DVD Shrink and Windows Vista
22. September 2008 @ 23:35 |
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thank you to all, especially sKrEwZ, for all of your assistance...was finally able to burn a dvd using DVD Shrink and IMGBURN that actually plays in the dvd player...definitely a lot more of a pain than when DVD Shrink worked with Nero 6...thanks again for everyone's help and patience...does anyone know if DVD Shrink has any plans on making it work with Nero 8
23. September 2008 @ 07:19 |
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sKrEwZ....any idea why an original dvd playing in a new samsung upconvert dvd player keep getting blank tv picture with msg on tv that searching for signal..using HDMI cable...this lasts for a second or less and then returns to the movie, plays the movie for short period of time and then does it again...when i play the same movie that i just made a copy of last night (with your help)the copy plays fine...why would the dvd player not play the original properly yet plays the copy...too many new toys all at once
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23. September 2008 @ 09:52 |
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Quote: does anyone know if DVD Shrink has any plans on making it work with Nero 8
Not going to happen ptaylor19. Dvd Shrink hasn't been, nor will be updated any further. Ever. I personally prefer Imgburn over Nero anyway. :)
As far as your other concern goes, I'm not sure why an upconverting player doesn't seem to like the commercial dvd's.
Some assembly required.
23. September 2008 @ 09:55 |
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sKrEwZ...thanks...and thanks again for all of your help and patience...it is greatly appreciated...definitely would not have figured this one out on my own...cheers and thanks again
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23. September 2008 @ 10:03 |
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That's what AD is here for ptaylor19. To help. There's quite a few people here who helped you out, I certainly cannot take full credit. The regulars here are professionals with this stuff. Any other issues please feel free to ask. :)
Some assembly required.
1 product review
23. September 2008 @ 13:03 |
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If you don't like DVD Shrink and you have Nero 8 you could always use Nero Recode as it is basically the same type of program.
23. September 2008 @ 14:37 |
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thanks for info..will keep it in mind for down the road if needed...it is not that i dont like DVD Shrink...using imgburn just makes ease of use of DVD Shrink not as easy as it used to be...it worked very well and seamlessly with Nero 6...know that i know how to run DVD Shrink with Imgburn and have had success, not sure i am keeping Nero 8 (will see if i can return it to store) since the only reason i bought it was upgrade in pc with VISTA and thought that DVD Shrink would only work with NERO...now I is educated :)
23. September 2008 @ 14:42 |
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Originally posted by sKrEwZ: Quote:
As far as your other concern goes, I'm not sure why an upconverting player doesn't seem to like the commercial dvd's.
sKrEwZ...chap at FutureShop says that it is the HDMI cable...the commercial dvd has copyright protection which the burned dvd does not have and that the copyright protection causes the signal to temporarily drop on the HDMI cable...using 1080p MonsterCable...he suggested trying a different cable...any of this make sense to you?
23. September 2008 @ 14:42 |
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I use Nero 6, to be exact, no intention of using anything newer due to bloat. Plus i only burn data/audio cd's and movie dvd's (ie i don't use any other parts of Nero). Anyways, i mainly use imgburn now but still keep Nero 6 as i still often do 'multiple sequential burns' ie 2 or 3 copies of the same movie at the same time. Imgburn can't do this so i keep Nero 6 just for multiple burns.
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23. September 2008 @ 14:46 |
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thanks creaky...am keeping my nero 6 on old pc which runs xp pro...had upgraded and bought new pc which has VISTA and nero 6 would not work thus my recent dilema
22. January 2009 @ 23:27 |
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I have read quite a few listings on possible problems/solutions. I have Nero, DVD43 and DVD Shrink working well on my new computer with Vista, I went into the properties and changed the compatibility to xp for all three programs. Seemed to work for me, hope it works for others as well.
30. January 2009 @ 22:23 |
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i have used dvd decyrpter and dvd shrink for a long time. using decrypter to copy disk then shrink to put on disk because you can deselect the unwanted content with shrink and make it smaller. i installed vista a few weeks ago and sense could not use my decrypter because of errors.
which i just cleared up using some info off this site. now i copy with the decrypter the send to shrink
but when i try to play a burnt movie in my dvd player the first few chapters will play then stop and go no further.
the dvd will play all the way thru on my computer.
any help would be greatful
31. January 2009 @ 04:58 |
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doesn't have anything to do with Vista... have been using since first released with no problems (and if needed, you can always run programs under XP Svc Pack 2 Compatibility mode).
