PS3 blu-ray drive dead
12. March 2009 @ 17:15 |
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Its a long story Anyways i have a ps3 40 gig got it dec 07 the blu-ray just failed sucks. Anyways My friend had a friend living at his house his friend just bought a 80 gig last month his friend did not pay him rent and left. So not being in a good mood he offered me the blu-ray drive out of his friend ps3 will it work in my 40 gig just wondering. He wants to send it to his former fiend without the drive. I know its screwed up but i guess. And if not what replacement drive do i need for my "model ps3 cechg01" any help would be great opened up my ps3 today and seen that i has a kem-400aaa did not look at the laser model # thought
P.s i was reading into a KEM 400AAA replacement drive any one know anything about that
13. March 2009 @ 11:55 |
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Originally posted by napabull: I am having the exact same problem. My problem started after Bad Company froze....I restarted the system, never to read a BluRay again! Sony refuses to do anything since it is a whopping 3 months out of warranty! Outrageous!
Please email me at *removed* if you want to approach Sony together with our same issue. It is time that they own up to selling us faulty equipment, thank you.
I'd be down for that, Sony is being absolutely ridiculous about this. I sent mine in for repair, and when I got it back the invoice said nothing about what was done to it (didn't even say if it was a repaired or replaced unit). I emailed them and asked what repairs were made and they said it was "proprietary" information. Imagine a car repair shop charging you nearly half the price of the car for a repair, then not telling you anything about they did and only guaranteeing it for 90 days.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. March 2009 @ 07:37
13. March 2009 @ 12:02 |
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Originally posted by ozzy11340: Its a long story Anyways i have a ps3 40 gig got it dec 07 the blu-ray just failed sucks. Anyways My friend had a friend living at his house his friend just bought a 80 gig last month his friend did not pay him rent and left. So not being in a good mood he offered me the blu-ray drive out of his friend ps3 will it work in my 40 gig just wondering. He wants to send it to his former fiend without the drive. I know its screwed up but i guess. And if not what replacement drive do i need for my "model ps3 cechg01" any help would be great opened up my ps3 today and seen that i has a kem-400aaa did not look at the laser model # thought
P.s i was reading into a KEM 400AAA replacement drive any one know anything about that
The drive as a whole is pretty easy to swap out, so prbly isn't any harm in trying that and seeing if it works.
The problem in most of these cases seems to be in the diodes on the laser failing. The kem 400aaa is the entire laser assembly and is only a few bucks more than just the laser, so it makes more sense to get it to cover any possible problems and b/c its an easier replacement. I got one from for a decent price. It worked but had a different connection on the laser. I believe this was b/c i had a 60 GB original. Either way I highly recommend them b/c they gave me a full refund (including shipping) when I told them it didn't work for my ps3.
13. March 2009 @ 12:11 |
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ok so is not a scam cuz someone told me that is was but i guess if yea ordered off there i seen the kem-400aaa on the for 72.00 i was going to buy it but then some one said it was a scam
Junior Member
13. March 2009 @ 23:05 |
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Ok so I got my new laser and still did not read so I have a ? might be a lame ? but i need to know the answere. If the laser emits no light when boot up and you can see the laser then its a bad laser right?
23. March 2009 @ 05:18 |
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Thanks for all the info here. My Blu-ray drive recently gave up after less than 18 months of light use and after searching a while this turned out to be the best info resource. I'm gonna try and fix it myself but we really shouldn't have to. This is clearly a defect and we also need to make our voices heard. Sign the petition and maybe we can get a warranty extension like those 360 guys did a while ago:
PS3 Blu-Ray Drive Failure Warranty Extension
24. March 2009 @ 11:26 |
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Originally posted by imrinkrat: Good news, hopefully some others can use...If you have read through the entire post you will see that I caught this thread at the very beginning and posted my issue on page one. I have since followed this thread in gaining a lot of insight on what to do to fix my PS3. I recently attempted to call Sony again. I told the customer service rep that I had downloaded the new 2.42 Firmware and since then all my games and Blu-Ray discs will freeze up after about a minute. She asked if my unit was within warranty and I replied "no". She then went through the $150 repair speech that we have all heard several times. I then politely made the statement that how can I be charged to fix the machine when the fault completely lies within download that your company forces/recommends as an upgrade to the system. I was put on hold for a minute and she came back saying that they were sending me a box and will fix my machine at no charge.
So obviously they are a lot more aware of this serious issue than they were in June when my first call was placed. I have seen one or two other posts of people here getting the same result as I did, so with the growing unreliability of the replacement drives available it will not hurt to give PS customer service one more shot.
Food for thought.....
