Junior Member
23. March 2007 @ 11:57 |
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It came up with many diffrent places to download it from, which one do i click?
Junior Member
23. March 2007 @ 16:52 |
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Ok, i downloaded this SID .04 or whatever the hell its called, and when i open it it starts loading a webpage, but then it closes and the download thing pops up again, i click open and it does somethin then pops up again...what do i do? (i'm using mech to sofmod btw)
23. March 2007 @ 23:19 |
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Wow you guys are really making this hard on yourselves. You should honestly use Krayzies ndure installer first off, and probably check out xboxscene for your advice. This mod takes 2 minutes tops. Xbins has everything you will ever need in terms of getting your box modded.
Buy the ticket, take the ride. -H.S.T.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. March 2007 @ 23:19
Senior Member
24. March 2007 @ 08:24 |
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Originally posted by Burnasty: Wow you guys are really making this hard on yourselves. You should honestly use Krayzies ndure installer first off, and probably check out xboxscene for your advice. This mod takes 2 minutes tops. Xbins has everything you will ever need in terms of getting your box modded.
I'm really just reffering him to the link in the sticky. SID 4 isn't worse or better than krazies, but I really don't see how hard it is to use rapidshare.
26. March 2007 @ 14:14 |
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Hey roman can you send me the mech. save ? Thanks :)
Junior Member
27. March 2007 @ 12:28 |
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Could some1 tell me if i need to use NTSC or PAL, i got the non-platnium version of Splinter Cell, stealth action redefined
27. March 2007 @ 12:42 |
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Where do you live? If you live in the united states than NTSC, uk is PAL.
Buy the ticket, take the ride. -H.S.T.
Junior Member
27. March 2007 @ 14:08 |
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i live in Canada dude.
27. March 2007 @ 19:03 |
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ok so i have all the stuff, and splintercell, but when i clicked on the link it just showed a page with links to elsewhere, and yes i scrolled down, does anyone else have the files i need for splintercell, if so it would be greatly appreciated, thank you
Aim me At flamelover72, and i have aim mail too so, if you know how this works please im me.
Suspended permanently
27. March 2007 @ 19:34 |
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@ haxzorz
NTSC... had to look it up too.
Thanks, more info for me.
Junior Member
28. March 2007 @ 14:29 |
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I'm just asking to be flamed - But is it possible to softmod this via CD-R? CD-R in substitution for AR, I have all three of the 'Linux' games already.
Bleh. I'll make a sig later.
Senior Member
28. March 2007 @ 14:56 |
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nope, besides you only need one linux game.
28. March 2007 @ 16:06 |
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Buy the ticket, take the ride. -H.S.T.
31. March 2007 @ 13:12 |
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How can you do this for a 360? Because it dosn't have a AR.
Instead of giving my PC stats and wasting your time, Ill just tell you it is really cruddy.
Senior Member
31. March 2007 @ 15:32 |
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You can't
1. April 2007 @ 05:19 |
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I thought I remember seeing somewhere that you could mod the disk reader to read burned disks and than store it on the hard drive.
Instead of giving my PC stats and wasting your time, Ill just tell you it is really cruddy.
Senior Member
1. April 2007 @ 19:06 |
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That's called hacking the firmware, that is completely different. Plus you cannot store games on your harddrive.
2. April 2007 @ 18:15 |
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It womt friggin' let me take imformation from the mem. card to hdd! WTF!!
Instead of giving my PC stats and wasting your time, Ill just tell you it is really cruddy.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
8. April 2007 @ 15:35 |
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ok I plan on soft modding my xbox. I picked up splinter cell platinum edition. Will I be able to use this one. I've heard yes and no's. Also I'm getting action replay with the 8mb memory card. Is there any specific AR I need to get?
Senior Member
8. April 2007 @ 17:17 |
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any AR should work. I have also heard yes and no for the platinum, but most of them seem to work, You could probably use it, but their might be a slight risk.
9. April 2007 @ 09:48 |
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9. April 2007 @ 15:06 |
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Originally posted by roman_s: Ok so you got a xbox, and you wanna softmod it and have tons of fun. If you don't know what what softmod is It lets you mod your xbox w/o opening it.If you are wandaring what you can do with a modded xbox you can play burnt games,play emulaters,And mod games (usally people like to mod halo).
What you need:
Action replay (You need this to transfer linux to your xbox)
Meccahsult,Splintercell 1, or 007 Agent Under Fire ( you need one of these and it has to be orignal, the reason you need this is because these games have a linux program in it)
Your gonna need a linux installer each game for if your gonna use meccahsult (i prefer this game) AIM me i have the installer.
If you are gonna use Splintercell download SC%20UXE%20Installer%20v2.7
(scroll down)
If your gonna use 007 Agent Under Fire ller%20v2.7
(scroll down)
Ok so you got all those Things then your ready.
How To Soft Mod Your Xbox.
1. Open up Action Replay and drag you linux installer into the Pc Data Base.
2. Now drag you linux installer onto Memory Card.
3. Alright cool you got linux installer on your memory card.
4. Ok now put thay memory card into your memory card and transfer it to your xbox's hard drive. (make sure you delete all past game saves of the installer you are using)
Some Linux Installers have to parts so copy both of em onto your xbox hard drive.
5. Now ok you got your linux Installer on your xbox. Ok restart your xbox.
6. Put in the game you are using.
7. Ok load up all the profiles and you should see "run linux" go there.
8. Ok it took you to a whole differnt screen it'll say netherlands or english, if u speak better in netherland then pick that if not pick english.
9. The Rest of the questions it'll give you is really easy exept when it asks you if you want Nk patcher.06 or Nk patcher.67 Pick Nk Patcher.06. then when it asks you if you want Unleashedx or evoltuionX. PICK UNLEASHEDX.
10. After that you are all done your xbox is modded.
Enf of tutorial
Got questions? AIM me Condemned10.
Softmods are hard to find now good luck -.-
Did you know you can play xbox games on computer using Xeon. It is a emulator that uses XBE files with games in it.
Junior Member
18. April 2007 @ 06:51 |
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So with a.i.d can i take a hard drive out of a unmodded xbox put it into my modded xbox and run aid doing the softmod install then put the hard drive back into the unchipped xbox and then it will be modded? no need for splinter cell or action replay?
18. April 2007 @ 13:36 |
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You can't throw hd's between xbox's with a softmod. You must lock the hard drive to the componants when it's a soft mod.
Buy the ticket, take the ride. -H.S.T.
18. April 2007 @ 15:37 |
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so is there some kind of software or something with action replay that you need or could i do this with the modified usb memory card that i already have...and if so, how? because i can't seem to get it to work