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AnyDVD not functioning well..Won't break the code!!!!
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1. September 2007 @ 18:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey guys I'm new to this dvd decrypting scene and I heard anydvd was the best for this kind of job and afterdawn was the best site for answers..I wa stold anydvd could decrypt almost I got it but so far it hasn't worked on anything for me..
I tried Dave Chappelle Seasons and it didn't work, so I tried an older dvd that I think would have less protection.."Armagedon" and it didn't work.

....both times I got the same said: "FileIO (3 VTS_04_4.VOB 340496384 479232)"

The part in the bracket varies but basically that's the message I get about half ways.
Anyone know what could be the problem. Possibly a problem in the settings of the program or I really don't know, anyone have had this problem before?

this is what it says for status when i put the dave chappelle season in

Summary for drive E: (AnyDVD
LITE-ON DVDRW SHW-160P6S PGS1 2005/12/12 20:42
Drive (Hardware) Region: 1

Media is a DVD.
Booktype: dvd-rom (version 1), Layers: 2 (opposite)
Size of first Layer: 1908912 sectors (3728 MBytes)
Total size: 3742544 sectors (7309 MBytes)

Video DVD (or CD) label: Chappelle's Show
Media is CSS protected!
Video Standard: NTSC
Media is locked to region(s): 1!

RCE protection not found.
DVD structure appears to be correct.
Structural copy protection not found.
Autorun not found on Video DVD.
Bad sector protection not found.
Emulating RPC-2 drive with region 1!

I also tried ripping an OC season and I got this weird message the first time I tried to load the disc...

Then when I put it again it finally loads. And then when I run the program it gets up to like 2 percent and then it shows me the message i've been getting on all previous dvds..the "FileIO (3 VTS_04_4.VOB 340496384 479232)" Once again the number part is a bit different on all discs.

Also my discs are definitely not dirty or scratched and I have my driver set to region 1 .I checked that under hardware or device manager.
I really don't know if It's the settings or the driver but it just don't work..Im gona try this on my other computer with a different driver and will post on how it goes...but this is basically all the info I can get about my situation..hope it helps..
Thnx in adavance and ideas or suggestions are great.
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2. September 2007 @ 00:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
try doing a clean reinstall of anydvd

have you tryed using clonedvd 2 with anydvd running in the background?\

and are you sure the dvds are brand new and aren't damaged? sometimes they don't look like they are but have damage

check for a firmware update here

or try dvd fab decrypter

use these guides plus you can download software too
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2. September 2007 @ 04:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
those are some good suggestions and I've already tried some of them but not all of them..I used the guide and I'm goan run anydvd in the background..I never knew you could do that
AfterDawn Addict
2. September 2007 @ 07:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It is just the way it is normally run. Only the "ripper" is run in the foreground....

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2. September 2007 @ 10:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
tried doing your suggestions and it didn't work...
I read about this problem i think on thsi forum but on a previous thread and it seems that what people did to fix thsi problem was to reinstal it and also clean up clutter on their computer..some things might be preventing from anydvd working ill do that today and tell you how it goes..
AfterDawn Addict
3. September 2007 @ 04:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LITE-ON DVDRW SHW-160P6S PGS1 2005/12/12 20:42

this shows you have PGS1 firmware dating 12/12/2005....if this is correct then you have old firmware. here is the newest firmware:
there is PSOC but it's blacked out and not available. Maybe someone else can tell you where you can get this firmware update. Also just checked the LITE-ON website.... they show the firmware as being PSOB:
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3. September 2007 @ 05:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, I went to update my firmware couple times by pressing update firmware under device manager but it says its updated and I never found a higher newere firmware for my kind but anyways..I will try what you said but what I'm beginning to think is going on here is that my burner is dying or its dirty inside...I CAN NOT BURN ANYTHING AT ALL...

I tried using imgtool and it wont let me burn a VIDEO_TS unto a dvd..its just say error..I also tried using CLONEDVD2 and that gave me an error too and lastly I tried using nero to burn and it all gives me an error..and the VIDEO_TS folder was created by me of home videos so its not defected...

I also tried burning simple things like just pictures on to a dvd as a data with nero but that doesn't work either..I get the error message..Sometimes it starts burning and goes to about percent 25 and then says error and when I look at the disc there is nothing written on there...and sometimes it will go to full 100 percent and then give me the wrror message...

I'm goan try opening the rom and just putting my vacum cleaner up to it to see if it'll clean my dvd rom cuz I don't know any other method..and it is a fair possibility that the burner is dying because even though I only have the computer for a year I have gone through quite a few 100 Pack dvds so I dunno.

