The Official PC building thread - 4th Edition
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. August 2012 @ 08:27 |
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Yeah prices have come down, but not as low as they were before the floods. Hence 2TB being the obvious choice. Prior to the thailand flooding the sweet spot was 1.5. Now, it's 3TB.
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2012 @ 08:42 |
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What are people's thoughts of cooler masters cosmos 2 case? Seems to be a beast, and really is making me want a new build
MGR (Micro Gaming Rig) .|. Intel Q6600 @ 3.45GHz .|. Asus P35 P5K-E/WiFi .|. 4GB 1066MHz Geil Black Dragon RAM .|. Samsung F60 SSD .|. Corsair H50-1 Cooler .|. Sapphire 4870 512MB .|. Lian Li PC-A70B .|. Be Queit P7 Dark Power Pro 850W PSU .|. 24" 1920x1200 DGM (MVA Panel) .|. 24" 1920x1080 Dell (TN Panel) .|.
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
8. August 2012 @ 10:58 |
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Thanks for the tips guys. Will probably be investing in a couple 2TB drives then. I prefer the low noise and heat from the Green drives not to mention power usage, though that might be a moot point with so few drives. I've heard whispers of reliability or performance problems but none that I've seen. My oldest one still has perfect S.M.A.R.T. ratings. How do the 2TB Green drives compare? I know early models had some issues.
Quote: What are people's thoughts of cooler masters cosmos 2 case? Seems to be a beast, and really is making me want a new build
Cooler Master isn't the greatest for quality but the actual designs are pretty nice. Have heard nothing but good things about that case.
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs: http://my.afterdawn.com/estuansis/blog_entry.cfm/11388
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2012 @ 11:00
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
8. August 2012 @ 19:14 |
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Well the good news, rackmount case is ordered and should be here Friday.
Bad news is, due to a line fault I have essentially no internet for 5 days, so won't be able to make much use of it :/
A week spent in the dark ages is pretty infuriating these days!
8. August 2012 @ 20:08 |
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OMG - Sam's mini-google tendencies are heating up - rackmount is on the way!
Actually I've been thinking a lot about your "quiet fan" days, Sam, of about 4 or 5 years ago before 4870x2 monsters. This spedo that I dragged out of the garage is proving to be interesting, and I have picked up a bunch of fans, mostly 140mm and one 200 mm ceiling exhaust. So I put the quiet phantek on an intake grill and it emitted a bothersome whine at E on the piano (middle C then D then E - Russ knows what I'm talkin about) and I was going to RMA all 3 back to the egg, until I put a filter on it, and the whine disappeared. I just took delivery of another $100 in fans, to try a 140mm noctua, corsair, gelig, and enermax - with 32 leds, lol.
But the most exciting thing tech-wise is the frozencpu Demciflex 140mm fan filters, which I initially thought were defective and had no magnetism, until I discovered that they ship a second magnet tightly bound to the first, in case you are putting the filter on a plastic area. When I saw the "useless magnet" come apart, my faith in god was restored.
The fan material is a type of hosiery, I believe. A very fine mesh. I have already done some testing, and I will post some pictures of some high-res scans I took of the Demciflex filter versus a Silverstone and versus the b-gears type I have been using for years. More on that later.
By the way, in the frozencpu page on the square Demciflex 140mm filter, there is a link to the Demciflex article on the advantages of positive case pressure, from the Demciflex web site. As I recall, only Shaff supported me on that notion - (hey Shaff, what's up dude) - as the only sure-fire way to keep dust out of the case. In fact Shaff came up with some studies that supported positive pressure cases - the comparisons showed those cases ran cooler. Anyway, needless to say, Demciflex support the idea of positive pressure, with all inlets having their filters. The article includes too many useless formulas, and they also think it's important to include internal fan CFMs which don't matter in my opinion - being internal they are part of the same frame of reference and therefore they don't need to be factored in - so I sent them an email thanking them for the filters, and "correcting" their article, lol.
In the meantime, back on the beautiful Antec Sonata case with no airflow, other than the modded kama bay and side inlet 3000 rpm kazes, the second HIS IceQ 7950 is flawless, never above 70, just like the first. No crossfire yet, Jeff, until I migrate to the spedo case.
