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Shy Channels on sat with dreambox 500s
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22. January 2010 @ 12:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mancred:
Ok how many on here have successfully got their DM up and running & is viewing channels, out of interest?
I got it up and running using a dm800 and 500s even installled motorized dish great job!!!
Junior Member
22. January 2010 @ 15:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just wondering if there is any way of card sharing from a sky plus box or something? Have that in the living room and a regular upstairs would be a waste to replace the two?
22. January 2010 @ 15:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i dont think so man. you cant really do anything accept what sly allow you to do with there box.
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22. January 2010 @ 16:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not possible to share using digiboxes. Indeed sharing may be a thing of the past when sly bring out their new measures in the next few weeks. Looks like all the avenues are being slowly shut-down
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22. January 2010 @ 16:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh really?? What's that about??
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22. January 2010 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well the white card swap was for a reason. u need to read the streamboard forum to see what has happened with the first phase of measures with sly italia. this will happen shortly in ireland where cccam will not work. oscam has been proved to overcome the first phase of measures. so it'll soon be time to reprogram boxes. and thats just the first phase of measures. wud hate to see the screen go blank. having said that the munster northhampton game tonite was crap but its nice to have it available
Junior Member
22. January 2010 @ 17:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yup crap game, O'Connell does way too much talking!!! Ya I don't mind doing a sw update I just dont want to see the lovely box I haven't even gotten yet go obsolete!
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22. January 2010 @ 17:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Tell me about it. Just got 5*dm500s to allow cs with a few buddies. Had planned a full sly sub but will wait for the next couple of months and see what happens. Will settle for transporter 3 tonite. Always liked jason statham. His best stuff
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22. January 2010 @ 22:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
not being funny mate but why are you and your friends investing in 5 boxes if thats the case,but i would say you have a point as i am sure sky will try to stop cs working,i know sly italy was knocked out for a bit when they changed their cards but its up and running again.i suppose time will tell.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. January 2010 @ 09:57

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23. January 2010 @ 10:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sadly I had the boxes bought before I found out about the Sly Italia stuff. As you say OSCAM has got over the first issues with Italia but I assume there will be more measures taken
23. January 2010 @ 10:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
CCcam 2.3 working fine to open sky italia.

Better Born Lucky Than Rich
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3. February 2010 @ 12:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
read all previous pages, decided to proceed one step at a time, i want to get a dreambox 500 or 800 for sat but have no idea which to get, afraid to get one fearing it is the wrong one, can anybody advice which model and site. great reading keep up the good work for us novices
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4. February 2010 @ 06:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by lenny123:
Nabilosat Darkstar II,.. clone safe image for the 500(with CCcam 2.1.2 pre-installed)

Hi Lenny,

Got the first box today, hopefully the second will arrive tomorrow.

That link wasn't working but I managed to find another one here:

Few questions if you have time?

How would I know if this is ok for my box?

Do I need some kind of installer for this? How do I copy the image across?

After I copy the image across Is there any good tutes on how to set it up to pick up the chanels and then do a local network CS?
4. February 2010 @ 06:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
That image is fine for your box, it's been downloaded over 800 times from that site alone & if it was dodgy it would have been removed.
here's a tut for you to ponder over, quite a big learning curve ahead of you, on.


First of all there are three pieces of software that you will need

This software is an essential piece of software if ever you crash your box you will need this to get it up and running again with a NULL MODEM CABLE, the cable costs around £5 and can be purchased at any maplin store in the UK or any good sat store should sell them, they are also available on ebay.

This software is used to install an image onto your dreambox, after you have installed your first image with dreamup, once you have installed the image you can also back the image up with this software, this is handy if any think goes wrong with your unit you have a back up image that you can put back on.

Dreambox Control Centre this software is used for putting cams & keys onto your unit and editing files etc.


Installing your first image

I always use dreamup for this connect the null modem cable to a com port on your pc then to the com port on the dreambox, untick the use network box at the top left of the page then click on connect, you will see the job status-progress bar fill up blue then it will ask you to turn the unit on saying connection prepared, at this stage plug the power cable into the unit.

Now you are ready to install your first image, but what I do is erase the firmware that?s already on the unit so click on erase, after about five minutes you will get a box come up on the screen with erased RESULT SUM =0

Now click on flash, you will get a browse option so tell this where the image is that you want to install i.e.: C:/mydocuments/ where ever the image is saved on your pc, select the image and press ok.

Now you will see the percentage bar start to fill on the job status progress, this takes about 15 minutes to complete. DO NOT remove the cable until you get a box come up with image installed RESULT SUM=0. after this you can unplug the mains and null cable from the unit.

Now your heart is racing to get it connected to the dish to see if it works.

Connect the lnb-scart-ethernet cable if you are using a router and the power cable last it may take a couple of minutes before you see any think on the screen.