I checked if I have malicious software on my computer and i don't..I've deleted any recent programs that I've put on my computer..which was only CloneDVD2 and AnyDVD, in case that might have caused the problem..I mean I'm hopeless..I don't know what to do...first I wasn't able to read/decode dvds through anydvd and then i couldn't burn dvd images and now it won't burn anything at I'm in a pickle...previous to using anydvd I was using DVD fab decrypter and they worked on about 3 dvds that I I mean I don't know..u thinkwhat I'm saying is possible?
Thnx in advance
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3. September 2007 @ 05:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Also I forgot to mention is that I know for fact that the burning problem is not in the discs i'm using. I've been using both kind of discs in the past and they both worked like a charm..
just thought that needed to be said.
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3. September 2007 @ 05:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just tried burning a dvd with just a 20 mb file in it and it gave me a power caliberation error...I read alot about this on forums an dit seems the problem is with a dirty driver when you get this error any ideas?
AfterDawn Addict
3. September 2007 @ 19:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how old is this drive...... sounds like it's on it's last legs! and for a cheap price you can get a new DVD burner! they are 50.00 or less!! just hook it up correctly! and then try again!
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3. September 2007 @ 19:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am definitely sure now that the driver is done dead corrupt...
I put the anydvd on my father's computer and tried burnig a dvd and it worked problem at all..So, obviosuly the problem is in the dvd burner...
THe burner is actually not very old at all..its 1 year old but it had been used quite a lot..over the 1 year i went through 2 sets of 100 dvds or more and I also put alot starin on my dad hardly uses his burners.
So what I'm gona do is take his burner and put it into my computer..I believe his is a pioneer..or possibly try to fix mine or just open it up to teh way..
heres my last question for help..anyone know a good guide on how to remove the burner from teh motherboard and put in a new one...
tahst about all i need to know..also will any kind of dvd burner work in my pc (AMD*2)????
thxn in advance
sucks it took me all weekend to figure out that my dvd burner was jacked lol
I cleaned my whole PC and deleted programs and reinstalled..posted topics and finally i realize it was all in teh burner lol..alrite well thxn for any help guys
AfterDawn Addict
3. September 2007 @ 19:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
here ya go! step by step instructions:
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3. September 2007 @ 19:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You don't have to un plug it from the mobo.

it will un plug from the back of the drive (2 plugs, a longer plug and a short plug)

so remove the screws from the side of the drive un plug it pull it out and reinstall the new drive. also make sure you set the pin on the new drive the same as the drive you are taking out. Master or Slave, its probably set on Master. good drives to buy are in order

1. Plextor
2. Lite-On
3. Pioneer

herers what the back of the drive will look like the two plugs(on the right) plus the master/Slave pin (which is green)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 3. September 2007 @ 19:40

AfterDawn Addict
3. September 2007 @ 19:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you can install any kind of DVD burner..... a lot of memeber love the LITE-ON burners, check some of the scans they did here:

you'll see alot of BenQ burners there (like mine) but you will also see many Lite-Ons and other popular name brands and results! The BenQ burners are not sold anymore! They are great and still burning strong.....

Oh, by the way, burning only 200 or so DVDs...... my burners have thousands of burns and still going strong!
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4. September 2007 @ 11:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah I know 200 isn't much really but I would guess more than an average user who uses his computer for home work or so...oh a philips burner any good..its on sale and I'm thinking of buying it..thers actually two types on sale and I don't know the difference between them
1. Philips 20*Double Layer Internal DVD rewriter
2. Philips 20*Double Layer External DVD rewriter

THe second one is more expensive and what is better about the external dvd writer
AfterDawn Addict
4. September 2007 @ 11:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a philips 8631 internal and a BenQ external:

both have done thousands of DVDs. take your pick. if you have an up-to-date computer get an external .... I think they are cool!
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4. September 2007 @ 12:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh so it stays on the that is pretty sick...its very toight lol
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4. September 2007 @ 17:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok so i bought the internal philips dvd burner and it even came with nero 7..but I already have nero installed so it wasn't a big deal.

...but check this out...the burner was on sale from 95 to 40 dollars CND and I have a friend who works at best buy so he bought it just in case he could still get some money off, because the employees get the products at wholesale price..well anyways he was still able to trim off 5 bucks...

Isn't that crazy..they buy the dvd driver from philips for 35 and sell it for tahst nuts and even when they have stuff on sale..they are still making money...

I always wondered how they could be so big when they barely have peoplein their stores
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4. September 2007 @ 22:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hope the new drive solves you're problem
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5. September 2007 @ 11:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah..I'll report to you once I put it in and test it
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5. September 2007 @ 13:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user I switched the drive..the new drive works a flawlessly except I think its a bit slower...I think


Oh yeah and also when I took out my old dvd drive the little nob thing was not set on slave or when I put in the new one I set it on master..I dunno if that could have affected anything
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5. September 2007 @ 23:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you just had one drive it wouldn't

but yes you want it set to Master
Junior Member
18. September 2007 @ 09:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Guys,
Does anyone know how to put the product key into anydvd

John_No1 - Salford Red*

1 product review
18. September 2007 @ 09:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There is no "product key" so to speak, when you purchase AnyDVD they send you and activation.exe that tell AnyDVD that it is registered to you and your email address and provides updates and news via the same address.

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18. September 2007 @ 09:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so all you have to do is double click the keycode
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