Originally posted by rick5446: Any body try to right click the little Red Fox & Rip the Movie..Then DVD Shrink
Your method also works, unless you have a scratched disc. My first copy of GLC had a nick in it, and it kept freezing at 50%. It worked the second time, though.
If you're having a problem shrinking with DVD shrink with movies being too big such as shoot em up, rush hour 3, or good luck chuck try copying with lastest free version of dvd fab hd decrypter and then before you use shrink to shrink it go to deep analysis mode within shrink. This for some reason works perfectly, your dvd's aren't too big anymore. what up
When using RipItForMe, one-click mode, after the ONE click, just be patient. It just thinks for a bit. Doesn't usually do that. It will say NOT RESPONDING in the task manager, but it's fine.
Just tried getting this done with the current versions of ANY DVD & Clone DVD2, to no avail..
What's the process for using DVDFAB HD Decrypter + Fix VTS? Rip the movie to the DVD Fab Full Disc Folder, and then what do you do w/ Fix VTS? I'm confused..
I attempted to use DVD Fab HD > Clone DVD2, but the finished disc wont play in any of my DVD players. It just continues to 'read' while making all kinds of wacky "reading noises"
The number 1 and best way to burn this DVD is DVD Fab Platinum. I used this, and i got all special features, Movie, Everything. Go to www.DVDfab.com and i guarantee you that this will work, it worked on Good Luck Chuck, MR Woodcock, Family Guy Blue Harvest, it has worked on every DVD so far that has come out this year.
Quote:What's the process for using DVDFAB HD Decrypter + Fix VTS? Rip the movie to the DVD Fab Full Disc Folder, and then what do you do w/ Fix VTS? I'm confused..