2One finishes at any other percentage other than 99%/100% the is some little glitch in the playback.

Maybe this is just happening to me, I'm not wanting to bore you all by going on and on about it but surely this just cant be happening for me.

Heres another possibility. What if its only my dvd player that has trouble reading the join in the discs. All the people who have said it the guide works like a dream for them, Just might happen to have dvd players that handle films that have been joind in this way like a dream. Which tells me that this guide has limited compatibility. If this is so, I think i have been right to bring it to everyones attention.

3 product reviews
29. June 2003 @ 13:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Perhaps so MikeyUK , I have a Sony DVP-NS 305 & as here (see URL below) it shows that my player will play virtually everything

This could be the problem mate ;-(
AfterDawn Addict
29. June 2003 @ 15:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hmmm I was wondering, if Train is so far advanced in his DVD technology, why is he ripping DVD Movies using DVD2One. Also, if he is a NASA engineer using so much software in one week, why does he prefer the one button all-in-one copying method. Shouldnt he be qualified in using the more complicated software??

Also, If he IS, and i stress the IS, so far ahead in the technology, does he care to share what that technology is. I am well aware of the future development of the DVD into various forms of HD DVD. If you have a blue Laser system, well, anyone can buy them in Japan for $2500.

My verdict?? I think MR Train may well be a 15 year old child trying to sound big and important, because he realises that he is a nobody and likely to stay that way. Or else, he is a NASA engineer and thats the reason so many things go wrong up there. You didnt have anything to do with the 7 failed Mars misions or Columbia, did you? God i hope not.

Anyway, whatever way you look at it, your not impressing me!! And i doubt your impressing anyone else here.

By the way, im successfuly doing the whole process in reverse. Ripping and compressing before joining, strange!! LOL It just takes a wee bit of calculation before doing it


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2. July 2003 @ 16:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah same for me too goodfellas on dvd-r, managed to get this done but end of first half (well, where the 1st half ends on the original anyway) skips a couple of chapters, but when i tested in pc dvd drive perfect, why?

also why did it copy the warner clip at the end of original side 1? pretty crap, made 2 copies ( both verbatims) both skip at end of side 1 and start of side 2.

should i run through ifo edit again, maybe dvd2one screws it all up (at the join)?

please let me know. thanks.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. July 2003 @ 16:15

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3. July 2003 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
SGDVD, unfortunately i dont think running it through ifo edit is going to do any good. I tried all kinds of ways of nothing would fix it. The problem i think is there before its processed with DVD2One because the movie doesnt play properly even at this stage.
The warner logo at the end if side A, I tried all sorts to get rid of that. in the end i had to settle for it being in the middle of the film. The trouble is its part of the same mpg file as the movie. As i have already said the only way I got the movie to join perfectly was 1.JOIN the movie using VOB edit
2.Demux the m2v file and AC3 file
3.Remux them using either spruce or ifo edit
4.process it with dvd2one
5.burn disc

I'm no expert. Demuxing and Remuxing looked very daunting until i found this excellent site. Look under the ifo edit section. Watch the flash video, really it helped me enormously.
Good Luck!
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3. July 2003 @ 11:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
With all of your time you are putting into this...why not just throw it onto 2 discs for $1.5 and keep some more quality and save yourself some time???
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6. July 2003 @ 07:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I hate flipping or changing disks half way through a film.

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6. July 2003 @ 09:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

if i wanted to do that i would have!

why don't i burn to six cd-r discs instead!!

or maybe i'll split all my dvd's to 2 discs!!

come on let's hear some real solutions here BARACUS, thought this thread was about squeezing goodfellas to 1 disc, i think it is you that is wasting my time.
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6. July 2003 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello Everyone,
I stopped in to see what all the activity is about on this thread. Oh!! SO much conversation about ME.
I am touched!
Oriphus, has it right about SONY CORP's Blu-ray Disc optical disc protocol for HDDVD recording. AND it is very expensive this is true for now. But, why bring it up if these folks cannot get it and use it?
Carlitob, just when the HELL have you EVER known an ENGINEER to be able to take the time to spell correctly? If all my spelling was correct it would be spell checked or i would be a damn secritary. This does not have spell checker so screw it. You are a MEMBER as it says under your NICK, but you sure do not act like a person that should have ANY title at ALL.. You are suppose to show others respect and have integraty for all to see, but you are one shallow minded thinking hot-shot. I would get you off my team in a heart beat and you would NEVER know bt whom or why you never were put on another HIGH priority design job.

Oriphus, why not pick on MikeyUK this person that cannot spell NASA and slap this JUNIOR MEMBER around some. And YOU! I cut and pasted your's into Word and you cannot spell either so just STFU......NASA is an acronym not a regular word and must be in all capitiol letters.. duh!
Now as for your remark about me and the shuddle problems - you should be BANNED from here for that remark as noted:
(Or else, he is a NASA engineer and thats the reason so many things go wrong up there. You didnt have anything to do with the 7 failed Mars misions or Columbia, did you? God i hope not.) What is that in bold Oriphus? U can't spell either like i said - hey?

