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14. April 2008 @ 12:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
As for troublesome media I got some Sony dvd+rw disks at Sams a while back when I ran out of Verbatims. I have had nothing but trouble with them and disk info said they were S11 which is supposed to be good. well not in my book. Neither burner in my computer, the NEC or the LG will make a usable disk with them and neither will the Samsung recorder on my tv line. They cant be erased either once they are burned. Ive had to pitch a load of them away and the ones left I gave away. I always had good luck with Verbatims so had to order some as they are not available anymore here. RWs seem to be a scarce item these days for some reason. Those Taiyo Yuden Ive never seen anywhere outside of online.
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14. April 2008 @ 16:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
r0nbo..If U have access to a Office Depot, and don't mind stamped DVDs. Buy their store brand, as they are Ritek. I've found these Very Good Discs.. I've never seen Tys in consumer outlets either
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17. April 2008 @ 16:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The new CompUSA now sells TYs, from retail stores
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24. April 2008 @ 12:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anybody had any experience (good, bad, etc ) here lately with Prodisc. I used them a few yrs back, had good use then all of a sudden went bad. So I stopped using
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25. April 2008 @ 22:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Rick yes we have a Home Depot but no more discs than I use the Verbatims that I ordered will do me for a long time. Thanks for the info and I will pigeonhole it for future reference.
3. May 2008 @ 02:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Unique Disc Identifier : [DVD-R:MCC 03RG20 ]
Disc & Book Type : [DVD-R] - [DVD-R]
Manufacturer Name : [Mitsubishi Chemical Corp.]
Manufacturer ID : [MCC 03RG20 ]
Blank Disc Capacity : [2,298,496 Sectors = 4.71 GB (4.38 GiB)]
[ DVD Identifier V5.0.1 - ]

This is the identifier for 2 100DVD spindles of Verbs 16x that I bought at Officemax about 2 months ago. I threw away the labels so I don't remember if they were from India or Taiwan. Roughly 30% of these were coasters.
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28. June 2008 @ 00:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have had problems using:

Memorex DVD +R DL
Maxell DVD +R with my Samsung SATA Drive, but works with my HP laptop.
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28. June 2008 @ 03:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
r0nbo..Did U really mean Home Depot..I buy Lumber their, or Office Depot..I buy Discs their.. I've always had problems with Verbs, I quit using them Months ago. Strictly Tys & Ritek 4 me $0.24 to $0.26 ea at I keep 400 blanks in stock, this way I can catch the sales & free shipplng
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28. June 2008 @ 03:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Racer_XO..Thats because U buy from retail stores, U probably only buy 25 at a time. You think your getting a deal 4 17bucks. But in reality all U get is crap, if U read about Discs in other forums. Not only is it the Quality of the Disc, but longivity. A year or so from now when U go to play your movie, you'll wonder what the hell? Also how do U really know you've got a good burn ? Do U test your DVDs with DVD InfoPro, for bad sectors. One bad sector means you'll never make a copy of your copy. They will play in your player, but not your computer, as soon as it hits that 1st bad sector it will freeze
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28. June 2008 @ 06:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
TDK 16x-R.. 10 burned.. 6 failed to complete a burn, 3 failed to read in the player.. 90% failure rate. CRAP MEDIA... AVOID!

16x media is NOT compatible with most standalone dvd players. Unless you want lots of comebacks don't burn them for others.
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28. June 2008 @ 09:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
heh Yes Rick I meant Office Depot. I have yet to have any trouble with Verbatims so thats what I order. Never had any Tys or Ritek but what I have read is Verbatims are better than Ritek so I think I will stick with what has worked for me. Next time I need some I may get Tys just for grins.
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28. June 2008 @ 14:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
varnull...Probably your problem with cheap Media is that U are burning over 8x..Most of mine is burnt at 6 to 8x, NEVER,Never any faster. Also U didn't mention if they were DVD+ or DVD-, if + does your Burner do bitsetting. That another problem with DVD Players, they don't like +s
When a friend needs a DVD fast I'll burn his at 16x, but not mine,to the best of my knowledge they play fine(TY's & Ritek)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. June 2008 @ 14:08

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1. July 2008 @ 20:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i never burn cheap blank media over 4x ..i'll burn Verb's and Ty's at 8 and 12x speed using +R's to booktype rick is right some dvd players don't like +R media there setup for cdrom movies..
10. July 2008 @ 11:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by varnull:
TDK 16x-R.. 10 burned.. 6 failed to complete a burn, 3 failed to read in the player.. 90% failure rate. CRAP MEDIA... AVOID!

