The complete HD (Blu-ray/HD-DVD) back-up thread.
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31. January 2009 @ 12:43 |
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Blu-ray burners use a blue laser with a tighter wavelength. Since you are burning to DVD then a DVD burner will do fine, use it and save the wear and tear on your BD burner.
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2. February 2009 @ 07:06 |
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Originally posted by taylen228: when i burn blu ray to bd-5 or bd-9 would it be any difference if i use dvd burner or blu ray burner to do this? cuz somebody told me they use different laser...
Odin is correct in saying that Blu-ray utilises an ultraviolet laser. However, it may be important to know that for DVD backwards compatibility a red laser must also be inlcluded. So in actuality when you are burning a DVD with your BD drive, it is the red laser doing the work instead of the ultraviolet (blue) laser. With that said, I have found that the red lasers on regular DVD drives are of slightly higher quality. This can be tested by placing some high quality media in each drive and see what burn speeds are offered.
For example if I place a Verbatim 16x DVD-R in my LG Blu-ray/HD-DVD combo drive, I can select 2x, 4x, 8x or 16x. If I use my Pioneer DVD drive, I can select 2x, 4x, 6x, 8x, 12x, 16x or 20x. This indicates higher compatibility and should provide more accurate burns. I only ever burn at 4x speed anyway. With that said high quality single layer DVD's should give near 100% success with both drives but if using dual layer or lower quality media it may be better to use the drive with the better optics.
Junior Member
5. February 2009 @ 20:29 |
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Hello all and thanks for the great thread with lots of useful information. I have run into a problem however. I have successfully encoded a 1080p video for play on the PS3. But I have a problem now, I am trying to do the same with a 720p video. I get as far to create the AviSynth Script, when I attempt to save the script, after I click save this is what MeGUI tells me -
The file (my source directory) cannot be opened.
Please make sure it's a valid AviSynth script and that Avisnyth is properly installed. You can check the validity of your script and Avisynth installation by opening the file in your favorite media player. If that works, try opening the video in VIrtualDub(Mod) as well. If the former works and the latter doesn't, install a YV12 codec. Error message for your reference: Can't read the video stream
I am completely lost, as I've searched for the YV12 codec and installed a codec pack that claims it's in there but it is still giving me this message. The file plays fine on my computer in Media Player Classic, but does not open in VirtualDub(Mod), just stays parsing forever. Can someone please help me as I am lost.
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5. February 2009 @ 22:12 |
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Ok, I got the encoding process started by simply creating my own script in notepad and make the file ending .avs
It accepted this script and when I hit start it began encoding. Now my question is, why can't I generate a script with the MeGUI program that will work? Nothing changed on my system from the first time I used the program to successfully generate a script and encode video. Also, using this custom made script file, will my encode be ok? Does it matter that I didn't use a script generated by the program?
6. February 2009 @ 00:42 |
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i just wanna rip my blu ray movies to my pc and play them through my 360. how do i do it. i've ripped a couple movies using anydvd hd but now i am having trouble converting them to wmv. anyone with suggestions?
Dannon Alspaugh
6. February 2009 @ 22:46 |
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Originally posted by Ryu77: There's a nice (kind of new) little application that is developing quite nicely. It is a GUI for EAC3to that allows us to identify which playlist points to the correct M2TS files. This is quite useful for those that have trouble with multiple M2TS files that need to be appended.
This application can also create a text file with the chapter information and allow you to demux the desired tracks you wish to keep with ease.
HdBrStreamExtractor Download Link

PS: You will need to make sure that this application is executed directly from the EAC3to folder. I have also modified the cover page to this thread to add this application. EAC3to and More GUI has also been added and definitions have been modified slightly.
Hi Ryu
I run HdBrStreamExtractor from within the eac3to253 folder but when I load the folder with my blu ray rip files in it it doesn't read them at all? Am I missing certain files needed to make it run properly?
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8. February 2009 @ 06:21 |
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Originally posted by lionelb: Hi Ryu
I run HdBrStreamExtractor from within the eac3to253 folder but when I load the folder with my blu ray rip files in it it doesn't read them at all? Am I missing certain files needed to make it run properly?
Define "Blu-ray rip files"?