When? Well, I am certainly outfitting it with fans, and I installed my new custom kama bay at front top - I have the new answer since kama no longer makes the module converting 3 5.25" bays to a 120mm fan mount. I'll post pictures on that solution also later.
But right now I am too busy on Far Cry 2. Yes, I had put the game away when the lack of AA was too glaring, and now I am getting over 60fps with 8xAA and ultra everything. I already finished crysis, crysis 2, and warhead, on ultra everything, just around 30 fps with occasional dips into the 24-25 fps range on crysis 2, and once or twice I noticed a slight lag.
Too much to say on those games for now, but picture me with my jaw open in astonishment. Crytek is outstanding. DX11 - I love it - I ran Crysis 2 with the DX11 upgrade, and the high-res pack. I would imagine, given my love of digital vibrance, that crysis 2 on DX11 seems a bit cartoony to some of you (Sam) but I thought it was just awesome!! LOL
So yes, I'm back to Far Cry 2, having only spent about 40 hours in it the last time about 2 years ago. For now, after the 3-pack of Crysis, it isn't quite as thrilling graphics-wise, but it is close with DX10. Should I enable HDR, and turn off bloom? I don't recall the difference, but I seem to recall that HDR put a heavier load on the graphics card, but now I don't seem to mind. I enabled vertical synch, just to see, and then disabled it. I seemed to have been experiencing more micro-stutter with it enabled, and I could not see any visual improvement - that's just me I guess, and my insensitive eyes.
The Far Cry 2 world is sooooooo open. I am getting gazelles now, not zebras. I think that's at the highest graphics setting - maybe gazelles are harder to render. I like seeing them run around. Maybe when I spend more time up north I'll see the zebras.
I'm playing at the hardest level, and these guys are shooting me and I don't even know where the fire is coming from. It takes some getting used to, because the people can blend right into the other textures. So I'm practicing quite a bit of stealth right now, reminding me of running around the awesome Operation Flashpoint, which Jeff tipped me off to.
Jeff, you felt crysis 2 was too linear, compared to original crysis, and I can see your point. But I still loved it.
Far Cry 2 is the opposite, and for now it is holding my attention very nicely. I picked up a sniper rifle this time, but also a light machine gun on the heavy setting - and I just bought an smg for the pistol setting. No shotguns; I am basically not a shotgun guy. I need something on auto fire that I can strafe sideways with while unloading hot lead.
I am glad to have the sniper rifle which I never got a few years ago. It is helping balance out the action between the in-your-face tense "they can virtually pop out from any corner" to - "they're a mile away and say goodbye to your head, mate!" Heh
Originally posted by Jeff: Have been looking at several different options. Especially considering my MASSIVE weight loss in the last few years and and general improvement in my self-esteem, I have considered military service as a stepping stone to a better situation. My family has a long history of service and I have a long history of being very interested but my physical condition was never suited to it. That has changed recently.
Wow, Jeff Jelinski, cousin of race car driver Jelinski - that is awesome and incredible! How'd you do it - go white tail hunting and lived out in the blind for a month? Seriously, that is a major accomplishment. Yes, consider the military. Good college benefits when you are done.
Originally posted by Omega: Unfortunately it's taking some time to get in a strong position at my job. Which won't be long now! I'll be making 40 - 60K in no time!
Good for you dude - go Kevin! No wonder you didn't want my modem for $20. I was gonna give it to you but then you'd have said "No, I won't take charity." LOL That worked out okay - I loaned it to a roommate who just headed up to North Dakota for several months where there is no cable. I said "Even in the boonies there are gonna be phone lines, so this DSL combo modem/router might prove useful to you." He's going to a city that has 712 people, Mott ND. We looked it up. I said "What?" In the whole county there are only 1700 people. That's like where Jeff lives. :P
Quote: Military service is attractive to me because it's the golden standard of discipline, character building, and experience. I have a vast knowledge of both current and historical military hardware and would be excited to put that knowledge to use. What's holding me back though is wondering if it's the right thing for me. Plenty of people go into the military for technical or support roles, and while that's certainly my area of expertise, it would feel like a cop-out to me. I'd like to be a rifleman or a vehicle operator. Someone who actually goes on active deployment from time to time.
Well, I don't know about cop-out. They need support people in Afghanistan. It can't hurt to go talk with a recruiter and get a few ideas going that you can bounce around with your folks.
