Convert AVI, Xvid, DivX to DVD
AfterDawn Addict
28. August 2005 @ 19:05 |
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I use nothing but DVDLab Pro.
Other good packages include Sonic Scenearist, and TmpgencDVD Author.
Black holes are where God divided by zero...
Cheers, Jim
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2. September 2005 @ 13:45 |
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2. September 2005 @ 15:09 |
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NEED Direction !! I'm having problems converting AVI to DVD useing MainConcept H.264 anyone familar with this I would appreciate some Direction to the proper forum or maybe I'm alright right here
Lost sound good pic If I'm ok in this forum I'll be more specific in my next post
5. September 2005 @ 13:01 |
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I use the older free version of VSODivx to DVD for 99% of my AVI to dvd conversions and it works like a charm. I've read about playback blockiness and other problems, let me pass on a little hint-get a dvd player with a good video dac, I've done this and have no problems with playback artifacts at all. I have a Sony DVD-NS50P, works like a charm. Most of my conversions are close to dvd quality (of course the conversion is only as good as the source).
If Life Is Wonderful-How Come Mine Sucks?
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5. September 2005 @ 21:21 |
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Hello zrdb..U are right about that,most programs do an excellent job..But I've got a nice 60" Sony TV & some files U download are cropped so much that on a TV of this size your viewing ares is about 20"x20"& smaller TV's even smaller[example being one of the Batman Begins was cropped so much that on a 21" TV it was 10x10]I stretched with no Quality loss.With MainConcept H.264 U can stretch these out to a very nice size & reset to 16.9,which makes for a very good picture with little or no quality loss..Of course as U say the quality U start with is basic with what U end up with..I have D/L crap & end up W/crap...But That old Cliche !! U get what U pay for..& what we get off the net is almost free.cause U still end up paying something..All with common sense know what I mean
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5. September 2005 @ 21:48 |
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9. September 2005 @ 20:47 |
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not really a reply. . . more like cry for help . . . i'm new and i have a DivX but when i use TMPGEnc plus on it and then try to burn it, i get no audio . . . why is that and wat can i do to fix it.
Junior Member
11. September 2005 @ 11:12 |
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Please help a newbie.
this is the first time I am trying to burn a movie to a DVD or SVCD I dont know the proper term for it - to be able to watch it on a DVD player.
1. I downloaded the movie Nightwatch in two parts, both were AVI..I followed this GUIDE
I joined it, perfectly without problems, I had to install XviD codecs before that, i did that and it worked fine. So when it finished joining the two files, the total size came up to 1.35 GB...
here is first of all, the picture of the AVICodec info it gave me when I opened the already joined file in it. So have a look, if it's helpful.
Now, WHAT is my next step toward burning this now full .AVI file to DVD format, or SVCD, whatever it is that will let me play it on a DVD player?
I hear TMPEG or whats the name, I have this program I installed it, but I dont know how to use it to make my file into DVD, I tried using it but it says I need a source of AUDIO, but I only have Video?/
anbyway, i dont know, maybe there's a guide or someone can tell me how to? please help I need ASAP replied as Im trying to burn it TODAY! thank you so much, thank goodness I found this site ! it's definitely informative!
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12. September 2005 @ 01:10 |
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Hello their..Igorek..Try DivX To DVD..this will get U started..And the simplicity is greeatt
Junior Member
12. September 2005 @ 08:34 |
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sorry, but how do I go about doing that?
I'm really a novice at this so I need a little bit more info.
By the way, to make a DVD you need a DVD burner, but I don't have whats my only choice now to be able to see this on DVD player?
PLease i need detailed guides, somebody help.
