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Sony President Predicts End of PC Gaming
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4. June 2006 @ 12:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this arugment is ridiculous..

PS3 will easily sell at its starting price because Playstation is a global brand name beyond reason. Even if its crap itll sell. Dreamcast was a complete different situation. Gaming these days is much more mainstream, and at the front of that is Playstation. And lets face it, 500 is fine for alotta people in this world. Its the game thatll be a rip. 70e-100e? not thanks!

Secondly, PC gaming is completely different. I know alotta people, like myself, play all games on all platforms. But no one plays RTS on consoles.. not many people play fps on consoles.. well not on the PS2 anyways, xbox is ok (halo, call of duty, etc) but there is a ridiculous amount PC-only that only work on PC. Much like theres a serious amount of games that only really work on consoles with aload of mates, Tekken, Mario Kart, Pro Evo, etc. And theres all those crazy rhythm based Jap games

In short, different gaming platforms for different games for different people.
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4. June 2006 @ 13:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
' ' when it comes to gaming,the technology moves to fast ' '

yeah but at what price ??? i dont know if i get u right r u saying theres more pc gamers in the world then console gamers.

so theres alot of rich people out there that can easily put 1000$ on their computers everyyear to play the latest pc games.

i know theres millions of people around the world who can ^^ and those are the people who are going to buy ps3 @ 599$ no matter what.

price is not a factor.

the ps3 can easily replace pc's just for the price alone.not mentioning all the features.

the allmighty mudearies...

79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
Junior Member
4. June 2006 @ 13:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so your saying the ps3 has more features than a pc? thats fecking ridiculous.. a pc is the most versatile machine in gaming. any new tecnology can be adapted to a pc.
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4. June 2006 @ 13:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the ps3 can easily replace pc's just for the price alone.not mentioning all the features.
Will the PS3 allow me to:

1. Rip DVD's and back them up?
2. Partition the hard drive and configure a dual boot Windows and Linux system?
3. Hook up my digital camcorder to transfer and edit home videos?
4. Hook up my digital camera and run Photoshop to edit my pictures?
5. Burn CD's, DVD's and Bluray discs?
6. Transfer files over a network?
7. Run my favorite PC only RTS games?
8. Record high-definition programs from my cable box to my hard drive and play them back at full high def resolution?

Thank you very much but I think I'll keep my PC.

PC gamers and enthusiasts pay a premium for versatility, power and the ability to upgrade to the latest technology.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. June 2006 @ 13:49

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4. June 2006 @ 13:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
you guys are whinig about the price like retards
how much did the 360 COST AT LAUNCH

about $900 if you were lucky

currently have these consoles

AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 13:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ty guys, i thought i was the only here that thought that the ps3 was the the end off all entertainment outlets. Like all these guys have pointed out[ty;)] the ps3 will have a core audience just ever other console in hostory, but to think it is gonna replace comps is just arrogant and ignorant.

EDIT - Kain, the price is not the problemm its the statement that ps3 is gonna the take over the gaming and comp market, and anybody with half a brain understands that this is not gonna happen. Im sure theres a bunch of sony fan boys here, but lets get real...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. June 2006 @ 13:46

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4. June 2006 @ 13:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
[qoute]you guys are whinig about the price like retards
how much did the 360 COST AT LAUNCH

about $900 if you were lucky

^^^^What nonsense do you speak of the xbox 360 costing $900 at launch? maybe on ebay which the ps3 will surely cost more than that.
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4. June 2006 @ 14:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
svtstang is correct - the point of the debate is not the price. It is whether the PS3 can replace the PC.

I just got a call from a friend who's been following this thread and he says the main reason why the PS3 will not replace the PC is very simple: You can't download PORN on the PS3!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. June 2006 @ 14:05

AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 14:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Its kinda obviuos, with the lackluster showing at E3, the ps3 hasnt developed the hype necessary for ppl to WANT to pay a grand for the system. Only ppl that will pay that much are he wealthy, the same ppl that buy their kids $50,000 BMW's when their kids turn 16. I love Sony, but it aint lookin good....
You can't download PORN on the PS3!
LOL thats great, never thought about that;)

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4. June 2006 @ 14:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
when at launch eb games only gave bundles from what remember for the xbox 360

how much was the cheapest bundle

currently have these consoles

AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 14:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thought it retailed for around $400 for the base package
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4. June 2006 @ 14:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
people don't wanna pay 4000 americans and keep having to upgrade they would rather buy a ps3 which has better graphix for 600 americans. so yea i could see the end of consules i mean people that play pc games are hardcore but system players are more casual.

AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 14:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
people don't wanna pay 4000 americans and keep having to upgrade they would rather buy a ps3 which has better graphix for 600 americans.
Huh????????? Not many ppl pay $4000 for a rig to play games on, and for the people that do, im sure they wont even consider purchasing the ps3, its not even in the same league as a comp with that price tag.

