The Official Graphics Card and PC gaming Thread
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
17. October 2008 @ 18:01 |
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Simpler to get used to perhaps, but far less accurate. The maps in Halo are designed around this fact, you'd be godlike with a keyboard/mouse.
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
17. October 2008 @ 18:05 |
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Yeah true less accurate. But everyone is on an even playing field.
Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 18:11 |
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well yeah but look, most pro gamers are Computer gamers...
Now Ive got your attention please read my post above
Own: Computer, PS2, PS3, PSP and Asus UX32VD i5 Ultrabook
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17. October 2008 @ 18:42 |
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lol boozer you wont convince us PC gamers to move to a console, so dont even bother, its like telling mort not to get an ASUS mobo for I7 :D ( i joke)
rich, i pwnt with any weapon, but for the last motnh its been snipign for me, OR RPGs haha, which server you play on, you got xfire, if so add me, shaffaaf27
as for your $300.....

with $25 rebates
will destroy you rig, and can easily OC to 3.3GHz, though stock cooler might hold that back, but come on, the 4670 will kill youe 3850 aswell
if nothing, PLEASE PLEASE use that PSU instead of the $55 crap
though you can get the 512mb 3850 for $75 AND get an E2180 for $70, so that will be about $20 in savings aswell
AND you get vegas 2 with that that you can sell off aswell.
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AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
17. October 2008 @ 18:47 |
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Shaf, good points. Rich, you should listen to the 'kid.' haha
Anyone wanna play Halo on XBL with me?
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17. October 2008 @ 18:55 |
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ur meant to call ME bhai!
so chup kutta!!!
and sam i see you knicking my find and sticking it on the retail thread, which i was about to do :P
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
17. October 2008 @ 18:57 |
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I didn't even open your picture. Did you use the same PSU?
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17. October 2008 @ 19:12 |
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yeah lool :D
(why cant newegg come to the UK, or we get discounts like these lucky americans, who kill our economy and then reap the benifits :p)
Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 19:51 |
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Damn, Shaff - DO YOU KNOW HOW TO SHOP or what. (Quit bitchin' - you guys get cheaper electricity, right?) Where are you getting those prices? That looks like Newegg. $307 plus free shipping! Sam posted this on a retail thread?? What retail thread??
I don't know how I'm gonna argue my way out of this one! :P
After seeing your bundle, Shaff - my stomache got all queesy the way it gets just before I sign onto cod4 mp where I know that half the time I'm going to have my ass handed to me - so I had to go take a sh*t and think it over.
I got up and walked out of the trailer (where all my real estate stuff is - three PCs, two 17" monitors, laser printer, scanner, 2 color printers, another laser just for 9x12 envelopes) and then I walked around the house just now and went into the garage - I have two more computer cases I could put my old parts in - or just move them all over to the 'green' case - I was going to put the gfx card there anyway - might as well put the psu and 7103 (faster bus and faster p4) there too, I guess, and have my spare gaming rig that way.
Then I could slide Shaff's (this Mo's) $307 worth of stuff into my current black modded out mid-tower case (with new top vent fan going in soon) which actually resembles Shaff's palace I just realized (don't laugh ya'll - I'll take pics one day) That way I'll have Shaff's fast parts and all my lovin' ventilation mods that I'm so proud of. :D
Sell it off nothing - I'll play the goddamn Rainbow Six!
Sam, boozer, estuansis, are you all in agreement?
Ok, Shaff, what kind of 3dmark score will I get from this bundle (up from my 2270 now.) You have just about talked me into this, you slick mofo.
How do I put this bundle together? I have bought from Newegg several times before but I don't know how to bundle. I'll have the check from the escrow that closed on Tuesday, probably in about a week. Thanks for looking that stuff up for me Shaff.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
17. October 2008 @ 19:53 |
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14p per unit (1KWh) so that's 25 cents by my calculations. You sure?
As for 3dmarks, probably around 8000, maybe 10,000 if you overclock the processor.
Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 20:14 |
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Damn you guys are convincing. How do I create this bundle on Newegg - any special technique - do they have a bundle section?
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17. October 2008 @ 20:14 |
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hehe rich, i have a speciality for builds:
i have a nack for getting components into tight budgets :D
its the only thing im good at :D
as for 3dmark, i dont know becuase i play games not 3damrk LOOL
go one chooose it, you know u want to, and infact with the rebates, get an artic cooler freeze 7 pro, and OC the nutts of that proccessor, reach 333 on the FSB due to the RAM, which timesd by 12.5 (multi) = OVER 4GHz, realistically with the cooelr/proccessor your looking at a minimum of 3.3GHz, and who knows the maximum :D
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
17. October 2008 @ 20:14 |
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Hey, just find the individual parts from newegg and keep on adding to cart.
I've bought like 20 thousand dollars worth of stuff from there ahha.