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12. September 2005 @ 15:17 |
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Hello Igorek..Your up Shit Creek..Buy a DVD player that will play...DivX,XviD,AVI,then u can watch them on your TV...But u will still need a Cd Burner...or break down & buy a DVD Burner..this will really open up a whole new ball of wax for U..don't reaLLY WANT TO GET INTO THAT RIGHT NOW
Thats 2 alternatives...another !! is to buy a TV card that u can hook up to your TV & play them from your computer...OR ALASS..stay stuck where u are & enjoy watching them on your computer..thats the last alternative
And to all who read this I'm not being snitty or shitty
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12. September 2005 @ 20:33 |
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that is the very best answer to a (dunno what to call Igorek question) ah classic? was wondering if it were a joke while reading. ya think? lol
always keep up with this string as there are some new and old great ideas, excellent instructions and or where to find solutions to real problems for people really trying to learn.
just wanted to add, learned a lot about making the best quality DVD's here. thank you
Grateful for any and all helpful information and guidance. Thank you arnold2
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13. September 2005 @ 04:14 |
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Thanks Arnold2..I took it as a joke I just laughed my ass off when I read it..But most I really hate to answer these tyoe of questinns because most think U are being Sarcastic..& really your not .But I guess U had a good laugh TOO!!!HaHaHa
Little off subject I know..but what the Hell
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21. September 2005 @ 06:07 |
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Hi I am a real newbie to this subject and having read the glossary and scrolled thru this entire thread, I am totally confused.
My problem involves a mpeg file that has been converted from a kvcd file,(I understand that thread is covered elsewhere).
I would like to burn the mpeg file to DVD and include titles and menu
if possible.
Is there a program that will do all this or are there a few programs to use in conjuction?
I hope you can help me.
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21. September 2005 @ 11:50 |
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22. September 2005 @ 06:59 |
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Okay, whassup people, i'm new on here? Anyway i just got the TMPGEnc but when i try to convert the AVI-dvd it gives me the "Can't load P3PPackage.dll" Please help me with that. Secondly i also got VSO DivXtoDVD, but it is taking 9 hours to convert a 700 000kb file to DVD. Why am i having such bad luck. Please help. Thanks in advance.
The Real Trey Songz
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22. September 2005 @ 13:57 |
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Hey their...dzuki77..What speed is your computer...most talks around here for movie converting,know u need a pretty fast computer for conversions..I wanna say most have around 1.5 too 2.whatever GIG computer.. for what u are looking for memory & computer speed..I started with a would take me 12 hrs ++ sometimes to convert a 2 hr movie..also a lot of new conversion programs since those days
Your on the right track with DivX to DVD...I DON'T USE TMPGEnc to convert anymore it is just to slow for me...Depending on the quality & picture size I use DivX to DVD or MainConcept H264 if the movie needs to be stretched to fit TV size [720x480]..Some AVI's are just too small for my likeing
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23. September 2005 @ 06:09 |
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wat aload of bull just use magix movie maker deluxe 3 . its easy wizard to use choose any video format AVI mpg1,2 wmv watever and it converts it then burns it in one process dont have to mess about locating files all thanx tom
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23. September 2005 @ 07:37 |
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Hello their...tomps2666..U say- wat aload of bull..Will magix movie maker deluxe 3 take a movie that is 352x288 & expand it to fit your TV at 720x 480 at 4.3 or 16.9 ? U see I use MainConcept for this reason,on films I know are going to only fill a third or less on my TV screen.Also the quality & speed as much as can be preserved when converting.Any time U can convert a movie & expand it's size at an almost 1 to 1 1/2 ratio without to much quality loss is pretty damn good in my book
Nothing dicussed here is a load of bull,its all intended to help everyone.I've gained a lot,just reading what others do & taking what I feel suits my needs best.I don't think anybody uses the same method.Even your suggestion on magix movie maker deluxe 3 will intise others to sure ain't..aload of bull..ALLS WELL THAT ENDS WELL
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25. September 2005 @ 13:12 |
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Hi, I'm a newbie at burning dvds, and I've been having a recurrent problem. I am burning a 640x480 size file onto dvds with 4:3 and 16:9 ratio and I've been having the same problems. I've used Nerovision Express, DivxtoDvd, and compressions with NVE to burn with Nero 6.0, and I run into the same problems.
First is, when I burn with 4:3, full screen, I only tend to see about 590x430 of my original file. So basically, i'm getting 1.5in. cropped off each side of my video when watching on a 32in. tv.
And second, when I use 16:9, widescreen, I end up seeing a thick black border around my video.
