321RIP! DVDXcopy (all versions) RF to Ripper Enabled file patcher
Junior Member
23. May 2004 @ 10:10 |
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A little file patch that I hacked up this afternoon to enable CSS ripper functionality for the RF versions of DVDXcopy.
It makes the RF version work in the same way that the older non RF versions did, with the added bonus of No "DVD BACKUP" warning screen! Just patch once and go! The patch is permanent (unless you upgrade to another RF version then you will have to patch again!)
Download Here: http://321rip.tripod.com/
How to use: Download the 321RIP.zip file and extract 321rip.exe into your DVDXcopyRF folder. Double click the 321RIP icon, click the Enable Ripper button and Viola! Ripper functions are now enabled.
Thanks for xbadboy2 for bringing the basics of this to my attention.
**Edit 11/06/04.** Version 1.1 (IP)
I have re-written the patch to be a lot more intelligent. So long as you have installed in the standard places it will patch from ANYWHERE on your system. Just "Click and Go!"
1: Will this patch work on the non Ripper Free (RF) version and remove the Oh so bloody annoying "DVD Backup" Screen??
Answer: NO! This patch is designed to Re-Enable the ripper in the RF version, which does not have the "DVD Backup" screen. Use 321Gone! for all non RF versions of XCopy Xpress, or (If you can) Upgrade to the RF and patch using 321RIP!
2: Does 321RIP! work on the Platinum and DVD Xtreme RF version??
Answer: Yes 321RIP works on ALL RF versions to date, please remember to download the Xtreme version of 321RIP, else you will get a "Cannot find the file to Patch" error.
3: Can I remove the Ripper after patching??
Answer: Yes. A backup of the file is made before patching. Simply delete the bouducon.dll file and rename the bouducon.bak file to bouducon.dll (Although god knows why you'd want to do that!).
PsiDOC... Poking the DMCA with a stick, then running away.
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26. May 2004 @ 09:35 |
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PsiDoc: I "must be" out in the twilight zone because i cant get your program to work, so here i am asking for help. First, I am running DVD XCOPY Platinum version (not the rf version) in the "simple" mode. I d/l'd your prog and placed it in c:\321studios\platinum file. Then I did as instructed (double click, etc) and found that the bouducon.dll now became .bak and a new bouducon.dll was in its place. When I attempted to burn a movie (thin red line), i still got the "DVD Backup" screen.
What am I doing wrong?
Also, while I also use DVDShrink and DVDDecryptor (both outstanding programs by the way) I occasionally have to use DVDXCopy but do not want the backup screen.
Any assistance ... even a "long walk off a short pier" would be accepted. Thanks for your help. Jim1812
Junior Member
27. May 2004 @ 00:23 |
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Believe that is for use on the ripper free version not ver. It allows the ripper free version to rip again and the backup screen is not on the RF version. The placement of the original bouducon.dll file allows the RF version to rip as PsiDOC mentioned. It works fine.
Suspended permanently
27. May 2004 @ 02:36 |
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He's already been told. And now 321 fans, to get the new RF download you have to call 321 to get a new license. Should be free as the merchandise was guaranteed to retail purchasers. So have your old purchase and license info ready.
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Junior Member
27. May 2004 @ 19:36 |
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Do I have to give up my old Lciense after I obtain the new License for the RF?
27. May 2004 @ 19:41 |
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IQ_ZERO, The best way to answer is if you have a legal copy of XCopy you have will always have a license. If 321 ever gets back to programs with rippers I'm sure they'll just give you a new one or let you use your old one. If you've ever gotten through to their tech support they really are willing to satisfy you.
27. May 2004 @ 19:43 |
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Also if you ever need to call 321 the best time is when the call center first opens 9 am Central Standard Time Mon-Sat.
Junior Member
27. May 2004 @ 19:44 |
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27. May 2004 @ 19:47 |
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ahh, most welcome :)
29. May 2004 @ 01:08 |
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Sorry if this has been answered.
