Sony giga pocket drivers.
24. December 2007 @ 11:19 |
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30. December 2007 @ 23:02 |
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Agak, Thank you so much. You helped me more than you will ever know. I won't for sure if I can get this running till I get some more parts in on Wednesday. But wanted to confirm one thing. On the power harness (That is the only one I lost after all) does it go purple, then white, or white then purple. Here is what I have:
Purple, White, Blue, White, Red White (on bottom). I then have orange white above and closer to the memory slots. Can you or anyone confirm this power setup?
2. January 2008 @ 13:45 |
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I was able to trial and error fix it. No need for response to wiring concern. Again, thank you agak!
19. January 2008 @ 18:43 |
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I need some help and I was wondering if any of you could provide it. I just upgraded my Sony Vaio PCV-RS710GX to vista ultimate and now the giga pocket card isnt working. I already tried some of the links on here and they did not work. Any help please? I cant find the drivers anywhere.
20. January 2008 @ 00:46 |
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Actually I found a way to get it to work. For vista download these drivers. The first time I downloaded it it must have been corrupted but it worked the second time. the link is :
21. January 2008 @ 15:38 |
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Glad to see this is still being visited. Just tried replacing the files (as mentioned above) and that still did not work:( Have a clean install of Vista Ultimate on an RC14G. Installed basic drivers and GigaPocket (UAC off or there is an error box with "aaa"). Here's the strange, will work until reboot? I installed the original factory drivers from the Sony Website, GigaPocket and then the update. Everything works great until a reboot, then playback is fine, but record brings up "Sgpcom.exe" has stopped working. Any thoughts or ideas? I've been steadily working on this for about a year (little progress).
22. January 2008 @ 23:01 |
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I wish I knew what to tell you but sorry I dont.
23. January 2008 @ 08:22 |
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What version of Gigapocket are you using? Any updates? What about the MPEG encoder board...seperate install or with Gigapocket? On what system? Can you direct me to where you downloaded the files or provide me a copy of them?
10. February 2008 @ 17:11 |
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Hey guys I just inherited a pcva-imb5a from a friend and have been having a hell of a time trying to get it to work with Vista.
I have Vista ultimate and want to get it up and running. Are there any workarounds or drivers that I can get to make it install properly?
28. April 2008 @ 10:20 |
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Hi, Can anyone help with [i]Giga Pocket driver for Sony Vaio PCG-GRT380ZG laptop?[/i] I have tried Sony support site with no luck, unfortunately the software for the laptop is bad and can not install.
5. May 2008 @ 09:32 |
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16. May 2008 @ 09:03 |
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I've been successfully running Giga Pocket 5.x on my vaio vgn-a290 until recently when the software started having problems. I couldn't recover the app from my dvd's b/c my motherboard was replaced a few months ago and my recovery dvd's wouldn't recognize the computer. I managed to extract the sony.pac file and recovered the drivers, but the Giga app doesn't seem to want to launch (it's an application module, not a setup file on the recovery dvd). I tried other versions of Giga Pocket (through downloads from this thread) to no avail. The TV tuner card is built into my docking station (vgp prav-1) and I'm running XP home. Can anyone provide help with either information on extracting the correct Giga setup file from my recovery dvd's or providing a link to a Giga version that will work with my tuner card & OS. Many Thanks!
16. May 2008 @ 10:16 |
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If your main board was replaced and now no longer recognizes the app recovery DVD, than the on board dmi was not updated to your model and serial number info. If it was done by Sony or a service, you should have them write the info into bios.
16. May 2008 @ 14:32 |
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Thanks. Yes, I've already made plans to bring it in to have the motherboard "tattooed", but it'll be a couple of weeks. Is there no immediate (if not temporary) solution to get a Giga Pocket software functional on my system?
16. May 2008 @ 15:52 |
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If the drivers are correct for your tuner card than have you tried Gigapocket for the ENX_26 card from ramchip previously posted? (pg16 and elsewhere)
16. May 2008 @ 16:14 |
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Yes, tried that download. Unfortunately, when I launch the installed app, it returns with a Channel Settings Error:
"CHSETUP : 6003
Fail IInputInfo::GetAvailableBaseChannel()function.(0x80004005)"
then a TV Setup Error:
"TVSETUP : 6023
Fail IInputSwitch::Initialize() function.(0x80010105)"
Then the app closes. Any ideas how to resolve?
Suspended due to non-functional email address
11. June 2008 @ 14:55 |
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Originally posted by cchap: Actually I found a way to get it to work. For vista download these drivers. The first time I downloaded it it must have been corrupted but it worked the second time. the link is :
Ok, these drivers are working for me in media center with vista. This is great, because I was just about ready to buy a new TV tuner after upgrading to vista ultimate. The quality on some channels is terrible, but I'll take what I can get. I'll only be using it with my 360 as an extender anyways.
19. June 2008 @ 19:17 |
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When I go to this link, it says it has been removed?
Anyone else getting this error?
