(PSP) playstation pathetic
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20. December 2005 @ 16:19 |
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See now icarbutt makes a great point. But If you released DS games on a psp, they would suck due to the fact that the widescreen would have to fit both the top and bottom screen and you woudn't be able to have a stylus with that. Lest ye wants to scratch your psp screen. It's all a popularity contest. If nintendo's games were realeased for ps2, no one would be complaining about mario being "Old" or childish. I have yet seen a person diss Sonic the hedgehog out. The psp is releasing some 2-D games. No one's complaing. Why rip the DS's strengths from the DS, it's just like taking away the graphics advantage of the psp.
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20. December 2005 @ 16:19 |
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port-ish games you say? You mean like Mario Kart and advance wars!!!!
You are reading a mindless signature, please stop reading it now it is mindless, one can only presume you are mindless since you are still reading this mindless signature, Oh my god get a life you mindless person, whats the matter with you, dont you have a girlfreind? mindless mindless mindless
20. December 2005 @ 16:23 |
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for got sake grow up and open youreyes yes Ds is good but PSP is better. there case closed.!!!!
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20. December 2005 @ 16:24 |
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Yes icarbutt, mario kart and advance wars. While psp has.
Crach tag team racing
the list goes on...
Besides, the only real port is mario kart. Advance wars seems to be completely re-done. But really is that your counter-argument. Wow... Guess what. They're port-ish and still deliver more gameplay than psp's port-ish games.
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20. December 2005 @ 16:28 |
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For god's sake wolf, open your eyes and see that the DS is better
All you do is throw rocks in a futile attempt at cracking a lead wall.
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20. December 2005 @ 16:30 |
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GTA is different/spiderman 2 was realesed on every console that could handle it, can't argue with the rest :) But there might be some more port-ish games on DS I only said Mario kart and advance wars because they were the top 2 on the list. Deliver more gameplay, well thats personal choice, I agree with you that Mario Kart is really cool (played it for hours) but I like wipeout pure even more(another pot-ish game)
You are reading a mindless signature, please stop reading it now it is mindless, one can only presume you are mindless since you are still reading this mindless signature, Oh my god get a life you mindless person, whats the matter with you, dont you have a girlfreind? mindless mindless mindless
20. December 2005 @ 16:31 |
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ok il reason with ya
from my own lips:
Quote: To say that one system is clearly better than the other would be flat-out wrong. Both systems come with their own set of advantages and disadvantages.
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20. December 2005 @ 16:32 |
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Wolf don't make sweeping statement finishing with "case closed" It does not prove much
You are reading a mindless signature, please stop reading it now it is mindless, one can only presume you are mindless since you are still reading this mindless signature, Oh my god get a life you mindless person, whats the matter with you, dont you have a girlfreind? mindless mindless mindless
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20. December 2005 @ 16:34 |
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I''l make you guys think... Not to bash the psp or anything this time but
put yourself in my shoes.
Let's say you're in this forum and it's full with people who undoubtedly think the Ds it better than the psp but you know for sure (as you do now) that the PSP owns the DS's heiny.
That's exactly how things are for me...
You might say the DS is old but unlike the Ds psp isn't trying anything relatively "new" either. Same ol formula.
but I guess we could agree. that the psp and ds are equal. No satisfaction, but no loss on ym part either.
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20. December 2005 @ 16:36 |
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ok but we agree on my above statment? ifso i will say no more.
20. December 2005 @ 16:55 |
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Now I don't entirely agree with bbirdXP but here are my 2cents. First graphics never mattered. FF7 pwnes. DK still pwnes. Mario World PWNES!. Those are some ancient games that kick ass way more then todays games whick are cheap nock-offs that suck. On the question which is better psp or ds, I saw psp on the features part. BbirdXP only uses the facts right now because psp has no good games out. Just wait till Square Enix releases a FF7 based game. Sales WILL go through the roof. People have been bombarding Square to redo the FF7 world as it was the best and will be the best! Ds has more enjoyable relaxing games. They of course also have the rights to many oldschool games which alot of people are into. I'm conviced to buy a DS at the moment as the games are better. But as soon as Sqaure releases its games for the psp, my ds is going to the attic. My 2cents for you guys. Enjoy :D
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20. December 2005 @ 17:00 |
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It comes down to squarenix. Squarenix already helped in the release mario and luigi partners in time, but ff7 remake would kill ds. Or the psp.. depending on which sytem they sell it on... ahhahaha.
