Hello everyone I am (get ready for the drum roll) trying to ftp to my ps2. I am using an crossover cable in winxp home with sp2 and the firewall is disabled. I have set up Execftps to use
my computer setting is
please help
Hi all, I CAN connect with my ps2 On the ps2 i start execftps and on my pc flashfxp. I can see mc and hdd. I can upload to my mc but can not upload files to my hdd. What is going wrong...
Ok, I searched for mount in this topic. doesnt find the command.
I understand that I have to mount after succesfull ps2 - pc connection. Don't know what the command is. (using flashfxp)
I'm pretty new to the scene & have basically 2 questions I cant figure out.
Q1: When using HDL Dumb i cant seem to get the Ip Address to change from to the one I want to use even though I Edited the config.dat & ipconfig.dat file to the ip I would like. So I tested it by changing my network ip address so i can connect which i did but which brings me to my next question/
Q2:When connecting to my hardrive from my pc using the hdl dumb it only reads half the hardrive why is that ? I'm using a 250g & it shows only 127g although when i boot HD Loader or Hd Advance it see's the full drive.
Originally posted by digi-tal:Do you want to know how to install games to your PS2 via LAN? If yes read on.
I had not tried this until yesterday and have only just got it working. I had great difficulty in getting info on how to do this as most guides take you part way there and then stop.
What you will need
For this guide I will expext you to have the following:
Playststion 2 Console
HDD for the PS2 PS2 Network Adaptor
PS2 Memory Card
PS1 Game
These must all be working together and you MUST be able to run games off the HDD
To start off you will need to be able to FTP to your Playstation 2.
For this part you will need to connect your PS2 HDD to your computer. You will have to open your PC case to connect the HDD. Watch the jumper setting if you connect it to a slave channel.
Now you will need to download ExecFTP 0.68 and CDGenPS2 3.0.
Extarct both of the files and run CDGenPS2.
Now drag SYSTEM.CNF from the folder you just extracted ExecFTP to, into the right hand side of CDGenPS2.
Right click on the SYSTEM.CNF in CDGenPS2, select edit, check 'FIX LBA' and type '12231', then OK.
Drag CONFIG.DAT and EXECFTP.ELF into CDGenPS2, click image and save as '.iso' in your ExecFTP folder.
Download and extract hdl_dumb 0.7.3. Now install the image you just created to your localy connected PS2 HDD using this program.
Step 2 - Connecting
Connect your PS2 to your PC using a crossover network cable or hub/switch/router.
Boot your PS2 using HDLoader/HDAdvance and run your newly installed ExecFTP software. You should end up with FTP Server initialized on port 21...!
Now run FlashFXP on your PC and press F8 for Quick Connect. In the 'Server or URL' box type '' (this should be the IP of the PS2). Chose the 'toggles' tab and clear 'Use passive mode'. Now hit 'Connect'.
You should now have a FTP connection to your PS2.
Step 3 - Install the hdl dumb server
Download titleman from PS2 Independance and extract to your c:/ drive.
Open command prompt Start>Programs>Accessories>Command Prompt and type 'cd \' to get to c:/> and type 'titleman -c' to create TITLE.DB and then type 'titleman -a SLES_008.44'
SLES_008.44 should be repalced with the ID of your PS1 game. Found if you open the disk in explorer.
Go and find the TITLE.DB file on your c:/ drive and copy it. Now go to the folder you extracted hdl_dumb 0.7.3 into and select paste.
Rename the hdld_server.elf to BOOT.ELF THIS MUST BE IN CAPS.
Go back to FlashFXP where you should still have a connection to your PS2. In the left hand window select your hdl dumb folder. In the right hand window select 'MC > 0 > B*DATA-SYSTEM'.
Now copy BOOT.ELF & TITLE.DB from the left window to the right. Disconnect the FTP.
Step 4 - The end
Insert your chosen PS1 Game into your PS2 and restart. This should now boot to the hdl dumb server.
Re-open hdl dumb and change 'Target' to 'Networking Server, at'. The software should connect to your PS2 and be ready to install games.
Now to install/run games using the PS2 use the HDLoader disk. To install games using your networked PC use the PS1 disk.
Hope this helps a few people out.
This method can also be used for other apps, for example the many emulators that can be run on the PS2. http://www.ps2-scene.org is a good place to start.
I will edit it as I re-read but am too stoned now!
Got pissed about that typo in the name of the app so fixed it :)
Ta, had another typo in there too. Just made a few other changes to make it read better - digi-tal
i am trying some things with MC exploit and while reading this thread i came to wonder if it would be possible to boot from MC Ulaunchelf and Execftps. what i am trying to achieve here is to be able to browse file in the ps2 ulaunchelf while the ftp server is also running on the ps2 to be able to browse the files on the ps2 from the PC too.
and would be the opposite also possible ? to actually launch a ftp server on the PC and browse the files on the pc HD from Ulaunchelf ?
It would be nice for me to do that, i tryed to look for some sort of guide on how to do those 2 things but no chance ....
is there someone that would know more about this ?