19. June 2008 @ 20:29 |
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gakFirst, I apologize i'm not purposely trying to hijack this thread, just trying to get an answer from someone who must know. I was given a pcv-rs 430G sony vaio with giga pocket and was wondering if it works correctly or not. Can the giga pocket record cable channels or just the broadcast channels in your area. If it can or is supposed to be able to record the cable channels will or should that update program help me to correct the problem with the giga pocket program that I have? Again, my apologies for any wrong doings I may have committed Thanks for any reponses!! Thanks for your response Agak I ask only because I can view/record the broadcast stations but can't view/record any of the cable stations off my cable box so I just don't know if it's unable to do so or if I haven't done something that I need to, or if the program needs the update that you guys were refering to. (It's also why I edited this message instead of reposting. This question would be off the thread topic) If you can answer this I would be grateful!! Thanks Again!!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. June 2008 @ 08:09
19. June 2008 @ 21:23 |
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Did you want the original ENX-26 MCE Drivers? These work with Vista Ultimate and TotalMedia3:
GigaPocket will record/view analog broadcast, standard cable or s-video in from a cable dvr box. RS430G works OK out of the box. Never upgrade unless you have to fix a problem. Things stop working.
23. June 2008 @ 20:43 |
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Originally posted by doctechx: Like so many others in these threads, I experienced problems when upgrading from Windows XP MCE 2005 to Vista. Specifically, I did a clean install of Vista Ultimate edition. I had ran the Vista update advisor, and received the notification that the giga pocket MPEG realtime encoder board (tv tuner) was not compatible. However, after seeing that Sony had provided several Media Center Vista updates for my model, I couldn't believe that there was no way to make it work. Fortunately, I was right.
I recieved the same errors as everyone else from MC. Basically, my tv tuner was not recognized, and when I looked in the Device Manager, the encoder board driver was not loaded. I originally tried downloading the Sony Vista OS migration updates related to MC (Vaio Media Center version SOAVMC-01347100-US.EXE and Vaio tv tuner library update version SOAVTL-01371500-US.EXE These did not solve my problem, although they may ultimately be necessary for success. I'm not sure why Sony is so illusive with regard to the solution to this problem as it is actually very simple. I simply downloaded and installed the original giga pocket driver for my model directly from sony support website. You may get a dialogue box indicating that the driver may not be configured properly. It gives you the option to reinstall to meet the operating system requirements. Do this, and restart. At this point, Vista Media Center should recognize your tv tuner, and you should be able to proceed with the setup. I know how frustrating this was for me. I hope this is useful to others.
23. June 2008 @ 20:53 |
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Originally posted by RICKRACK: Originally posted by doctechx: Like so many others in these threads, I experienced problems when upgrading from Windows XP MCE 2005 to Vista. Specifically, I did a clean install of Vista Ultimate edition. I had ran the Vista update advisor, and received the notification that the giga pocket MPEG realtime encoder board (tv tuner) was not compatible. However, after seeing that Sony had provided several Media Center Vista updates for my model, I couldn't believe that there was no way to make it work. Fortunately, I was right.
I recieved the same errors as everyone else from MC. Basically, my tv tuner was not recognized, and when I looked in the Device Manager, the encoder board driver was not loaded. I originally tried downloading the Sony Vista OS migration updates related to MC (Vaio Media Center version SOAVMC-01347100-US.EXE and Vaio tv tuner library update version SOAVTL-01371500-US.EXE These did not solve my problem, although they may ultimately be necessary for success. I'm not sure why Sony is so illusive with regard to the solution to this problem as it is actually very simple. I simply downloaded and installed the original giga pocket driver for my model directly from sony support website. You may get a dialogue box indicating that the driver may not be configured properly. It gives you the option to reinstall to meet the operating system requirements. Do this, and restart. At this point, Vista Media Center should recognize your tv tuner, and you should be able to proceed with the setup. I know how frustrating this was for me. I hope this is useful to others.
doctechx----Not only was your info useful, it was the only solution from all the others posted on this thread that worked for me with the conversion from MCE to Vista Home Premium. I searched all over online for the answer and you provided it. This was VERY frustrating to me, too, and made me nuts till I tried what you suggested!!!
I think you are a GENIUS!! Your instructions were simple and allowed me to watch TV with Media Center.
You posted your instructions in September 2007 and I just used them now on 6-23-08 after installing Vista this weekend. I hope you and others read my response and use your knowledge like I did.
Much Thanks,
11. September 2008 @ 16:54 |
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Hello All, I have a Sony VAIO PCV-RS430G , I had a HD failure & had the shop replace the drive. They used my restore disk, & now Giga Pocket doesn't work. Does anyone know what I need to DL & install to get this to work? Thanks
11. September 2008 @ 17:03 |
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Also I tried to get new Recovery disks from sony, but they no longer have them, Does anyone know where to get them? They did give me the part #A8117685A. the only other option to send the computer to them & have them reimage the computer, if I have to do this after replacing the HD + Labor I could have almost paid for a new computer. Any Ideas.
Please Help
Thank You
14. September 2008 @ 15:23 |
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If an original restore disc was used, GigaPocket should be there.
Otherwise see page 10 of this forum and the post from jonxtreme for your setup files.