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20. December 2005 @ 17:09 |
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wow... when i read ure comment about the ds using more technology than the psp i started laughing so hard i literally almost threw up.
touch screens are not hard to put on a handheld(umm ever heard of pda's???} . but big ass screens with over a million colors, now that is hard to do on a handheld.
so i'm sorry for having a potty mouth
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20. December 2005 @ 17:22 |
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Hmm...while Square Enix could release a game for the ds I don't think they will. Reason 1> Square always goes for Sony first as they are contracted under them from the Final Fantasy Spirits Within inncendent where they lost more money than they put in the movie... But they did learn from there mistakes, by making Advent Children a HUGE success. 2> Square will be trying to make it mostly graphical appealing as infrastucture (is that how you spell it) appealing as possible as they do with any game. Now anyone can guess which of the 2 systems have that extra motor power to produce such a thing? Yes the psp! Now DS could pull off the infastructure part but graphics wont be so easy. I do believe that sometime down the line Square might release a game for DS. They did release a few remakes and KoH CoM for GBA. Who Knows.
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20. December 2005 @ 18:40 |
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Ok papjohn... How can you possibly consider touchscreen technology was harder to develop than high defeniton? My cable provider can bring me HD programming..but I don't see myself touching my tv Screen anytime soon. Hmmmm I wonder why..... Hmm I mean really think! The technology required for a touchscreen device is incredible! Touchscreens were once something of SCIence FIction!! Idiot, A better resolution is much easier,to produce when you think about it. I mean how hard could it be to make a pixel smaller and call it HD!? I mean really! All you have to do to make a psp hd is to give it an HD screen and then reformat game sizes in order to fit them on the screen. Na, something that analyzes pressure upon contact with matter is truly a piece of inferior technology {sarcasm over}. Just because pda's had them first doesn't mean they weren't harder to create. And I KNOW THROUGH SIMPLE COMMON SENSE THAT HD WAS NOT AS HARD TO CREATE AS A TOUCH SCREEN. You make HD sound incredible when you say "millions of colors on a screen" but it's not like someone hand drew those colors in marker. This is off topic. Anyway I'm done arguing with you fanboy...
P.S. If you're going to stoop to lame insults like "*bleep* you" and making fun of the DS well your special Ed friends might think you're a cut-up but you're really not making me laugh.
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Junior Member
20. December 2005 @ 19:40 |
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im a fellow psp ownwer and i think it kicks arse
i admit every now and again i like to play mario and yoshi but for nintendo, things like that is all they can pull off
i say this because ive seen how ds tryes to pull of games like king kong u just feel like crying its that embarissing.
the only thing psp is missin is games like mario and yoshi
so let me just tell u this if u want that kind of shi,t do what i have done and downgrade ur psp and get a n64 emulator and guess what u got two systems in one. and what is the use in having to mini screens when if u want to see a map or ammo just press pause and click map
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20. December 2005 @ 19:53 |
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Can't even get the n64 emulator to work properly on my windows xp/ nvidia equipped. Let alone a crappy psp. Most PSP downgrades tend to come with trojans that mess up your psp. Downgrades also don't allow for wallpapers or games like Grand Theft Auto. You can play GBA on your psp and that's where it ends. Nice try dude, but the psp is till not worth the dough. King Kong is a failure.... just a lazy port.... the biggest failure. Still it sold more copies than Liberty city stories! It's also just as popular.
finally something worthwile comes to the psp
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2005 @ 04:54
Senior Member
20. December 2005 @ 21:11 |
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haha DS only has ONE feature and that is games (weak games). PSP has games movies music pics internet homebrew emulators and many more. DS graphics are weak and pixly and has games that arent that much greater than Gameboy Advance games. PSP games are way better and if u think a handheld is better cuz of the price then ur dumb for buyin a DS for 150 when a slim PS2 cost the same. I know that PSP games are alot of money but you can also download the iso and play them with isoloader. You cant do that with DS can you???????Just give up and stop thinkin that DS is better its like comparing N64 with PS2. Tell u the truth DS is not worth the dough. Plus its big and ugly and uncomfortable to hold.
by the way there are homebrews that allow for background images and firmware version to be changed. Plus most homebrews run on a 2.0 and its only a matter of time when 2.0 is fully hacked
20. December 2005 @ 21:32 |
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What the f**k, why are you even on a psp forum, you're a fanboy, the lowest of the low when it comes to gamers, so why don't you go back to pulling yourself off over your awesome DS (LMAO) and leave the big boys to the psp huh lil putos?