Originally posted by Movies: You wouldn't make tons of money in the Military but it would open up jobs for you when you would get out so that might be a good way to get back on your feet. Nothing wrong with staying at home either especially in these times. These days if you don't have a minimum of a BS or better yet a Masters they don't even look at you no mater if you can do the job or not, big time job discrimination these days. In fact at the store I'm working at now they wanted me to help build bicycles but the HR gal made a big stink because I wasn't CERTIFIED, I had to laugh at how redicalus that was especially since I constantly was advising others on how to fix some of the bikes and these were certified people! But this is the world we are in today so what can you do.
Good job on the weight loss!
That HR gal - she has to justify her position somehow I guess, Steve. I wonder if she is Certified to be the HR person. Sure she is, degree in psychology, or business, or some such. With a minor in how to be stuffy and dogmatic. LOL
Wow, Sam, 4 towers just like Kevin. I will say this - all of them look pretty nice too. I can see where 32 hard drives are nothing for you - I would guess, counting the ones on top, you are running at least 20 hard drives right now.
Originally posted by Fred: LOL I agree Steve, I commented because my wife passed by as said crappy pc pictures, who's are they, I said all the friends from AD, she said not those geeky friends of yours you keep bragging about on how high tech they are, I said yes, she said boy they don't seem so high tech with pictures like that (plus some expletives deleted) I said (like you said Steve) after keeping up with all the high tech gear which can cost some pretty big bucks now their broke, so all they have left is their phone camera's.
She doesn't know jack about pc's, so I needed to explain that, on the other hand more than likely very true.
Haha - and there gentlemen, you have the true reason for wives, to give everything a fresh perspective, and keep egos in check, lol.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2012 @ 20:24
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 02:50 |
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Owning a quiet system isn't sdomething that's behind me Rich, with the 6970s, my PC is still very quiet. I was genuinely surprised when I first installed them (wow, 18 months ago, doesn't time fly) how quiet they were.
I know exactly what you mean by 'E' pitch of the fan, I'm told I have perfect pitch, and it's something I use to determine the source/cause of a noise by ear.
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 09:29 |
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Quote: So yes, I'm back to Far Cry 2, having only spent about 40 hours in it the last time about 2 years ago. For now, after the 3-pack of Crysis, it isn't quite as thrilling graphics-wise, but it is close with DX10. Should I enable HDR, and turn off bloom?
I believe HDR and bloom are capable of running simultaneously in Far Cry 2. When given a choice between the two you should always run HDR. Bloom is normally the option for people who can't handle HDR. Ideally in any game you should be turning all of the features on. Only vsync and AA/AF should be the optional choices.
Quote: I don't recall the difference, but I seem to recall that HDR put a heavier load on the graphics card, but now I don't seem to mind. I enabled vertical synch, just to see, and then disabled it. I seemed to have been experiencing more micro-stutter with it enabled, and I could not see any visual improvement - that's just me I guess, and my insensitive eyes.
Most games do not benefit at all from Vsync and many more even have performance problems. Vsync isn't really a tool for enhancing graphics in the sense that other visual settings are. It's only practical in specific situations.
Quote: The Far Cry 2 world is sooooooo open. I am getting gazelles now, not zebras. I think that's at the highest graphics setting - maybe gazelles are harder to render. I like seeing them run around. Maybe when I spend more time up north I'll see the zebras.
The graphical quality settings you use do not affect the animals you see running around. You simply found some gazelles instead of Zebras this time. I'm sure if you play enough you'll see Zebras too.
Quote: Wow, Jeff Jelinski, cousin of race car driver Jelinski - that is awesome and incredible! How'd you do it - go white tail hunting and lived out in the blind for a month? Seriously, that is a major accomplishment. Yes, consider the military. Good college benefits when you are done.
I did it through a mix of things. A major part of it was cutting down my intake of soda. Would normally go through 4-5 cans of Mountain Dew a day. Didn't really add weight per-se but it wasn't letting me drop any either.
White tail hunting isn't as hardcore as that lol. Maybe a few days a season in the blind form sun-up to sun-down until I am able to fill my tags(ie bag the deer I have a license to shoot).
Quote: Well, I don't know about cop-out. They need support people in Afghanistan. It can't hurt to go talk with a recruiter and get a few ideas going that you can bounce around with your folks.
