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The Official PC building thread - 4th Edition
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11. August 2012 @ 22:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by harvardguy:

The game is transcendental. That is what maxing the graphics does. The shadows coming through the tree leaves are alive, as the trees sway with the wind - the shadows dance around realistically. The light filters down through the leaves, capturing the air-borne dust - everything so realistic. I am VERY impressed with this Ubisoft effort. Blaze, if we can pull you off of WoW for a bit, between your 3-month signups, you might want to check this game out.

I think that I just might try that game out.
AfterDawn Addict

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12. August 2012 @ 01:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So those screenies are of Far Cry 2? You're right. Breathtaking sounds about right. May just have to try that!

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict

4 product reviews
12. August 2012 @ 05:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah Far Cry 2 was another one of those games that had pretty high-quality graphics in a pretty drab environment, except rather than the grey industrial backdrop of FEAR it's the desert. Personally, I found the game difficult to get into, story-wise.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
12. August 2012 @ 22:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by blazorthon:
I think that I just might try that game out.

Originally posted by omega:
So those screenies are of Far Cry 2? You're right. Breathtaking sounds about right. May just have to try that!

Originally posted by sam:
Yeah Far Cry 2 was another one of those games that had pretty high-quality graphics in a pretty drab environment, except rather than the grey industrial backdrop of FEAR it's the desert.

Yeah, Kevin and Blaze - give it a try. You guys both like good looking games. Sam, maybe give it a revisit.

Also Sam, you can't really call it desert. The reason I say that, is because I often DO travel in the desert, to get from A to B on the very outside of the map, without the normal hassle of having to kill two or three guys each quarter mile. What I mean, is that I have found you can travel slightly outside the map, and get around the train depot, the northern bus station, and the road next to the railroad tracks where there are always a couple of guys in a machine-gun mounted jeep.

So when you travel outside the map - there you will see real desert: sand dunes, cactus, very dry - and if you stray a bit too far the light will start to flash. You have time to get back to the map, still in the desert but not so far outside, and color will return to the screen. If you stay outside too long, you find yourself on the ground with no jeep, near dying from heat-prostration. Haha.

So THAT part, is THE TRUE DESERT, and the rest of the map, while it might not be as lush as the English countryside that you are familiar with, is scrub brush, olive trees, and rivers and lagoons.

Here is what I mean.

This was the shot I started to take, outside one of my favorite gun shops - just a normal scrub brush shot. I noticed that Steam allows screenshots with F12, so I tried it.

Notice the dry grass. That allows the game to show off its other star, beside the map itself, which is FIRE! There is a reason you have two frag grenades and two molotovs. How fire spreads through scrub brush, crackling, moving with the wind, climbing up dry trees, is spell-binding! Haha. The Dunia engine is known for that - and man did they do a great job with fire.

Also fire is useful in an attack scenario. If you light the scrub on fire, a lot of times more guys will come out to try to deal with the flames, and in your sniping position that is what you want, everybody out of cover as an easy sniping target. haha.

Kevin, you enjoyed the open world of Grand Theft Auto 4. You have never seen a map as open as this. I was thinking about GTA4 the other day. GTA4 was great, with all the traffic and streets of New York, all the pedestrians, very interesting. This game has a MUCH bigger map, with antelopes, zebra, buffalo, interesting birds, and people trying to kill you. There is a little bit of water travel in GTA4 as I recall, and Kevin you unlocked helicopter travel - very nice, but in this game just look at the main map - the riverways spread out from the neutral cease-fire town Pala, sort of in the center, and the rivers allow you access to most of the map.

Originally posted by sam again:
Personally, I found the game difficult to get into, story-wise.

Yes, the story does take some getting used to. That was one of the off-putting things about the game two years ago. Since I was playing with un-maxed graphics (Kevin I think your 260 will max it at 24" gaming with 8xAA) the look of the game wasn't enough to keep me hooked, and the crying need for AA caused me to temporarily shelf it. (I couldn't run even 4xAA without dropping to 20s fps, whereas today fully maxed on one 7950 at 30" gaming, I am running 60-70 fps.)

