Game over HD DVD
The following comments relate to this news article:
article published on 15 February, 2008
It seems that over the course of the last month, HD DVD has been taking loss after loss, but it seems the giant retailer Wal-Mart has finally put the final nail in the coffin.
The company announced this morning that it has chosen sides in the next-gen format war and that by June it will only be stocking Blu-ray Disc players, completely dropping HD DVD in the process.
Susan Chronister, ... [ read the full article ]
Please read the original article before posting your comments.
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15. February 2008 @ 15:22 |
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| you're like a secret agent or somethan.
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15. February 2008 @ 15:31 |
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Originally posted by goodswipe: you're like a secret agent or somethan.
Who is?
Hey, why'd they ban Hm577...........he seemed alright. I mean he right on about that "dual format being the way" stuff dont'cha think???
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15. February 2008 @ 15:34 |
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They probably banned you because like me, I knew that was you. You can tell by your wording and ".......DUAL FORMAT". Hey, at least this time you didn't pick up a permanent ban. ;)
Anyways, gone off topic enough. See you around!
15. February 2008 @ 15:55 |
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It's interesting that DVDBack23 named this news thread "Game Over HD DVD."
It seems some will never accept it until there's an official capitulation from Toshiba.
The question then remains - will Toshiba announce first? or will "Paraversal"?
I still think the studios won't make a move until Toshiba does and I don't see any BD title announcements from Paraversal until Q2 or even Q3.
When Toshiba does make the final announcement I also think they will reveal one or more BD capable players. I'm leaning more toward BluRay standalones especially if they want market penetration in Japan. However, I won't be surprised if they had plans for a dual-format player for the US/EU market.
We just have to wait and see.
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15. February 2008 @ 16:14 |
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uh?........they wouldnt announce any titles if they arent dual format or BD exclusive. just to let you know.
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15. February 2008 @ 16:17 |
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Originally posted by camaro17: uh?........they wouldnt announce any titles (BD) if they arent dual format or BD exclusive. just to let you know.
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15. February 2008 @ 16:20 |
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If its any consolidation I owned a laserdisc player and I believe it has now outlived HD-DVD in lifespan..............WOW
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15. February 2008 @ 16:23 |
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Of course as much as the PS3 fanclub can't bear to admit it, it's just as delusional and 'fanboy-ish' to claim Blu-ray has won a thing at this point when it doesn't even hold 1% of the annual retail movie disc sales.
DVD remains the winner by a country mile.
Maybe with sales of less than 1% BD should just stop the delusion and give up too, huh?
......and at the prices they are expecting for Blu-ray players (particularly when there isn't even a proper range of specs/prices available on the supposedly final 'profile 2.0' yet, shhhh no-one mention profile 3.0 or the chances of more profiles) it's not exactly likely that Blu-ray is going anywhere anytime soon.
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15. February 2008 @ 16:36 |
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Originally posted by hughjars: Of course as much as the PS3 fanclub can't bear to admit it, it's just as delusional and 'fanboy-ish' to claim Blu-ray has won a thing at this point when it doesn't even hold 1% of the annual retail movie disc sales.
DVD remains the winner by a country mile.
Maybe with sales of less than 1% BD should just stop the delusion and give up too, huh
The DVD vs HDM argument really cannot apply at this point.
You simply cannot compare a well-established 10+ year-old format with a <2 year old fledgling format that's just trying to take its first baby steps.
You have to compare DVD at age 2 and look at BluRay at age 2. You have to compare both sides at similar stages of development - not when one has already been established as the most successful entertainment format in history and the other is just getting its player profiles right.
It's simply not a fair comparison and you know it.
Besides if the shoe was on the other foot or if HD DVD defeated BluRay, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be making such a comparison.