The Military is currently over-saturated with support personnel. It simply does not appeal to me. If I had to go, it needs to be something with combat. This may seem like an ignorant or inexperienced thing to say, but I have a large list of reasons why. Part of it being that every member of my family to serve saw front-line combat in the bloodiest theaters of their respective wars, and they all joined voluntarily.
Basically they have a shortage of everything from tank operators to bomb disposal personnel as the current generation of recruits are simply avoiding dangerous occupations.
Well, SOMEbody needs to fill those jobs.
As far as case noise goes, both of my rigs are fairly good. Obviously not silent, but not a roaring torrent of fans either. At idle you'd be hard-pressed to pick out the fan noise from the other white noise in my room.
Gaming maybe another issue. At proper load with Crossfire running, it can get pretty noisy as both cards are set to ramp to 100% after 70*C. Still not as loud as my 4870s or the 9800GTX+ though. With only a single 6850 it's again pretty tolerable.
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs: http://my.afterdawn.com/estuansis/blog_entry.cfm/11388
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. August 2012 @ 09:40
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 09:40 |
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Yeah I'm a big dew fan (I have to import it as the 'proper' version is illegal in EU as it breaches food safety regulations, what does that tell you!), but drinking lots of it a day doesn't do your health much good. I have probably about a 2-3 can equivalent intake of european sodas at present, but because they use real sugar and not HFCS they aren't quite as bad, though still obviously not healthy compared to natural drinks.
Have ordered myself oe of these:
Reviews aren't great, but it's cheap for what it offers (8 SATA drives via SFF-8087 on the PCIe 4x bus), and I'm not going to use the RAID functionality, nor linux, so I think I'm reasonably safe.
Have also ordered one of these:
They're for LGA771 not 775, but it looks like you can use the mounting hardware from the other coolers to fit socket 775. If not, the shop says I can return it as long as I don't actually get TIM on it, so no harm done.
That's pretty much it for the server build for now apart from the USB fan controller, which will have to come from somewhere else. Oh, and the obligatory extra 3TB WD Green drive :)
Hopefully it'll all turn up intact tomorrow, both orders are now shipped :)
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 09:49 |
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Mountain Dew has re-released the proper sugar-based version in the US under the name "Mountain Dew Throwback". Take it from someone who grew up on HFCS soda, sugar is better in every way. Up until a couple decades ago most US sodas were sugar-based but they made the move to HFCS due to manufacturing costs. I think you'll remember the "New Coke" "Coke Classic" campaign yes? It was all a cover-up to switch the Coca Cola formula to HFCS. Sugar-based sodas are making a very popular comeback. They're better for you in every way and taste better as well IMO.
Good luck on your product order Sam. My friend in staying in Enfield recently ordered a Lenovo laptop and had it stolen by the mail service. Ordering again through DHL he got it intact within the projected delivery date.
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs: http://my.afterdawn.com/estuansis/blog_entry.cfm/11388
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AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 10:11 |
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Can happen, but courier companies are just as notorious for screwing up, moreso in fact in my experiences. It's insured, but that doesn't stop the delay. Fortunately the two stores I'm using use two of the better couriers in the UK, so hopefully there should be no issue. It's not me staying inside to answer the door though, so no guarantees!
Interesting about MD Soda, it reminds me that I should try Throwback. The UK version has the flavourings/colourings altered, as well as having the BVO removed, so it tastes nothing like the original, hence the imports. The 'UK-Safe' version for now at least is only the original, and I'm quite a big Code Red + WhiteOut fan.
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 10:28 |
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WhiteOut is by FAR my favorite flavor ever to come out. My favorite fruit is grapefruit to you can probably imagine... lol. They need to make a Throwback version as I'm of the opinion that sugar is just better lol. I'm not sure about the formulas but I would imagine the "UK-Safe" normal version is a very close flavor analog to Throwback, going by your comparison. US Throwback is simply the full, un-altered formula only with sugar.
BTW this package has been confirmed as "Lost or Stolen". Both the mail service and Lenovo have been cooperative in getting him squared away and Lenovo even threw in a replacement US keyboard for him. He hates the UK keyboard with a passion. Lenovo Thinkpad BTW. Very solid Laptop, very well built.
