DVD players
Discussion about stand-alone DVD players. Reviews, questions and comments are more than welcome.
Video_TS to DVD-R Problem
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nostyle |
31.05.2004 @ 08:45 by nostyle |
Updating DVD Player Firmware
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Barguast |
29.05.2004 @ 10:50 by Barguast |
YAMADA dvx-6600 in London????
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ahmada |
28.05.2004 @ 13:47 by shug119 |
DVD/DivX/XviD player
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Barguast |
27.05.2004 @ 08:17 by Oriphus |
philips dvd642 play avi files?
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pwbotha |
26.05.2004 @ 14:55 by pwbotha |
Yamada 6600, DivX and MP3
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ddrave |
26.05.2004 @ 07:19 by ddrave |
Yakumo XL2 Functions
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Barguast |
25.05.2004 @ 13:12 by Barguast |
toshiba sd220e playback problems
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lilolill |
24.05.2004 @ 00:52 by lilolill |
Portable DVD Player with Macrovision Off
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sr1nath |
23.05.2004 @ 05:32 by sr1nath |
dvd players
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shug119 |
22.05.2004 @ 13:04 by shug119 |
Says T12 or T14 on DVD player when playing DVDr
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A-Razz |
22.05.2004 @ 11:13 by herbsman |
anyone has LiteOn LVD 2001 divx/dvd player?
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tom6173 |
22.05.2004 @ 08:22 by tom6173 |
Firmware Plu2 DVD Player Hiscan 128
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Asmir |
20.05.2004 @ 16:17 by Asmir |
Multi region hacks for JVC XVN 33SL DVD player ?
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hm1 |
20.05.2004 @ 06:48 by moulder |
DX-3220 Subtitle help?
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happychap |
19.05.2004 @ 15:19 by Moviefann |
jvc hr-xvc32u region code hack?
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fuzzone |
19.05.2004 @ 11:34 by alexurias |
macrovision hack for ph 6912 from philco
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ours2000 |
18.05.2004 @ 07:24 by ours2000 |
code multiregion dvd player philco ph6907
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jjdg666 |
18.05.2004 @ 07:10 by ours2000 |
Macrovision remover for Pioneer DVD 535?
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gfrobe |
17.05.2004 @ 02:38 by gfrobe |
Best set top DVD player......
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Morph416 |
15.05.2004 @ 08:23 by Morph416 |
MAJOR DVD PROBLEMS reading blanks
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scubalex |
14.05.2004 @ 05:44 by scubalex |
Sony DVP-S7000 Need Playback Compatibily Process
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eyedit |
13.05.2004 @ 18:37 by fullboat2 |
cd-r won't work in dvd player
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spanishi |
13.05.2004 @ 04:48 by spanishi |
Yamada 6600
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lee232 |
11.05.2004 @ 00:18 by Dave5323 |
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silmar |
09.05.2004 @ 02:42 by silmar |
Yamada DVX 6600 mechanical noise
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JamesM |
09.05.2004 @ 00:03 by slider68 |
Change region of DVD Receiver Semp XB 1509
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jriera |
08.05.2004 @ 08:40 by jriera |
Integrated DVD player
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hughezy21 |
07.05.2004 @ 07:41 by ken0042 |
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05.05.2004 @ 04:49 by etcfpz |
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bbs_higgs |
30.04.2004 @ 13:29 by Praetor |
Reset Occurred Nero 6 liteon ldw 411sx
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whyayemun |
29.04.2004 @ 03:03 by psiemah |
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maqsoodk |
29.04.2004 @ 01:33 by maqsoodk |
Panasonic LV75 won't play DVD-R
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ricster |
28.04.2004 @ 23:10 by ricster |
Free Large Database of Region Free Codes for DVD Players
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Oriphus |
28.04.2004 @ 16:03 by Oriphus |
Free Large Database of Region Free Codes for DVD Players
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Oriphus |
28.04.2004 @ 16:03 by Oriphus |
Free Large Database of Regino Free Codes for DVD Players
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Oriphus |
28.04.2004 @ 16:02 by Oriphus |
JVC XV-NA70BK region free / PAL hack
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jgiant |
27.04.2004 @ 08:11 by jgiant |
dvd discs stuck in player
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Frags |
26.04.2004 @ 10:19 by Frags |
DVD Player
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joshkele |
26.04.2004 @ 07:06 by joshkele |
Akai ADV32ST Multiregion help please
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girly |
26.04.2004 @ 01:45 by herbsman |