The HD-DVD/Blu-ray Stream Extractor should work when pointed at the Blu-ray folder on your hard drive. That is the folder that contains the "CERTIFICATE" and "BDMV" folders, not the actual "BDMV" folder but the folder one step above.
1) Run HD-DVD/Blu-ray Stream Extractor and Navigate to Blu-ray root folder.
2) Press the "Features" button.
3) Highlight the playlist (xxxxx.mpls) that corresponds to the main movie (the application will analyze for a short time).
4) Demux/extract streams as desired.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. February 2009 @ 06:22
8. February 2009 @ 09:16 |
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Originally posted by Ryu77: Originally posted by lionelb: Hi Ryu
I run HdBrStreamExtractor from within the eac3to253 folder but when I load the folder with my blu ray rip files in it it doesn't read them at all? Am I missing certain files needed to make it run properly?
Define "Blu-ray rip files"?
The HD-DVD/Blu-ray Stream Extractor should work when pointed at the Blu-ray folder on your hard drive. That is the folder that contains the "CERTIFICATE" and "BDMV" folders, not the actual "BDMV" folder but the folder one step above.
1) Run HD-DVD/Blu-ray Stream Extractor and Navigate to Blu-ray root folder.
2) Press the "Features" button.
3) Highlight the playlist (xxxxx.mpls) that corresponds to the main movie (the application will analyze for a short time).
4) Demux/extract streams as desired.
Hi Ryu
Aha I thought the Features was a Hyperlink like the eac3to link is so I never clicked that.
Excellent so now I have read the contents and am presented with 12 mpls files. 11 of the 12 all say that they are 1 hour 38 minutes long and one says it's 24 minutes. So how do I now determine which is the correct mpls file to demux? This is the Wall-E blu ray disc and the film has been split over dozens of m2ts files hence I couldn't use my normal method of just demuxing the largest m2ts file.
Thanks again mate.
8. February 2009 @ 09:29 |
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In fact Ryu I'm having difficulty in extracting any of the mpls files. When highlighting one and clicking the Extract button it keeps on saying this:

Yet I've already retrieved the stream haven't I?
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8. February 2009 @ 11:22 |
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Originally posted by lionelb: In fact Ryu I'm having difficulty in extracting any of the mpls files. When highlighting one and clicking the Extract button it keeps on saying this:

Yet I've already retrieved the stream haven't I?
It appears from your photo that the playlist (mpls) files are not pointing to any valid M2TS streams. They are all listed as 0.m2ts which is not a standard Blu-ray file name. Do any of them have a 5 digit M2TS file next to them like 00001.m2ts? When you do find a valid playlist files, you will be presented with a list of elementary streams in the window below. It is there that you will be able to extract the streams.
I have never come across the problem you have now. It could be that movie is authored in a different manner.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. February 2009 @ 11:25
Senior Member
8. February 2009 @ 11:54 |
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I have processed Wall-E, it's a typical Disney seamless branching title... several smaller m2ts files, maybe 15 or so of them. Eac3to alone handles it just fine, it might be a problem with the GUI.
You may want to try demuxing the streams manually through command prompt. Try this... first you need to type the exact location of eac3to... see below what your command might look like.
Quote: c:\eac3toFolder\eac3to J: 1)
Typing this will give the track listings of the first MPLS file of the main movie... which is the one I used.
To demux you need to continue off the above command. It may looks something like this:
Quote: c:\eac3toFolder\eac3to J: 1) 2: E:\Wall-E\video.h264 4: E:\Wall-E\audio.dtshd
Below is an example of a movie I just processed recently (not Wall-E), it give track listings, notice my command line. First is where eac3to's location on my PC is, second (F:) is my BD/HDDVD drive, third (1)) is the main movie, fourth (2: .... 3: .... 6: .... 9: ....) are the specific tracks I demuxed and their exact destinations, which are on my C: drive.
