PS3 blu-ray drive dead
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29. April 2009 @ 13:29 |
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Originally posted by gameover9:
wow. $170 for a new drive? That's nuts. Is that what you got?
no I didn't get the whole drive, I just got the PS3 laser lens with mechanism KEM-400AAA. that cost $74+SH
whats your model number on you ps3. located in the back on a little white sticker. it should say something like CECHP01, CECHL01, CECHK01, CECHE01, CECHA01, CECHH01, CECHG01 or CECHB01. mines CECHA01.
Kombucha is Delicious.
Mod ps2 w/ 80gb HD
PS3 w/ Linux, Yellow Dog 6.1
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29. April 2009 @ 13:48 |
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Originally posted by duperfly: Originally posted by gameover9:
wow. $170 for a new drive? That's nuts. Is that what you got?
no I didn't get the whole drive, I just got the PS3 laser lens with mechanism KEM-400AAA. that cost $74+SH
whats your model number on you ps3. located in the back on a little white sticker. it should say something like CECHP01, CECHL01, CECHK01, CECHE01, CECHA01, CECHH01, CECHG01 or CECHB01. mines CECHA01.
I will have to look when I get home, but it is a 60GB
29. April 2009 @ 17:03 |
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29. April 2009 @ 20:06 |
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Originally posted by gameover9: I will have to look when I get home, but it is a 60GB
if its 60gb then you have model number CECHA01
you have the same PS3 that I have. so did you already replace the lazer?
Originally posted by Kilaspawn: gameover9 thx for repleaying to my ? so thats means i am not having the same problems as yall but here is a site you can go to get it cheaper than 75 bucks
Here you go
Thats out of stock and its been out of stock for about a month
Kombucha is Delicious.
Mod ps2 w/ 80gb HD
PS3 w/ Linux, Yellow Dog 6.1
29. April 2009 @ 21:02 |
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I have a 40G that was sent into sony for a new BD-Rom drive at least that is what the report from the place that fixed it says, now my warrenty just ended 3 months ago and it died again. Sony has been no help. I really don't want to sent it to them again, is there any way to determine which laser is in the system with out talking it apart? it is a CECHG01 that was purchased december 07.
Thanks for any help
29. April 2009 @ 21:56 |
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same model as me Kes-400A laser just got a new one from
for 76.00
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29. April 2009 @ 22:00 |
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Originally posted by kuniff: I have a 40G that was sent into sony for a new BD-Rom drive at least that is what the report from the place that fixed it says, now my warrenty just ended 3 months ago and it died again. Sony has been no help. I really don't want to sent it to them again, is there any way to determine which laser is in the system with out talking it apart? it is a CECHG01 that was purchased december 07.
Thanks for any help
This is what you want
look at the bottom of the page and it'll tell you which laser you need!
anything older than march 2008 is kem-400A
anything march 2008 and newer is kem-410ACA
Kombucha is Delicious.
Mod ps2 w/ 80gb HD
PS3 w/ Linux, Yellow Dog 6.1
Suspended permanently
30. April 2009 @ 08:32 |
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Originally posted by duperfly: Originally posted by kuniff: I have a 40G that was sent into sony for a new BD-Rom drive at least that is what the report from the place that fixed it says, now my warrenty just ended 3 months ago and it died again. Sony has been no help. I really don't want to sent it to them again, is there any way to determine which laser is in the system with out talking it apart? it is a CECHG01 that was purchased december 07.
Thanks for any help
This is what you want
look at the bottom of the page and it'll tell you which laser you need!
anything older than march 2008 is kem-400A
anything march 2008 and newer is kem-410ACA
I don't need a laser. My issue is the discs won't go in and I've tried and tried. Where can I get a "whole" drive?
30. April 2009 @ 20:19 |
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1. May 2009 @ 22:09 |
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Originally posted by gameover9: I don't need a laser. My issue is the discs won't go in and I've tried and tried. Where can I get a "whole" drive?
oh, well you'll probably need to get the whole drive for $170.
Thats the only place I know where you can get the whole drive
Kombucha is Delicious.
Mod ps2 w/ 80gb HD
PS3 w/ Linux, Yellow Dog 6.1
1. May 2009 @ 23:21 |
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I don't need a laser. My issue is the discs won't go in and I've tried and tried. Where can I get a "whole" drive? Maybe buying a broken PS3 on ebay is the way to go. If the laser is fine you can get another box for like $100 and remove the the working drive. The laser will probably be damaged from anything on ebay but for you that would be fine.