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs: http://my.afterdawn.com/estuansis/blog_entry.cfm/11388
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. August 2012 @ 10:29
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 10:34 |
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I'd like to see someone try and make off with a 20kg rackmount case, but Parcelforce still managed once upon a time to lose a 35kg shipment of US soda ordered to one of our LANs. Fortunately they found it the following day!
AfterDawn Addict
15 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 10:43 |
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Reminds me of ordering my first 2407WFP. The package looked like it had been kicked here down a gravel road from another country. Broken LCD, cracked bezel, the works. Dell was very apologetic.
AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
Detailed PC Specs: http://my.afterdawn.com/estuansis/blog_entry.cfm/11388
AfterDawn Addict
9. August 2012 @ 11:20 |
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Originally posted by shaffaaf: What are people's thoughts of cooler masters cosmos 2 case? Seems to be a beast, and really is making me want a new build
Long time no see. How have you been? As you can see from my sig, I've done some building and upgrading myself. The only thing left of the original 790X-UD4H, is the CM Centurion RC-534+ case and the original Kama Bay fan!
To me the Cosmos 2 is kind of a mixed bag. If you do get one, take a look at the color of the PCB on the fan controller. If it's green, contact CM to get the black one for free, otherwise your fans will make an annoying clicking noise. It's also pretty loud with the fans that come with it. The door that covers the bays, interferes with the case airflow, if it's open. It should have been a mesh design, rather than solid The case footprint is huge, at 13.5" x 27.7" x 26.1" W x H x D. There's also no window option.
With a price tag of $350, and the likely prospect of having to buy a bunch of quieter fans, combined with it's size and weight, and no window option, I'll pass!
Best Regards,
GigaByte 990FXA-UD5 - AMD FX-8320 @4.0GHz @1.312v - Corsair H-60 liquid CPU Cooler - 4x4 GB GSkill RipJaws DDR3/1866 Cas8, 8-9-9-24 - Corsair 400-R Case - OCZ FATAL1TY 550 watt Modular PSU - Intel 330 120GB SATA III SSD - WD Black 500GB SATA III - WD black 1 TB Sata III - WD Black 500GB SATA II - 2 Asus DRW-24B1ST DVD-Burner - Sony 420W 5.1 PL-II Suround Sound - GigaByte GTX550/1GB 970 Mhz Video - Asus VE247H 23.6" HDMI 1080p Monitor

AfterDawn Addict
9. August 2012 @ 11:45 |
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Originally posted by sammorris: Yeah I'm a big dew fan (I have to import it as the 'proper' version is illegal in EU as it breaches food safety regulations, what does that tell you!), but drinking lots of it a day doesn't do your health much good. I have probably about a 2-3 can equivalent intake of european sodas at present, but because they use real sugar and not HFCS they aren't quite as bad, though still obviously not healthy compared to natural drinks.
Have ordered myself oe of these:
Reviews aren't great, but it's cheap for what it offers (8 SATA drives via SFF-8087 on the PCIe 4x bus), and I'm not going to use the RAID functionality, nor linux, so I think I'm reasonably safe.
Have also ordered one of these:
They're for LGA771 not 775, but it looks like you can use the mounting hardware from the other coolers to fit socket 775. If not, the shop says I can return it as long as I don't actually get TIM on it, so no harm done.
That's pretty much it for the server build for now apart from the USB fan controller, which will have to come from somewhere else. Oh, and the obligatory extra 3TB WD Green drive :)
Hopefully it'll all turn up intact tomorrow, both orders are now shipped :)
Look to the left of the picture. See it? It says socket 775, just above socket 771? Looks like it fits pretty much everything.
Best Regards,
GigaByte 990FXA-UD5 - AMD FX-8320 @4.0GHz @1.312v - Corsair H-60 liquid CPU Cooler - 4x4 GB GSkill RipJaws DDR3/1866 Cas8, 8-9-9-24 - Corsair 400-R Case - OCZ FATAL1TY 550 watt Modular PSU - Intel 330 120GB SATA III SSD - WD Black 500GB SATA III - WD black 1 TB Sata III - WD Black 500GB SATA II - 2 Asus DRW-24B1ST DVD-Burner - Sony 420W 5.1 PL-II Suround Sound - GigaByte GTX550/1GB 970 Mhz Video - Asus VE247H 23.6" HDMI 1080p Monitor

AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 11:47 |
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No Russ, that's not the product page, that's the product menu for all the coolers Thermalright offer. You click one of those links and it shows you the available coolers for that socket.