15. February 2008 @ 16:47 |
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FormatDuo (account created on 15 Feb, 2008) has used same IP address as banned2X (banned on 23 Jan, 2008)
FormatDuo (account created on 15 Feb, 2008) has used same IP address as banned3x (banned on 23 Jan, 2008)
FormatDuo (account created on 15 Feb, 2008) has used same IP address as banned4x (banned on 23 Jan, 2008)
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FormatDuo (account created on 15 Feb, 2008) has used same IP address as hm577 (banned on 15 Feb, 2008)
15. February 2008 @ 16:57 |
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Originally posted by hughjars: Of course as much as the PS3 fanclub can't bear to admit it, it's just as delusional and 'fanboy-ish' to claim Blu-ray has won a thing at this point when it doesn't even hold 1% of the annual retail movie disc sales.
DVD remains the winner by a country mile.
and of course you being HD-DVD number 1 super fanboy/kid , I notice you have changed the "HD-DVD" to "DVD" - now that you realise all your confident predictions about HD-DVD market superiority and how they were going to win and kill blu-ray has been blown to pieces, you've decided to continue the attack on Blu Ray by substituting HD-DVD for DVD ?
just too funny ( and desperate )
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15. February 2008 @ 16:58 |
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So if everyone agrees that HD was the better format in terms of price/performance and had a finalized standard, then why the hell didn't everyone support the format and instead support the non consumer friendly format. Please answer the question Blu-Ray fans. I am very curious why all the hatred for the better format. People just don't make sense anymore, letting corporations decide for us. From the Red camp, we fought for our format because we knew it was better than Blu-Ray in many fronts. It wasn't about pride, it was about what was best for the consumer. Why did you Blu-Ray fans stick with your format when you know it has so many unesolved issues? Was it your pride?
15. February 2008 @ 17:02 |
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Originally posted by hughjars: Of course as much as the PS3 fanclub can't bear to admit it, it's just as delusional and 'fanboy-ish' to claim Blu-ray has won a thing at this point when it doesn't even hold 1% of the annual retail movie disc sales.
DVD remains the winner by a country mile.
Maybe with sales of less than 1% BD should just stop the delusion and give up too, huh
The DVD vs HDM argument really cannot apply at this point.
You simply cannot compare a well-established 10+ year-old format with a <2 year old fledgling format that's just trying to take its first baby steps.
You have to compare DVD at age 2 and look at BluRay at age 2. You have to compare both sides at similar stages of development - not when one has already been established as the most successful entertainment format in history and the other is just getting its player profiles right.
It's simply not a fair comparison and you know it.
Besides if the shoe was on the other foot or if HD DVD defeated BluRay, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be making such a comparison.
Could not have said it better myself. Agree 100%
Junior Member
15. February 2008 @ 17:13 |
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Originally posted by glasssd: If the HD-DVD player is being used as an Upconverter, That does not make HD-DVD survive.
well but it's a fact that will cheer up hd-dvd 1st users
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15. February 2008 @ 17:16 |
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Originally posted by jrosado5: So if everyone agrees that HD was the better format in terms of price/performance and had a finalized standard, then why the hell didn't everyone support the format and instead support the non consumer friendly format. Please answer the question Blu-Ray fans. I am very curious why all the hatred for the better format. People just don't make sense anymore, letting corporations decide for us. From the Red camp, we fought for our format because we knew it was better than Blu-Ray in many fronts. It wasn't about pride, it was about what was best for the consumer. Why did you Blu-Ray fans stick with your format when you know it has so many unesolved issues? Was it your pride?
The consumer never decided who won.
It was a chess match played between the BDA and the HD DVD Group with the movie studios as chess pieces.
It just so happened that the BDA played a better game and outwitted the HD DVD Promo Group.
We never had a say in the whole matter and deciding the winner was not up to us.
15. February 2008 @ 17:23 |
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I just want an end to this format war so that maybe, just maybe I can start buying the new "cool" movies in a format that will do them justice. Otherwise DVD is still cool for me... :)...buying something 3 times over is just stupid. I know cause I fell for it a few times and for what, now I have to buy them again for the newest format.. not this time, I'm too old to keep playing the marketing game. Let the kids of today figure this out for themselves like I did and now my money stays in my pocket longer...
