The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 08:14 |
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Originally posted by Estuansis: Also it looks like the Cat 9.11 beta driver is out. Fancy giving it a try?
Given my past experience with catalyst beta drivers, no thanks.
Omega: I'm not sure what you mean.
AfterDawn Addict
25. October 2009 @ 09:38 |
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I think he means why aren't you running it in DX11 since you're using Windows 7 - the answer being, you can't because it's not coded for DX11 and none of us even have DX11 hardware anyway :P
PSP, all the way from 1.00 to 5.50 GEN D2 - DS Lite w/ M3DS Real (M3 Sakura v1.34)
PS3 3.01 - iPod Touch 2G 16GB Jailbroken - Xbox 360 60GB - PC, Q6600, 3GB DDR2, GTX260 (216) 896MB
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 09:52 |
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Well, yeah, that would be my answer, if that's what the question was. I assumed not since it was obvious :P
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 13:30 |
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Direct X 11 IS DX10 with simply more optimizations, right? I guess my question is why roll back to 10 when 11 should suffice? My knowledge is pretty limited in this arena. Not so obvious :P

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 13:37 |
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No, DX11 is entirely new, as was DX10 to DX9. DX10.1 is DX10 optimised.
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 14:13 |
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Thanks for that. I guess if I have any gaming troubles, I guess that will be the first place I look. But since I haven't had any bad enough to speak of, DX11 must be at least somewhat solid.

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 14:27 |
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The HD5850X2 and HD5870X2 have apparently been renamed the HD5950 and HD5970 by ATI.
The bad news - ATI have pushed back the release to the second half of November, and intend to push it further back if by that time nvidia still haven't released Fermi. On this basis, it may be a very long time before we see the HD5900 series, possibly spring next year unless ATI decide to forget about waiting to get the last word.
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 18:14 |
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I myself will be jumping on 2 5870s. Excited :D
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs: http://my.afterdawn.com/estuansis/blog_entry.cfm/11388
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 18:21 |
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How soon? :P
I'm going to play it by ear for the next few months. Handily I couldn't afford to buy any new hardware until January even if I wanted to so that forces me to wait for the good stuff. That said, if come the after-christmas hardware rush the dual cards aren't close to release I will likely be following suit with two singular HD5870s - not like I can't sell them afterwards :P
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 19:49 |
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Probably when the price drops nearer $300 here. At $390 right now plus shipping I cant justify the purchase at all. Also because my HD4870s are still so fast. At least as fast as one 5870. I'm not entirely sure I'll end up buying even one though unless some games come out to make it worth the buy. I already play every single new game maxed with AA. What will I gain aside from Crysis Amazingness? New cards are coming out so fast right now. Seems like the 4800 was only introduced a short while ago and suddenly it's OOP @_@ I need a break @_@
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs: http://my.afterdawn.com/estuansis/blog_entry.cfm/11388
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
25. October 2009 @ 21:37 |
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To be honest, ATI have absolutely no reason to cut the price until the card has a rival, with the discontinuation of the 4870X2, the 5870 picks up its sales, it's relatively similarly priced, offers similar performance, but adds DX11 and much better power efficiency. Until a GTX300 series arrives, I wouldn't mind betting the HD5870 will stay above $350. To be quite frank, I think an HD5850 crossfire setup suits people better, the HD5850 is 85% of the card that the 5870 is, but for 70% of the price. Of course, the 5850's are very hard to track down, but so are the 5870s...
Actually, the 4850/4870 were released in July 2008, so it's been 15, nearly 16 months since their release. This is actually only two months shy of the 18 month gap between the release of the 8800GTX and the HD4870.
AfterDawn Addict
26. October 2009 @ 19:41 |
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mw2 will use steam fully, inc the vavle anti cheat tool, and its could service for game saves etc, but lack of dedicated servers and the high chance of needing to buy dlc is still too much of a negative!
i will pirate this game and IF the MP can be pirated ill play it to see hwo it is. i ahve put in 1500 horus into cod4 mp, so i WILL pay for it if its good enough. hell i bought cod4 3 times lol.
