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18. October 2007 @ 01:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, from what I've been seeing, the more well-known premium brands (Verbatim, Sony, Maxell, Ritek, etc.) are not necessarily using the same manufacturer each time, but do hold those manufacturers to a higher standard of quality, so that regardless of where they come from, they SHOULD be pretty decent media. Of all those, I've only tried Verbatim and Sony, and I've been pretty happy with both. As you work your way down, the problems become more common and the fail rate goes up. Taiyo Yuden is the only company I know of that both manufactures and distributes their own media, and while they do provide some media for other brands, that seems to be happening less and less, since TY has built up a pretty solid reputation over the years (meaning they can get more money just selling media under their own name than relying on more well-known brand names to distribute their products).
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9. November 2007 @ 20:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Why has this discussion gone on for years? I tried to save a couple of bucks when I was new, but it costs you more in dollars and frustration. Buy Taiyo Yuden!!!!! 8x DVD-R Premium Line 100 pack TY02 $31 shipped to your door all day long, go to, they ALWAYS arrive in 3 business days. I've burned over 900 TY's, that's right
and had 2 failures. And to be honest, i'm not sure it was the media that was the problem. I have a Samsung DVD recorder for the TV, Lite-on and Samsung burners in the desktops and Samsung and Matsushida slim burners in the notebooks. Just resist the temptation to save $3-5 dollars and get the only media worth your hard earned cash!
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9. November 2007 @ 21:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
delateur- I don't think that it's so much that Taiyo yudens great reputation is keeping them from OEM'ing ( making media for other Brands - eg: Sony , Fuji , ect...) DVd media has dropped in price so much that the profit margin has too ! Which is why I think most Other media brands have switched to other OEM manufacturers - Why should they Buy From taiyo yuden at one price when they can get media Albeit not of the same quality cheaper Elsewhere ? Thus widening their Profit margin !! Some as you said will hold their contracted manufacturers to higher quality standards then others and then some will use CMC or whoever they can get the best deal from at the time quality be damned ! Personally I tend to stay with Taiyo yudens , Verbatims , Riteks and Ricohjpn ! with the occasional MIJ Maxell or two here and there ! I know that some members swear by and others swear at Ritek but i've had luck with mine ! still best advice you can't hardly go wrong with verbatims & Taiyo Yudens !!!!!!!!!!! Good luck & happy holidays !!!!

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9. November 2007 @ 23:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah, BIGTOXY69, I am with you there. I basically find something that works well and stick with it. I learned here on AD how to check my media for errors and was able to compare and contrast the quality of the burns I was making, and determined that Verbs and TYs were performing the best of the medias I'd tried (which was really just those two and some TDKs). All of the testimonials and my results have me sticking with TYs now, mainly because I've got a disc printer now and I find that I can get excellent media in any flavor (DVD+/-R, silver or white printable, 8x or 16x) using TY. If I just wanted a stack to use to make quick copies for friends, I'd probably just get a stack of Verb DVD+R 16x, because I can always find those somewhere for around $20-30. However, for my own use, I'm almost willing to pay $40/100 for the 16x DVD+R printables... Once I find them for that price, I think I'm going to give them a try, as I've had great compatibility results when booktyping to DVD-ROM.
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10. November 2007 @ 06:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
delateur..Wise man is U..If it ain't broke don't fix it..But Ritek does mfgr their own Discs.They are my #1 choice,then Tys.But alas it does have so much to do with your burner.But I for one believe it also has to do with your system.I've got 2 computers..On comp 1 I might get a bad sector or 2.But on comp 2 the disc is OK..So in order to check my discs I've gone to just recopying them with DVD Decrypter,or using DVD Shrink to Analyze the disc.If these prog work on the disc,then I'm pretty confident the disc is OK
I use DVD Info Pro 4.6 on both
Yrs ago I preffered Prodisc..But it was for the price.These older discs are going on 4yrs & still work.
I personally think its not so much the hype on quality,as it should be longivity..If it lasts then its GOOD.Basically thats why I use Ritek,I've noticed less failure rates on longitivity with others on the net,then Tys
Not Degrading Verbs,but I'VE found a few DVD Players that don't particularly like them
One last point I only use DVD-R's I don't like +'s
10. November 2007 @ 18:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I used to use a lot of Riteks. They were my favorite brand. That is until I found most of them after six monthe to a year had PIF scores of several hundred and would no longer play. This was the printable G04 and G05s. The problem was there to a much lesser degree with the non-printables. I now stick with TY -R 8X and have no problems. I usually burn them at 12X. Sometimes I use Verbatim, which are almost as good as TY. All of the MIT Verbatims are made by either CMC or Prodisc since MCC doesn't have a factory there. This probably explains why so many Prodisc used to have MID codes of MCC02RG20. You can tell the CMC manufactured ones by looking at the spindle cover. The CMC have the words "OPEN" and "LOCK" in Times New Roman and the Prodisc have these words in Arial font. The discs also look slightly different on the bottom. They all have MCC MID codes. The general consensus is that the CMC ones are slightly better, but I haven't really seen any difference in quality. I picked this up from one of the mods at the SlySoft forums.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. November 2007 @ 18:36