But now that I am immersed in the breathtaking map, I find that more and more I am giving them credit for the story. Remember, the real star of the game is the map. The incredible map. Particularly once you discover the joys of boating.

So the story is built around helping give you reasons for moving around the map. And I will tell you guys, the story is advancing nicely, and getting more interesting all the time.

The sniper rifle, which I didn't get two years ago, makes the game much more fun. In the picture above, he has the same sniper rifle I upgraded to, as soon as I had the 10 diamonds. It is the Dragunov, which is a 10-shot per clip semi-automatic, carrying an extra clip, 20 rounds total, allowing you to stay scoped in so you can pop off two, three or four in high magnification. The first sniper rifle that you get is not semi-auto, and it forces you to scope out, in order to work the bolt, and only 5 per clip, total of 20 rounds. And it is not quite as powerful.

By the way, if you want to know how many diamonds you have, while not on the weapon shop computer, just hit Esc, and go to Statistics.

Along with the sniper rifle which is a category 2 weapon like an AK, so that I always have a good automatic weapon, I carry the light machine gun, a category 3 weapon. You can carry only one weapon in each of three categories, along with your machete. The LMG is in the same category as the rocket launcher, so I have the sniper rifle, and the LMG. But the LMG doubles as a pretty good automatic rifle, like an AK, if you fire in very short bursts so the barrel doesn't jump so much. (I can't carry both an AK, and a sniper rifle, since they are both category 2.)

Replace your weapons often, which you can do for free at any gun shop - otherwise they will become dusty and may jam on you in a fire-fight.

Similarly, for category 1, normally pistol, while usually a simple frag grenade will do as an explosive, for more explosive power you can swap your pistol for an IED, with remote detonator, or for a grenade launcher, both good for caravan attacks. But if I don't need a category 1 explosive, I will carry either a silent pistol, or a fully-auto machine pistol with 30 rounds per clip, 3 clips total. In very tight corners, I will usually switch to machine pistol instead of LMG. I haven't tested machine pistol yet for range, but I should. Obviously it isn't as powerful per round as the LMG, but it is easier to control, and the fire rate is so much faster, it obliterates the enemies in close combat. I will soon test it for range just as an experiment. Soon the uzi will be unlocked, and I'll upgrade my pistol to that.

One last experiment - yesterday the prince gave me an SUV, which drives so much more nicely than a jeep, like a fine luxury car in GTA4. I wonder if it is bullet-proof - I may have to run it out on some jeep-patrolled roads - which is virtually every road - and see what happens. You can't switch to mounted machine gun since it doesn't have one, but if the action gets intense, as they try to ram me off the road, I can ditch the car, roll out of it with LMG while it is still moving, and I can usually mow the chase car guys down - that was the first reason two years ago to pick up the LMG in the first place. I have the SUV parked in a nice garage next to a safe house, but I had to quickly get over to meet my buddy at the Oasis, so when I first got it, I sort of ran a roadblock with it, and that seemed to work out okay before I quickly crossed the tracks and hit the outside desert part of the map. So maybe I should be using that, instead of storing it safely in a garage. It's not as if I can take it down to Fladeboe's tomorrow and trade it in on something. Haha. Speaking of that, Kevin, how is your newish car of two years ago holding up?

Stealth: By the way, when I am not on the river, often I will abandon the jeep and sneak around road blocks. Stealth works very well also. The map is not so gigantic that you can't walk the whole thing. For stealth, the silent pistol is also iron sights only, but if you can see the head in the sights, up to about 30 yards, it is a one-shot stealth kill, which won't wake up the neighborhood unless they see the body drop. There is also a silent mp5, but to have to forego the sniper rifle for that, I don't know. River travel would be more difficult without the Dragunov. I'll have to see what stealth events come up that will make me re-think that weapon, as well as a 3-shot dart sniper rifle that is an instant silent kill. I practiced with it outside a gun shop, by deliberately attracting a vehicle patrol, before I switched back to Dragunov. - but only 3 rounds versus my normal 20. I have the feeling that stealth missions will be forthcoming.

