The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread
Senior Member
15. October 2008 @ 11:48 |
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oh well, rather spend more on the laptop then.
is there a differnce between a mobile 9600 and a 9600GT?
Now Ive got your attention please read my post above
Own: Computer, PS2, PS3, PSP and Asus UX32VD i5 Ultrabook
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 11:48 |
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Yes, the desktop one is faster.
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15. October 2008 @ 11:49 |
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K, thanks
Maybe that's why I haven't heard too much about them
(+[_]%) 1: 2.60 > 2.80 > 2.81 >3.03 > 1.50 > 3.52M33 > 3.52M33-4 > 3.90M33 > 3.90M33-3 > 4.01M33 > 4.01M33-2 > 5.00M33 > 5.00M33-3
My GAMING LAPTOP!! : Acer Aspire 5930G - P8400 2.26Ghz//4 GB DDR2//GeForce 9600M GT 512MB GDDR3
Ultimate Handheld/Portable Gaming Device :P
Senior Member
15. October 2008 @ 11:58 |
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i just saw a Dell XPS, SLi setup, 3GB of ram and a good 2.4ghz cpu but hell it's heavy! How the hell do they fit all these stuff in such a small space? wouldn't there be a heat problem?
Now Ive got your attention please read my post above
Own: Computer, PS2, PS3, PSP and Asus UX32VD i5 Ultrabook
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 12:00 |
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Clever heatpipe design and fan location means they don't get any hotter than top-end graphics cards in desktop PCs, if anything less so to prevent them from being too hot to hold. Remember where a Dual core desktop CPU may use 70W, a laptop one will only use 30. The same sort of difference applies to graphics cards. A mobile 7900GTX for example is about the same size as a credit card.
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2 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 12:00 |
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Originally posted by GTR35: oh well, rather spend more on the laptop then.
is there a differnce between a mobile 9600 and a 9600GT?
The mobile 9600GT (mine) is roughly equivalent to desktop 9500GT
EDIT- but you can cause problems if you block fans.
I once played UT3 on my lap for like 35/40 mins, and was monitoring the temp the whole time.
MY GPU HIT 93 degrees C!!!!!!!!
But stays around 8* when properly ventilated
(+[_]%) 1: 2.60 > 2.80 > 2.81 >3.03 > 1.50 > 3.52M33 > 3.52M33-4 > 3.90M33 > 3.90M33-3 > 4.01M33 > 4.01M33-2 > 5.00M33 > 5.00M33-3
My GAMING LAPTOP!! : Acer Aspire 5930G - P8400 2.26Ghz//4 GB DDR2//GeForce 9600M GT 512MB GDDR3
Ultimate Handheld/Portable Gaming Device :P
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. October 2008 @ 12:03
Senior Member
15. October 2008 @ 12:07 |
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oh ok, and no wonder they are much more expensive(some of them)
@Ray lol! you must be dissapointed!
Now Ive got your attention please read my post above
Own: Computer, PS2, PS3, PSP and Asus UX32VD i5 Ultrabook
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15. October 2008 @ 12:13 |
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Not really
I read a review of the HP DV something, on notebook review that had the same graphics card as mine, an he also hit 91 when gaming so maybe its just the card (DDR2/DDR3 both versions)
(+[_]%) 1: 2.60 > 2.80 > 2.81 >3.03 > 1.50 > 3.52M33 > 3.52M33-4 > 3.90M33 > 3.90M33-3 > 4.01M33 > 4.01M33-2 > 5.00M33 > 5.00M33-3
My GAMING LAPTOP!! : Acer Aspire 5930G - P8400 2.26Ghz//4 GB DDR2//GeForce 9600M GT 512MB GDDR3
Ultimate Handheld/Portable Gaming Device :P
Senior Member
15. October 2008 @ 12:28 |
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oh ok, DDR3 is always better choice when it comes to gpu. i bought my cousin a 8500GT DDR2! with out knowing it tho, because it was seriously in a rush to my lan...oh well he is happy with it since he only plays Fifa09 and sport games
Now Ive got your attention please read my post above
Own: Computer, PS2, PS3, PSP and Asus UX32VD i5 Ultrabook
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15. October 2008 @ 12:41 |
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Yeah ,that's why I went with the acer
The HP was better in looks and quality, all other specs were the same, but Acer was DDR3 while the HP was DDR2
(+[_]%) 1: 2.60 > 2.80 > 2.81 >3.03 > 1.50 > 3.52M33 > 3.52M33-4 > 3.90M33 > 3.90M33-3 > 4.01M33 > 4.01M33-2 > 5.00M33 > 5.00M33-3
My GAMING LAPTOP!! : Acer Aspire 5930G - P8400 2.26Ghz//4 GB DDR2//GeForce 9600M GT 512MB GDDR3
Ultimate Handheld/Portable Gaming Device :P
Senior Member
15. October 2008 @ 13:10 |
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what about the price? The Hp one should be a little cheaper?