MGR (Micro Gaming Rig) .|. Intel Q6600 @ 3.45GHz .|. Asus P35 P5K-E/WiFi .|. 4GB 1066MHz Geil Black Dragon RAM .|. Samsung F60 SSD .|. Corsair H50-1 Cooler .|. Sapphire 4870 512MB .|. Lian Li PC-A70B .|. Be Queit P7 Dark Power Pro 850W PSU .|. 24" 1920x1200 DGM (MVA Panel) .|. 24" 1920x1080 Dell (TN Panel) .|.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
26. October 2009 @ 19:53 |
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Given the pathetic approach to multiplayer, MW2 is a single player game in my mind. I'm not convinced it warrants the price for a short SP campaign.
AfterDawn Addict
26. October 2009 @ 20:36 |
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I'm buying it on PS3 for 4 player split screen with friends and downloading the PC version to play through the campaign :p
PSP, all the way from 1.00 to 5.50 GEN D2 - DS Lite w/ M3DS Real (M3 Sakura v1.34)
PS3 3.01 - iPod Touch 2G 16GB Jailbroken - Xbox 360 60GB - PC, Q6600, 3GB DDR2, GTX260 (216) 896MB
Senior Member
26. October 2009 @ 23:00 |
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Wow, I've been gone for FIVE days - that's like Sam taking a vacation! And you guys are - what - HOLY CR*P 10 pages beyond!!
(just kidding)
I've been doing some real estate, and an enormous amount of getting myself un-rusty on Left 4 Dead - in fact I'll probably jump back on it tonight! WTF that new Crash Course is HARD!! LOL
WTF - again! Is that article about Nvidia accurate? (I am secretly laughing and gloating - but at the same time I am worried for Ati - what stops engineering failures from hitting them?) Anyway, if the result of all this is that Ati/AMD get to make some decent profits and stay healthy - then yay! Sure we consumers might have to pay a bit more - but in the long run we'll be better off than seeing Nvidia drive Ati out of business like they did with 3dfx, and then play games with fake shadows and the like to drive up their fps rates.
Everybody - take for example our buddy shaff - says "Oh, I can't wait for competition to drive down prices." Well sure, but there is sometimes a flip side - as in when the good guys leave the market and then there is NO competition. In this case, if that article is true, the BAD guys are supposedly leaving the market (gloat gloat gloat.) Hahahaha. That was probably a bunch of stupid stuff to say - I have to get on L4D so I'm not going to clean it up, lol.
Oh, you Brits and you aussies. "I couldn't care less" versus "I could care less." You have too much time on your hands - just kidding.
Okay, let me 'splain:
"I couldn't care less" is such a common, hackneyed expression - as in USED A BILLION TIMES - that it has morphed into the non-sensical "I could care less" which Omega said, which MEANS THE SAME THING!
Kevin, in his coolness, is using the more hip, newer, fresher version, while you aussies (shokz) and you brits (sam) are analyzing the thing with your microscope "that doesn't make sense - it pisses me off but I never say nothin." Hahahahaha.
Just kidding again. LOL!
Originally posted by omega: If we were not corrected, how would we learn from our mistakes? :)
Know this, Im incredibly open minded. I will never explode on someone. Tell me what your thinking anytime.
Hmmmm. Oh Kevin, it's "you're" again. (now I'm using my microscope)
Run that part about "learning from our mistakes" past me again :P
Tell me what you're thinking! Got it? hahahahaha
OMG - Sam has been trashing our new love and guess what:
Quote: since this isn't a genuine version of the game
He's playing on a pirated copy!!! Jeeps exploding when they hit water - people moving into space - frame rates dropping when you're injured - just be glad your computer doesn't explode when it hits the "pirate bay" you modern day privateer! Hahahaha
Sam can't quit: Quote: a fair few graphical glitches, the barrel of the gun is half-invisible and bullet streaks are various different colours (including pure green and pink sometimes).
That's it - he's ruined the game for me. I'll just stay with L4D for the rest of my life :P
Oh, wait - Sam is coming around a bit - got the frame rates up. There's hope.
Okay, back to Crash Course. What a bi*ch! I played through the finale on advanced to see how it worked, and now with hours and hours on expert, I have had two teams make it out - but with only two each time and not me - one time I was almost there.
The horde music comes on and the horde is already within 20 feet of you - really puts you on your toes. Hunters might be in the next room you're about to enter and it's Pounce, without warning. But all of it can be handled - it's that finale that is TOUGH TOUGH TOUGH.
I had a guy yesterday who said "I'm black and white." I said "I've been black and white for the last 20 minutes." You take pills and keep going - no med kits anywhere in sight. The secret is never take a horde out in the open - I mean NEVER!! And since the horde music gives you only about one second - I kid you not - you hear it and they're already pouring over the fence in greater numbers than hit the Normandy beaches on D-Day. So always, you better be ready to pop back into that room you just left.
