My slim xbox 360 wont power up, neither with the controller or the power button, I used a different power supply and still no power up.
I had someone test it and the voltage to the power button and remote receiver is 1.3 volts.
The guy that tested it is not certain if 1.3 volts is the correct voltage to the power button he think it should be 3.3 volts.
I need help with the correct voltage to the power button and if it is 3.3 volts, please show me what capacitor or other electronic component controls the current going to the power button.
I attached this image that I found on another (Cant post images follow the image link below), so that you can use it to point at the wright location so that the problem I am facing can be solved or at least identified.
I need to know where to find the capacitor, mosfet or whatever thats the source of the 3.3 volts going to the power and eject button, there is not enough power to these buttons so the xbox can not power on when they are activated.
The mosfet shown in this image are for the said buttons they have 1.3 volts on stand by. (As a new member I cant post images, just copy the url and eliminate the spaces and you'll be able to link to the image)