I DO NOT have to impress YOU or anyone else on the NET. I have to ANSWER to the Astronauts, becouse you are RIGHT, their very lives depend on what (we) the Project Design Engineers develope for them. It has to be simple, it has to work and you have to have back-ups.

I was telling some folks what i did to get a 2 sided disc on 1 single sided DVD. I put it just like i would for the astronauts, very simple to understand, to use and it works.

I was not showing off/boasting about the system i was using. I was letting folks know what i was using, hardware and software wise, so they would know and maybe help them out.
Yes i have access to all types of software, becouse if it does not exist WE will design something that DOES exist, but it is
proprietary information/software and the penalties for THEFT are very stiff. (I DO NOT KRACK Gov. programs or STEAL them. PERIOD!!)

To tell you the truth, I cannot believe this thread is still on this, when you have DVD XCOPY EXPRESS to use now and neoDVD and others (that with a few clicks you have a disc) at a inexpensive price. ENOUGH on this mess most of you folks are just chatting - go to MiRC!

I have just killed a bigger fish with NTLDRNTLoaDeR problem. I will post the solution to the proper thread when put in a step-by-step proceedure. (Simple, Easy to use, and Minimum Buttons to push..
You all go ahead and knock yourself out on doing the FREEWARE approach and spend hours and days to get 1 DVD done.

SGDVD has got all this down pat in that persons message.

Wish i was 15 again - thanks for the pick-me-up Oriphus.

Oh and just to let others know an 800fsb MOMBO and lots of RAM really helps. So i am building me a new system dedicated to making DVD's. I just need my SATA drives and i will be rockin-on. :)

>>There are no knowns. We only know what we know when we know it!!<<
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6. July 2003 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   



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3 product reviews
6. July 2003 @ 15:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Dont suppose ya fancy editing one of those posts do you train ? : )
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6. July 2003 @ 16:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh well now i can.

>>There are no knowns. We only know what we know when we know it!!<<


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6. July 2003 @ 16:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for proving my point.

Don't ask a question that has been asked a million times already don't be lazy all the info you need is here:

Pioneer DVD-+RW DL
Xbox and 360
Over 250 Movies so far to know what I got PM me.
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AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2003 @ 17:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hmmm...yeah sure, this guy has convinced me he's a NASA engineer. Forgive me train for laughing my bollocks off, but you certainly are the funniest guy i've seen to date on this forum.

Ok, if you dont have to impress us, any chance you'd stop talking complete sh*te about these programs and systems your designing. Im not sure all this laughter is good for me. My sides are actually starting to hurt. I dont have any sort of vendetta against you, but i cant stand it when idiots come on to this forum trying to pretend they are something they are not. You ARE obviously trying to impress with your idiotic remarks. Do you hear me saying what i do for a living, NO.

Well hold on a we minute there Mr NASA Engineer super guy. That amazing Blu Ray system by Sony Corp that you have. Is it good. Interesting you have that though isnt. The Blu ray system isnt a Sony Corp system, it is designed by all of these companies:
Hitachi, Ltd.
LG Electronics Inc.
Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Pioneer Corporation
Royal Philips Electronics
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Sharp Corporation
Sony Corporation
Thomson Multimedia
Sony are bringing out a version of their own, so if you have a sony branded version of the Blu Ray system, then frankly, you are well out of date, like by half a year. Thought you had the latest gadgets. Matsushita have the latest version of the Blu Ray system out.

Remember, dont brag, it gains you no respect. I dont dislike you in anyway, dont be feeling bad, i just enjoyed our bit of banter ;-)


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6. July 2003 @ 21:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, Well, Well
I do not own a $3500 Blu-Ray i just have lots of information on this.
As for the rest of the talk of me not knowing this and me being an IDIOT, i think with this tone my colleagues should know about this site/thread and let them see whats being said about me/us on an off-subject remark.
With what was said about the Shuddle and Engineers integrity of doing a poor job and causing these things to blow up or be lost is a serious accusation and they will take notice.

You and others find me funny and a person that cannot be believed. YOU and others say it is a lie becouse you do not understand the technolgy i am using and/or becouse YOU have not used/done it, then it must be a bunch of BS.

NASA Engineers/Personel are PROUD of what we do for our/your country. This was not just an attack on me, but the industry as a whole by the way it is worded.

Tell us Chris what do you do for a living?

SO why don't you and the others get back on track with the subject > Goodfellas on 1 DVD.

Thin-Ice! - Real thin!

>>There are know knowns. We only know what we know when we know it!!<<
AfterDawn Addict
7. July 2003 @ 07:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thats my point exactly. It is IRRELEVANT what i do for a living, that is why you are getting so much stick on this thread. You need to get off your mighty high horse and come down to ground level and stop trying to be the big man you aren't.

Also, my comments are directed at you, not at NASA. So there is no We/Us that you incline, simply YOU. With your ridiculous comments, i was pointing out that i hope its not an idiot like you thats an engineer in NASA otherwise id be right to be worried about the safety of these Astronauts. Another point widely known is that there are ALOT of problems at NASA, this is evident from past incidents, including Columbia and all the failed Mars attempts.

So, instead of you coming on to this forum and trying in vain to impress all of us, why not stick to what your good at (talking Bullsh*t) somewhere else.

Enough has been said on this matter. Way off Topic

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