A guy came on two nights ago who was really funny. Some guys immediately wanted to kick him. I never kick anybody but griefers. Anyway, this guy was named Jamba J. and at first he was Bill, then he became Francis. He left right after a split vote to kick - I voted NO - but came back in 5 minutes. He said "Oh, not you a**holes again" I said - oh come on Jamba - stay - I didn't vote to kick you. So he stayed and we got along. I said "Francis suits you much better than Bill." He was yelling lots of Bronx or Jersey stuff - "comon - bi*ches - take that - get that multi - move it - screamin - we shot a tank together and he laughed like an idiot. Really funny guy. Like I said, most of the other guys didn't like his style, but I was born in Brooklyn and have visited NY a couple times, and I like the accent and IN YA FACE attitude - sometimes :P
He was saying "come over here berkeley" - "don't look - just like the homeless people - don't look." It was funny - we were safe in our closet and across the alley the other two guys didn't take good enough cover and were bright orange, then their glow disappeared - DEAD!
So last night we're in a closet, just shutting the door, and downdogdude suddenly joins - throws a pipe at the shut door (maybe he didn't see it shut) - it explodes inside the closet to our astonishment, and suddenly we are all dead - I think the zombies just barreled in smashing the door down and killing us - or maybe the explosion also caused damage. At the safe house, he wasn't there. I said "Did Francis the bot do that?" The other guy, Your Mom, says "No, bots don't handle grenades at all" and he goes to the console and it says "downdogdude caused you 50 damage." I said, oh, he must have left from embarrassment. If you just joined, and killed your whole team, would you leave too?
So I was trying to invite some guys, then downdogdude shows up again. I said, Oh, he's back. And he starts talking "How ya doin berkeley - hey multi - let's get goin." And I said "Jamba - it's you!" He laughed. Your Mom says "that's the guy who just killed us" I said "Oh, that's okay - it's jamba - he's funny." I told him "I'm just gonna keep calling you jamba - that's the greatest name ever."
Anyway, back to the finale. There is an inside corner next to the spawn room, where you can mellee and the whole team will take zero damage. But that puts you inside where the tank spawns. So I don't quite know how to work it so that when the tank chases a guy in the dead-end corner, somebody else can grab his attention and lure him away.
The two successful attempts were on top of the bus - everybody bunched toward the back. You can do all facing forward, or two facing back, two facing forward. I think I prefer all facing forward - me all the way in back on colt to scan for smokers on the top of the building on the left, or pulling us from a window, or from the roof on the right. One guy handles the opening on the left, the other on the right, and one is just a few feet forward, probably auto shottie, handling the front with me. Everybody crouches. It's busy, and hunters will jump up from time to time, and a boomer if we aren't really watching - but you have time when the tank comes from inside. I will beat that expert finale, but it might be a month from now. I will perfect it! No achievement, just for the helluva it. Pretty intense new addition to L4D. Hahaha.
I don't know if I'll ever mess with Versus or Survival - maybe one day. After I have achieved my 6th degree black belt in the regular game. My friendly fire is usually lowest on the team, and now that I'm a bit more careful about boomers waiting in boxes or on the roof of the building you are about to exit, and hunters inside (in other words don't go out or in without being SUPER careful, lol) I can stay healthy for long periods of time, until I start trying to rescue people. But handling a horde out in the open like some of these shotgun guys - I'm a long way from that level of spinning around, melee, shoot, more melee, reload. Some of them are amazing to watch. I'd love to play with shaff sometime. And sam and estuansis again - hey jeff I saw you were on steam the other day, but you were doing episode 2 so I didn't bother you.
Well, I spent 4 hours today composing an email standard letter to use as a followup on my new short sale phone calls. I have a stack of about 250 people who are going to lose their homes in 90 days - these are the ones whose phone numbers were listed in "white pages.com". So even though it's not wednesday yet - I think I'm back on L4D for a few hours again tonight. I deserve it, right?
Sam is thinking "there is NO new rig in Rich's immediate nor mid-term future while his p4 is still holding out"
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
26. October 2009 @ 23:36 |
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Quote: I am worried for Ati - what stops engineering failures from hitting them?
They have - remember the HD4770?