A couple more thoughts: Some of the game is a little goofy, and you have to discard that part. I cleaned out a whole nest of 8 guys at a crossroads, including two riverboat patrols. Then I hopped over to a place near my safe house 100 yards away, where I had noticed some ammo and had decided to wait until after I was nearly out. When I returned in 3 minutes, the entire location had been respawned - there were guys everywhere including on the river. LOL I hit the F9 key and backed up to before I went for the ammo, and I decided I didn't need that small ammo container after all.

The other goofy thing is the rescue buddy. No matter where you are, he/she will find you within 2 seconds after you go down. That's friggin ridiculous. I just always hit F9 and drop back to my last save point.

Back to river travel, I recently encountered another river heading northeast from the center town, Pala, that is narrower and doesn't flow well, and ends in a charming lake. The river is therefore covered with large water lilies. It has more the feel of boating through the Florida Everglades. Boat travel through swamps - definitely NOT DESERT! Hahaha.


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AfterDawn Addict
13. August 2012 @ 02:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's funny, I brought up Far Cry 2 being very Cinema like back when I first installed the HD-4670 I had before I bought the GTX-550. In fact FC2 came with the HD-4670! It worked, but you had to turn off most of the good stuff! With the Gigabyte GTX-550 I can max out the settings, and my screens look just like the ones pictured.

The up side of the GTX-550 is the GPU runs at 970MHz, 258MHz faster than the GTX-570. The shader clock runs at 1904MHz, almost 500MHz faster than the 1464MHz of the GTX-570. The trade off is there's only 192 Cuda Cores and a memory interface of 192 bits vs 320 Cuda Cores, and a corresponding memory interface of 320 bits. The GTX-550 is supposed to be excellent for FC2, and I find it to be that way. The cheaper 570's only have 1280 MB of GDDR5 320 bit memory, while the 550 has 1GB of 192 bit memory. Speed vs raw horsepower! LOL!! Speed wins if the load isn't heavy, but more horsepower is needed when the resources are pressed, so raw horsepower zips right on by.

If I can get another one for the same $80 I spent for mine, I may play around with 2x SLI or 2x CrossFire, since my motherboard offers both. So far it's been a very competent gamer and a first rate video processor!


GigaByte 990FXA-UD5 - AMD FX-8320 @4.0GHz @1.312v - Corsair H-60 liquid CPU Cooler - 4x4 GB GSkill RipJaws DDR3/1866 Cas8, 8-9-9-24 - Corsair 400-R Case - OCZ FATAL1TY 550 watt Modular PSU - Intel 330 120GB SATA III SSD - WD Black 500GB SATA III - WD black 1 TB Sata III - WD Black 500GB SATA II - 2 Asus DRW-24B1ST DVD-Burner - Sony 420W 5.1 PL-II Suround Sound - GigaByte GTX550/1GB 970 Mhz Video - Asus VE247H 23.6" HDMI 1080p Monitor

13. August 2012 @ 03:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by theonejrs:
It's funny, I brought up Far Cry 2 being very Cinema like back when I first installed the HD-4670 I had before I bought the GTX-550. In fact FC2 came with the HD-4670! It worked, but you had to turn off most of the good stuff! With the Gigabyte GTX-550 I can max out the settings, and my screens look just like the ones pictured.

The up side of the GTX-550 is the GPU runs at 970MHz, 258MHz faster than the GTX-570. The shader clock runs at 1904MHz, almost 500MHz faster than the 1464MHz of the GTX-570. The trade off is there's only 192 Cuda Cores and a memory interface of 192 bits vs 320 Cuda Cores, and a corresponding memory interface of 320 bits. The GTX-550 is supposed to be excellent for FC2, and I find it to be that way. The cheaper 570's only have 1280 MB of GDDR5 320 bit memory, while the 550 has 1GB of 192 bit memory. Speed vs raw horsepower! LOL!! Speed wins if the load isn't heavy, but more horsepower is needed when the resources are pressed, so raw horsepower zips right on by.