2. May 2009 @ 00:40 |
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Originally posted by MCNE:
I don't need a laser. My issue is the discs won't go in and I've tried and tried. Where can I get a "whole" drive? Maybe buying a broken PS3 on ebay is the way to go. If the laser is fine you can get another box for like $100 and remove the the working drive. The laser will probably be damaged from anything on ebay but for you that would be fine. check this first
9. May 2009 @ 11:01 |
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Okay, well, the other day, I was playing LBP, and it froze, couldn't even get to the PS3 thing where you can quit the game.
So I held the eject button until it gave me the disc back. But now it won't take it again! But when I did put the disc up to the drive, the blue light flashed.
Sooooo, I thought, well maybe something is stuck in there or something. So I held the eject button until I heard the motor turning going through the whole eject process. Still wouldn't work.
I did the short re-formatting thing under system options. Still doesn't work.
So I've been trying to find my receipt so I could use my warranty, and so far no luck. And some people on here have talked about replacing the drive.
I'd just like to know, for someone with minimal experience, how hard and/or dangerous replacing the drive myself would be on a scale of 1-10. Because I don't want to break my PS3 any further. XD
I am a legal suicidal sack-person.
9. May 2009 @ 16:25 |
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Hello everyone sad to see that so many contain the same problem and I'm here to join the club sad to say. My 60gig Ps3 got the same problem where it doesn't read any discs, so I bought a new Kem-400AAA I installed it in and It worked! Yes I was very happy, but later on through out the day I turned my ps3 on and put in a disc then the same problem happened again. So I'm really not sure what the problem could be, but I did read that the Ps3 driver IC could be the problem I'm thinking of trying that out, Any suggestions on what the problem could be wold be very helpful.
10. May 2009 @ 17:31 |
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Originally posted by Yoo_0: Hello everyone sad to see that so many contain the same problem and I'm here to join the club sad to say. My 60gig Ps3 got the same problem where it doesn't read any discs, so I bought a new Kem-400AAA I installed it in and It worked! Yes I was very happy, but later on through out the day I turned my ps3 on and put in a disc then the same problem happened again. So I'm really not sure what the problem could be, but I did read that the Ps3 driver IC could be the problem I'm thinking of trying that out, Any suggestions on what the problem could be wold be very helpful.
If the driver IC is causing the laser to fail , its just like what happen to some ps2 in they life cycle where the ic is sending too much voltage to the laser and burn it out...
I got a ps3 with the same lens not read, the only different with mine ,is that it read ps2,dvd and cd fine and to get it to read ps3 game, i would have to shake over the drive area , sometime it work on the first try other time , i have to do it more than once.
Where did u buy the laser from ??
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10. May 2009 @ 23:17 |
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Originally posted by Yoo_0: Hello everyone sad to see that so many contain the same problem and I'm here to join the club sad to say. My 60gig Ps3 got the same problem where it doesn't read any discs, so I bought a new Kem-400AAA I installed it in and It worked! Yes I was very happy, but later on through out the day I turned my ps3 on and put in a disc then the same problem happened again. So I'm really not sure what the problem could be, but I did read that the Ps3 driver IC could be the problem I'm thinking of trying that out, Any suggestions on what the problem could be wold be very helpful.
Try Swabing the laser with a dry Q-Tip i had the same thing happen to me and after i swabed it it has be working perfectly let every one know if this works for you!
11. May 2009 @ 00:03 |
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Ok I am new to this site...I have a 60gb I bought in December 07 (was made in Feb 07) It been running great but one day I was playing it froze and when I went to restart the system I felt the side by the blu ray drive and seen it was HOT. I restart my PS3 and the blue light is on but the PS3 is not reading the disc. After cooling down it reads the disc again then the same thing happens in about 10-15 mins. I do have a warrenty through KMart and I sent it to their repair place and they said the could not fix it. They send it back saying I have to send it to Sony. I am waiting for KMart to call me back to tell me what I need to do exactly
My problem is that I am afraid Sony will give me a refurb 80gb. I payed 499 for a brand new 60gb and KMart is supose to give me a system with a system with the same specs (a NEW 80gb) or a price equivilant to your purchase(The 160gb)or just give my money back.