In this particular case, it is designed solely for 603/771 Xeons.
AfterDawn Addict
9. August 2012 @ 11:51 |
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Originally posted by sammorris: No Russ, that's not the product page, that's the product menu for all the coolers Thermalright offer. You click one of those links and it shows you the available coolers for that socket.
In this particular case, it is designed solely for 603/771 Xeons.
I just saw that, still, I don't see a problem. As far as I know, socket 775 and socket 771 are the same physically!
GigaByte 990FXA-UD5 - AMD FX-8320 @4.0GHz @1.312v - Corsair H-60 liquid CPU Cooler - 4x4 GB GSkill RipJaws DDR3/1866 Cas8, 8-9-9-24 - Corsair 400-R Case - OCZ FATAL1TY 550 watt Modular PSU - Intel 330 120GB SATA III SSD - WD Black 500GB SATA III - WD black 1 TB Sata III - WD Black 500GB SATA II - 2 Asus DRW-24B1ST DVD-Burner - Sony 420W 5.1 PL-II Suround Sound - GigaByte GTX550/1GB 970 Mhz Video - Asus VE247H 23.6" HDMI 1080p Monitor

AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
9. August 2012 @ 11:52 |
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They're not, apparently, different screw spacing.
Senior Member
10. August 2012 @ 01:57 |
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all this talk of hard drives and upgrades, i've decided to get my spare parts together and threw them into an old CM box i had. this is going to be nothing but a backup box for the family. i have a copy of windows home server i am thinking of dropping on it to pull backups from the home network but it is quite old and uses old XP drivers so i don't know if i should invest time in setting it up right or looking into linux
anyone using a box strictly for backups? what OS do you use, i'm really thinking of experimenting with a non windows solution.
10. August 2012 @ 17:18 |
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Hey there, long time lurker, i try to keep up with the thread, just saw the linux word and thought i'd chip in :)
For backing stuff up in Windows i use robocopy, lots of syntax to cater for virtually everything; for instance i use this method often for synchronising backup copies of stuff, whether it's data, mp3's or video files, whether it's between internal drives, across the network, to a windows or linux share, or D-Link DNS-323's, i have a few DNS-323's that are just for extra copies of media, so the main (still my trusty Q6600, 2007 era) PC doesn't always have to be to on service files.
The robocopy syntax i find best for my needs is this ~
Quote: robocopy "K:\TV-share" "D:\TV-share-Bkp" /E /Z /COPY:DAT /XN /XO /V
Quote: Syntax used above ~
/E ~ Copy Subfolders, including Empty Subfolders.
/Z ~ Copy files in restartable mode (survive network glitch).
/COPY:DAT ~ What to COPY (default is /COPY:DAT)
(copyflags : D=Data, A=Attributes, T=Timestamps).
/XN ~ eXclude Changed | Newer files
/XO ~ eXclude Older - if destination file exists and is the same date
or newer than the source - don't bother to overwrite it.
/V ~ Produce Verbose output log, showing skipped files.
I don't go one step further which is to remove destination data that's no longer on the source, i prefer to take care of that manually.
Robocopy is also a very quick & useful way to identify files that exist in one set of data and not in another (very rarely have to do this as i check datasets manually, it's only really used for when Windows does one of it's favourite tricks ie leaving thumbs.db files in the source or destination folders) ~
Syntax to identify 'EXTRA' files ~
Quote: robocopy.exe K:\TV-share" "D:\TV-share-Bkp" /E /L /LOG:zxc.txt
I can then manually look in the logfile for this text ~ '*EXTRA File'
Quote: Syntax used above ~
/E ~ Copy Subfolders, including Empty Subfolders.
/L ~ List only - don't copy, timestamp or delete any files.
I have a bat file that recursively seeks out pesky thumbs.db files and blitzes them, ie "del /s /a i:\Thumbs.db". I find robocopy works very well, if i've got big copy/pastes of data to do i use the above method mostly, obviously the rest of the time it's good old copy/paste.