Hating the dvd back up screen and wanting the entire disc instead of movie only I quit using DVDx express and started using dvdshrink.
With this new 321 rip I want to go back to DVDX Express but want to make sure it will work with it.
First where is DVDXcopyRF folder located.
When I open up my 321 folder on my c drive I don't see RF anywhere but I do see that bouducon.dll file mentioned in another thread.
Sorry if this has been asked/answered but I wanna try it again w/o making a coaster.
Thanks in advance.
Suspended permanently
29. May 2004 @ 05:46 |
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In the 321 Studios folder you will find Platinum and Platinum RF if you have both versions and didn't tamper with the download/install locations. For all else check the first post on the thread and follow the instructions at tripod.
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
30. May 2004 @ 08:48 |
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willthis work with dvdxcopy xpress rp
Junior Member
30. May 2004 @ 09:23 |
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Quote: micks (Newbie) 30 May 2004 12:48
willthis work with dvdxcopy xpress rp
1: Will this patch work on the non Ripper Free (RF) version and remove the Oh so bloody annoying "DVD Backup" Screen??
Answer: NO! This patch is designed to Re-Enable the ripper in the RF version, which does not have the "DVD Backup" screen. Use 321Gone! for all non RF versions of XCopy Xpress, or (If you can) Upgrade to the RF and patch using 321RIP!
2: Does 321RIP! work on the Platinum and DVD Xtreme RF version??
Answer: Yes 321RIP works on ALL RF versions to date.
3: Can I remove the Ripper after patching??
Answer: Yes. a backup of the file is made before patching. Simply delete the bouducon.dll file and rename the bouducon.bak file to bouducon.dll (Although god knows why you'd want to do that!).
PsiDOC... Poking the DMCA with a stick, then running away.
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
30. May 2004 @ 12:54 |
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how do you download 321rip into the dvdxcopyrf folder sorry but i need step by step instuctions please thanks mr thicko
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31. May 2004 @ 12:09 |
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every time i try to open 321rip i get unable to find a file to patch please help thanks
Junior Member
31. May 2004 @ 12:34 |
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Put 31rip.exe in the SAME directory as the bouducon.dll file. This IS usually the C:\Program Files\321StudiosRF\<<Insert version (Platinum or Xpress) here>> directory.
The execute and patch.
PsiDOC... Poking the DMCA with a stick, then running away.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
1. June 2004 @ 08:29 |
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where do find the directory with bouducon.dll file and how do i access it thanks
Junior Member
1. June 2004 @ 09:14 |
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Look in C:drive > program files > 321Studios > platinum folder.
In Win XP Start > Search > Platinum > C: from the start button on the desktop. Simple to find.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
1. June 2004 @ 09:41 |
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found the bouducon.dll file how do i get put 321rip into it thanks
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1. June 2004 @ 10:27 |
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They're asking about you all over the forums. Keep up the work.
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1. June 2004 @ 11:22 |
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thanks for that just got in to this in abig way . but not very good with computers and the lingo.
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1. June 2004 @ 13:07 |
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Does anyone know if there is still a watermarking tracker on the latest and modified versions of RF?
Junior Member
1. June 2004 @ 14:23 |
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easy way is right click, copy, right click, paste into the platinum folder and then execute the file. I just copied and pasted into the ripper free program a copy of the bouducon.dll file from a copy of Xcopy platinum with the ripper included and it replaces the file in the ripper free version as PsiDOC stated previously. I have the executable on disc but didn't need to use it.
1. June 2004 @ 18:06 |
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So dose everyone like the bounducon.dll swap? I just thought I would tell you who really came up with it. Me . I see in a few post people act like they have a secret like they came up with it if it was going to be like that I would never told Psi about the bounducon.dll and asked him to post it so everyone would know about. So please don't act like your the one that came up with it ans have a big secret that no one knows about. Thanks xbadboy2
The only stupid questions are the ones you don't ask. If you don't ask you will never know.
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1. June 2004 @ 18:24 |
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