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SlySoft switching over to the Euro soon, prices going up
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8. December 2007 @ 06:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I know the updates are supposed to Lifetime once you buy the programs but they could have an update that expires the current License key. It wouldn't be too hard to do. But, than a lot of people would be mad that they have to buy the programs again. Maybe, I'm just being paranoid.
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8. December 2007 @ 10:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you can be paranoid all you want, but the same could be said for any program that has updates, Microsoft windows included. No sense being paranoid, you will only drive yourself crazy. Heaven forbid something like that ever happened, or dvdfab all of a sudden decided it wasn't going to be free anymore... the list is endless if you want it to be.

Hiram 319
AfterDawn Addict
8. December 2007 @ 10:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think you're being paranoid. So far Slysoft has been good to their word and their products are excellent but I'm none to pleased with their price increases coming.

9. December 2007 @ 02:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm going to vote with my wallet. A 46% price increase means I won't be purchasing anymore Slysoft products in the future. End of story.

Thank you Slysoft for your sticking it to the consumer.
AfterDawn Addict
9. December 2007 @ 09:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by JRoDDz:
I'm going to vote with my wallet. A 46% price increase means I won't be purchasing anymore Slysoft products in the future. End of story.

Thank you Slysoft for your sticking it to the consumer.
It's easy to say that since it appears you already own some of their software. But what if you had just begun backing up your movies. It would be hard NOT to buy AnyDVD. I realize DVD Fab is free but it doesn't work 100% of the time and neither does AnyDVD but with both you can do them all.

Senior Member
9. December 2007 @ 09:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I love my slysoft products, always had and still do, for non techies it still the greatest to use, but what I'm reading here is disturbing, hey prices going up is just a fact of life, but jumping 50% or more thats a kick in the ass.

There's a lot of different opinions here about what the hike will be exactly, but if it's 50% or more it might be time to learn how to run the more inconvient software. Slysoft (I know you guys read these forums, especially this one) I would think real hard about this one. You might shoot yourselves in the foot, you need a price hike, ok, its inevitable, but 50%, uh uh, sorry guys.
AfterDawn Addict
9. December 2007 @ 12:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Maybe, just maybe, one needs to buy a couple fewer crappy movies to "backup" and buy quality software instead of bellyaching so much. If you don't want to buy something then don't. I don't care.

AfterDawn Addict
9. December 2007 @ 14:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm just ranting, the important words are in the last sentence. :)

As someone just mentioned, to some of us Slysoft price hikes are just a "knee jerk reaction" to highway robbery. Personally I think the products are already over priced. I've got all the Slysoft Software I need. So, the price hike won't effect me.

I've had enough experience with both SlySoft and DVDIdle products to make a good comparison. In the past months there is only one release that AnyDVD helped with doing "the perfect rip" (Ratatouille, R1). I was able to do the same movie using RI4M with only a small navigational error that didn't effect playability. Guess what? I'll push the Play button anytime for 70 euros.

The only thing I see with SlySoft is the convenience of a good driver type decryption program. As for myself I rarely use AnyDVD. I was letting movies open in it to see what the copy protection is, but I no longer need that with DVDFab having similar function.

SlySoft with their forward look to HD sales has slighted the current customers relying on it for updates for the DVD9 releases. They've been slower with updating for problematic DVD releases. DVDIdle has been noticably quicker at getting out the needed updates. For those who can wait a short period for the updates, both DVD Fab HD and AnyDVD are near 100%. Like others, I would vote with my wallet when there's a significant price difference.

I wish I'd had someone tell me about DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink when I first started doing DVD backups. Now we have the free DVDFab HD Decrypter to replace the outdated DVD Decrypter. We still have DVD Shrink, and jdobbs gave us Rebuilder for those serious about high quality releases. With DVDIdle giving us the DVDFab HD Decrypter for free, and with the other freeware available, we can do the entire backup process for free.

AfterDawn Addict
9. December 2007 @ 14:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes....for the time being....