In linux i find rsync to be very useful indeed; for instance at work i have cronjobs on a few linux servers that drag different datasets from Windows servers (of various flavours, ie Win2k server, 2003 server etc) at remote offices (some are in distant countries, some of those have slow network connections) to our head office, my scripts do the rsyncing overnight (GMT time) and cater for different timezones (a little tricky to set this up initially), the starting and stopping of these rsyncs are timed to not interfere with any office's bandwidth, plus rsync has very useful bandwidth throttling syntax which i use to great effect; some of this data is then backed up during the day to tape & disk (and we have overnight backups that sometimes have to share bandwidth/disk head seeking with a myriad of rsync processes).
Rsync, like robocopy has tons of combo's of commands, but again, just as i do at home using robocopy, i don't have rsync delete destination data that no longer exists in the source data. Over time the destination data can get messy but it's mainly only used for longterm backups, for people who'd lost or deleted something ages ago and not noticed; for instance if someone wants a recently overwritten (inadvertantly, usually) file there are tape and disk backups for that, the rsync method in the way i mainly use it is a cumulative method.
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. August 2012 @ 17:40
AfterDawn Addict
10. August 2012 @ 18:43 |
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Quote: Hey there, long time lurker
It has been a while! Hope you're well creaky.
Senior Member
11. August 2012 @ 00:39 |
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Thanks for that reminder creaky!
Does that command line accept network paths as well? Something like
robocopy "K:\TV-share" "\\ServerComputerName\shareddrive" /E /Z /COPY:DAT /XN /XO /V
i might have to experiment when i get things going.
11. August 2012 @ 06:52 |
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Hey Ripper, all's fairly good in my world.
DeadRum - yes, network paths are fine, however a couple nights ago i couldn't find 60GB of data that i'd supposedly just copied to a network share, turned out it had been squirreled away to the C: drive instead, under a directory structure named similarly to the network share, i must've misspelt something in the command as another network share copy i'd done at the same time worked fine; i'd thrown away the temporary bat file i was using so can't check, but it would have been a typo.
edit- the only caveat with the exact robocopy syntax i use is that if you stop it running, it'll leave the (last) partially copied file in place. Upon restart robocopy will assume that file is copied and go onto the next file; i never did figure out what's wrong in the syntax, i just keep to the habit of deleting the interrupted file and all's good.
Of course rsync is infinitely more clever, it continues exactly as it's supposed to
Main PC ~ Intel C2Q Q6600 (G0 Stepping)/Gigabyte GA-EP45-DS3/2GB Crucial Ballistix PC2-8500/Zalman CNPS9700/Antec 900/Corsair HX 620W
Network ~ DD-WRT ~ 2node WDS-WPA2/AES ~ Buffalo WHR-G54S. 3node WPA2/AES ~ WRT54GS v6 (inc. WEP BSSID), WRT54G v2, WRT54G2 v1. *** Forum Rules ***
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. August 2012 @ 06:57
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
11. August 2012 @ 08:22 |
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Originally posted by creaky: Hey Ripper, all's fairly good in my world.
DeadRum - yes, network paths are fine, however a couple nights ago i couldn't find 60GB of data that i'd supposedly just copied to a network share, turned out it had been squirreled away to the C: drive instead, under a directory structure named similarly to the network share, i must've misspelt something in the command as another network share copy i'd done at the same time worked fine; i'd thrown away the temporary bat file i was using so can't check, but it would have been a typo.
edit- the only caveat with the exact robocopy syntax i use is that if you stop it running, it'll leave the (last) partially copied file in place. Upon restart robocopy will assume that file is copied and go onto the next file; i never did figure out what's wrong in the syntax, i just keep to the habit of deleting the interrupted file and all's good.
Of course rsync is infinitely more clever, it continues exactly as it's supposed to
I had this with get_iplayer the other day, used O;\ instead of O:\ and ended up with it being saved in a folder called O; within the program's C:\Program Files folder.
Gotta be careful with those file paths!
11. August 2012 @ 22:38 |
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Originally posted by Sam: Owning a quiet system isn't something that's behind me Rich, with the 6970s, my PC is still very quiet. I was genuinely surprised when I first installed them (wow, 18 months ago, doesn't time fly) how quiet they were.
Well, this spedo isn't going to be that quiet, but the demciflex fans eliminate the E pitch whine of the phanteks - and by the way, the one noctua I bought to sample also has the same whine without a filter - they all have that whine, and the filter eliminates it.