If I can get another one for the same $80 I spent for mine, I may play around with 2x SLI or 2x CrossFire, since my motherboard offers both. So far it's been a very competent gamer and a first rate video processor!

The GTX 570 has 480 CUDA cores, if I remember correctly, not 320, although it does have a 320 bit GDDR5 memory interface. 480 cores more than make up for a somwhat lower frequency. Also keep in mind that the memory itself is not 192 bit or 320 bit, it is simply storage space. The interface between the memory and the GPU's memory controllers is that wide, but the memory doesn't really have a bit-width. The capacity also has little to do with performance so long as it is not being maxed out and 1280MB is exactly equal to 1.25GB, so it's more than the 1GB of the GTX 550 TI. Also, Nvidia cards can't do Crossfire. That is an Ati/AMD technology that competes with Nvidia's SLI. The GTX 570 is probably about as fast as two GTX 550 TIs are in SLI, but I could check if you want to be sure.

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AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 04:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think Russ mentioned crossfire with regard to the HD4670 - nowadays that'd be a waste of time as you can get a single card far faster than a pair of 4670s for less than that. The GTX550 proposition is fairly viable though I'll admit.
13. August 2012 @ 04:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In that case, yeah, the GTX 550 TI is much faster than two Radeon 4670s in Crossfire. However, I think that a Radeon 7770 or GTX 560 SE might be a better option. They're a good performance boost over the 550 TI and both have models at about the same price range as the GTX 550 TI, at least in the USA.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. August 2012 @ 04:51

AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 04:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Generally speaking I'd agree - always go for one better card over two slower ones, even if it costs more, because it's just better not to have the hassle, even though SLI and crossfire are pretty refined these days, they're still far from perfect. If it's an additional frustration you can avoid, do so. It's only justifiable to put up with the nuances of dual graphics if you need more performance than a single GPU can provide.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
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13. August 2012 @ 07:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well after building the machine, flashing the mobo, and figuring out part of the malfunction was a bad RAM slot (must have collected debris when i didn't store it properly compounded by shoving a ram stick in it), and spending all day sunday doing its initial backups, i have a working backup server.

Am using a good old 74GB raptor as OS, and i blew up a Hackintosh partition in my main machine so i could have enough storage in this backup rig.
I don't know if i should put all my media along with the backups on this server and share from there rather than my main rig??? Probably wouldn't matter in the long run, since the data will in be in both places anyway, hence the term backup...

AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 13:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hehe, I used a 37GB Raptor as an OS drive in one machine for ages, and it's still used as the XP boot drive in that machine even now, when it does get used on odd occasions.
The WD10EADS gets about a bit, I've got 6 of those :)

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
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13. August 2012 @ 13:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here is a good deal on a 512G SSD;

OCZ Agility 4 AGT4-25SAT3-512G 2.5 Inch 512GB SATA III MLC Internal Solid State Drive (SSD)

With Promo Code: EMCYTZT2052
Free Shipping!

NewEgg Link
AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 14:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Slowly but surely coming down. Next SSD I buy I ideally want to fit my Steam games library - a moving target as that keeps growing quite rapidly!

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 14:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Indeed. I wouldn't mind several 1Tb SSD's.

Hey guys, does Far Cry 2's semi-beginning involve a four wheeler(All terrain Vehicle)?

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 14:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah Far Cry 2 models Jeep vehicles (the brand, not the generic term), though I don't believe they're actually labelled as such.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 14:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think I may have it laying around somewhere. I completely forgot about it :S

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 14:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oops. I know what I'm thinking about now. Rage!

To delete, or not to delete. THAT is the question!
AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 17:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Far Cry 2 was fundamentally a very solid game with some awesome ideas. But it had some flaws in execution than many studios make in early efforts.

Problem was that it's IMO too boring. Everywhere you go, every single time, every single soldier at every single checkpoint attacks you and basically chases you forever. And the vehicles all move one speed or roughly the same so it's pretty pointless to try and outrun them or lose them.

