Full Guide to Gamecube Backup/Booting
9. May 2004 @ 01:06 |
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Hi everyone,
like darkjmaza I use Phoenix 2.2 on a PAL Gamecube.
Ripping works perfectly, but I have some problems playing the games.
Zelda Wind Waker:
Doesn't boot.
Mario Kart: DD:
Boots, but it runs unplayable choppy and the Karts have strange Shadows???
Pokemon Colosseum:
Boots, but runs a little bit choppy.
How can I improve the performance of my games?
Senior Member
9. May 2004 @ 01:47 |
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someone move this thread
Junior Member
9. May 2004 @ 01:48 |
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I always red " this game runs choppy", "that game's unplayable", "the other game doesn't boot", is there any game that works???
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9. May 2004 @ 14:15 |
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Is thare anyone got the GC running at 100Mbps ????
Junior Member
9. May 2004 @ 23:16 |
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No, there isn't, because the derial port, the BBA is connected to, is only capable of 27 Mbps. And I don't even know how to get to this speed.
10. May 2004 @ 03:35 |
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yes there is a method, exist a debugger that after loaded pso u can change the speed to 100mb, i tested it and it work, i connected the gc to an hub, it start with 3 leds 100mb but immeadtly loaded pso it go to 1 led 10mb, the problem is pso not the bba, the bba is created in 100mb but nintendo blocked pso to 10mb, with the debugger i tested that after loaded pso i press A in the debugger and the leds on the hub back to 3 at 100mb but when u click start for select another dol for load the debuger freeze completely and u cant load anything more
Junior Member
10. May 2004 @ 04:29 |
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Could someone please explain what was just said, in plain english? kinda hard for me to understand. If it you can play streamed games at 100mbps, could you please tell me what kind of tools, apps, detailed directions, on how to do this? Thank You!! :-)
10. May 2004 @ 04:56 |
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there is not a loader at 100mb right now, but if the debugger can make bba at 100mb why dont create a dol that have the option press A for set 100mb and press start for run the game? is a nice idea
10. May 2004 @ 06:55 |
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Where can I get the debugger?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. May 2004 @ 06:56
10. May 2004 @ 08:31 |
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10. May 2004 @ 12:02 |
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how does the debugger work? I start it using PSOLoad 2.0 and first everything is fine until I try to start the game. The title of the game appeares but nothing happens. I just read: "Waiting for network command" or something like that. And why do I have to insert a disk? I want to play without doing that, but here I've to do this. What can I do?
Junior Member
10. May 2004 @ 12:48 |
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I must be doing something wrong, because I've tried Super Smash Bros Melee, and I see no difference in speed, it's all the same. Here's what I did. And if I'm doing something wrong, could you please explain in every detail possible on how to accomplish this?
I have a folder called PSOLOAD2.0 on my pc. And inside it are the "testdemo4.dol" and the "bbadebug.dol" files.
I went into my command prompt, and typed "psoload bbadebug.dol"
It said it was waiting for a connection. I started up my GC. It connected. And it went to the screen that has all those numbers, and tells you which GC controller buttons have which speed. I pressed A and it said that the broadband adapter was now set at 100mbps. Then I went back to my pc and I typed "psoload -r testdemo4.dol" I pressed Enter, and about 5 seconds later, I pressed START on the GC controller. About 10, to 15 seconds later, I got a green backround with a spinning globem with funky music in the backround. Then I pressed START on my GC CONTroller, and the GC reseted itself.
Now, I started up my Phoenix Loader 137, and loaded my .iso file of Super Smash Bros Melee. My GC connected to the Phoenix Loader. The Starcube logo appeared on my TV. Before I press start, I remove my memory card, so I did that, and pressed START. It said loading, and about 6 seconds later, it loaded the game. The game was very choppy during the movie intro, title screen, and for a few seconds, where you choose what to do. I played a training mode, and it was glitchy here and there, but playable.
Now I shut everything down, and I restarted my GC. But instead of doing the whole psoload thing, I just started up my Phoenix Loader. DId everything like I did before, and I'm getting the exact same speed.
Any Ideas?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. May 2004 @ 12:50
Junior Member
11. May 2004 @ 00:39 |
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Quote: yes there is a method, exist a debugger that after loaded pso u can change the speed to 100mb, i tested it and it work, i connected the gc to an hub, it start with 3 leds 100mb but immeadtly loaded pso it go to 1 led 10mb, the problem is pso not the bba, the bba is created in 100mb but nintendo blocked pso to 10mb, with the debugger i tested that after loaded pso i press A in the debugger and the leds on the hub back to 3 at 100mb but when u click start for select another dol for load the debuger freeze completely and u cant load anything more
As soon as you load another .iso or .gcm or whatever file, the BBA is reseted to the average speed of 10Mbps.
11. May 2004 @ 04:13 |
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mmmmm and with hard drive usb? maybe is possible one day use hard drives usb and adapt them for gc :)
Junior Member
11. May 2004 @ 04:21 |
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hmmm, I read about a group that is developing something to connect the GCN to the PC through the high speed port, but I don't know, how far they are able to manage it
11. May 2004 @ 08:01 |
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I don't think that 100Mbps will solve all our problems. This will make some render sequences run better, but the main problem is, that the games run coppy because it takes too leng to communicate with the PC. The GC says: "Hey PC, give me sound file xyz." (only 1kb) but this message has to run through the cable to the PC and the file has to go back. If this takes too long, the game will stop for a very short time. That is our problem. The way from GC to GC is much shorter than from GC to PC, so the requests of the GC will be answered in a too long period of time. 100Mbps won't help.
11. May 2004 @ 12:13 |
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we can have speed that we want, but no one games is playable thats the problem
11. May 2004 @ 12:30 |
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That's not true.
I play Viewtifull Joe and Final Fantasy: CC without any real problems and good performance. F-Zero works too.
11. May 2004 @ 19:43 |
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So any one slove the prob with PSO3 yet? Or we have to see?
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12. May 2004 @ 18:53 |
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I got the debugger and i cant get it to work at 100mbps
i first used psul -s and that work then i try
psoload that loaded but i still get the same screen i was getting with psul. Do i have to delete my mem card and restart with psoload then run the debugger ????
Junior Member
13. May 2004 @ 04:57 |
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well, can this 100mbps trick, work with gamecube games??
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20. May 2004 @ 13:19 |
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So you need phantasy star online to make backups on the pc? Sorry im new at this and a friend ask me to backup his games... so i want to be pretty well informed before i do anything
20. May 2004 @ 23:55 |
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yea you need pso and a bba, if u wanna buy em used email me @ aquamantq@yahoo.com
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23. May 2004 @ 18:45 |
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I also would like to know if there are any loaders that work with PSOEp3, and if not, are they being worked on?
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24. May 2004 @ 16:09 |
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i cannot find where to get the ripping tool.
i went to every website that was mentioned in this forum and tried to download it and got an error message in french.