Problem is that neither DVD Shrink or DVD Decrypter have been updated in years... and neither can handle the newer encryptions on their own. DVD Shrink is still a great program but needs help before it can work..
First you need to use a program that can handle the encryption.. 2 choices 1) DVDFab HDDecrypter (free) or 2) ANYDvd (not free)..
With the free version of DVDFab, you will rip to your HDD, then you will need to clean up with FixVTS or Vobblanker (both free).. After you can then import the cleaned files into DVD Shrink and process as normal.
With ANYDvd, it runs in the background... Unless the status box says it removed "Structural Protection", you can use DVD Shrink as you always did.. Open Disc, etc. If it says Structural Protection was removed, you should use the built-in ANYDvd ripper to rip to your HDD and then you can Open the files in DVD Shrink (ANYDvd rips cleaner, so you normally don't have to do anything to the files it creates).
Once DVD Shrink has created your new image, burn as normal... However, ImgBurn is the successor to DVD Decrypter... it is from the same author and is constantly being updated whereas DVD Decrypter hasn't been in years..
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31. January 2009 @ 17:18 |
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i tried what you said i copied the dvd with dvdfab. then used fixvts to clean it then opened with shrink and copied to a blank dvd.
everthing seemed to work fine but after about 4 chapters it stops.
i downloaded a free trial of anydvd and copied a movie but it stops just like the rest of them. this i have used shrink and dvd decrypter
for a long time this problem just came up a few weeks ago. shortly after i went to vista. the problem with dvd decrypter and imgburn is it always says the dvd is not large enough. with shrink i would deselect the ather languages and other content to make the movie fit.
31. January 2009 @ 19:59 |
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OK, you said the disc plays fine on your computer but you're having the problem on your stand-alone player...
Have you tried the disc in a different stand-alone player (maybe a friends).. Do you still have the same problem in a different player?? Have you changed the blank discs you're using to something new?? Are you using quality media??
Just a few thoughts... maybe some of the experts here at the forum might have some other ideas or suggestions.
~~~~ Nothings Forgotten. Nothing Is Ever Forgotten. ~~~~
31. January 2009 @ 23:52 |
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the problem is on all my dvd players and my xbox but any computer seems to play the whole movie. the disks are the same as i have always used.
p.s. i thank you for the help
1. February 2009 @ 18:02 |
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i looked at some other forums and found some of the same problems
so doing a little of what several people said i seem to be coping
all right now. i am decoding with dvdfab then running thru fixvts.
then running thru dvd shrink and then at last copy to disk with imgburn at a speed of 6x it was on auto for the speed. i have run several movies that would not work before and they have all played.
maybe that will be the answer.
thanks to all who had input on this
5. February 2009 @ 18:00 |
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So sorry i know theres lots of threads on all this. Im not to good at understanding a lot of stuff. I am also having problems burning movies. I have Windows Vista Home Premium. I have Dvd Shrink,Nero 9 & Dvdfab5. im not sure what i am doing wrong. I run it through the fab, then shrink & burn with nero.. if it completes the burn it does not play in any home dvd player. Also i have had some not complete at all and get errors. Any help on what i need to check would be very much appreciated. lol i dont have much hair left im pulling it out. this is driving me crazy. ive tried several different kind of dvds also..
5. February 2009 @ 18:24 |
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had the same problem found the answer on this site.
decode with dvdfab
then run thru dvd shrink
then run thru fixVTS
then burn to disk with imgburn
been playing in my dvd players ever since
i did download a new dvd shrink than uses imgburn instead of nero
found a link on this site sorry dont have it , but it is on this site.
5. February 2009 @ 19:17 |
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5. February 2009 @ 19:23 |
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if u run the above program it will change the default on DVD Shrink so that it does not use NERO but will use IMGBURN...u need to download IMGBURN first and then run the above program....will create a "new" DVD Shrink that uses IMGBURN...hope this helps
5. February 2009 @ 19:34 |
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i also changed the speed on imgburn to 6X IT IS DOING GREAT
AfterDawn Addict
3 product reviews
5. February 2009 @ 19:52 |
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