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4. June 2006 @ 15:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
for a lot of people its a hobbie to put shit loads of money into making their pc the ultimate gaming machine, me included.

as for graphics, well crysis was by far the best looking game at e3, with bioshock and mass effect taking 2nd and 3rd so where are the ps3 games. crysis looks so real its just crazy, ps3 and xbox 360 will most probably make games looking that good in say one year but in one year pc would have advanced once again.

RTS games as of now can not be played on console, but from what i hear on ign, the new lord of the rings game on xbox 360 has cracked it. so i hope it makes way for games like comand and conker, and total wars.

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4. June 2006 @ 17:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
actually bioshock is for ps3 too, also have u not seen every single working ps3 title at e3 that blows 360 away. ummmmm hello mgs4, ff13 will blow 360 away.

AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 17:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
U should be an officail spokesman for Sony dr cool, go door to door and show ppl the "power" of the ps3 LOL

4. June 2006 @ 17:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lol or you could be in one of there strange Ad campains - did anyone ever see the one with the mountain of people? Wierd lol. Can't wait for FF13, but I'm still gonna play on PC and buy a 360 and Wii over time. This really is a bit of a fanboy session methinks - No one can predict the future of the market accurately while allowing such biased opinion to delude them. I think the market will be in closer competition than last time. I don't think price is an issue, as many are willing to pay for a console simply to play the likes of WoW, Halo, Zelda or MGS/FF etc etc. Perhaps the argument should be who has the greatest games?

Stop using the word war!!

AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 17:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh no Timmy, the debate is gonna really get heated now LOL. Dr Cool is gonna come out with guns blazing. Please take it easy on Zelda though, insults will really strike a nerve.

4. June 2006 @ 17:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Lol. In my view, there are games on all platforms - including PC - that warrant the purchase of any of the platforms, despite price differences. If you really want a PS3 over an Xbox to playa certain exclusive game, then just wait another weeks pay damn it lol! Games maketh the system. I find it amusing that Mudearies is all for the PS3 when he has 3 figure heads (Link, Snake and Master Chief) in his signature, from all 3 consoles lol.

Stop using the word war!!

AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 17:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Great points, but im still hesitant to pay $600 for a single game, FF13. That is the only game that i have heard a buzz over, and although im a diehard squaresoft fan, im a bit skeptical about what the ps3 will offer beyond what the 360 and Wii are bringing to the table. Im not buying a computer, im buying a console. What happened to the golden age of 16 bit games?????

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4. June 2006 @ 17:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
' ' people don't wanna pay 4000 americans and keep having to upgrade they would rather buy a ps3 which has better graphix for 600 americans. so yea i could see the end of consules i mean people that play pc games are hardcore but system players are more casual.' '

my point exactly . the ps3 cost alot less.

hell the ps3 cost the same as any latest geforce video card.

and you are just buying the video card ,people will buy ps3 over ah pc its a no brainer. beacuase its alot cheaper.

the allmighty mudearies...

79% Sony Fanboy , 10% xbox fanboy , 11% Kidtendo fanboy.
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4. June 2006 @ 18:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

You don't understand the mindset of the die-hard PC gamer. He wants 3 things - power, power, and more power - power in graphics, power in his CPU etc. More importantly he is willing to pay a high price for all that.
AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 18:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Like I said a while back, ppl that are hardcore comp gamers dont c the new playstation like some1 that only games on consoles. as dblbogey said
...He wants 3 things - power, power, and more power

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. June 2006 @ 18:58

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4. June 2006 @ 18:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
But most already have a PC so its not like they have to go and buy a new PC they just have to upgrade it which in the long run is cheaper then buying $600 systems that dont have half the capabilites of the PC.I dont see how your seriously defending this argument,this is the stuff that causes that dreaded "fanboy" word to get thrown more at SONY fans than fans of any other console.I wish the mods would just please close this forum,if this one stays open im starting a forum in a couple days titled "xbox 360 is the leading supercomputer in the universe" and yeh that isnt true and makes no sense whatsoever being as the 360 isnt a supercomputer but if this forum is legit then mine shall be to.
AfterDawn Addict
4. June 2006 @ 18:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I wish the mods would just please close this forum,if this one stays open im starting a forum in a couple days titled "xbox 360 is the leading supercomputer in the universe" and yeh that isnt true and makes no sense whatsoever being as the 360 isnt a supercomputer but if this forum is legit then mine shall be to.
LOL, that would be funny!!!! This forum is interesting, albeit mind numbing at the same time!! > forums > consoles > ps3 - modding & hacking > sony president predicts end of pc gaming

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