Tutorial: How to FTP in to your Xbox
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25. February 2007 @ 14:19 |
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thank you for the tip tapsta but the probelm still continues i am using unleashed x but i don't think that it matters that much when i click on ms dashboard it says there isn't one of this i am worried about but everything else seems fine.
Junior Member
16. March 2007 @ 18:20 |
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Hey everyone I followed the tutorial and got my xbox to connect the first time but i tried to connect a second time and i click connect it pauses and says connected to but then it frezzes for a few seconds and says connention failed, what is going on and how can i fix it? thx
Word up M U P P I T S
16. March 2007 @ 23:37 |
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if there is anyone still willing to give advice on this topic please help i can FTP to my xbox perfectly but if i do i cant get on the internet does any one have any solutions on how to fix.
17. March 2007 @ 05:25 |
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TOBUEI - get in touch by e-mail, we'll see what we can do.
20. March 2007 @ 16:58 |
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i need help from any one who is using a router and knows what that cable is that plugs into the computer from the picture on the tutorial!!!!
21. March 2007 @ 04:51 |
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hi you guys said that if you use a router that you cant use a cross over cable. but please tell me if this makes sense, if i connect my pc to my router, can i use a cross over cable to connect my xbox to my pc? should it work?
22. March 2007 @ 05:52 |
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help me please thought i would throw this out there
really new to this have managed to connect xbox to pc via FlashFXP
but does it work the other way? how can i view pc on xbox if at all and how that would work. told you i was new
22. March 2007 @ 19:35 |
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no dont worry figured it out.
such a newb?
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17. May 2007 @ 16:49 |
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Hello All,
I have somewhat of a problem. I softmodded my box about 2 years ago. Since I have somewhat forgotten how to go about everything. It has worked perfectly until recently.
I had saved MechAssault on the harddrive. I never ran it, I just saved it on there, with the thought of, If I needed to run the emergency linux again. Well, My son ran it to play the game and the xbox simply went black. I had Evol X (not sure of version) and several saved games on there. When you turn it on now, it simply goes to the Xbox logo, (I'm thinking getting through the bios) then where it use to bring up Evol X, now does nothing but stay at the Xbox logo screen. It will not run any games from the disc nor will it go on to Evol X. HELP!!! I can't seem to FTP it or anything. Nothing seems to work...Any help would be GREATLY appreciated! Thanky you for your time.
2. June 2007 @ 11:55 |
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Bit, I'm struggling here:
I'm using a Linksys wireless game adapter to connect to my router. Everything works fine when I connect to my xbox 360 so I know the connection is ok. But, I can't get my FTP connection working on my Xbox (running UnleashX dashboard).
I've followed the instructions (and I even had it working a couple of months ago), but it can't make the connection. It times out after 10-20 seconds.
I don't think it's a firewall issue or anything like that because I can FlashFXP to other sites just fine.
Any idea, or suggestions to try???
7. June 2007 @ 05:42 |
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um hey ...everything is working....i have unleash on my dash...i have ftp'd my xbox...everythings fine...where do i go from here? i want to put emulators and roms on my xbox and i want to put some music on it...could someone help?
Junior Member
8. June 2007 @ 06:59 |
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hey is there any way to get an FTP connection while you have an error code because i have an error code 13 that turned into an error code 16 and i really want to fix it and if you can get an FTP connection, you can fix it.
320gb hardrive, and xecuter 2.6 mod chip
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14. June 2007 @ 11:46 |
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Well I have my xbox connected like this and i can play online but i can't FTP. This is how i have
Main Internet Connection goes to the Wireless Router.
a cable goes to the Computers Mother board internet connection.
Now i have installed a ethernet Card into my computer
the second ethernet connection is connected to my Xbox through a crossover cable.
But, everytime i turn on my xbox It says local area connection 6 connected.
Then it says their is limited or no connectivity.
and i check how fast and it says 100.0MPS ???
But, eventhough it says that i can play on XBConnect w/ no lag!
My problem is that i cannot FTP my xbox!!! I need help Please :)
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20. June 2007 @ 08:57 |
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when i try to FTP it say connection failed
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20. June 2007 @ 10:14 |
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is using a router and a hub the same thing
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20. June 2007 @ 11:09 |
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Yeah it does the same thing. A hub will do the job
20. June 2007 @ 12:20 |
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well i did everything u said for the connect with a router part but it still wont connect idk wats wrong can you plzs help me
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20. June 2007 @ 16:31 |
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DO you have a crossover cable
20. June 2007 @ 16:50 |
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no...... i was doing it with a router
AfterDawn Addict
20. June 2007 @ 17:11 |
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6. July 2007 @ 10:11 |
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i really dont see what the fuss is all about, i'm barely aware of the # of zeros in 1gb yet, i tried both methods on a nephew's console, and they worked quite magicly...
Much props TC.
now , for a question..
I managed to acquire some version of XBC(xbox media center)..its a .rar file , with name : XBMC-2.0.1-FINAL-FAT-T3CH.
Inside are the following files:
- MS_Extender_Remote_keymap.rar
- SHORTCUT by TEAM XBMC (microsoft outlook config. file)
..Thus what do i do next and in what drive will these go into???
Is it even compatible for that matter??? And according to you, what's the best version out there??
Finally, i have a 160gb sata hd on the way,,,can i wait for it till further action, or it doesn't make a difference??
And again...Bless the afterdawn community..
AfterDawn Addict
6. July 2007 @ 18:36 |
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Xbox uses an IDE drive, not SATA!
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7. July 2007 @ 07:39 |
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o sh!T.......
so an sata hd will absolutely never work??
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7. July 2007 @ 13:06 |
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hey man ok.. i get what your sayin bout the FTP but do you know how to like change the settings for the mods like change the what the smg shoots and all that and .. what programs are needed for that?? thnx man really appreciate it and can i get a link on were to get some awsome mods..
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10. July 2007 @ 14:14 |
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Originally posted by chunkhead: Xbox uses an IDE drive, not SATA!
Then i'm left with 2 choices...i just "borrowed' these hds from a rather "less-needy" source ....(both are formatted btw)
-One's a 250 gb maxtor ata hd...
-The other's a 200 gb maxtor pata hd....
so will any of these (if not both) be suitable for an hd upgrade???
And again, dude i appreciate the help.