The guns also need some tweaking. The hit boxes for the assault rifles are horrible. Pistols, machine pistols, and sniper rifles are fine on the other hand. The game also needs major sound effects work. Everything is generally right but the weapons have zero impact or bass response. Everything is like shooting a spitwad, just like CoD Black Ops. Vehicle engines suffer the same problem except in reverse. You need to have the bass cranked to get any sound response out of them at all, because the actual sound effect is very faint.

Last but not least the game needs work on its mission variety. Get an assassination or destroy job, drive for a half hour, spend 10 seconds fighting, drive another half hour back to town. No variety, no motivation, nothing to keep the game interesting. You simply drive back and forth getting attacked by every single person in the game both ways. And even if you kill everyone at a spawn point 30 seconds earlier, they respawn instantly if you get more than a hundred yards away. Not to mention the HUGE distances the game requires you to cover. Everything takes a long time to get to, for very little reward or action.

Now Far Cry 2 had many things right. The gun selection is awesome. Some of my favorite guns ever. The environments are detailed and varied, and there are tons of ways to get from A to B. The graphics and performance are wonderful and feel wasted on some parts of the game.

Far Cry 3 has the potential to be amazing. It could be a true classic. They need to keep doing the good things, and change the bad things. It sounds to me like they have listened to the community, after having seen many previews of the game and descriptions of its fundamental design.

I am actually really excited for Far Cry 3.

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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AfterDawn Addict
13. August 2012 @ 18:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Blazorthon:
In that case, yeah, the GTX 550 TI is much faster than two Radeon 4670s in Crossfire. However, I think that a Radeon 7770 or GTX 560 SE might be a better option. They're a good performance boost over the 550 TI and both have models at about the same price range as the GTX 550 TI, at least in the USA.


Sorry, I forgot to say that I had a Crossfire compatible card in my HD-4670. I have the model with 1GB DDR3, considerably more powerful, with higher clock speeds, than the DDR2 models. Mine was able to get 7667 3D Marks with 3D Mark 06 at standard settings.

With the GV-N550WF2-1GI GeForce GTX 550 Ti doing same test I got 18468. If I max out the settings, I still get 14514 For what was an $80 card, it's impressive, and two of them would be over $100 cheaper than the cheapest GTX-570. I don't think the extra cost would be worth it to me.

I just talked to Newegg, and they will extend me the $80 price for 30 days after they get back in stock, so I should be able to buy the second card. Two in SLI should be awesome. I only see 62C maximum, which is a lot cooler than the GTX-560 or 570 run. If I didn't already have mine, I might have considered the 560 or 570, but Sam turned me on to this card, and I'm very happy with the results. It's probably the best bang for the buck I can get in a video card these days, by a pretty decent margin.

Best Regards,

GigaByte 990FXA-UD5 - AMD FX-8320 @4.0GHz @1.312v - Corsair H-60 liquid CPU Cooler - 4x4 GB GSkill RipJaws DDR3/1866 Cas8, 8-9-9-24 - Corsair 400-R Case - OCZ FATAL1TY 550 watt Modular PSU - Intel 330 120GB SATA III SSD - WD Black 500GB SATA III - WD black 1 TB Sata III - WD Black 500GB SATA II - 2 Asus DRW-24B1ST DVD-Burner - Sony 420W 5.1 PL-II Suround Sound - GigaByte GTX550/1GB 970 Mhz Video - Asus VE247H 23.6" HDMI 1080p Monitor

AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 19:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
3dmark is basically owned by nvidia, so I wouldn't put much stock in the GTX550Ti beating the HD4670 by a such a wide margin, though admittedly it is a far more powerful card, primarily due to being two generations newer (well, 1.5 technically!).

You are welcome to try SLI with the cards, but don't expect it to work trouble-free for every game. In less well known titles you may be disappointed. In rare cases, some games will not work unless SLI is disabled entirely. Not that this is difficult, but nonetheless an irritation that people should be wary of before treading the dual-GPU route.