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9. December 2007 @ 15:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
not trying to do the whole chicken little thing, but bilbo raised a flag with me... is it possible they know something that we don't?

Hiram 319
AfterDawn Addict
9. December 2007 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bilbo65:
Maybe, just maybe, one needs to buy a couple fewer crappy movies to "backup" and buy quality software instead of bellyaching so much. If you don't want to buy something then don't. I don't care.
That might be the sanest thing I've read here in many a moon. The quality of the movies, I've been backing up this year, would dictate that 90% of them should have been burned to CMC Mag blanks since they will never be played again anyway. LMAO

AfterDawn Addict
10. December 2007 @ 12:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
LOL How true. Which really points to the question, is the overly expensive software needed as well.

Originally posted by bilbo65:
Yes....for the time being....
It's been a rather long "time being". I don't think DVDIdle had a crystal ball to foresee the drop in the US dollar and SlySoft switching to euros on a 1:1 basis (so rumor has it). I don't see any ulterior motives. Even if they stop giving DVDFab HD Decrypter away tomorrow, the DVDFab Platinum will still be more price friendly and does the job of both AnyDVD and CloneDVD 2. Even if DVDIdle raises their prices in line with Slysoft, we still have Slysoft to thank for initiating the price escalation.

Senior Member
21. December 2007 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi fellas. just read this whole thread. i tried the free version of

clonedvd 2 and anydvd hd. there was only 1 flic i couldn't do w/dvdfab

hd, and if anydvd hd wasn't around it wouldn't of made a difference.

as for the price you guys got me going now, but it's going to b a


b4 they actually go directly 2 hd, or, bluray, and get rid of the now

regular dvds. vcr's were suppose to b over w/and they're still selling

combo units. it's probably going 2 happen, but i wouldn't put too much

emphasis on it. i do like my bang 4 the buck though. right now free is

banging 4 no bucks. pls. show me where clonedvd2 is faster, or better

than shrink in respect to transcoding. i pick the file, click back up,

and boom. off i go 2 imgburn. that being said, the old w/e where

nothing goes down, but up, doesn't always apply 2 software, or

electronics. they usually level off then go down. usually. that being

said, it's not a bad idea to have some big guns ready just in case.

i'm going 2 google paypal, cause i really don't know what the

difference would be using visa/or w/e. in closing, my resolution to

pay off my visa, and not add anything to it might have to be broken.

maybe. 4 1 dvd. i really don't think so right now.

dvdfab hd, shrink, imgburn. if it stops working. then visa.
AfterDawn Addict
21. December 2007 @ 18:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Use what you're happy with and cost of a piece of soft won't bother you.

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22. December 2007 @ 07:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dr_ml422:
vcr's were suppose to b over w/and they're still selling

combo units.
true, but when was the last time a new release was readily available for renting or purchase?

Hiram 319

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2007 @ 07:55

Senior Member
22. December 2007 @ 09:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just trying for lack of a better word right now, put things in perspective in relation to either the price, or the slight anxiety regarding full conversion to hd or bluray. as for the price, believe me when there's no alternative us digital video enthusiasts will get anydvd. right now we have something to work with in dvdfab hd, and other freeware.

now as far as vhs's still being sold, or rented, new releases probably aren't, but there's still a boat load of stuff that many video stores, etc... were stuck w/that's still being sold. remember also, most of us are very fortunate to be in good hands as far as economics is concerned.
who knows if in some other very poor countries they're still putting out vhs, whether old or new. bottom line it would be a marketing disaster to just stop putting out the regular new dvds, and go straight to hd, or bluray overnight. this is going to be an interesting ?, but how many of us now, except 4 an hd, or bluray stand alone, or even that, have an hd, or bluray burner?