Originally posted by estuansis: I believe HDR and bloom are capable of running simultaneously in Far Cry 2. When given a choice between the two you should always run HDR. Bloom is normally the option for people who can't handle HDR. Ideally in any game you should be turning all of the features on. Only vsync and AA/AF should be the optional choices.
Thanks, Jeff, I'll give HDR a shot and see if I can tell the difference.
Originally posted by jeff: Basically they have a shortage of everything from tank operators to bomb disposal personnel as the current generation of recruits are simply avoiding dangerous occupations.
Well, SOMEbody needs to fill those jobs.
Yes, very true. Talk to a recruiter; they should be able to dangle quite a package of inducements for you. Everybody will be quite proud. Don't go for a posthumous Medal of Honor, and you will probably make it through in one piece. It will put everything in perspective for you from then on. I suggest pick up a copy of the book, The Power of Now, $11 on amazon, or give me your address on PM and I'll have one drop-shipped to you. Use it to help guide your decision-making.
Hello Creaky and Ripper, and Russ and Deadrum. I was wondering where the rocking skeleton had gone.
Well after Jeff's posts about doing some serious military work in the real world, the fantasy world of gaming is just that - a step into a dream - you can respawn and you never really have had your head blown off, after all. Which maybe also is what really happens in real life. But that's what religion tries to figure out.
I am talking about Far Cry 2. I completed the 3 crysis titles, one right after the other, in astonishment, in my 7950 testing without crossfire. I can't put the HIS into slot 6 where it hits the case bottom. The new spedo will take care of that. Maybe I'll get to crossfire while Jeff is still stateside.
So I finished the crytek titles, 1,2 and 3 (I'll get the 4th title, crysis 3, when it debuts later this year) and I thought "What else?" Without too much enthusiasm, I thought "Well, there is Far Cry 2, it was kinda, sorta fun, maybe, as I recall. Not too much, but let's try it for a bit."
Let me tell you - from almost not even bothering, I am now virtually an addict. With everything max it is one of the prettiest games I have ever seen, and remember, I just completed all the cryteks with everything maxed, and they were beautiful beyond belief!
In closing up last night, I looked out the gun shop after my save, and the textures of the trees and bushes and light filtering through the leaves were just breathtaking. I asked myself "Should I take one more screenshot?"
But I didn't. Screenshots can't capture the essence as as all know. So having said that, here's the first of three:

I am taking the river every chance I get, and I do a lot of quick-saving. I believe they made a special effort to make the river as beautiful as they could. It is so nice, that I am now checking with my travel agent about a real trip to Africa.
Not really, but there is something about being near the water. All those Indian sages were close to the River Ganges. There is something so tranquil about the water, and the game Far Cry 2, at max settings, captures that beautifully.

Sometimes I don't have a boat. I just got an assignment from the antenna tower in the distance, and I am hiking along the river here hoping to encounter a boat soon. I turned around to look for random attackers, and caught this vista. Regarding attackers, I have now learned to listen to the music. I was overlooking the cattle ranch, sniping everything in sight. I didn't see anything, but the music spoke of danger. These bast*rds on hardest setting like to sneak around and flank. I thought - "One of them could easily have come up here on this hill with me somewhere." I backed up and looked around - there he was behind a tree about 30 feet to the side, not having seen me yet. Wow! I keep wanting to cloak myself, after three cryteks, but no such luck. They do talk about a cloaking kind of suit that I can buy later - I'll have to check it out. Maybe it's a COD-type ghillie suit.

Up north, on my ATV - noisy little buggar but kind of fun - I popped down to this little lagoon. There was a little group of gazelles.

Jeff, you are quite right, I have now seen a few zebras. And most astonishingly, some buffalo - they scared me at first! Beautiful. It's kind of fun to chase a zebra with this little ATV scooter.
The game is transcendental. That is what maxing the graphics does. The shadows coming through the tree leaves are alive, as the trees sway with the wind - the shadows dance around realistically. The light filters down through the leaves, capturing the air-borne dust - everything so realistic. I am VERY impressed with this Ubisoft effort. Blaze, if we can pull you off of WoW for a bit, between your 3-month signups, you might want to check this game out.