16x media is NOT compatible with most standalone dvd players. Unless you want lots of comebacks don't burn them for others.
Stumbled upon this forum be accident and glad to see it and register since its mucho useful for everyone using media.
I have a Lenovo laptop with a Matshita UJ-842 DVD drive and picked up a spindle of the above mentioned TDK DVD's and my failure rate has been a solid 100%. Each and every disc burns about to 10% of file(s) and then errors out. I just couldnt understand it but now understand brands matter in different drives and I have a near 100% success rate with HP's and believe it or not Playo brand scored for like 3.99 a spindle at Staples on sale.
Thanks for this post
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10. July 2008 @ 14:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sojourn4m..Your burn speeds are also important..NEVER, NEVER, Burn any faster then 8x. Now as far as the above Discs mentioned, they probably will burn,but will they last! Myself I would rather go with a proven Disc, any forum you've been to,too read up on Discs. I'll bet the most mention Discs are VERBS, TYS, RITEK. Now U can buy RITEK at a consumer store, Office Depot there name brand are RITEK. Other wise buy on the net, I just bought a 200 for $49.00+ free shipping from
One more point of interest, if your DVD Burner doesn't have Bitsetting (Booktype)capabilities, I would not use DVD+ Discs as most player won't play them. The whole purpose of bitsetting is to trick your Player into thinking your +DVD is a DVDROM
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21. July 2008 @ 22:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bigwill68:
i never burn cheap blank media over 4x ..i'll burn Verb's and Ty's at 8 and 12x speed using +R's to booktype rick is right some dvd players don't like +R media there setup for cdrom movies..
What cheap media do you burn at 4x?

As to me I normally don't burn any media (even the good stuff like 16x TY's) over 8x. However I do test media at 16x from time to time & the quality stuff (like TY & MIS Verbs) burns & tests great at that speed. Other media tests good too but not as good as TY or MIS Verb.

Last month I picked up an HP 50 pack at Microcenter just to see who made the discs. Turned out to be CMC with good (I've seen better) test results. Not something I'd buy in the future as I'm not sure how long they will last before going bad.

This month I picked up one pack each of Phillips, Magnavox & Memorex. All tested fine at 16x except for the Memorex which tested better at 8x. I suspect Memorex is buying CMC rejects for it's discs.
I'll burn all of the CMC media I bought at 8x then go back to my TY's.

Speaking of cheap media I bought two 50 packs of Windata (one +R & one -R) for $9.99 each which codes out as MCC. I'm sure it's either fake media or maybe Verb rejects since they don't test as good as real Verbs. They do better at 8x. Like I said I'll burn up all this stuff at 8x then go back to TY's. Some is going into the DVD recorder thats hooked up to the cable DVR. Ill find out later if the video discs develop problems or not. Both my DVD recorder & the DVD player I use seem to track an AML Nexxtech disc & was given plus an MCC Playo disc without problems. I didn't burn either one & they both have some of the worst test results I've ever seen. BTW my computer skips on both if I try to play them with Nero Showtime. I'm sure it's because my computer drive is reading them faster than the DVD recorder & the DVD player does.
22. July 2008 @ 09:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I decided to call TDK corporate office and the sold off their media division to Imation so was punted from one company to another and left a message for a cust relations person at Imation. In mean time called tech support for TDK and explained problem but since I didnt have the receipt handy they felt they couldnt help me unless I sent back the disk spindle which would have actually costed more to ship via UPS than the disks themselves cost so I refused and wanted some sort of support. A tech supervisor called corp office and on a 3way call a manager there elected to have them ship me a new 50 pack spindle but also stated to add to records as a one time customer allownace and any future problems would require a receipt for purchase. I then was given a reference number and subsequently they shipped spindle out and I am waiting on its arrival.In the mean time I went to Circuit City web site and found my purchase record and printed it out and called support and got their fax number and faxed it to them as proof of purchase. I personally was annoyed a company such as TDK would give me the possible impression a customer such as myself would stoop to complain about a problem with their media and seek a 13 dollar ripoff of their valuable resources. I will now try burning with the new disks and setting the Roxio settings to 8X max but I have noticed the burn speed seldome if ever gets above 2X when the program is running and burning so dont know if that is an issue just yet.
If the new TDK's wont burn on my laptop then it might be the drive and disks issue and so I will have to hold on to the disks for a future computer's use but then know never ever to buy TDK's
6. September 2008 @ 13:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Have been useing TDK DVD-R 16x media code TTHO2 for ages for ps2 backups and film backups with almost perfect results. Recently tried to by some more but had a job to find them so bought TDK DVD-R 16x media code TDK001 from online store Burn media, these are also meant to be high quality disc. When they arrived I checked the media code and found them to be TTHO2 not TDKOO1 but thought never mind I know they are good disc's.Used the first disc to back up a film. Tried to play it back on my computer and the drive would,nt even pick up the disc. Tried in my philips dvd player which plays anything but still it wouldnt detect the disc. Come to the conclusion the disc's may not be genuine so will try for a refund. My question. Is now possible to fake the media code? buy the way firmware is up to date.
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6. September 2008 @ 15:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I don't think TDK 16x dvd -R with ProdiscS05 media code is good. A friend gave me 4 discs he burned with this code & the test resuilts are horrible.