Whats the status on this? Do all Firmware Versions have the potential to mess up the blu-ray drive or just 2.42? I am out of warranty, downloaded 2.60 and shortly thereafter had the problem. Just wondering if anyone else has spoken with Sony and gotten a free out of warranty replacement with any other firmware version than 2.42.
24. March 2009 @ 12:09 |
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my blu-ray drive died on me and i have been havin a hard time finding somewhere i can buy a new kem-400aaa blu-ray drive so can anyone help me out
24. March 2009 @ 12:39 |
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PM me , I have a few extra for sale if your in the US
24. March 2009 @ 13:46 |
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I bought an 80 gig reverse compatible PS3 more than a year ago.
About 3 months ago it began having trouble picking up PS3 games. After a couple tries (from 4 to 40) it would pick up. What I did for this was, being that the warranty was over, take the PS3 apart, and get to the root of the problem. I had no problem doing this (first time took a while) upon opening the blu-ray casing I used a q-tip and rubbing alcohol to clean off the lens. After that it began working the first time every try. But only for a week, tried this same thing again with the same result.
Upon doing this a 3rd time I was not so lucky, it made no difference and the games would work after taking it out and putting it back in (got used to the sounds so that I can hear if it picks up or not).
Finally the games stopped working, I had tried for almost 3 hours straight to no avail. But all other format discs work (CD/DVD, PS1/2)
I know that the discs are spinning, and even when I put a PS3 game in there it does spin. one thing that I found out is that if it does not pick up on the first attempt it will not pick up in my case for this it does not spin on the first attempt, but on the 2nd it spins the disc 2 times and then quits.
Is my only option to buy a new laser unit?
Am I going to loose my reverse compatibility with a new laser?
It it perhaps a version of firmware that needs to be changed?
24. March 2009 @ 14:29 |
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Hello everyone
I am thinking about buying a broken ps3 and fixing it. It reportedly works fine except for not being able to read any game discs, so I am guessing it is most likely a laser issue or an IC control chip issue. I haven't gotten it in yet but just so I have a good handle on what I should be doing when it comes in I was wondering if you guys could give me some feedback and answer a few questions.
It seems like the consensus here is that the first thing you should try replacing is the blu-ray lens. Are there any tests I can do to confirm that the blu-ray lens isn't working? Better yet, is there any test I can do to confirm that the blu-ray lens IS working? I'd rather not buy a replacement lens that I don't need, and then find out I have to shell out another 20 bucks for an IC Controller chip. Also, is there only ONE universal blu-ray lens model for ALL ps3s? the MPN on the system I'm thinking about getting is 98007.
thanks a lot for the help
24. March 2009 @ 21:09 |
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wow so many replies about broken PS3s
okay, so here's my deal. I live in an apartment overran by us college boys. I mean, we run the building like a goddamn base.
Anyways,about 90% bought the PS3 when it came out. I was stingy at the time. So about a month back around mid-February, my tax return arrives, and I decide to buy a cheap, 40G brand spanking new PS3 locally from a gamestop. It's all fun, loved the games I could play, fell in love with BD...good stuff...
But thats when problems arrive. I was playing the new RE5 about 4 nights back and played for A LONG time. After turning it off for a couple hours I turn it back on to watch a movie. Doesn't read.
So I get the same problem, call sony, go through the bullshit yah yah...anyways they don't want to honor the warranty because they believe I have "Stressed the console" by overuse. what the crap ever.
I find you guys and get busy dismantling it and sure enough the motor is not working. I figure I buy a new laser for it...
Only problem, I don't know which!! It says it is a KEM-410CCA (twin laser), but nothing comes up on a search!!! I get results for the previous 410ACA....
What am I supposed to do!??! I don't want to waste money on a laser that is not compatible with the drive...and I don't even know if it's just the motor....
few pointers please?
24. March 2009 @ 21:22 |
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you should try going on ebay
26. March 2009 @ 12:30 |
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26. March 2009 @ 13:00 |
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does any one know where i can get a new laser drive from for cheap im looking for a kem-400aaa
26. March 2009 @ 20:10 |
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Originally posted by cherokee1: does any one know where i can get a new laser drive from for cheap im looking for a kem-400aaa
The price i gave you was the cheapest you are going to find, check fle bay(ebay)
26. March 2009 @ 23:00 |
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Hello from Australia!