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17. October 2008 @ 20:19 |
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Originally posted by harvrdguy: Damn you guys are convincing. How do I create this bundle on Newegg - any special technique - do they have a bundle section?
just search in the search box for each item.
(remember you will be building it your self)
the retail thread is this:
Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 20:28 |
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So when you get on Newegg, you just start building the list?? and all of a sudden they say "Hooray, you've got a bundle going - so we're going to throw in your favorite game, blah blah." Is that how it works? I'm going to go over there right now and build out my "shaff slick mofo" wishlist right now.
$20,000 - booze you BIG SPENDER!! hahahaha!
Sam, you just HAD to push me over the edge like that "DO IT" But of course you got me with the 8,000 to 10,000!!! NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!! LOL
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17. October 2008 @ 20:33 |
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the game is added one automatically with the GPU just add the GPU and you will see the game auto added. IICR MSI and ubisoft colaborated on a deal with every MSI card gets vegas with it.
Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 20:42 |
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Ok thanks!! Hey that ***Spec Me*** thread looks good. So a guy like me puts what I want, and approximate price, and guys like you will suggest the parts? Wow!!
(The bargain thread looks good too!)
Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 20:54 |
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Sorry for the double:
Hey, I don't need the PSU - right?? That looks like a great deal at $30, but it's 17 amps on the 12 volt rail, and I have 20 amps right now. My 'green' case which is getting the x850xtpe has an allied 350 with only 15 amps on the 12 volt rail, which might be a little bit thin for that gfx card, but what's the point of changing out my gaming rig psu. That drops the build price to only $277!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, the penalty for living in Cali - where Newegg is - almost 8% sales tax!! Oh well, paradise for 8%? I guess it's worth it lol.
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17. October 2008 @ 21:25 |
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but that PSU is brilliant, AND is over 80percent efficient.
its not just about the amount of rails on a PSU but how "clean" the rails are, and if under load their ripple is minimal aswell.
just because a PSU states their amperage at 30As doesnt mean you will get the full 30, maybe at 20As the thing will give up, do to the 30A being a theoretical maximum not continuous value.
yep about the spec me, i opened one up on aD aswell :D
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. October 2008 @ 21:30
Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 21:53 |
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Allright then - I have the shaff slick mofo wish list filled out - $277 plus 25 for tax, and 12 for shipping, minus 25 in rebates - about 290!! Hahahahaha.
Most of the reviews are mentioning an FSB cap at 415 preventing max overclocking - but I'll let you guys help me later with that, and I might add a better cpu cooler.
Speaking about that - if I add that arctic cooler you were talking about shaff, what's the part number and price on that?
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17. October 2008 @ 22:09 |
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AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
17. October 2008 @ 22:20 |
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. October 2008 @ 22:24
Senior Member
17. October 2008 @ 22:41 |
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Well Boozer, Shaff put together such a great budget list for me that Sam says will bust 8000 3dmarks - I guess I'll just go with new stuff for now, since I basically don't know what I'm doing unless shaff says different...
Shaff, should I just stick with the build you've put together or get some of this used stuff boozer just brought up? (Leave it to boozer to start complicating things lol)
Regarding the hsf - one with 3 pipes is $27, the other is $12. I'll just get the better one I guess.
Regarding the extras, I already own a little bottle of Artic Silver 5 so I don't need the Tuniq paste, right? And I don't have the arctic cleaning stuff - but I'm not going to have to clean any paste off a brand new cpu, am I, or am I wrong about that?
By the way, I remember estuansis talking about using a piece of glass to make sure his sandpaper was super flat when he scraped his cpu and his hsf before he put on the paste. What number sandpaper is that - like 400? Should I get a piece from a hardware store, or is that something special I should get from Frozen CPU. I DO have a small mirror about 3 x 3 inches - will that work? What's the best technique for putting on the paste - I know you don't want to overdue it - should I do a little reading? Got any nice links?
Thanks -Rich
AfterDawn Addict
2 product reviews
17. October 2008 @ 23:49 |
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I would buy that used stuff instead. But I have bought used stuff before so maybe thats why I'm more comfty with it. Saved about 200 bucks off my last personal build ;)
As for cleaning the paste, you can just use rubbing alcohol. Also for apply it you just want a thin line across the cores. Look on arctic silvers website for instructions. no links, too lazy. Go google it haha.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
18. October 2008 @ 07:32 |
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8% sales tax versus 17.5% VAT. You'll live... :)
That PSU may only have a 17A rating, but I'm using it to power what is in effect a gaming PC that uses as much power as yours will, probably more, and I trust it to do that. I wouldn't trust either of your current units to pull that off.
For the HSF, you won't need to clean anything off a cooler unless you're removing paste off a cooler that either you've used before, or comes with its own pad already, and even so, window & glass cleaner will do almost as good a job. I just buy the proper stuff to be sure, it's hardly expensive...