But if Kmart say they are giving me a refurb 80gb I was wandering if I could fix my 60gb's problem myself and if so what the problem is and what do I need to buy to fix it.
11. May 2009 @ 05:38 |
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Well if it's getting really hot, in that short a time, then maybe it's a problem with the sodder stuff.
And you can replace a Blu Ray drive by yourself. If you end up needing to do that.
My problem is I found the receipt, but I don't think that Sony will accept the warranty, labeling the problem as 'wear and tear', which the warranty doesn't cover.
Interesting thing though, they say in the warranty, that it doesn't cover damage due to 'Acts of God'...XD
I am a legal suicidal sack-person.
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11. May 2009 @ 16:16 |
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I am trying to help a friend fix his ps3...he has a two year old that stuck a credit card in the disk reader. I took it apart and got the card out. and when I put it back together it would not pull the disk straight in it would rotate the disk in sideways rotating it clockwise. I took it apart again fixed this problem put in a disk and now it will not eject. I took it apart for the third time and there is a white plastic piece that comes up to keep anything else from going in...I cannot get this to go down and the playstation knows theres no disk in it but yet this piece will not move. I'm at a loss of Ideas....I've watched 20 - 30 videos watching people take these apart and cannot figure out how to get this fixed...Please Help!!!
11. May 2009 @ 17:29 |
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alright i see there is a lot of people with similar problems to mine but none exactly the same, hopefully someone can help me. i have the 60g version with the pre 08 lazer, the disks will not spin, dvd blueray games of any sort or cd's nothing no spinning action but the ps3 boots with no problems. when a disk is inserted i get the disk access icon and no read. i replaced the spinner motor from another ps3 that did spin disks with a bad lazer, no go, still no spinning. is this not the spinning motor? could it be the lazer, i dont want to purchase the kit to find out it is the blue ray card on the bottom of the rom. i purchased this thing when it first came out and now i have a $700 paperweight that can view picture off a sd card, i can do that with my laptop but the laptop wont play the games ive spent hundreds of dollars to play. suggestions do you guys have, im broke and need help desperately
12. May 2009 @ 15:42 |
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Dude this is about Ps3 not laptops lol
good luke on tring to fix it...
Junior Member
12. May 2009 @ 16:59 |
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he is refering to what his laptop can do that the PS3 can do, re-read the post.
I suggest you read more but from all I have read is that you need to replace the deck with laser is your best bet, it sounds like that will fix the problem 90% of the time
I understand if the controller board is bad it can give bad voltage to drive and fry the drive, but I also understand a lot of the lasers are refurbished and the laser diode burns out shortly thereafter.
I am begining to think the $150 to Sony is by far the best deal. Why because the best price you will get on the laser kem400aaa is probably $70+ shipping. And if that isnt the fix then you are into another $70+ anyway and no further warranty.
At least Sony will use the OEM parts to replace and probably troubleshoot or diagnose the whole board.
12. May 2009 @ 17:15 |
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yeah, I like to keep my warranties in check, but after they expire, my consoles go under the knife if a problem arises. XD
I am a legal suicidal sack-person.
Junior Member
12. May 2009 @ 18:28 |
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dont know if this will help but my mates ps3 had most of the same problems u guys r having what he done was sign up for cost him £5 per month two weeks after he sighed up he made a claim and they gave him same spec version 3days later he had the original 60gig ps3
12. May 2009 @ 19:57 |
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After reading this post for weeks ive FINALLY fixed my solution!!! Well seems like everyone has similar to same probs as mine as ive mentioned earlier in this post that i have bout a new lazer and same problem with it not reading ANY blue ray disc but can read others. It happened to my 60GB so i bought a whole 2nd hand 80GB with no warranty but all went well till the power socket melted by loose connection. So i was like damn! Problem after problem, so i took the whole BD compartment out of the 80GB console and put it on my 60GB which had the BD problem...and what do you know...IT WORKS AGAIN!!! I was in disbelief! So instead of buying just the BD laser, BUY THE WHOLE BD COMPARTMENT! I dont know if they sell the whole compartment but buy a cheaper PS3 or a faulty one and make sure that the BD works perfectly regardless if it has other problems, at least you can take that out to fix yours. HOpe this helps the many but if you have done this and hasent worked then i apologize, but it has taken my frustration for weeks away now