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bit torrent speed
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3. August 2004 @ 00:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well in my opinion bit torrent sucks in general, theres always like 5 billion people getting crappy speeds and even with opening ports or whatever their speeds will still be the same. but with other p2p things like ares everyones download speeds are fine
3. August 2004 @ 00:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
A Brief History of BT
..a year ago it was the fastest thing on the planet. Why ? because very few people knew about it and the main users were hardcore releasers and sharers and people with 3 mbps lines and up. I have 1 768K down line and withing 3 or 4 secs of opening up BT experimental it maxed out at 90 kbps (in about 70% of cases), now i am lucky if it gets past 50 and the average is about 25 kbps.
The is now popular and when more people join to grab files and the ratio of releasers to leechers increases, then so the speed suffers.
If you want to try this out then look at a certain PC Game that everyone is downloading at the moment...over 5,000 seeders and yet the speed is the slowest ever ..because over 80,000 people are trying to download it. Even emule used to be fast at the beginning until the average users got into it and slowed it down.
I'm not saying we are all bad but we are all leechers (not deliberately)..check out your internet connection and the speed ratios.(1024:128/256) (768:128) etc, The very lines themselves are leechers ,in the above line examples you would need to download for 1 hour then upload for 8 -10 hours (with no downloading) in order to give what you take..and how many of us do that ?
3. August 2004 @ 00:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah those damn leechers, sometimes i just leave my computer on for like 2 days even after its finished
4. August 2004 @ 13:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey to anyone out there using g3 please help me with the settings to optimize d/ling speeds.please post them on here and say what you avg dl speed if not only to help me to help everyone on this forum.
5. August 2004 @ 00:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I test both azureus and G3 and notice that they're the same speed. I think azureus is better.

littlewit, could you tell me how many torrent you DL simultaneously and the number of seed and leeches. I could connect to many people and it's all green faces but the speed is still slow, very few willing to upload anything.

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8. August 2004 @ 21:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I'm using Bittornado with a DSL/cable hookup (1536 kbpg). I've opened the ports (6881-6999) but I'm still getting slow downloads and a yelow light. I've read the posts, but still don't know what else I can do. Can anyone help? (Yes, I've even tried switching to G3 and Azureus with no such luck). THANKS.
8. August 2004 @ 22:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah well , i dunno theres like 5000000000 different problems with bit torrent so its just a crappy program, your much better off using something with heaps of spyware like kazaa cos even the spyware wont cause as many problems as bit torrent does. good thing i never donated any money to the guy who made it
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9. August 2004 @ 06:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Crappy Program? no no no - just because you cant get it to work properly doesent mean its crappy

i use bittorrent (G3) and i get my top speeds both for upload and download, at the same time :D
better off using something with heaps of spyware like kazaa
dude - nobody uses kazaa anymore and if you do your really pathetic, if you have to use a kazaa related program - more people use Kazaa Lite Ressurrection - me personally as a matter of fact
good thing i never donated any money to the guy who made it
well then your a cheapskate - and very sad

good day sir

Either Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying... /End Quote
9. August 2004 @ 11:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi People, ok seriously heres the best advice I can give, and you can trust me on this because im a network engineer! no bullsh*t!! OK FIRST OF ALL - u might want to copy and print this. SECOND: ---> Get a SPEED UP program for your DSL / Dialup or Cable modem best one out there is system mechanics (ver 4) optimizer OR TuneUp Utilities optimizer - set to what connection speed you have (dial up wont make much difference maybe 1-2 kb's if your lucky)from the menu, and DO NOT choose what you dont have! coz it screws it up. if u have win xp, go 2 control panel / network connections / right click on your INTERNET connection then click properties (most likely local area conneciton) or dial up connection, click advanced at the TOP of the window, then down the bottom click settings button (if not enabled, click the second RADIO button: "Allow other network users to connect through this computers internet connection" THEN click settings, down the bottom theres a ADD button, click on it, enter any name (i put Speedup Torrent to be exact ;-) ) NOW keep this window OPEN, and then you need to obtain your IP address - remember your connection? now u need to click on it once and click status (support tab in windows xp)make a note of the IP Adress ok now close that status window, and go back to the window we bad open before, and in the SECOND box (name or ip address) type your ip address we got before, make sure to type it in EXACTLY the way it was! External port number: (3rd box) type: 6456
Internal port preferably: 6999
Make sure its on tcp, and click ok, now UNTICK the check box that says "Allow network users to connect to this internet connection" and click ok.

OPEN G3 torrent, pause any downloads, and press ctrl p or click on OPtions menu, and then preferences.