Can anyone please help me? I've already wasted about 5-7 dvds with trial and error. ONLY trial and error. It'd be much appreciated. Thanks.
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26. September 2005 @ 09:01 |
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Hello their crzsnwbdr...this is the method I use...if everybody in this forum is reading this,I'd definately be interested in there methods
First of I use mainconceptH264...I encode a small sample of the video..just enough to get into the main movie..then I use mpegVCR to crop out a section that I can use to stretch the movie to its full potential..I use this small sample to resize my video in mainconceptH264...just write down top,bttm,right,left how much U have stretched your movie..Then U can start with the full movie,with these settings..U have a choice 4.3 or 16.9..I personaly prefer 16.9..In mainconcept U take full atvantage of your TV screen 4.9 full screen utilizes the full screen..or 16.9 which gives U a blackborder accross the top & bottom about 10 to 15% of the screen,U do not lose that much video quality in stretching
This may soud like a lot of work from program to program..but it only adds about 15mins of time..U can over stretch top to compensate with left to right..I try to stay as true as possible..sometimes U have to leave a little blk on top & bottom,when U stretch sides..if anybody decides to go this route I'll get a little more explicit..but U first have to have mainconceptH264..not a cheap converter though 4 500 bucks..maybe U get lucky & find it on the net..this has been the only way that I have found to do this...So lets go us your methods,& thoughts on how to open up some of these smaller AVI's that u have to sit 6" from your set to enjoy. Batman Begins,Revenge of the Sith were some I opened up & truely enjoyed a lot more
26. September 2005 @ 09:06 |
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Okay, i just got NTI CD &DVD Maker 7. It burns in the DVD-TS Video folder i guess. It burnt my AVI. file onto a DVD-R in like 10 minutes so i thought, great, i didn't even have to convert the AVI. to mpeg. I put the disc in my dvd player and it unfortunately didn't recognise it (wasn't compatible). However i put it in my computer and i could open the folder to play the AVI. perfect. now my question is does anyone else use this software, and if so how should i go about it?
The Real Trey Songz
26. September 2005 @ 15:31 |
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Firstly, i am an EXTREME newbie, so i apologize in advance for being stupid, not knowing the terms, asking questions that have already been asked to death and/or posting in the wrong place.
:) I think i covered everything....
On to business. I have anime files (in .AVI format) that I would desperately like to burn onto a DVD. I looked around here, and I saw that a software program, ffmpeg, would be able to convert my files to DVD compliant format?! i used it (properly, i think) and the output was .m2v files. Next, I used VSO DivXtoDVD to... do something... then I used DVD Shrink to create (burn?!) an iso image from these files, and THEN, DVD Decrypter burned the iso image onto my DVD... did I do everything correctly? or did i do this in a very backward way, cause my final DVD did NOT have audio.... have i missed something?
Can anyone please offer any suggestions/hints/new software to try?
Thanks so much!
26. September 2005 @ 18:25 |
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Good lord man-I do a lot of mpeg4 (divx, xvid) conversions to mpeg2 (dvd) format. Very briefly-download VSODivx to DVD-get the older free version-with standard anime AVI downloads with hardcoded subs-just open up DivX to DVD, select the input file, select the destination file, wait about 20 minutes, viola. Now open up DVD Shrink in the reauthor mode, open up the video folder that DivX to DVD made, enable DVD Decrypter, put a blank dvd in your burner, presto-a dvd that should play on most dvd players. ENJOY!!
If Life Is Wonderful-How Come Mine Sucks?
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26. September 2005 @ 19:03 |
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Hey, not to be irritating, but I am still looking for help to my previous request.
All I've been hearing are to use multiple applications to change my .AVI files into VOB's, Video_TS folders, etc. Including setting my ratio to 4:3 to fit on my television. Absolutely nothing has worked for me so far, because I still get my video cropped at the sides.
The only current advise I was given to do the trick was to purchase a $500 product; which is completely out of the question.
Does anyone reading this post know how to get a 640x480 & 720x480 anime video to fit perfectly on my television without anything part of the film being cropped off?
Anyone's help will be much appreciated. Thanks.