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15. February 2008 @ 17:40 |
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Originally posted by m3_chris:
Could not have said it better myself. Agree 100%
Thanks m3_chris.
Here's a whole thread on HD Digest discussing the absurdity of comparing DVD and BluRay at this point:
My favorite post:
Quote: I know a lot of people are all saying the same thing here and pointing out how wrong you are.
So here is me jumping ontop of the pile.
I know your trying to make a point here that HDM is a tiny little market. But look at what you are actually saying. Another way you could have said that is.
"So one format that has been out for less than 2 years couldn't outsell a format that has been out for over 10 years."
Do you see now why what you are trying to say is just a little silly?
15. February 2008 @ 17:50 |
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easy man
who is to say who will win there no fan boy "ism" coming from me there no smirk mate i actually own a ps3 so this article is in favor of my machine,
if you don't want people to comment man don't post.
so hey before you come out blindly swinging watch out you might hit somebody you know.
if i was misunderstood I'm sorry mate
i'm not going to declare "we are the champions" until Toshiba says they will no longer support the format?
Originally posted by d0nd: you bet its a fanboy thing but time can only tell
eh... with a single format we can look forward to "not " having to buy things twice =) (at the least)
Ummm............if you can state ONE MAJOR DISADVANTAGE to having both formats around with dual format players being the standard then I will stand corrected. But you can't one can. What are you, foreign?? "Not having to buy things twice." ??? That's a comment that can be expected from one whom is uninformed. Can you say "buy a movie like Transformers that's only available on HD-DVD and then buy a movie that's only available on Blu-ray like Pirates and then buy EITHER format when available on both". This goes for you too moderator and your comment......"Amazing, simply amazing that you can't see the light of day in front of you." Counter me with an intelligible and EXPLAINED disagreement and then just MAYBE you might actually convince ONE PERSON IN YOUR LIFE ON THIS PLANET to see your side.
Counter with your 'holier than thou' smirk remarks and it'll be clear that you have no basis for your claims or at the very least, nothing that counters my theory.
1 product review
15. February 2008 @ 18:10 |
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^Toshiba will declare that they have lost, only when they have no more stock to there warehouses, and in my opinion thats the real reason that the drop 50% the prices.
Originally posted by hughjars:
Of course as much as the PS3 fanclub can't bear to admit it, it's just as delusional and 'fanboy-ish' to claim Blu-ray has won a thing at this point when it doesn't even hold 1% of the annual retail movie disc sales.
DVD remains the winner by a country mile.
Maybe with sales of less than 1% BD should just stop the delusion and give up too, huh?
......and at the prices they are expecting for Blu-ray players (particularly when there isn't even a proper range of specs/prices available on the supposedly final 'profile 2.0' yet, shhhh no-one mention profile 3.0 or the chances of more profiles) it's not exactly likely that Blu-ray is going anywhere anytime soon.
Shoot your self!
15. February 2008 @ 18:10 |
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Maybe the Toshiba Super Bowl commercial was in itself an admittance of defeat - by concentrating on its upscaling abilities for regular dvds instead of concentrating on the next generation capabilities vs Blu Ray.
I didn't see it so I can't say for sure but i'm surprised how many people are saying that its great as an upscaler and even Walmart's official blogger recommending that it be kept as a dvd upscaler - I mean i've had a 1080 upscaler dvd player for almost 3 years now with HDMI output and cable included - this is nothing new - I bought a Samsung 850 model back in 2005 and it is pretty cool and handles all dvd upscaling, is region free and plays DiVX and cost $ 110 almost 3 years ago !
My point is - why is this suddenly an incentive to purchase an HD-DVD player for upscaling if the upscaling machines have been on the market for almost three years and at a price still cheaper than an HD-DVD player ?
