Hey guys this is my 1st post. I was interested in ps3 backups so I read all the post so far and I have tosay it sound like you seniors and mods pick on people who you don't agree with.
I mean c'mon: [" rethink and edit your post"]
If someone wants to start an arguement i think thats fine it kind of mixes things up a little and excites a dull forum a little and if someone "in the arguement" feels offended than they can complain not someone nosing around or acting like a parent. The fact is you feel you can just kick someone out (and do) if you don't like what they say or you'll say to "edit your".
Anyway if anyone wants to start the posts back up:
Will it be better to get a ps3 right off the bat? ecause like the ps2 it seems like its easier to modify an original than later, updated consoles.
tycobb , i sort of agree with you there but i think sam805236/jojo5050 is more of the 'mental type'. afterall there would have being swearing and this and that in his first post so im sort of thinking that this is sam805236/jojo5050 and sort of thinking its a normal newbie.
anyways if ddp wants to do an ip scan or compare them im sure he will :)
but there is one think weird that stevo5150 's first post is in the ps3 section where there has being a big argument and that jojo5050 and stevo5150's names both have very similar digits at the end :O
i would answer your question 'steve', but i dont relly know what you are asking :(
stevo5150, lightning struck!!!
stevo5150 (account created on 19 Aug, 2006) has used same IP address as sam805236 (banned on 19 Aug, 2006)
stevo5150 (account created on 19 Aug, 2006) has used same IP address as jojo5050 (banned on 19 Aug, 2006)
Hey mods I would like to thank you.You guys make it possible to post here without being flamed for everything little thing.I don't think anyone has thanked you yet so I want to take the time and pull you off to the side and say thanks :)
@hade Might be a server thing or something.If it doesn't I'll notify ddp ,any of you guys could as well. :)
Xbox 360 games are on double layers dvd's so they are about 10gb and developers have been saying that initially ps3 games are most likely going to be ports of the xbox 360 version for cost reasons so most ps3 games off the bat will be about 10gb. It will be a while before the games reach 20gb levels.
yep that true,it's taking some time for developers to get into it.I don't know that much about it,since i'm just a kid,but developers seem to be SCARED to programm for the ps3 processesor...lol...
it's apparantly much more technical and difficult than the 360...so ur right,it's going to be some time before we see some reall ps3 potential,cuz at release,the ps3 won't even have to break a sweat to run those games...but this is also negative,alot of peopl are talking about gta4 and the ps3,their saying that the 360 version is going to have to be tonned down to fit on a dvd disk...
wow so the ps3 has a processor that people are scared to program for and a grapics card that isnt compatibal with the motherboard what else has it got :P
Quote:IGN: Did developers find working with the PS3 overly difficult when comparing the process with the Xbox 360?
Dore: Developing a title for a new platform is always a greater challenge than developing for an established platform, but we would not say that we have faced greater difficulties on the PS3 than on the Xbox 360 so far. What we can tell you is that we have a great team working on Blazing Angels for the PS3 and they are having a lot of fun developing the game.