23. May 2006 @ 06:20 |
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oh dude , thanks that sure helped!
23. May 2006 @ 11:54 |
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i have modded my xbox with UnleashX and mine did not come with DVD2XBOX, i have asked several people how to get this who have all linked me to an.iso version of this, but non of them worked. How do you get it!!!???
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23. May 2006 @ 17:08 |
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This thread is still open?!?!?! Lol!!!
Junior Member
23. May 2006 @ 17:21 |
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go and get it from xbins. Or sign up at and look on the forums there and they have a section with all these apps.
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24. May 2006 @ 04:27 |
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Okay you can get DVD2XBOX from alot of websites that have Xbox APPS. I could give it to you if you cant get it, and explain it. It's really simple. You will simply ftp the folder to the APPS folder in your E partition. When you go to APPS on your dashboard, you should see DVD2XBOX. Using this program is very simple, and the directions are presented nicely.
Legit to the maximum...
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26. May 2006 @ 02:32 |
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Okay you can get DVD2XBOX from alot of websites that have Xbox APPS. I could give it to you if you cant get it, and explain it. It's really simple. You will simply ftp the folder to the APPS folder in your E partition. When you go to APPS on your dashboard, you should see DVD2XBOX. Using this program is very simple, and the directions are presented nicely. <--CT826
yeah I know mang use your brain...whut other ways can you get dvd app to your xbox? memo card? hell no too big. Make it poof to your xbox? nope. Well actually there is a 2nd way just put it on a cd then go to file explorer and transfer the files from the cd to the app section in the E partion of your xbox. but anyway it's better to do what CT said. but say you don't got a ethernet cable then you can always try cd.
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26. May 2006 @ 08:48 |
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Did you get DVD2Xbox yet?
Legit to the maximum...
5. June 2006 @ 13:52 |
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Hey i was wondering if there was a way to softmod my un-modified xbox without a memory card?
Senior Member
5. June 2006 @ 19:17 |
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No, you have to use a memory card(or a pen drive) in order to get the information on to the Xbox. with out it, the xbox can't be modded(no information(program) no softmod.
Playstation 2-Free McBoot,HDloader 8.0c,Open PS2 Loader 0.7,80gb Maxtor HDD,SMS Media Player,PGen,SNES Station- Installed
GameCube-SDload,SD Card Adapter,BBA Adapter,2 Color Case,GnuboyGX,MPlayer- Installed
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. June 2006 @ 19:18
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6. June 2006 @ 02:34 |
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stop being cheap and buy a memo stick..Lol.
This is te cheapest softmod and you don't even have to open you're xbox so that doesn't void the warrenty AND you burn games...alota games.
13. June 2006 @ 16:52 |
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i am exactly what my name is. . a noob. i followed all of the directions all they way up until the point where you have to drag and drop the thing that you downloaded into the action replay pc database. i got WinRAR through limewire for free so i dont know if i actually have to buy it. but it wont let me drag it into action replay. it said it was not a valid xbox save. do i have to change the file somehow to make it go into action replay or is this just not supposed to be happening at all.
Junior Member
13. June 2006 @ 18:17 |
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You dont have to buy anything, thats why you use torrents. You will have to buy an Action replay. And a crossover ethernet wire if you do not have a router to transfer games.
Junior Member
13. June 2006 @ 23:13 |
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hi everybody well tryin to ftp Apps to ur xbox is a big task if ur new to this stuff well thanfully their is (AID) Auto Installer deluex
this little thing has so many features like all popular applications like dvd2xbox etc. and theirs even an option to prepare ur xbox hdd meaning it will set up folders like Apps,Games etc.
if ur new to AID
go here:
ps. requires a softmodded or hardmodded box
Junior Member
13. June 2006 @ 23:13 |
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hi everybody well tryin to ftp Apps to ur xbox is a big task if ur new to this stuff well thanfully their is (AID) Auto Installer deluex
this little thing has so many features like all popular applications like dvd2xbox etc. and theirs even an option to prepare ur xbox hdd meaning it will set up folders like Apps,Games etc.
if ur new to AID
go here:
ps. requires a softmodded or hardmodded box
Junior Member
14. June 2006 @ 01:10 |
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soz 4 double post
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14. June 2006 @ 08:26 |
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RIGHT, IM STUCK, seems alot of people here are having the same problem as me,
Im trying to softmod.