I don't consider ATI vs nvidia good vs bad, that really is prejudicial, but I do consider nvidia the more 'sneaky' company due to underhand business practices and so on and so forth. Either way, no competition = very bad. If nvidia don't produce a rival product, the HD5870 will remain £300, and the HD5950 will be released at £400, with the HD5970 left out of production until later on where it may debut at £450 after the other cards are pricedropped. Were nvidia to put out a stinkin' fast GTX380 or equivalent, we'd have an HD5970 under £400 by christmas. (HD5950 and HD5970 are the real names for the HD5850X2 and HD5870X2, AMD are doing away with the X2 suffix)
How do you remember the names of the randoms you play with? That is impressive...
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
27. October 2009 @ 00:56 |
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LOL! I totally missed that one. Thanks for pointing that one out Rich. Now i'm gonna be more self conscious about that. ESPECIALLY that particular mistake!
Originally posted by Sammorris: How do you remember the names of the randoms you play with?
Sigh, once upon a time, I remembered every little off the wall thing. I even memorized the Periodic table of the elements. Unusually, I still have an affinity for numbers though. Don't ever use drugs(The harsh chemical types). Worst mistake I've ever made. Though I can't say I regret it completely. I learned some things from my experience. Though I wouldn't wish it on anyone...

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict
27. October 2009 @ 08:59 |
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depends on the drug tbh,
paracetamol always helps xD
MGR (Micro Gaming Rig) .|. Intel Q6600 @ 3.45GHz .|. Asus P35 P5K-E/WiFi .|. 4GB 1066MHz Geil Black Dragon RAM .|. Samsung F60 SSD .|. Corsair H50-1 Cooler .|. Sapphire 4870 512MB .|. Lian Li PC-A70B .|. Be Queit P7 Dark Power Pro 850W PSU .|. 24" 1920x1200 DGM (MVA Panel) .|. 24" 1920x1080 Dell (TN Panel) .|.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
27. October 2009 @ 10:16 |
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Basic numerics was always my strong point. Then again I effectively used to 'train' when I was bored. Take the alphanumeric value of a letter (i.e. A=1, B=2, Z=26) and multiply all of the numbers in a word. For example:
Reply = 18x5x16x12x25 = 432,000 (and yes, I did do that in my head).
AfterDawn Addict
7 product reviews
27. October 2009 @ 11:39 |
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I once stumbled on a way of doing triple digits rapidly. The same process didn't work all the time for quadriple digits, but it did sometimes. I DO believe you did that in your head ;)

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
27. October 2009 @ 13:26 |
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I've just stumbled upon something really rather impressive :-)
It's a free DX9/10/11/OpenGL Benchmark/Tech demo its more then a little impressive graphically and manages to be fairly smooth even on the 4850 it's possible to use it to show the effects of hardware tessellation although obviously that's irrelevant to us for now at least.
Here be the link: http://unigine.com/download/#heaven
I could put something funny here but I cant be arsed. Now GO AWAY!
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
27. October 2009 @ 13:59 |
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That's because it's only DX10 on the 4850 :P
27. October 2009 @ 14:02 |
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Well yes I meant that it's smooth for how it looks in DX10 mode!!!
I could put something funny here but I cant be arsed. Now GO AWAY!
Senior Member
27. October 2009 @ 23:23 |
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I'm gonna grab the same sam quote that Kevin grabbed:
Quote: How do you remember the names of the randoms you play with?
Sam, nothing comes close to being anywhere as impressive as your encyclopedic knowledge of PCs and graphics cards. I am happy for Nvidia to withdraw from the mid and high end, because then I don't have to even bother to try to figure out their product line the way that you and Jeff and Shaff have. I'll just keep my sights on the 5970 - because two of those should whip crysis at 2560x1600 and allow me to discover what you guys have already enjoyed about mind-blowing graphics.
. . . . . that is of course, presuming I start making money and can one day afford to do the new build, lol.
Originally posted by Kevin: Don't ever use drugs(The harsh chemical types). Worst mistake I've ever made. Though I can't say I regret it completely. I learned some things from my experience. Though I wouldn't wish it on anyone...
Hahaha. That explains everything :P How about LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, and peyote - do they count? LOL
I too don't regret a thing. (But that probably explains everything, hahaha.)
Originally posted by shaff: paracetamol always helps xD
Does anybody know what they hell he is talking about? :P
Originally posted by Sam: Reply = 18x5x16x12x25 = 432,000 (and yes, I did do that in my head).