Quote: eac3to v3.05
command line: c:\e3\eac3to f: 1) 2: c:\videos\miracle\video.mkv 3: c:\videos\miracle\audio.dtshd 6: c:\videos\miracle\subs1.sup 9: c:\videos\miracle\subs2.sup
M2TS, 1 video track, 3 audio tracks, 6 subtitle tracks, 2:40:28, 24p /1.001
1: Chapters, 17 chapters
2: h264/AVC, 1080p24 /1.001 (16:9)
3: DTS Master Audio, English, 5.1 channels, 24 bits, 48khz
(core: DTS, 5.1 channels, 24 bits, 1509kbps, 48khz)
4: AC3, French, 5.1 channels, 640kbps, 48khz
5: AC3, Spanish, 5.1 channels, 640kbps, 48khz
6: Subtitle (PGS), English
7: Subtitle (PGS), French
8: Subtitle (PGS), Spanish
9: Subtitle (PGS), English
10: Subtitle (PGS), French
11: Subtitle (PGS), Spanish
[v02] Extracting video track number 2...
[a03] Extracting audio track number 3...
[s06] Extracting subtitle track number 6...
[s09] Extracting subtitle track number 9...
[v02] Muxing video to Matroska...
[a03] Creating file "c:\videos\miracle\audio.dtshd"...
[s06] Creating file "c:\videos\miracle\subs1.sup"...
[s09] Creating file "c:\videos\miracle\subs2.sup"...
[s06] Counted 2000 subtitles.
[s09] Counted 794 subtitles.
Added fps value to MKV header.
Video track 2 contains 230831 frames.
eac3to processing took 46 minutes, 2 seconds.
BTW, since it is a complex authoring it will take longer than usual to demux.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. February 2009 @ 12:00
8. February 2009 @ 12:11 |
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Hi Ryu/Odin
Firstly Ryu if I select the dropdown under files then I do see the complete list of m2ts files. Tried selecting one of them and then hitting extract but still the same message.
Odin I tried using the command line you gave and got this returned:

So it reads everything fine but then comes back that the video conversion is not supported.
8. February 2009 @ 12:17 |
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Ah have just noticed that 5: is my hd audio stream, not 4: as I used in the last command. Have changed the command and it now seems to be running for longer than before.
Fingers crossed :-)
Senior Member
8. February 2009 @ 12:23 |
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It'll look like it's not doing anything (it's thinking) then when it starts the demuxing you'll get a little progress indicator along the bottom.
When it's all finished you can remux everything using tsMuxeR. If you kept the DTS HD-MA stream tsMuxeR does not recognize the ".dtshd" extension, you need to either drag it to the "input files" section or use the dropdown when adding and choose "All Files (*)", then the .dtshd file will appear and you can choose it.
I hope you're not using eac3to v2.53, it's fairly outdated... a lot more features have been implemented since. Go here (v3.07) for the latest version.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. February 2009 @ 12:26
8. February 2009 @ 12:32 |
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Brilliant it's all demuxing niceley now!
Yes I am using an old version of eac3, have just grabbed the newer version.
Thanks Odin, thanks Ryu
8. February 2009 @ 20:33 |
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Ok guys seems there's one more hurdle to overcome!
What do you say to this message about gap overlay at the end of demuxing?

What I would be doing normally is creating an m2ts containing just the video file as I load the audio stream separately in TMPGEnc when I convert the files. If I go ahead with the files as they are now will my audio be out of sync with the video?
8. February 2009 @ 20:36 |
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Sorry for double post, seems you can edit existing posts on here. Here's the screenshot this time:

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8. February 2009 @ 22:12 |
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Yeah, you should re-run or there will be sync issues, especially with that many branches. If you push the "arrow up" key it should display your most recent command, this way you don't need to type everything again.
9. February 2009 @ 14:10 |
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So by simply running the same command again it will fix itself?
If that's the case why doesn't it do it first time round? I've almost finished converting the lot into wmv9, the sound and video track lengths were only different by about 0.1 of a second. Being an animated film I though I might get away with just a few milliseconds of audio out of sync, as after all there's no human lips to see and get bugged by if it is out!
If it does turn out to be unwatchable then I'll run through eac3to twice next time.
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9. February 2009 @ 16:03 |
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Originally posted by lionelb: So by simply running the same command again it will fix itself?
If that's the case why doesn't it do it first time round? I've almost finished converting the lot into wmv9, the sound and video track lengths were only different by about 0.1 of a second. Being an animated film I though I might get away with just a few milliseconds of audio out of sync, as after all there's no human lips to see and get bugged by if it is out!