I have an action replay max +
Splinter Cell
I have downloaded the file:
I think this is the right 1 I live in the UK so Im Using PAL.
Iv tried to send the file to the action replay card and i get the error message:
"This is not a valid xbox save"
now iv tried unpacking and then sending and a couple of other things but no success as of yet"
has anyone overcome this problem, need a little help with getting the file to my action replay, thanks for any help in advance!
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14. June 2006 @ 10:53 |
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hey i know u guys are busy guys man...but i have to ask..i got my box softmodded about a week ago by some guy..he used splinter cell to mod the box..I,ve been playing it for a about a week then all of a sudden i turn it on and i get the xbox needs to be serviced screen with no error about 5 languages,is there any way i can maybe ftp to the box while its like that or any way i can access it,i was stupid and forgot to mark down my ip for my box and now cant access it at there any home brew way i can fix this pleeeeeeeese help,i have flash fxp for a ftp program..sorry for posting on this thread by the way i;m kinda new to the mod community and already did tons of reading..or is there any way i can start over myself instead of depending on who modded it to fix it.
14. June 2006 @ 11:05 |
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I have a g5 is there any way I could soft mod my xbox?
I have a mac...
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17. June 2006 @ 10:19 |
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1. where could i get an emulater.
2. wont i just get banned from xbl if i mod my xbox.
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 19:50 |
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you etheir need a modchip or send it in. This is why I took my mod out of my xbox and it is legit once again. Ever since I took out the chip, I have had no problems what so ever. I did have it softmoded, but then I thought that if the machine was suppose to play backups, the company would of made that an option, or support it in some way. If I was you, I would get a solderless mod, put it in, use it to fix your xbox, and then remove it once done. That way you will save money instead of sending it to MS for repairs.
Playstation 2-Free McBoot,HDloader 8.0c,Open PS2 Loader 0.7,80gb Maxtor HDD,SMS Media Player,PGen,SNES Station- Installed
GameCube-SDload,SD Card Adapter,BBA Adapter,2 Color Case,GnuboyGX,MPlayer- Installed
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18. June 2006 @ 05:44 |
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RIGHT, IM STUCK, seems alot of people here are having the same problem as me,
Im trying to softmod.
I have an action replay max +
Splinter Cell
I have downloaded the file:
I think this is the right 1 I live in the UK so Im Using PAL.
Iv tried to send the file to the action replay card and i get the error message:
"This is not a valid xbox save"
now iv tried unpacking and then sending and a couple of other things but no success as of yet"
has anyone overcome this problem, need a little help with getting the file to my action replay, thanks for any help in advance!
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18. June 2006 @ 11:32 |
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i had the same problem, all i did was open up another save and put the splinter cell save into another folder and the put that folder on my action replay
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22. June 2006 @ 11:35 |
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First of all people say you cant go on xboxlive with mods just to let you all know you can so stop saying its a bad idea the problem with modding on xbox live is you cant go into matchmaking that much or you will gt caught in some cases if you want to go into xbox live make sure to backup the maps you are modding because you will not be able to get them back unless you go through all the files in the modded map and change them back to normal or you delete the maps from your xbox hard drive and get them off of xbox live again(recommended)
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23. June 2006 @ 11:17 |
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i have one question can a 1.4 xbox be softmodded i have friends who say it cant but their xbox's are 1.5 and 1.6/1.6b so i was wondering if it can.
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24. June 2006 @ 09:34 |
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Well actually you CAN go on xbox live just don't play matchmaking and plus go to the microsoft dashboard and in network setting change everything back to Automatic not manual.
Eh I saw a chart of the version of xbox that can and can't..I don't remember it though =P