Hmmmm. That begins to explain everything. Did anybody else see the movie Rain Man?
Originally posted by Keith: it's possible to use it to show the effects of hardware tessellation
Hmmmm again. That looks interesting. I don't exactly know what tessellation means. Several months ago I pulled up some graphics demos to stress my 3850 - the fur one that Jeff mentioned is the main one that I used to test my overclock.
Speaking of overclock, I had to dial back just very slightly from my 3850 overclock in running Left 4 Dead - it looks like THAT game stresses the gpu more than anything else. However, where once I had to drop back to 695, I just did a small dial-back from 769 to 762, something like that. With the VF1000 after-market cooler that Jeff talked me into installing, the card runs super cool - look at my overclock - an extra 10%, and I ran for 10 hours last night without a hitch.
Thanks again Jeff for pushing me to the zalman.
Oh, and I should mention - I BEAT CRASH COURSE!! Hooray!
Several teams played the top of the bus defense at least 10 times, and two of those attempts were successful, and I got out with the rest of the team at the very end. Another group several hours earlier got out - all except for the dead Rich killed by the tank. So top of bus definitely works, and my melee seems to be improving.
I was on expert single player today with the bots, just to test melee. I found that standing up, I can melee almost an entire alleyway, taking no health hit.
I can certainly single-handedly melee the entire entrance to that first garage where the truck is blocking the alley at the beginning of crash course. If I crouch and melee - I may take a bit of damage. Melee seems to have a circle out from the player that extends at least four feet out - not really realistic - but that's how the game works.
I was interested, because again, defending the top of the bus, I re-discovered how easy melee is - and I am now thinking that melee can be virtually as powerful as auto-shotgun against a horde. You don't have to worry about reload - unless hundreds are pouring against you - you can pretty much knock them all back. Hunters can't get you. Smokers still can, and of course boomers. I am thinking that I may try to get the team to fire around me, while I stand, instead of over my head while I crouch and take damage.
Anyway, it changes my strategy of where to hold out. For example, in the beginning of crash course, the basement was proving to be hard to defend. The bottom of the stairway was hard to defend - they just pour down. I can melee at the bottom but I'll take a bit of damage. But I can crouch melee at the top, and handle the staircase with ease because I am above them. Or I can stand in the doorway above the stairs and easily handle the hordes coming in the other direction. It changes the dynamics of the game and I may start to do more melee than ever before.
We came up with a trick which probably works on every finale - not just crash course. You guys, I am certain, are well aware of the trick of getting your buddies to kill you before they close the safe house door to get your 50 health instead of maybe the 1 health you limped in with, lol.
Well, in the finale - and I bet it works on all the finales - you can be killed any number of times, and you will re-appear within seconds in that big double-door closet under the mini-gun - EVEN IF ONE OF THE SIDES IS BLOWN OUT! Hahaha.
Two days ago, somebody taught me the trick of using that instant re-incarnation game fact, in order to carry everything up on top of the bus - all the molotov cocktails, all the pipe bombs. Just take it up there, have somebody kill you, and then go back and bring some more stuff up. You wind up with extra rifles also - but I haven't tested to see if those rifles replenish your ammo. I had assumed they did, but it's easy to test and I should verify that theory.
Anyway, at one point there were 4 dead Louis bodies up there in the back of the bus. I was Louis, lol. Just be careful that stuff doesn't drop down between the two busses - although if it does - you can shot it out from the side with the sniper rifle. I taught that "delivery system" to yesterday's teams, and furthermore, we started using pills to keep us going - even on black and white - in order to carry complete health packs into the finale, because we had a good ending to the first chapter and we were all 100% green on replay of the second chapter. So in the finale, we all started with full green and full packs, and maybe even a pack or two extra on top that I don't think we ever had to use.
So having said all that - I'll be back on tonight, and all day tomorrow!
Time for some more zombie killing. Who was the one who got me hooked on this again? Was it you, Sam, damn you! hahaha
AfterDawn Addict
27. October 2009 @ 23:36 |
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Simply put, hardware tessellation makes things with low polygon counts look like things with high polygon counts.
PSP, all the way from 1.00 to 5.50 GEN D2 - DS Lite w/ M3DS Real (M3 Sakura v1.34)
PS3 3.01 - iPod Touch 2G 16GB Jailbroken - Xbox 360 60GB - PC, Q6600, 3GB DDR2, GTX260 (216) 896MB