If it does turn out to be unwatchable then I'll run through eac3to twice next time.
Sounds good. There may not be a sync issue, however you may notice "broken" sound for a millisecond, or crackling at the branching points... if you do it's because the second pass was not applied.
When you watch it keep an ear open for these issues. Remember, you posted here the exact points where the issues could occur.
11. February 2009 @ 01:21 |
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I am trying to make sure I stay updated on your profile. There are a lot of old links floating around (like at the bottom of your posts and on your profile :) )... Is the guide you posted in October the latest edition? Where can I go to make sure I have your most recent x264 profile for megui?
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11. February 2009 @ 03:40 |
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Originally posted by typoknig: Ryu77,
I am trying to make sure I stay updated on your profile. There are a lot of old links floating around (like at the bottom of your posts and on your profile :) )... Is the guide you posted in October the latest edition? Where can I go to make sure I have your most recent x264 profile for megui?
Those links at the bottom of my posts and my profile are current as they link to the cover page of both these threads. In regards to the profiles, the link on the cover page of this thread is for the most recent.
I am in the process of doing some extensive testing and I PM'd one of the x264 developers for assistance in refining the settings for those that want the absolute very best quality with encoding time not really much of a concern. Also, as x264 further develops, new options also get added. So, this means I need to update the profiles respectively.
Edit: I just uploaded updated profiles. I have now included multiple profiles for different quality levels. Please see the first page of this thread for the download link. Warning!! The "Insane Quality" profiles are extremely slow. This profile has turbo disabled so I am referring to an encode about 4 or 5 times as long as previous. I would not recommend using this option unless you are prepared to sacrifice a lot of time for very minimal gains.
Note: These profiles are right in the middle of experimentation stage so it's quite possible that things will be changed soon. I am mainly interested in speed vs. quality and the effects "turbo" has on this variable.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. February 2009 @ 08:51
12. February 2009 @ 22:03 |
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Originally posted by odin24: Originally posted by Ryu77: Originally posted by ADIDAScsu: I was hoping to get some advice. I have been following the excellent guide linked at the beginning of this thread and had a question. I ripped a BD that I was going to reencode to a DVD9 for playback on a PS3. I loaded the avc stream into MeGUI I noticed the resolution was listed as 1920x1088.
The guide says to resize to 1920x1080. Does this still apply, since the source was a BD and it's listed as 1920x1088? I guess what I'm asking is should I leave it 1920x1088, resize to 1920x1080, or crop 8 lines from the bottom?
I also got an error about having to change the colorspace. Is it going to cause problems if I allow it to make the change to my script?
That doesn't sound right to me. If it is sourced from an original Blu-ray disc then it should already be 1920 x 1080 and no resizing will be neccessary. Try using an application called MediaInfoRaw to establish what resolution your file is.
I thought so too, sounds more like a HDTV capture... also the colourspace is different too, possibly mpeg2.
Hi again Ryu77 and odin24,
I was searching for an answer to this problem, I see the original poster (ADIDAScsu) never followed up on this issue. I am having the same problem on one of my Blu-Ray discs (WALL-E NTSC). Here is the Media Raw info for the video file in question. Please note that it has been extracted from the source Blu-Ray disc then put into .mt2s format by itself (no audio).
General #0
ID : 1
Complete name : Z:\BluRay\2nd attempt\pre mux\premux.m2ts
Format : BluRay Video
Format/Family : MPEG-2
File size : 16.7 GiB
Video #0
ID : 4113 (0x1011)
MenuID : 1 (0x1)
Codec : AVC
Codec/Family : AVC
Codec/Info : MPEG-4 AVC
Codec profile : High@L4.1
Codec settings, CABAC : Yes
Width : 1920 pixels
Height : 1080 pixels
Display Aspect ratio : 16/9
Frame rate : 23.976 fps
Chroma : 4:2:0
Interlacement : Progressive
I am a bit confused because under the "General" section the "Format/Family" is listed as MPEG-2 but under the video section the codec is listed as MPEG-4. Why is this? Also the Chroma is 4:2:0 which is YV12... is this standard for Blu-Ray or should it be 4:2:2 (YUV)?