"let the games begin."

p.s. it's always about the $$$. whether we want to admit it, or not.
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22. December 2007 @ 14:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by zebadee:
This is speculation by me. As there has been no figure stated or implied as to how much the cost of Slysoft products is to be.

as per my update email direct from Slysoft:

SlySoft switches over to the Euro!
Effective January 1, 2008, SlySoft will switch its pricing from U.S.
dollars 1:1 to Euro. This will result in a price increase of about
40%. If you are entertaining the thought of purchasing one of our
products then now is the right time to act because not only are the
old prices still in effect, but you also profit from our 20%-off
Christmas Promotion.
from the horses mouth... 40% increase.

@dr_ml422: do you really think they care if we don't have burners capable of burning their HD or Blu-ray movies? There is no argument to keep the current format of DVD, the fact that you and I and the stores will have the current format in years to come only means they will continue to produce the players to watch them on and that will probably be backwards compatible HD or Blu-ray players.., it does not mean they will continue to produce movies in the current format. It is cheaper for them to only have to produce in a single format, this is where you are correct. Money Talks. My prediction, current DVD format 90% extinction inside 2 years.

Hiram 319

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2007 @ 15:21

AfterDawn Addict
22. December 2007 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If one owns the product(s) - no problem.
If one wants to own the product(s) - good time to buy.
If one does not want to own the product(s) - no problem.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2007 @ 15:58

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22. December 2007 @ 15:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Absolutely!!! They have the right to charge whatever they want, if the consumer isn't willing to pay it, they don't have to...

Hiram 319
Senior Member
22. December 2007 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i was going 2 say that i don't mean to add gas 2 the fire. it would be senseless as the fire started burning w/the opening line of this thread.
from a business point of view, irregardless of whether, or not slysoft raised its prices, the conversion 2 hd, or bluray immediately is not in the best interest of business. there would be millions if not billions of dvds on shelves or in video stores because there's no way that those who watch videos and can't afford an hd or bluray stand alone , or burner, would buy 1 fast enough to catch up and prevent the movie industry from banging their heads on a wall. it's business. they have 2 care about the business of handling business, thus by default they do take such precautions, and consideration when it comes 2 the consumer.

they don't care about us is correct, but they do care about our money.
millions of bluray, or hd formatted discs on a shelf in a store or warehouse doesn't make money. that being said, the old advice or w/e of i over e comes into effect. intellect over emotion always. it's just business. not personal. it's all good.

and yes, insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. that's why in the best interest of business itself the conversion will happen, but not so quickly. not until the laymen can afford a stand alone hd, or bluray player at the current prices, or when they drop them so they could.

want to hear a good one. better pray they don't hike the price of hd, or bluray stand alone players the same way they're jacking up slysoft.
euro conversion would definitely be out of reach. we're debating about $49.99 to euro. imagine $349.99 2 euro. more or less.
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22. December 2007 @ 23:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nahhhh, the prices will only come down so more people can have access to them.

Hiram 319
Senior Member
22. December 2007 @ 23:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't think that the standard dvd's will be 90% gone in 2 yrs, the only way that would happin is if the blue ray -HD-dvd wars stop, the players come down to $100 price, and the dvd's themselves sell for the same price as the standard dvd's sell for now, do not see any of that happining in 2 yrs, no way.

And don't forget the other fact, many people around that still have a bad taste in thier mouth with the beta, vhs crap, and most people are still satisfied with the standard dvd movie picture quality, and last, many people also have nice dvd collections, and to start a new one unless the incentives were tremndous? nope don't think so, our standard dvd's are gonna be around for a while.
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23. December 2007 @ 00:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thnx fred. pure economics. especially 4 business. imagine what the cost of a pc or mac would b if in 2 yrs. they'd put in hd, or bluray burners as a for the road package. nope ain't going 2 happen.
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23. December 2007 @ 00:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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23. December 2007 @ 09:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i didn't say, or even imply that all current format DVD's are going to self distruct, you can keep your DVD collection, I just think that it will be very hard to find new releases in DVD format. Video Stores can save money and so can the production companies. All they have to do is keep making the players. And, if the story holds true, this format war should end sometime next year.

Hiram 319
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