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10. November 2007 @ 21:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
forkndave..I have yet to run into that problem with Ritek..I've been using Ritek ever since I found out that a DVD is a DVD--NOT !!.But ya I like the Tys also.Verbs everybody says their good,I have no quams as to the burns..But I've found that not all Players like them
11. November 2007 @ 00:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have had the problem on a much smaller scale with Ritek +R. For some reason they hold up better for me. The last G05s I got would not burn faster than 4X without pink spots appearing on them after the burn and they also wouldn't play. This was on 4 different burners, all with the latest firmware. The ones burned at 4X generally wouldn't play either, but they didn't have the pink spots. I do live in a hot part of the country and my house isn't always the coolest place to be, but the TY and Verbatim don't seem to care. Ritek has always had the best printing surface and maybe this has something to do with it. Maybe the ink somehow leeches through to the other side, I don't know. The last ones I got were probably just a bad batch. I get a bad TY avery now and then, and to a slighter greater degree, a bad Verbatim. They seem to be the best I can get, though.
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30. December 2007 @ 06:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anyone seen those MTV DVD+R discs around? Btw, I mean MTV as in the music channel, that's their brand.

You'd think they'd be shockingly bad just looking at the brand and the fact their $15 for a 50 pack but their actually pretty damn good, I'm not joking here.

I quality tested them in Nero DiscSpeed and they get scores higher than these old TDK ones I used to use and Verbatim.

The Manufacturer code says TYG02, I'm not sure if that's real or fake but all I know is I've gone through about 500 of these discs, not one failed to burn, failed to finalize or didn't play or read properly after, and I've tried them in about 6 different drives.

They work like a charm and their dirt cheap... I haven't used Verbatim, Sony, TDK or any of those more expensive brands in about a year.
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30. December 2007 @ 19:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Amir89..Where did U buy them,also are they a printable Disc
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31. December 2007 @ 01:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Australia... lol

Here there's so much of this cheap MTV branded stuff in most stores their almost always discounting it to get rid of it.

And they do come in printable versions but I just buy the regular ones.
I'm trying to find a website for their products or something but I can't find anything, I'll look around and show you what I mean.

They come in black spindle cases with green MTV packaging, the discs are either a gold-ish colour or they also come in special patterns like animals and such.

Try looking in supermarkets, convenience stores, etc... ordinary places

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. December 2007 @ 01:59

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31. December 2007 @ 02:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Amir89..THANKS ! I'm in the States,haven't seen those Discs anywhere.We've got OfficeDepot here,their store brand turn out to be Ritek.Which is a good brand also
Again thanks keep us posted on websites,that U find might handle them
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1. January 2008 @ 03:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yeah it's surprising, a lot of those "cheaper" discs use manufacturers like Taiyo Yuden, Ritek, TDK, etc..

