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360 waves patcher "wave converter for all firmwares"
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Junior Member
20. November 2009 @ 17:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have version 1.5. Can I please get help quickly? If the dashboard version doesn't matter, then what's going wrong?

I burned the ISO after patching it from wave 4 to wave 3, yet it still doesn't work
Junior Member
22. November 2009 @ 00:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is there a version of this program for Wave 5 games like left 4 dead 2. I didn't try to batch this game but instead used the one shot boot disk and it worked and played the unpatched game backup. Why? I thought the boot disk only worked up to wave 4? I have Benq drive and iextreme 1.6 I think. The guy that put the 1.6 in offered to change my firmware back to 1.4 if I want to I guess to use the boot disk for all wave disks. Why would I want to do this? Can someone please clarify all this. TIA.
Junior Member
22. November 2009 @ 02:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Worked great for me patching both Left 4 Dead 2 and NCAA Basketball 10 to wave 3.
AfterDawn Addict
22. November 2009 @ 04:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by luckcandy:
I have version 1.5. Can I please get help quickly? If the dashboard version doesn't matter, then what's going wrong?

I burned the ISO after patching it from wave 4 to wave 3, yet it still doesn't work
you'll need the latest dashboard update

22. November 2009 @ 10:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi All,

I'm a newbie to xbx mod scene and have a modded xbox360 console. Not sure about the firmware version but I think its 1.4 coz bought my modded console long time back and never went into updating my firmware later. Been banned long time back so dont give a damn to live, lol !!!. I patched COD MW2 from wave4 to wave2 using wave patcher, burnt the game on dvd dl and updated my dashborad to fall09 update via USB. Game starts fine but just after the first mission is loaded into memory, the game freezes with a slight screeching sound and everything just hangs there and I have to hard-boot the console.

Anyone got any idea whats happening here and what can be done to fix this ? Thanks in advance for your help....
22. November 2009 @ 12:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok guys... I'm now into a bigger trouble.... after 3rd reboot now my xbox360 has started showing RROD... f**k me.... now googling for RROD repair.... :(
AfterDawn Addict
22. November 2009 @ 14:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by howdy303:
ok guys... I'm now into a bigger trouble.... after 3rd reboot now my xbox360 has started showing RROD... f**k me.... now googling for RROD repair.... :(

sounds like the problem was your console not the disc :(

22. November 2009 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi sicdude,

Could you help me out with the SplitVid message I get and if this is the reason the patched games do not load for me? You can read this in more detail in my posting at page 4.
AfterDawn Addict
22. November 2009 @ 16:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Sucre_R7:
Hi sicdude,

Could you help me out with the SplitVid message I get and if this is the reason the patched games do not load for me? You can read this in more detail in my posting at page 4.

Try a vebatim disc, alot of small retailers sell them in singles a quid each.

Junior Member
22. November 2009 @ 19:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by sicdude:
Originally posted by luckcandy:
I have version 1.5. Can I please get help quickly? If the dashboard version doesn't matter, then what's going wrong?

I burned the ISO after patching it from wave 4 to wave 3, yet it still doesn't work
you'll need the latest dashboard update
I updated my dashboard to the fall 2009 one and it still showed up as "Mixed Media Disc" any other suggestions, please?
Junior Member
22. November 2009 @ 20:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
only firmware 1.51 or 1.6 or 1.61 can read wave 3 if you have 1.5 you need to convert it to wave 2.
Junior Member
22. November 2009 @ 22:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is there any way to check your firmware from the dashboard? I just want to make sure that i have 1.5 and not 1.51 or something.

Also, if AC 2 as a wave 3 shows up as "play dvd" does that indicate anything?
Junior Member
22. November 2009 @ 23:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no you cant check it from dashboard you would have to hook it up to pc.
Junior Member
22. November 2009 @ 23:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
bale3wolf a million thanks to you bro, I fixed it.

Turns out I did have 1.5 and needed to patch it to wave 2 then burn it with imgburner at 2.4x to get it to work.

Thanks again
24. November 2009 @ 03:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm on liteon 1.51 and i just got NCAA Bball 2010 and converted it to wave 3... but b4 i burn it, do I need to change the layerbreak stuff in the .dvd file for img burn or just burn the iso directly?
Junior Member
24. November 2009 @ 14:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nope layer break and stuff is same just load the dvd file as normal.
24. November 2009 @ 15:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Risking a hailstorm of anger, I'm going to go ahead and ask a banning question--a slightly augmented one, though.

I had a box get flagged for banning during the last wave, so I never played on live again. I went out and bought an arcade box with the intention of moving the one hard drive between the two boxes. Now that I'm not going to play on live with my modded box, I obviously don't care about stealth so I would rather use the wave patcher instead of opening my box again to flash.

My question is, are any of the disc checks stored on the xbox hard drive? Or, better still, is there anyone here using one hard drive and swapping it between a box running wave patcher and an unbanned box on live?

The whole reason for not playing the modded box on live was so I wouldn't get banned and my profile wouldn't be corrupted when trying to switch between two boxes, I would hate to ruin that by using the wave patcher and find out that info is stored on the hard drive.

I've been all over trying to find something to answer the question, and all I'm getting are posts about NVRAM and secdata. This seemed like the only place where I might find people doing exactly what I want to try. Thanks for any help.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. November 2009 @ 15:13

Junior Member
24. November 2009 @ 19:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok after reading through this entire post and getting nothing but the same 3 questions asked over and over again, and then repeatedly getting answered (noone reads anymore, just ask ask ask)....

I have iXtreme 1.6 on my samsung drive, all my games work great...lately the newer games require the activate.iso disc....i DO NOT and WILL NOT ever play online with my games...what are my options to stop using this activate.iso....

IS there a firmware update so i do not have to use the activate.iso?
and if not, will there be one? i can wait.

I would rather not convert games from one wave to another because i've already burned multiple games that require me to use the activate.iso (codmw2 and quite a few others i have) I really dont want to reburn the games just to convert the "wave" of them...

thanks for your patience

Junior Member
24. November 2009 @ 19:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sence you do have a sammy you could flash to 1.61 it supports wave 4 and maybe wave 5 to.
AfterDawn Addict
25. November 2009 @ 13:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bal3wolf:
sence you do have a sammy you could flash to 1.61 it supports wave 4 and maybe wave 5 to.

yeah 1.61 supports wave 5, l4d2 doesn't need the activate.iso to work :)

Junior Member
25. November 2009 @ 17:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
awesome, ima flash w/ 1.61 when i get off my lazy butt to open my 360 up again and no more swap disc w00t w00t, thankx :)

Suspended due to non-functional email address
25. November 2009 @ 18:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi guys i've a xtream 5.3D when i try to lunch COD6 it ask me update. If i use this program that message don't appear and Will i can play COD?? please help me....
Junior Member
25. November 2009 @ 18:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its been answerd many times you need to get the newest dashboard off and put it on a flashdrive or a cd/dvd.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
25. November 2009 @ 18:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thank you for your fast replay. Where can i found a tutorial to do that?? help me please i'm new.

Junior Member
25. November 2009 @ 20:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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