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Best DVD-R and +R for ps2 Back-ups
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6. April 2003 @ 14:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello everyone i am new to this backup procedure, i am looking to purchase the SON DRU500AX any comment on this unit

d.pease what disks did you finaly find to work well on your situation (dvd-r or dvd-rw etc)

how do i find what version of the ps2 i have
Junior Member
6. April 2003 @ 15:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I used dvd-r verbatim but i also found out that imation worked as well. no luck with memorex or maxell though.
If you go to a mod chip site such as modchip outlet, it will show you how to check to see what version you have.
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6. April 2003 @ 16:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

thanks for getting back to me before....that was fast

in reading these posts, it looks like you have mastered the process what is everything i would need? what is the easiest software combination you found to work?
Junior Member
7. April 2003 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think nero is the easiest and no you don't need the newest version that is bologna. I also was able to burn the games with roxio and record now. nero and record now i downloaded off of kazaa. some people say that nero doesn't do the job as well as the others but in my trial and error phase of burning the same game on each and playing them, i didn't notice a difference.
That was for games. now movies are different. I use smartripper first and burn to my hard drive then use nero to copy. I still only burn movies that are under 4.7 because i don't think that it is worth it to strip the movies down and convert them to a different media and put them on two disks. If the movie is too big, I don't burn it. I still have plenty. If you need instructions on using smartripper(again off of kazaa) there are plenty of sites you can look at too. ex.

see ya
Junior Member
7. April 2003 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think nero is the easiest and no you don't need the newest version that is bologna. I also was able to burn the games with roxio and record now. nero and record now i downloaded off of kazaa. some people say that nero doesn't do the job as well as the others but in my trial and error phase of burning the same game on each and playing them, i didn't notice a difference.
That was for games. now movies are different. I use smartripper first and burn to my hard drive then use nero to copy. I still only burn movies that are under 4.7 because i don't think that it is worth it to strip the movies down and convert them to a different media and put them on two disks. If the movie is too big, I don't burn it. I still have plenty. If you need instructions on using smartripper(again off of kazaa) there are plenty of sites you can look at too. ex.

see ya
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7. April 2003 @ 13:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do you have any experiances with the standalone duplicators 1.1 copying - will they copy dvd to dvd or do you still have to bring it to your HD and strip it?
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7. April 2003 @ 17:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
nero works on the fly for dvd games but not movies. just click dvd copy and then copy. that is it.
8. April 2003 @ 14:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have a problem with playing copied PS2 games with DVD+R also. I have a TDK INDI DVD+R burner. I cant find much BURNING software that supports this burner. I used DVD Dycriptor to copy my games. I have a MAGIC 3.6 mod on my PS2 V5. I can play regular PS1 games, PS1 backup games, and legit PS2 DVD games. With the PS2 DVD backups I make I get the Red screen on my PS2 when i try to play them. IM SO PISSED!!!

Ive been reading about the media to use. Do you guys think it might be the media I use. The ones i use were given to me (DVD+R 4.7GB). They dont have a brand name. They are just RED on the the top of the DVD and silver on the bottom.

Can someone help?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. April 2003 @ 14:04

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8. April 2003 @ 19:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i don't have the magic chip so i can't really help you but when i had my problems for so long it came down to the booting instructions. i have a pnp stealth chip for version 5 and i got a red screen a couple of times and i finally figured out that i had to press and hold the eject and the x at the same exact time not one after the other, and of course holding the eject down longer so the door would open on its own. i don't know if these instructions are the same for your chip or not. try verbatim media and dvd-r if at all possible.
13. May 2003 @ 08:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi dose ne one no what chip is garanteed to get a version 4 ps2 to play +r media or do i need to get a newer ps2 cheers
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16. May 2003 @ 07:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
don't know. have you tried to see if your ps2 will play dvd+r or rw movies. if so then i don't think you should have a problem with the games in that media.
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17. May 2003 @ 20:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i use accu dvd-r for my ps2 games and all work except for my gta vice city which i think may be from a bad original. secondly sony dvd+rw work on v7 ps2's. i havent tried on anything below that, but will tommorrow.
26. May 2003 @ 10:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey D.Pease, whats the alternative method you learned trying to load burned copies of pS2. You said something about pushing x and eject at the same time? I use gameshark swap method as well but have problems loading dvd games. How do you actually do that alternative method? Thanks
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29. May 2003 @ 06:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HEY how do u copy a ps2 dvd game /i got ahead nero and when i try copying it says something like error:multi session disk or something like that ,Could some 1 plz help me
29. May 2003 @ 20:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey people...i've been in the scene for awhile...i think i can help with questions...first of all load up a dvdr with a game shark u need a nonsolder modchip or u know the old swapping trick...second u need a dvd game...use a US game...remember if ur doin this it will only work for backups and if ur tryin to play original japanese games the method wont work...only backups will work...anyways here we go...
1. Load the game shark up (must be version 2 or 1, version 3 doesn't work)
2. Go to select cheats and select armor core 2 only.
3. Make sure all the cheats are selected.
4. Press start to go to the option with or without codes and select with codes.
5. Press eject when it says to switch the game shark with the dvd game and put in the original dvd game in and make sure its a US one not japanese or anything else (if you live out of the US use ur original and not the US).
6. Press X and a screen will come up saying too many codes on so just press X.
7. This is the only difficult part so I suggest those who don't know how to swap or don't have a nonsolder modchip to not go any further.
8. Here we go. This part is where you do ur swap trick with the nonsolder modchip or the old swap trick method. Basically ur tricking the laser that u have a dvd in there and its the original. So u trick it so u can play ur dvd backups.
9. This is where you can decide if you want to select codes for the backup game press O to go back to main menu and just start up a game like normal or u can start right there with no codes. Either way is fine. I sure that memorex and ritek works on v5 ps2. I tried both dvd-r and dvd+r and they work. the only one that done work is dvd+rw for mines.
(hope this method will help someone, but if u need me, im on mirc, efnet, nick: onizuka)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. May 2003 @ 20:33