Click on Network Options
Download Capacity: 65535
Upload Capacity: 1 (if your kind and sharing make this higher)

Minimum Port: 6456
Maximum Port: 6999

click on Transfer Options
Global Max Upload Rate (KB/s): 1
Avg Upload Rate per peer (KB's) 32

Click on Choker Options
Run Choker Every: 5 - 10 secs is most used
Min Upload Rate: 1190.01 (dont be scared, this means people have to have a MINUMUM of 1190 kb's to download from you, if your kind turn this to 1 kb's, though high and small numbers are ok too)

Click Connections

Max Connections - Total: 128
Max Connections Local Outbound: 70 (Between 50 and 100 works good for me)

Client Spoofing: (YES U CAN TWEAK IT!!!) Put this on Either Azureus or Bit Torrent 3.41a or what ever you see is listed most that people / seeds are using.

AFTER tweaking settings, restart cpu, make sure you have ----> G3 Torrent <---- DONT matter wat version, I aint kiddn you...ITS BEAUTIFUL, don believe me? GET IT NOW FROM:

TO TELL u the honest truth...its WORKED for me...if you do it EXACTLY the way I have explained it HAS to make atleast 10 - 30% difference maybe more on faster connections! ALSO i find that times like 12 am - 7:00 am are good times for leaving the pc on and downloading. MOST importantly if YOU DO happen to have firewall software which you most likely do, make sure ports 6456 to 6999 are not blocked, and access is enabled to only necessary tcp and udp ports, if your not sure then best not to change anything, check out the website for that program for help. ALSO DISABLE QoS Packet Scheduler in Xp if you can!! It takes up 20% of your bandwidth!! gotta go - email me for more info if you need it.

Hope this helps.. once and for all..

9. August 2004 @ 22:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey loner why dont you shut up, and its not just me that cant get it working its like 5 billion other people as well in case your blind and haven't read any of the other 500 billion posts.
and as if you'd use a piece of crap like kazaa, i mean its KAZAA, even by the name you can tell its crap.

and are you telling me you actually donated to the guy that made bit torrent? cos if you did you must be the most retarded person i know, why do that when its free? you are lame... not good day sir
9. August 2004 @ 23:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
aw good work loner see what you did? you made me post twice you loner.

and if by calling me a cheapskate you mean "really really cool person" then your right, but if by cheapskate you mean "someone thats really cheap like a skate" then your wrong and YOUR the one thats sad cos all you do is go on about your azureus dark angel G3 black hawk shadow client
10. August 2004 @ 00:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have a problem with my speed.
I have a wireless network using mac addresses and a adsl router the modem's firewall is off and i am pretty certain that the wireless router doesn't have a firewall. i have 256 download and 64 upload and i seem to be able to upload fine but when i start downloading files i only get a max of 5 kB/s. I am using ports 6881-6899 and my modem will only let me specify 20 (it sucks).
Does anyone have any ideas of what my problem is or how i can fix it?
10. August 2004 @ 20:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi bynk, try using ports 6456 - 6999, are you 100% sure there is no firewall on the router? If incase ther is make sure all TCP ports from 6456 - 6999 are forwarded, what program you using to download? You might need to configure the program, it also depends where/what and how your downloading, also check to see how many sources the file has. If your downloading from bit torrent make sure ports 6456 - 6999 are being used, if your still having issues with the speed you could always give system mechanics internet optmiizer a go, set it to ADSL speed, and restart the computer, see if it makes a difference? And finally check your IP addresses and make sure they look ok. Thats as much as I can think of right now, reply back with your system stats, and try downloading a file from microsoft or and see how fast it downloads, you might want to also download a program called Download Accelerator Plus, Im on cable modem and I get easy speeds up to 900 KB/s or more (on queit days, or early in the morning)
give that a go for now bynk, hopefully you should see a big difference if you apply all the correct settings. Good Luck!

10. August 2004 @ 20:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh! forgot to mention, there is a new program called Shareaza 2.0, it uses the Gnutella, Edonkey (emule) and Kazaa servers to search for files and sources, i get speeds up to 350 kb/s some times if theres a good amount of sources, when clicking to search for more sources it INSTANTLY and I MEAN INSTANTLY finds sources, i set the download bandwidth to 1 MB/s, upload - 4 kb/s, you can EVEN download TORRENT files with the torrent downloader, just specify a link to download from, or open a torrent file!! No joke, ive been using it for 3 days, and im 99% satisfied with it. give it a go!

Senior Member
10. August 2004 @ 21:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its crap

Either Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying... /End Quote
11. August 2004 @ 08:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Have you tried it Loner? If not then please do try it before saying "its crap" NOT every single program suits just YOUR needs, other people have alot of other oppinions and suggestions, and its always worked fine since ive had it for the past 4 days.