I have been reading through here and trying to figure out what problem my ps3 has. Its an 80gb console and it won't read anything. It will boot games from the HDD though. I have replaced the laser and that didnt work. I think it may be the Driver IC or the BGA chip, like in this thread mentioned months earlier. Can someone tell me if reballing the BGA chip is better/worse than swapping it from a another console (same specs) and reballing? I have been without COD4 for like a year and its killing me!!! :)
30. March 2009 @ 03:56 |
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hey guyz i have bought a ps3 couple of months back .. and the blue ray player has just gone dead ... unfortunately i dont have the bill and warranty card of it ... so i had no choice but to open it ... the problem was the disc was not comin out .... so i disassembled the Ps3 and manged to get the DVD out .. even after gettin it out the PS3 just fails to take it back in ... there is no movement at all in the disc unit no movement with the lens or the motors ... i need some help here whether its the problem of the block .... or the control board .... i say again its dosent even accept the disc .... the ps3 just dosent pull in the disc ... my lens number is KEM - 410 CCA.... waiting for the earliest reponse ...
4. April 2009 @ 05:44 |
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My 40gb drive stopped working, I checked online and was directed towards where I ordered a KEM-400AAA. It arrived a while later and it was at this stage I found out my drive was a twin lens 410ACA and the 400AAA was incompatible with my PS3. I tried contacting PSXBoy and eventually after a number of emails they told me to return the drive and they would refund the cash or send on the 410ACA. I duly sent it by registered mail and that was the last I saw of any drive or my cash. I've since ordered one from, which came quickly and works perfectly, so lesson being make sure you get the right lens and stay away from PSXBoy.
6. April 2009 @ 12:53 |
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Hey guys, I really need your help / input,
I have a original 60GB with BC and after the 2.60 update the blu ray drive stopped working, 2.70 didnt solve the issue. Im get the loading bubble thing like many of you have had here.
I have opened up my PS3 and found that the blu ray laser lights up brightly (blue violet) and the worm gear moves the assembly along the slider. The funny thing is the spindle spins the disk like half a turn then stops... half a turn then stops, repeatedly. It spins (meaning the motor works) but it doesnt spin up fully.
What on earth could be the issue? If all motors appear to be working and the laser is lighting up brightly I think the only thing left that might be at fault is the IC controller board. I seriously hope not because I refuse to send it back to Sony as I will get someone elses horrible refurb.
Im a very casual gamer and it has had moderate use, I dont even own any blu ray films and only use the drive for 5 games! How on earth could it have died already!
Junior Member
6. April 2009 @ 15:26 |
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I would try cleaning the laser lens 1st off,
It seems funny but probably the whole assembly needs to be repaired.
It seems its hard to diagnose the individual parts of the laser assembly or at least I haven't read anyone that does that.
Junior Member
7. April 2009 @ 14:50 |
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Originally posted by coxwain: One more questions on the drive compatibility list
My PS3 was a refurbished from EBgames and it worked for about 6 months without a problem then the drive just failed completely
the Drive is not spinning.
My question is what BR drive are companible with what models?
Could there be a chance that the KES-400a lens was put into a KEM-410 box? since it seems the drive motor is broken?
Can the KES-410/400 be interchanged? or the KEM-410/400 be interchanged?
The KEM-410 would seem to me to be more reliable as you wouldn't loose all access to the drive maybe br or dvd
Could it just be the HUB motor?
Can someone verify whether they can be interchanged because the new ones seem more reliable and the assemblys are exactly the same? Or does it depend on the board?
Junior Member
7. April 2009 @ 15:16 |
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they are not interchangeable
some of the drives have very short life spans
I would get the whole KEM-400AAA deck and laser
I have been told power supplies and BR driver boards can affect the drive as it is sensitive but don't know this for sure.
You should be able to replace the drive deck yourself.
People always ask why it doesnt spin or why the light doesnt work or somthing, just replace the whole unit as the cost of replaceing other components are insinificantly less
all the best
8. April 2009 @ 02:52 |
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no u cannot interchange the 410 and the 400 as they both have different drive boards so u just cant do it
8. April 2009 @ 22:30 |
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Hi Guys,
sorry to add yet another question to this huge thread, but I am desperately after some help and this seems to be the best forum for it..
So my blu-ray stopped working, I ordered a new replacement KEM-410ACA off ebay (the whole assembly), put it in last night and it still does not work. the disc goes in, it keeps making a noise like it is still moving the disc in a few seconds after the disc actually stops (the blue light next to the green power light flashes a few times while this happens too), I have tried it with the covers off and the lasers do not emit any light, the laser part does not slide up or down, and the drive does not spin at all. I also tested my old blu ray assembly and it does the exact same thing. Also, when I eject the disc again, the blue light flashes and it beeps 3 times (I dont remember it doing this when it was functioning properly) - can someone confirm if this is normal?
Now am I just really unlucky and have got another faulty kem-410aca off ebay? or could something else be wrong? Is it possible to get a replacement of the whole blue ray box, including circuit boards etc?
I can upload a vid of the disc going in etc tonight if it would help?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. April 2009 @ 22:51