Junior Member
4. June 2003 @ 07:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
load gameshark make a new game file called new then enter a new code in that file called new as well, this you will only have to do once. restart your gameshark then swap with an original that is larger. select gameshark codes select your new game file that you just put in earlier then click on the new code, push start button then select with game codes now the screen will say start game with game codes enabled and press x. but you will want to press x and eject at the same time holding the eject button a little longer so the game will eject and swap with your copy you will only have about 7 seconds. when the game goes back in hit thex button game should load.

hope this helps
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8. June 2003 @ 20:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just recently i have been looking into the new chips and such and i found a new version of the swap.
It's a new case apparently you gut or remove all of the internal parts and put them in the new one with a flip top case which gives you a lot more time to get to the game shark out replace it with your back up. What are everybody's veiw and thought's about that?
9. June 2003 @ 10:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
that is a good suggestion but thats if u have a gameshark some of it comes with the boot dvdr and cdr disc to boot up the games so both r good
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11. June 2003 @ 16:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just to make sure i'm thinking correctly(trying to avoid as many costers as possible.) When I back up my game disk using nero, Should consider it to be an iso dvd-rom or cd-rom? Should i select all then copy to compilation or select all then drag and drop? Are there any other things that i should change before I burn it?
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12. June 2003 @ 10:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HEY how do u copy a ps2 dvd game /i got ahead nero and when i try copying it says something like error:multi session disk or something like that ,Could some 1 plz help me
12. June 2003 @ 20:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dont use nero use recordmax or recordnow to copy dvd games nero i dont know much but i heard some people have problems usin it...anyways u could also use prassi which is the old version that supports ur burner but i suggest u go wit record if u have a new dvd burner...all u do is go in skip the main menu that pops up and right click on ur dvd drive that contains the game and click build global the bottom there should be like somewhere u could name the image ur gonna make and next to it should be a button click on that to browse where u want the file to be then click build image...that is all
14. June 2003 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HEY- A few quick questions about backing up ps2 games... I have a flip top case and swap magic v2.0. I have attempted to burn a newer game (Midnight Club 2) onto a Fujifil dvd+r, but it won't load. I have burned a cd based game onto a fujifilm cd-r and it worked fine. Is my problem the +r media? Is it the swap magic? Does anybody know a listing of ps2 games that work with swap magic and no modchip? Thanks.
14. June 2003 @ 18:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok it could be ur ps2 not accepting +r u should try -r. for now u should do that but if -r dont work it could be the swap magic. make sure u use the swap magic for dvd not the cd one cuz i know there should be like 2 discs i think but if its one hmm. or it could be like a gameshark but i doubt it. anyways try the -r if that dont work it could be the prog ur usin or ur burner. i dont think there is a listing of game that work. right now it could be ur ps2 not supporting +r that is why u should try -r if that dont work i would say it is ur swap magic or app or burner. that is all i can suggest. remember old burners suck. like the hewlett packard one. the really old and cheap one suck. make sure u have recordnow or max and a good burner. also look online on how to use the magic disc on dvd games that will probably show u the way also. so u have options. test -r. that dont work look online on how to load dvd games wit the swap magic disc. that is all i can say or tell u to do. or ask someone who has one also how they load dvd games wit the magic disc. peace
16. June 2003 @ 00:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi i'm to burning ps2 games and i just bought a
new burner dvd+r i have a version 5/5 ps2 and i am wondering as to if it will work with the dvd+r
AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2003 @ 04:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It should work with it as long as you have a mod chip installed if you are playing backed-up games with it. What brand of +R are you using?

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