Now Ive got your attention please read my post above
Own: Computer, PS2, PS3, PSP and Asus UX32VD i5 Ultrabook
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15. October 2008 @ 13:26 |
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Yea, HP was about 106$ cheaper, but i shelled out the extra cash for DDR3 as there was quite a significant performance boost and would probably last longer
(+[_]%) 1: 2.60 > 2.80 > 2.81 >3.03 > 1.50 > 3.52M33 > 3.52M33-4 > 3.90M33 > 3.90M33-3 > 4.01M33 > 4.01M33-2 > 5.00M33 > 5.00M33-3
My GAMING LAPTOP!! : Acer Aspire 5930G - P8400 2.26Ghz//4 GB DDR2//GeForce 9600M GT 512MB GDDR3
Ultimate Handheld/Portable Gaming Device :P
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 15:07 |
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91? 91fps in COD4? You do realise the game is limited to that right?
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 15:11 |
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Who mentioned 91FPS in COD4?
Senior Member
2 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 15:17 |
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Not 91 frames, I was talking about GPU temps, if you are referring to me??
(+[_]%) 1: 2.60 > 2.80 > 2.81 >3.03 > 1.50 > 3.52M33 > 3.52M33-4 > 3.90M33 > 3.90M33-3 > 4.01M33 > 4.01M33-2 > 5.00M33 > 5.00M33-3
My GAMING LAPTOP!! : Acer Aspire 5930G - P8400 2.26Ghz//4 GB DDR2//GeForce 9600M GT 512MB GDDR3
Ultimate Handheld/Portable Gaming Device :P
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 15:34 |
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Fair enough. I had no idea laptop graphics got that hot. Just coincidental obviously.
Suspended permanently
15. October 2008 @ 15:41 |
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tbh right now im bringing a mobo tray to the LAN :D
i need a box to fit the side panel and mobo tray to send it back :D
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 15:47 |
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You may want to turn up after the electrical safety tester has gone then...
Senior Member
2 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 16:21 |
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You guys have LAN sessions at york???/
That's wicked!!!!!!
Which games do you play, I'm guessing CS, UT, what else???
(+[_]%) 1: 2.60 > 2.80 > 2.81 >3.03 > 1.50 > 3.52M33 > 3.52M33-4 > 3.90M33 > 3.90M33-3 > 4.01M33 > 4.01M33-2 > 5.00M33 > 5.00M33-3
My GAMING LAPTOP!! : Acer Aspire 5930G - P8400 2.26Ghz//4 GB DDR2//GeForce 9600M GT 512MB GDDR3
Ultimate Handheld/Portable Gaming Device :P
Suspended permanently
15. October 2008 @ 16:30 |
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noooooooo. ill use the akasa then :(
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 17:01 |
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Lol cheap case is better than no case, especially at fragsoc, the ambient temperature gets pretty high, and people can be clumsy sometimes, if you know what I mean.
CS Source
Team Fortress 2
Half Life 2 Deathmatch
UT2004 (Onslaught, Instagib DM)
Unreal 3 (not so often)
Supreme Commander (not so often)
Rock Band
C&C: Generals Zero Hour
Trackmania Nations Forever
Flatout 2
Call of Duty 4
Warcraft 3: Defense of the Ancients mod
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15. October 2008 @ 17:18 |
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Senior Member
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15. October 2008 @ 17:38 |
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Wicked, you must have loads of fun
GRiD must be sick on LAN, I've been addicted to it for the last week or two since I installed it
How many people are there on average???
(+[_]%) 1: 2.60 > 2.80 > 2.81 >3.03 > 1.50 > 3.52M33 > 3.52M33-4 > 3.90M33 > 3.90M33-3 > 4.01M33 > 4.01M33-2 > 5.00M33 > 5.00M33-3
My GAMING LAPTOP!! : Acer Aspire 5930G - P8400 2.26Ghz//4 GB DDR2//GeForce 9600M GT 512MB GDDR3
Ultimate Handheld/Portable Gaming Device :P
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 18:32 |
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Yeah GRiD is good fun on LAN, except for the people who try playing it using a keyboard... :O
Typically there'll be between 30 and 50 people at an event, maybe around 20 during the latter hours of it.
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
15. October 2008 @ 18:34 |
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Ray, you should set up a LAN in Saudi.
Of course they might cut your head off because it's Haram!!!