The first thing you will see is a settings for your tv with PAL in it, press the green button on the remote to save this setting, now it will ask what language you want to set the box to, select your language then press ok, after this you will see starting common interface on the screen then the screen will change to satellite configuration with three options choose the option for what setup you have, once you have chosen your setup the screen will change if you have chosen a simple method you will see a bar with a satellite highlighted press ok on that and choose the satellite that your dish is point at and press ok, now you need automatic transponder scan, once you are on that select the satellite you want to scan press ok and it will find a valid transponder if it is a fixed dish, you will see a tick in the lock & sync and it will say a valid transponder as been found now press the green button on the remote to scan all the channels in.
If you have chosen the complex method you will see the next page saying many satellites via DISEqc rotor press the green button on the remote the next page you will see motor config untick the goto XX function then press the blue button on the remote this page is another motor config page on the left of the page you will see Mode: Satellite: Transponder: Direction: highlight the satellite bar then press ok on the remote, select a satellite for instance Hotbird and press ok then the transponder should already be highlighted press ok and select a strong transponder on Hotbird I use 11623/27500 V after you have selected the transponder press the down button on the remote to direction, now with the left & right arrow buttons on the remote you can nudge the dish east or west to that transponder, once you hit that transponder you will get an X in both lock & sync now press the green button on the remote to store that position in the motor settings, once you have pressed the green button you will come back to the same page again this time press the blue button on the remote transponder scan, select automatic transponder scan and press ok now you will see another page SNR AGC bars will be pretty full with a lock & sync and the top satellite will be highlighted scroll down to the satellite you have just had lock & sync on and press ok, it will say a valid transponder as been found now press the green button to scan in the channels.

The same procedure for other satellites.

HOW TO INSATLL A CAM ( [color=red]the image you downloaded has the CAM built in already so don't load another one[/color])

This is where the software DCC dreambox control centre comes in, the default name and password on a dreambox is Name = root Password = Dreambox open the software and select your language and choose the connection type for this I choose router, now you will see three pictures the PC ? DREAMBOX ?ROUTER with a thick line going to all of them, put your IP address of the router in the router for instance if this is the correct IP the thick line will change green from the router to the pc, and it should put the pc IP in automatically leaving a red line to the dreambox, leave this software running, now go to menu on the remote and select setup then expert setup press ok on expert setup then ok again on communication setup, on the top right you will see a box with DHCP with the left or right arrow go up to this highlight it and press ok you now have a tick in the box also make sure the enable network box is ticked after this press the green button to save then exit back to a tv channel, when on a tv channel reboot your dreambox after its rebooted press setup then expert setup press ok on expert setup then ok again on communication setup and you will se the IP address of your dreambox, make a note of this and go back too DCC enter your dreambox IP in the dreambox part now you should have a thick green line to the PC-DREAMBOX-Router and exit DCC software.

For instance you have installed a Gemini Image, All the things you need to update your image are contained in the BLUE BUTTON. You can see this by pressing the BLUE button on the remote control & scroll down to addons, once you have selected addons press ok on the remote then scroll down to DOWNLOAD & INSTALL press ok again now you have all the downloads on the screen, the 1st one you see is CAM press ok then you will see all the cams that are available to download, scroll down to the cam you want to download then press ok on the remote, it should download very quick then you get a screen saying ready to install press the green button to save, and complete the same process to download further cams.

DM500 users like myself no more than 2 cams

The two I use are: - Camd & MGcamd

By pressing the BLUE button on the remote control & scroll down to addons, once you have selected addons press ok on the remote the 1st addon you see is SETUP, press ok on setup this will show you how much free space and how much used space is in your var file.

By pressing the BLUE button on the remote control & scroll down to QUICK BUTTON SETTINGS, once you have selected quick button settings press ok on the remote then scroll down to audio and press ok, once you have pressed ok it will return back to quick button settings exit out of that now you should be on a channel, press the yellow button on the remote control and you will see what audio language is available for that channel select English * away you go.

Thanks to the OP on another forum

Dream Elite Black Hole Phoenix Edition Sim2.01 SSL84 DM800HD

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. February 2010 @ 08:51

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4. February 2010 @ 08:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
great post lenny, some great reading.

Junior Member
4. February 2010 @ 08:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ya thanks for that lenny, clears a few things up for me all right.

What's the difference between the Cams by the way? Obviously I'm seeing that CCcam seems to be one of the most popular.
4. February 2010 @ 08:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Dream Elite Black Hole Phoenix Edition Sim2.01 SSL84 DM800HD
Junior Member
4. February 2010 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What sort of broadband would I need for a stable card share?? I have a 3 MB line at the moment with a 30 GB cap. Is this sufficient?? Can I surf the web (not download torrents etc) while on the TV at the same time without any breakup in feed from the card share?? Thanks
Senior Member
4. February 2010 @ 10:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thats a good image its clone safe, and it has cccam 2.1.3 in the addons via the yellow button(a must if your plans are for cs).

Junior Member
4. February 2010 @ 13:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
just purchased dreambox 800s, next step tutorials and set up, help appreciated
4. February 2010 @ 14:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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4. February 2010 @ 14:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks nellymcd i will look into that
Junior Member
4. February 2010 @ 19:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm getting there now, found a good tutorial/explanation of CCcam here:

Basically for a home card share, i.e. only in my house.

I have to add the f line to the host dreambox which has an IP address of

F: jamesbond pass007 3 0 0 {0:0:2}

I also have to tell it what port


and then for the other machines I have to add in the line

C: 12000 jamesbond pass007 no

Is that basically it??

Do I have to do anything else to the server dreambox to make it read the card info?

Again thanks for peoples help on this one, there's a pint waiting in the South County for a few of the lads here :)
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4. February 2010 @ 20:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you need the boxkey in the server cccam.cfg, and thats it. use b16mcc cccam generator on and it will populate both server and client cfgs for you
5. February 2010 @ 03:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ahh, great reading i might have another go at my dreambox, again, nice work Lenny.

Mickah, View 6 box is that only for the uk market? as there is nothing coming out of the boxes, other than SETANTA, they have not gone to Nag 3. > forums > home theater > digital tv - uk & europe > shy channels on sat with dreambox 500s

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