It's interesting that Toshiba's official spokesperson has refused to comment on reports that they are about to drop HD-DVD completely. Now 3 months ago they would have wasted no time in saying that the idea was absurd.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. February 2008 @ 18:13
15. February 2008 @ 18:41 |
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I was planning on buying a HD-DVD player this upcoming Christmas if things got better for HD-DVD. I don't want to give my money away to Sony and buy a BD player in store. I'll wait and buy a BD player from a street thug at a discounted price.
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15. February 2008 @ 18:56 |
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Originally posted by domie: and of course you being HD-DVD number 1 super fanboy/kid
- Well domie I'd put it more like I have tried to be an anti-Blu-ray BS poster.
That's all.
Originally posted by domie: I notice you have changed the "HD-DVD" to "DVD"
- I think the overall comparison with DVD is valid and well worth bearing in mind, it's simply not true to say I have not suggested this before, I have several times.
Originally posted by domie: now that you realise all your confident predictions about HD-DVD market superiority and how they were going to win and kill blu-ray has been blown to pieces
- Do you have any idea how closely this came to going the other way?
But for a sudden change of decision by a group on the Warner board HD DVD did indeed have it all tied up.
Believe it or not.
Originally posted by domie: you've decided to continue the attack on Blu Ray by substituting HD-DVD for DVD ?
- I don't think you have grasped this at all.
I do not think Blu-ray will be 'a good thing' for anyone.
The reasons for this view are not on the basis of what HD DVD does or does not do.
Blu-ray's flaw and anti-consumer nature do not alter simply because HD DVD may not take the win in this.
Similarly I see no reason to give Blu-ray a 'bye' and stop talking about it's flaws, it's undesirability and anti-consumer nature and it's extremely weak position in the market.
The Blu-ray PR machine sure as hell is not going to snow-storm anyone with percentages and ratios when it comes to DVD.
Originally posted by domie: just too funny ( and desperate )
- Well weak & rather pathetic insults aside the only funny things I see here are people desperately trying to push Blu-ray on a market that doesn't want to know and claiming they have won something.
If you're so convinced Blu-ray has won then you can't hide behind bashing HD DVD anymore.
In fact if you guys are so sure you've won what are you doing here arguing the toss about?!
I suspect you know only too well you've seen Blu0ray win absolutely nothing so far - in fact falling HDM sales would indicate exactly that.
This new Walmart agreement, like the Warner move doesn't even happen for several months.
That's a very long time in business. :P
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. February 2008 @ 18:57
15. February 2008 @ 19:12 |
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SDF_GR just got a two week vacation for his punk comment and the next person to try the same thing will get two weeks or MORE!
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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15. February 2008 @ 19:16 |
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As eatsushi said we never had a say in the matter. Only because the studios chose what format they want to use. And can anyone guess why most have chosen BD over HD?
ANSWER: better craptacular DRM
That is the one and only reason these studios went to BD. So they could force us to buy every movie they sell. At very high prices to recoup their supposed losses over the last several years.
Hopefully some very good hacker will create an algorithm to break BD before it is all said and done. And I know that anyDVD says they have. But that doesn't account for the ability to change their DRM structure. I don't remember off the top of my head the actual name of it.
I haven't yet made a choice yet which format to go with. I also haven't purchased any player yet. I'm content with waiting until it ends to purchase the player with the features I want and the price I want.
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15. February 2008 @ 19:33 |
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One thing that continues to amaze me is how many people still equate Blu-Ray with Sony exclusively. Sure, they are the one pushing the format the most, but they are only one of nine founding members of the Blu-Ray Association and one of eighteen board members, not to mention the other 250 companies that are contributors. Just saying that you don't like Blu-Ray because it is Sony doesn't make sense when you have Apple, HP, Dell, Sun Microsystems, LG, Pioneer, Panasonic, and more on the board of directors.
I just feel bad for the early adopters that paid a premium for HD DVD. I had a couple friends with betamax years ago, so I remember their experience. At least with a HD DVD player you have a decent upscaler for standard DVDs and any HD content you have bought in that format would still look good. What would be a nice gesture of good will would be a replacement program for a nominal fee if they do eventually drop the HD DVD format.