Oh, and you haven't said even anything remotely intelligent to support your claims of how great the DS is, you do realise that everyone on this forum sees you as a mouthpiece for nintendo hey?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. December 2005 @ 02:33
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20. December 2005 @ 21:36 |
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haha DS only has ONE feature and that is games (weak games). PSP has games movies music pics internet homebrew emulators and many more. DS graphics are weak and pixly and has games that arent that much greater than Gameboy Advance games. PSP games are way better and if u think a handheld is better cuz of the price then ur dumb for buyin a DS for 150 when a slim PS2 cost the same. I know that PSP games are alot of money but you can also download the iso and play them with isoloader. You cant do that with DS can you???????Just give up and stop thinkin that DS is better its like comparing N64 with PS2. Tell u the truth DS is not worth the dough. Plus its big and ugly and uncomfortable to hold.
by the way there are homebrews that allow for background images and firmware version to be changed. Plus most homebrews run on a 2.0 and its only a matter of time when 2.0 is fully hacked
THAT HAS got to be the stupidest bunch of bs I've heard in my life. DS's games.....weak? Look at the ratings pal. If DS's games are weak than psp's games must be asswiping utilities or something. Of course DS's pixely games are kicking psp's ass. 9 million DS's sold! The public doesn't lie! Sooo 120$ x 9 million! Nintendo shows no sign of "pulling a sega". Why would I want a ps2 when I can get a DS? Your arguments suck. From my experience, the psp is more uncomfortable and when your hands get sweaty, or are wet, that analog nub on the psp is a pig! Psp 2.0 isn't quite hacked yet.. soooo stfu. DS's games might be like GBA games (in your opinion) but does that in any way make the GBA suck? You can't say you never got a GBA or I will find a way to slap you. GBA GAMES OWNED! You're full of nothing but manure. That's why you need a mint. You keep spitting out manure.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2005 @ 04:55
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20. December 2005 @ 21:42 |
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Yes I'm a fan of nintendo because sony is sub-par. You do realize that you're retarded Pbailey. If you need proof that the DS is a better gaming device, look at the game ratings. You're not a real gamer if you haven't gotten tired of the same sony manure they've been peddling these couple of years. Nintendo's been out longer but sony got old faster. I don't care if my claims go unproven. If you're worried about the DS thrashing psp, do some research yourself and find out that it's true. I don't have a DS yet. That's what seperates me from the typical fanboy. Inutil....
P.S. Pbailey, study in an English course. Thank you for *bleep* butchering the language.
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Senior Member
20. December 2005 @ 21:47 |
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hahaha fanboy is getting upset. Keep ur panties on son. Besides for the false statistics you found you still havent got a valid argument. I never said GBA sucked i own a GBA also the emulator on my PSP and its awsome. I said DS sucks. You rather have a DS than a PS2?? Ok now i know ur a fan boy foe shure.
20. December 2005 @ 22:01 |
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LMAO, you know so little of what you speak it's just plain funny. I own a DS you worm, do you own a psp? Yet you're on a psp forum baggin it, yep, you're an intelligent one alright, not. And no , you're just a fanboy through and through, and one who doesn't even know what they're tallking about. To be honest i don't think anyone here cares what you've got to say, cause we own psp's, in my case both, (tho i'm giving my DS to my younger cousin for xmas) and we're mature enough to be able to appreciate the DS for what it is, but we prefer the psp. If you can't see that, then you're either under 12 or just retarded yourself. Keep the abuse coming lil putos, i've finished work for the day, i can gladly accomadate.
Also a question for the mods, why are lil preteen d***s allowed to start these bulls**t threads??????????????
It doesn't help anyone and is not in the slightest bit constructive..
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Senior Member
20. December 2005 @ 22:06 |
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Amen... moderators arent checkin up on this thread yet. It will get erased once they see all the dumb comments by the DS fanboy and all the cursing.
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20. December 2005 @ 22:26 |
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Thank god this is getting closed. I'm getting tired of talking to the retard bunch. You guys are ignorant. No seriously, I bet if the x-box 360 were priced at 250 you guys would buy your crappy psp instead. I've made my point. I tried my best not to use insults unless I was insulted. I'm actually quite calm right now. You guys really took it personal. If my arguments weren't valid, than why would y'all use your" SUPER COOL PSP TIME" on this forum arguing with some one who in your opinion, is a mentally challenged fanboy for the nintendo coorporation? Shouldn't you guys be playing your psp? Seing how it's "SO FUN" and all. No.. you guys are here... typing in a pointless forum. While I anxiously and happily wait for Dec.24 When I unwrap my DS. You guys are still children. You know what, wait till your testicles drop, then come tell me which handheld is better in a mature and calm manner. Not "PSP is teh Roxz0rz no0b, and U SUX CUZ u l1kes teh DS!" I'll leave you all to your "SUPER COOL PSP TIME!"
"I own a DS you worm, do you own a psp?"
No, again.. PSP=piece of plop portable.
You know less of what you talk about.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. December 2005 @ 05:09