Afterdawn Addict // Silent PC enthusiast // PC Build advisor // LANGamer Alias:Ratmanscoop
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updated 10-Dec-13
AfterDawn Addict

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13. August 2012 @ 19:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The same can be said for Crossfire unfortunately :S

Most stuff runs wonderfully with Crossfire, but other stuff actually gets negative scaling or GUI issues or something of that nature. Luckily most of the issues come from older games that don't require Crossfire at all.

My cards were worth the price at the time, as I was able to sell both 5850's and make up the difference easily. The cards are no doubt powerful though admittedly 1GB of memory has become a limitation in some titles... It's getting to be time for me to make an update but nothing really sticks out to me as a spectacular deal. A pair of second-hand 6970's might be attainable...

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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AfterDawn Addict
13. August 2012 @ 22:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by sammorris:
3dmark is basically owned by nvidia, so I wouldn't put much stock in the GTX550Ti beating the HD4670 by a such a wide margin, though admittedly it is a far more powerful card, primarily due to being two generations newer (well, 1.5 technically!).

You are welcome to try SLI with the cards, but don't expect it to work trouble-free for every game. In less well known titles you may be disappointed. In rare cases, some games will not work unless SLI is disabled entirely. Not that this is difficult, but nonetheless an irritation that people should be wary of before treading the dual-GPU route.


The HD-4670 I have is DDR3, not the crappy DDR2 ones. There is a big difference in performance. 970MHz core speed, 370MHz faster with the GTX-550, and an effective memory speed more than 4 times faster than the HD-4670. With 320 Stream processors it's a decent enough card, but the GTX-550 should easily be twice as fast or more than the HD-4670.

I doubt very much that 3D mark is weighted towards nVidia though. I mean "Why"? The rivalry is good for the industry and the benefits ultimately grace the hard-core gamers hands, months before introduction and we're off to the next tournament! I think they would be nuts to change anything about the formula that they use quite successfully! JMHO!

Best Regards,

GigaByte 990FXA-UD5 - AMD FX-8320 @4.0GHz @1.312v - Corsair H-60 liquid CPU Cooler - 4x4 GB GSkill RipJaws DDR3/1866 Cas8, 8-9-9-24 - Corsair 400-R Case - OCZ FATAL1TY 550 watt Modular PSU - Intel 330 120GB SATA III SSD - WD Black 500GB SATA III - WD black 1 TB Sata III - WD Black 500GB SATA II - 2 Asus DRW-24B1ST DVD-Burner - Sony 420W 5.1 PL-II Suround Sound - GigaByte GTX550/1GB 970 Mhz Video - Asus VE247H 23.6" HDMI 1080p Monitor

AfterDawn Addict

15 product reviews
14. August 2012 @ 00:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I can prove about a thousand times over that 3D Mark is extremely Nvidia biased... 3D Mark scores are basically meaningless when comparing AMD vs Nvidia. My 8800GTS gets consistently higher scores than my individual 6850s and anyone who has gamed in the last several years can tell you which card is faster...

Also got better scores than my HD4870s about 16000 for the 8800GTS vs about 12,500 for a single 4870. Again, the AMD card is far superior in real world gaming.

Is basically a widely known fact of PC hardware performance than every 3D Mark ever made is heavily biased.

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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14. August 2012 @ 01:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The world of marketing & benchmarks. You're proving my point that you've argued against many times! LOL
AfterDawn Addict

15 product reviews
14. August 2012 @ 01:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yes but my benchmark results are coming directly from home users who have proven the differences. My numbers are from my own machines.

AMD Phenom II X6 1100T 4GHz(20 x 200) 1.5v 3000NB 2000HT, Corsair Hydro H110 w/ 4 x 140mm 1500RPM fans Push/Pull, Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD5, 8GB(2 x 4GB) G.Skill RipJaws DDR3-1600 @ 1600MHz CL9 1.55v, Gigabyte GTX760 OC 4GB(1170/1700), Corsair 750HX
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