MeGUI (AVI Synth Script Creator) tells me that the input DAR (ratio) for this video file is 1.765 which just happens to be 1920/1088.
To summarize, my main questions here are:
1. What colorspace options can be used when creating Blu-Ray compatible video, and of those options which will yield the greatest quality?
2. Why is MeGUI telling me I have the wrong colorspace and prompting me to "convert" to YV12 before encoding begins?
3. Will converting to YV12 yield a higher quality output than not converting to YV12... which one should I pick when the error occurs?
4. Why does Media Raw tell me that this files dimensions are 1920 x 1080 when the Input DAR (ratio) is listed as 1.765 (same as 1920 x 1088)?
Sorry to be so long winded, just wanted to get all the info out there :) I am currently experimenting encoding this video exactly how MeGUI (AVI Synth Script Creator) perceives it (Input DAR 1.765) just to see what happens. Any input would be appreciated? Thanks in advanced.
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12. February 2009 @ 23:25 |
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Originally posted by typoknig: I am a bit confused because under the "General" section the "Format/Family" is listed as MPEG-2 but under the video section the codec is listed as MPEG-4. Why is this? Also the Chroma is 4:2:0 which is YV12... is this standard for Blu-Ray or should it be 4:2:2 (YUV)?
This is referring to the container format, which is part of the MPEG2 family (M2TS=MPEG2 Transport Stream). The elementary video stream (AVC/h264) is part of the MPEG4 family (MPEG4 part 10) In regards to the colorspace, 4:2:0 subsampling is used by YV12 and is the standard for AVC (h264).
Originally posted by typoknig: MeGUI (AVI Synth Script Creator) tells me that the input DAR (ratio) for this video file is 1.765 which just happens to be 1920/1088.
To summarize, my main questions here are:
1. What colorspace options can be used when creating Blu-Ray compatible video, and of those options which will yield the greatest quality?
x264 encodes in YV12.
Originally posted by typoknig: 2. Why is MeGUI telling me I have the wrong colorspace and prompting me to "convert" to YV12 before encoding begins?
I have no idea why this happens. I create my own scripts manually and I never encounter this. It could be a conflict of your direct show filters. Would you describe these as messy? If they are, you may benefit from a clean up.
Originally posted by typoknig: 3. Will converting to YV12 yield a higher quality output than not converting to YV12... which one should I pick when the error occurs?
You shouldn't need to as the original and the output should already be YV12.
Originally posted by typoknig: 4. Why does Media Raw tell me that this files dimensions are 1920 x 1080 when the Input DAR (ratio) is listed as 1.765 (same as 1920 x 1088)?
I wouldn't take that as correct. We know that BD is encoded at 1920 x 1080. You can also take reassurance in the fact MediaInfo also displays this.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. February 2009 @ 23:31
13. February 2009 @ 00:14 |
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Originally posted by Ryu77: Originally posted by typoknig: 2. Why is MeGUI telling me I have the wrong colorspace and prompting me to "convert" to YV12 before encoding begins?
I have no idea why this happens. I create my own scripts manually and I never encounter this. It could be a conflict of your direct show filters. Would you describe these as messy? If they are, you may benefit from a clean up.
I would describe them as messy :) I have used ACE mega codec pack for a long time with no problem until .MKV's started showing up all over. I downloaded CCCP and installed it on top of ACE so I could view .MKV's. What do you recommend for filters? Should I remove these programs and reinstall just one of them? How do I ensure that the filters in question are gone for sure (to ensure no conflict)?
Originally posted by Ryu77: Originally posted by typoknig: 4. Why does Media Raw tell me that this files dimensions are 1920 x 1080 when the Input DAR (ratio) is listed as 1.765 (same as 1920 x 1088)?
I wouldn't take that as correct. We know that BD is encoded at 1920 x 1080. You can also take reassurance in the fact MediaInfo also displays this.
If I am to trust Media Raw and Media Info as you suggest, is it still important to make the input DAR 1.778 as the guide suggests? I don't understand why MeGUI (AVI Synth Script Creator) would get this figure incorrect since the calculation seems pretty simple.
Thanks for your fast reply!