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11. August 2004 @ 12:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i tried it for one week - its terrible

Bittorrent = Doesent work right, and messes up the speeds for everyone else getting the file.. mainly because the guy who made it has no understanding of the true progamming of BT and hasent got it right ever
, it uses the Gnutella, Edonkey (emule) and Kazaa
"edonkey (emule)"

lol, they are Different things me laddo - even a search on aD would of told you that
when clicking to search for more sources it INSTANTLY and I MEAN INSTANTLY finds sources
it doesent immediately find sources - it searches just like everything else, its a little bit faster - but not better or instant ;D
i set the download bandwidth to 1 MB/s, upload - 4 kb/s
you jerk - why dont you share a good speed?, afterall if everyone did that where would your FANTASTIC SUPER DUPER speeds go? eh?

jeez man - think about the community.

edit = typo

Either Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying... /End Quote

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. August 2004 @ 12:24

11. August 2004 @ 12:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey! Sgt_Death, could u tell the exactly link where u find how to make ur bittorrent faster?...I couldn't find anything that help me =S

11. August 2004 @ 23:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i think loner should just shut up, and also agree with mash, cos there are too many gay leechers that make you upload to them so that thing he said about 4kb/s upload is cool
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12. August 2004 @ 14:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think you should just shut up...

but i dont go around telling everyone

dude, if you dont upload - yet you download, YOUR a leecher and if you set it to a terribly pathetic speed your a prick, simple as that

think about the scene dude

Either Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying... /End Quote
12. August 2004 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok ok ok, handbags away please from both of you.
come on guyz lets try to keep this at bay and language down...we get some pretty young readers on this board

AMD X2 3800+ 120GB SATA HDD 2047 DDR2 RAM GeForce 8800GTS 320MB 2MB Virgin Cable
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12. August 2004 @ 15:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1. i DONT own a handbag

2. i did not swear

3. he has a bad attitude of the scene - if everyone thought like that, jeez - imagine it

4. whats your opinion?

Either Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying... /End Quote
12. August 2004 @ 16:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol well im not going to write back in a pathetic, argumentative way.. but you didnt honestly think i ment it about you having a handbag did u? :|
and the swearing.. go back and see you said "pr*ck", i didnt say swearing..i said keep the bad language away, thats all. Im not having a pop at anyone here ok.
also, some of his comments were not justified either, i accept that...all iam saying is that stupid cyber arguments are pretty lame and basically is that how you enjoy spending your time online? maybe you need a couple of real friends IF thats what you enjoy.

that is my opinion, thanks for asking

AMD X2 3800+ 120GB SATA HDD 2047 DDR2 RAM GeForce 8800GTS 320MB 2MB Virgin Cable
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12. August 2004 @ 16:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

dude - ok i misquoted you.

i aint looking for trouble either - and no i dident take your joke seriously, makin a point is all

lol - i do have friends away from this community - plenty actually,
i dont enjoy arguements it just p*ssed me off to see this guys posts is all, plus he said he thinks i should just shut up - which made me talk :D

Either Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying... /End Quote
12. August 2004 @ 19:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok, firstly - I TOTALLY agree with Cooliobro AND GAMERZOID, its people or should I say "the leechers" who HAVE what THEY want, but when people like me who have 20 mp3's and have like 3 crappy old school videos try to download WHILE having a charge of something like a bloody dollar for every 2 mb/s uploaded to those leechers who are ALSO uploading at like 1-2 kb/s a second! AND I totally believe that I SHARE EXACTLY what I feel like sharing, and think about uploading a 700mb at something like 30 kb/s while downloading at 5 - 10kb/s... and not all programs or bit torrent programs are designed to work PERFECTLY on all operating systems and computers. Loner,remember how I said in my previous post that times like 1am to 7am are some of the best times to download? Well, for me it DID find sources instantaneously, and it was faster..maybe you do not have the settings you should have and ALSO secondly - when i said edonkey (emule) i meant that they pretty much do the same thing, so sorry for not explaining that to you properly. AND like i said, wats the point of sharing my speed when Im not getting the files I actually need, and getting charged for every single freakn' megabyte that I upload? Just so people can get what they want - and disconnect as soon as THEIR download is finished? I DID actually used to upload on 15 kb/s a while ago when I first got cable when I had only those mp3's I had gotten from a friend, but to my avail, would get NOTHING because people thought I was not sharing and would abort the download. And Im sorry to say, but I think your totally wrong about "Bit Torrent just doesnt work right" Because I have a good 13 different friends who use bit torrent and have no problem, ONLY when our internet provider is down or has an outtage thats obviously when "bit torrent just doesnt work right" and let me remind you, its not the same one person who has created all the bit torrent programs out there, and you know that the coding isnt exaclty the same as other programs right? So how could it be that ONE guy could be responsible for miscoding in those other programs? And I do not use bit torrent or shareaza all the time - and I DO appreciate the kind people who share its just that I pay way too much for my uploads, and untill I change my crappy service provider its 4 kb/s for now no more - no less. And Loner you need some real friends who you can actually conversate with. GAMERZOID its not a handbag its a bumbag dude.

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