Btw, tell you what, I'm just going to take a photo of the discs and upload them for you, because I can't find any official website or support online anywhere.
15. January 2008 @ 12:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I have some problems I did not find
any reference in previous meesages....
I used until now TDK DVD-R discs
for burning and found no problem
in freshly burned discs on my Sony standalone
but now I found that the ones burned 2-3 years ago do not work
properly on the standalone
on the PC they work fine instead
and I can rip them by DVDdecrypter.
what is occurring?
what I shall I do?

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15. January 2008 @ 13:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
pelino .. LONGGIVITY is the name of the game...TDKs don't seem to have it, sounds like yours are on their last leg. I strongly recommend buying a better Disc [RITEK RIDATA, or TY YUDEN ]and re-do your Movies. If U buy Bulk off the net U can get some good prices from

Now another fix is if U have access to an OFFICE DEPOT,their store brand DVDs are RITEK, I think U can buy 25's, 50's, or 100's.
I have a friend who has a lot of the CompUSA Discs,which are PRINCO.He's had them since 1997.Now PRINCO don't have a good reputation either. But hey time is the only PROVER WE HAVE, and his seem to be lasting
Now another good Disc is Verbatim,but my personal experience with them has not been good

But personally I buy online 200 at a time for about $0.23 ea W/Free Shipping when available. This way you always have enough

But it truly sound like your Discs are deteriating
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17. January 2008 @ 06:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

TDK's used to make very good DVD+R's, but recently they've switched manufacturers, so it's hard to tell which batches of TDK's use good manufacturers and which don't.

I recommend you stay away from them as their a mixed bag now, stick with Verbatim or Sony.

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17. January 2008 @ 12:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Amir89 ....According to pelino...They don't seem to be holding up after about 2 to 3 yrs...DVDs have only been around since 1997...Thats only 11yrs..From a friends experience..If I had to buy CHEAP Discs..Id buy the COMPUSA Brand..His are [some] 11 yrs old, and still work..Mind U how U burn has a lot to do with Longivity. My personal experience says 4x is the best,no matter what.
Quality Discs are not that expensive..They are just hard to find at Consumer Stores..You almost have to buy On-Line
18. January 2008 @ 19:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Once, it took me 3 hours to burn a DVD for customer, while he was waiting.

18. January 2008 @ 21:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

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19. January 2008 @ 00:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by rick5446:
Amir89 ....According to pelino...They don't seem to be holding up after about 2 to 3 yrs...DVDs have only been around since 1997...Thats only 11yrs..From a friends experience..If I had to buy CHEAP Discs..Id buy the COMPUSA Brand..His are [some] 11 yrs old, and still work..Mind U how U burn has a lot to do with Longivity. My personal experience says 4x is the best,no matter what.
Quality Discs are not that expensive..They are just hard to find at Consumer Stores..You almost have to buy On-Line

Well spoken bro, I think like you do.

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19. January 2008 @ 01:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Do not buy DYNEX DVD-R's! They suck. I used a few to burn a couple movies. My dvd player started shaking when i put the dvd into it!! Same problem with xbox 360, PS3, and computer!

Ther are crappy dvd-r's, Dont buy them!
19. January 2008 @ 11:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Shaking, eh? Probably means they're warped, which is something you'll never find even on a middle of the road recordable DVD. Good advice!
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19. January 2008 @ 15:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It could of been the batch of dvd i bought. Maybe i just got a bad set and they were warped, but i would still suggest staying away from them.
25. January 2008 @ 06:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

thanks for help
BUT STILL there is something I do not understand
the TDK disc looks fine I can rip it
and reburn it without errors on DVDectripter
and it plays fine on my PC.....
only on TV the sound is with distortion
(the picture is fine, anyway...)
where is the trouble?
in the disc or in the dvdplayer (a sony 702...)?
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25. January 2008 @ 11:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Bad Media.. Only one brand has failed me miserably and thats the DYNEX brand. 4 out of 4 failed burns, returned them to BestBuy and bought verbatims with the money. I've had good results with verb,maxell,HP,memorex. all playback quite well but as i've learned here, the verbs are better and will last longer. but sometimes a movie isnt worthy of putting on a verb and i use a cheaper brand, lol > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > post your bad media experiences here

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