Anybody have good luck with this media code?
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6. September 2008 @ 19:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Don't know about Games, but U might want to try VERBS or TY's online pricing is very good,I have yet to get fakes in over 3yrs. I use TYs all the time 4 Movies. Maybe 1 in 300 go bad on me. Also have used RITEK (Not RIDATA) with excellent results.
7. September 2008 @ 00:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
savy2917, if you really like discs with the MID code of TTH02 they are sold at and are sold under the brand name Falcon. They are 16X inkjet printables. The price is just about the same as TY, but (the ones I got, at least) print a little nicer than the TYs I usually use. They will burn at 16X if you want to with decent error rates. I can't speak about their longevity since I haven't had them very long. They are made in the UAE of all places. I assume that this is the United Arab Emirates. I may not buy any more just for that reason.

26. October 2008 @ 09:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This brand sucks.

Media: Great Quality

Store: Walmart

Media ID: RITEKG04
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26. October 2008 @ 13:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Syboxez:
This brand sucks.

Media: Great Quality

Store: Walmart

Media ID: RITEKG04
Ritek G04? Isn't that Ritek's 4x media? Unless whoever making the discs for Great Quality is faking the ID code which is possible.

GQ buy's discs from lots of places. I even saw some with a Sony ID recently. Suspect they buy B & C grade media then sell it as their own.

So what kind of results did you get with those discs & what speed were they burned at? If you have any left then I suggest you burn them at 8x or 4x as GQ is not very good media. There is better out there like Verbatim.

I didn't know Walmart had GQ DVD's. Thought only Fry's carried them....
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26. October 2008 @ 14:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How are the RIDATA Discs now a days ? I know back about yr.ago they were CRAP. I know a friend of mine could not get a decent burn out of a 50pk. Now another friend just brought me one to try (DVD-R RITEKF1 16x) it burned good,& DVDInfo read it as all good. Played well in both my players. Just curious if anybody else is trying them. My self I use Ritek & Ty's, & never burn over 6x. Over 500 burns & only 2 were bad and that was software problem
26. October 2008 @ 19:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by bratcher:
Originally posted by Syboxez:
This brand sucks.

Media: Great Quality

Store: Walmart

Media ID: RITEKG04
Ritek G04? Isn't that Ritek's 4x media? Unless whoever making the discs for Great Quality is faking the ID code which is possible.

I burned at 1x and played it on a SPCH 77001 PS2 as a guitarhero custom
GQ buy's discs from lots of places. I even saw some with a Sony ID recently. Suspect they buy B & C grade media then sell it as their own.

So what kind of results did you get with those discs & what speed were they burned at? If you have any left then I suggest you burn them at 8x or 4x as GQ is not very good media. There is better out there like Verbatim.

I didn't know Walmart had GQ DVD's. Thought only Fry's carried them.... > forums > dvd±r discussion > dvd±r media > post your bad media experiences here

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